Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

We have a passenger who provoked a fight and lost. That is fact.

No, that's not a "fact". That's something you pulled out of your own asshole, we hope using toilet paper, because AS YOU SAID YOURSELF without audio that can't be established.

So you're contradicting your own post.

Now THAT is what I call a "hole".

Moreover, both parties walked away --- nobody 'won' or 'lost' --- or whatever people do in the pathetic little bubble you swim in.

What else are we supposed to see???

Your documentation of your assertions.

Bubble: "This is a hoax" "video or it's a hoax".

The World of Reality: Video.

Bubble: "The racial slurs and Trump chants didn't happen"

The world of reality: "audio proving that, or bullshit".

Your move, Bubble.
I've got it. I've solved this.

The biker wasn't shouting "Trump Trump Trump" ---- he's British, and he was simply singing the chorus of his favourite childhood kids' song:

The other guy knew the song, and they danced to the idea of making America grate again.

Then off they rode with a "trump trump trump".
Now Pogo is pivoting to....."All we are saying is an assault occurred in Wichita, Kansas. See? It did."

Yes. In a metro area the size of Wichita I'm sure people get into fights.

Why is this national news again????

Again--- back to post 59 --- why did you jump in so quickly to call it a "hoax"?

Why did you have half of the first ten posts here desperately trying to make this go away?

Why is it so fucking important to you that this tiny little incident in Kansas be trivialized, denied, and rewritten?

Why indeed.

Becsuse it sounded ridiculous and still does. We have video of an assualt. Probably 1 of 5,000 incidents of simple assault that night in America. Why is this one national news?? WHAT PROOF do we have that THIS assault deserves special attention over the tens of thousands of other ones that night???

Beat the shit outta me. Why did you immediately jump on this to try to discredit it?
Why can't you answer post 59? Why is this of vital importance to you?

Pogo's hair splitting aside, the bottom line is the "hispanic" put his hand on the biker, which justified the biker kicking his ass. None of the other diversionary bullshit matters.

Interesting --- so fist there was no event...

Then Okay there was an event but it wasn't an assault....

Then Okay there was an assault but it was the other guy....

Now Okay it was the biker but it was "justified assault".

Pretzels here! Pretzels! :popcorn:
Pogo's hair splitting aside, the bottom line is the "hispanic" put his hand on the biker, which justified the biker kicking his ass. None of the other diversionary bullshit matters.

Interesting --- so fist there was no event...

Then Okay there was an event but it wasn't an assault....

Then Okay there was an assault but it was the other guy....

Now Okay it was the biker but it was "justified assault".

Pretzels here! Pretzels! :popcorn:

Yes. Once again.....EXACTLY like Albany.

An assault occurred. Thousands of assaults occur everyday in America.

But yall said "This one is different. He yelled racial slurs and chanted Trump slogans."

We said bullshit....prove it.

Yall show us a video...of an assault. One the alleged victim provoked and lost...but still....just a typical common assault.

And you want US to PROVE it's more than that....when Y'ALL are the ones who said "Hey look at this assault, it's unique". call for our attention to show us a special assault....then show us a video of a common assault...and now demand WE prove why it is special or not????

Look Mexican...I've been patient with you and had some fun with this. But now you're getting really pathetic.
But yall said "This one is different. He yelled racial slurs and chanted Trump slogans."

We said bullshit....prove it.

Um .....nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno Splooges, you specifically said it was a "hoax". You specifically said it "did not happen".

Well guess what Splooges ----- it did. And you're in denial about it.

And by the way how does an alleged Southerner not know how to spell y'all?

Yall show us a video...of an assault. One the alleged victim provoked and lost...but still....just a typical common assault.

Wrong again Madge. You got a video of an assault -- the one you said "did not happen". You're desperately guessing the "alleged victim provoked it" --- with the lack of audio proof that you yourself already acknowledged. You can't have it both ways.

And you want US to PROVE it's more than that....when Y'ALL are the ones who said "Hey look at this assault, it's unique".

Link to where anybody said that is --- where?
Oh yes --- up your ass again.

It could have just rested on what it is. But noooooo.... you went out on a limb declaring "this did not happen", got proved wrong, and then went out further with "the racial chants and 'Trump' chants did not happen".

We continue to wait for your link to that, Pussywimp.

Look Mexican...I've been patient with you and had some fun with this. But now you're getting really pathetic.

Maybe you should have withheld saying "this did not happen". Twice.
Maybe you should have withheld projecting "Mexican".
Maybe you should try answering post 59.

and sorry, I'm not "Mexican" either. I'm Irish. And the calendar says I win.

Sounds like one of their little stories. Did the Kwik Stop have a camera?

Sorry that restraining order prohibits you from reading links. From that link you can't read:

>> Usama said the police asked Kwik Shop employees for video footage of the incident, but they refused because their manager wasn’t present. Wichita police Lt. Jeff Gilmore said police hope to obtain video from the store by late Monday morning.

Given the nature of the allegations, Gilmore said, “We’re getting right on it.” <<

Won't matter. We'll post it, you brainwashed automatons will watch it and then turn around and deny that it exists.

happened --- ..................... over the weekend. I'm assuming that evidence will hit the press by noon tomorrow then. RIGHT POGO??

You're appointed to go fetch all this,..

SIR mission accomplished SIR. :salute:

Still waiting on my medal of commendation SIR.

Wtf SIR? Cat got your tongue SIR?

Excellent !!!! Good Job.. I've been kinda tied up doing MY work and didn't notice your "accomplishment"..

NOW -- there is something to discuss. Because YOU wasted 15 pages arguing about what MIGHT have happened, and I went back to making HYUUUGE $$$$/hour designing tech products for folks.

So -- what I see is the biker turning his back on the passenger and walking back towards his bike 3 or 4 times before the "fight" starts. And each time -- the Mex guy comes after him and gets in his face. NOT the tactic of someone who's not baiting a fight.

There's no national political scandal here. Might be some assault charges on either side. And I've seen better fights at Brownie meetings. So go right for it. Spend ALL the time you want on this. But remember the moral of this story.

I can't ASSERT that Hillary is rabid just because she's been barking like a dog. And if I DID --- you should first ask for the MEDICAL REPORT before you waste another day of your life trying to DISPROVE silly ALLEGATIONS...

Thanks for your dedicated work.. :banana:
But yall said "This one is different. He yelled racial slurs and chanted Trump slogans."

We said bullshit....prove it.

Um .....nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno Splooges, you specifically said it was a "hoax". You specifically said it "did not happen".

Well guess what Splooges ----- it did. And you're in denial about it.

And by the way how does an alleged Southerner not know how to spell y'all?

Yall show us a video...of an assault. One the alleged victim provoked and lost...but still....just a typical common assault.

Wrong again Madge. You got a video of an assault -- the one you said "did not happen". You're desperately guessing the "alleged victim provoked it" --- with the lack of audio proof that you yourself already acknowledged. You can't have it both ways.

And you want US to PROVE it's more than that....when Y'ALL are the ones who said "Hey look at this assault, it's unique".

Link to where anybody said that is --- where?
Oh yes --- up your ass again.

It could have just rested on what it is. But noooooo.... you went out on a limb declaring "this did not happen", got proved wrong, and then went out further with "the racial chants and 'Trump' chants did not happen".

We continue to wait for your link to that, Pussywimp.

Look Mexican...I've been patient with you and had some fun with this. But now you're getting really pathetic.

Maybe you should have withheld saying "this did not happen". Twice.
Maybe you should have withheld projecting "Mexican".
Maybe you should try answering post 59.

and sorry, I'm not "Mexican" either. I'm Irish. And the calendar says I win.


But what is "this" or "it"???

If the OP was "an assault happened in Kansas"....then....sure...assaults happen every day in every city in the world.

The OP WAS about a hate crime. A racial incident. An attacker chanting Trump slogans.

"This" or "it" is THAT....the circumstances that make THIS assault unique from the others.

The topic of the OP.....the hate crime....didn't happen. We have no proof.

Face it Pogo. If you and I had to argue this in would lose. A jury would find NO EVIDENCE OF the alleged hate crime. None. Zilch.

You lose.

And Irish? Damn. That's the worst of all. Drunk hooligans who think they can fight.....yuck.
Excellent !!!! Good Job.. I've been kinda tied up doing MY work and didn't notice your "accomplishment"..

NOW -- there is something to discuss. Because YOU wasted 15 pages arguing about what MIGHT have happened, and I went back to making HYUUUGE $$$$/hour designing tech products for folks.


And no, I wasn't arguing what "might have happened" --- I was calling out an asserter to back up his own assertion. Which he not only FAILED to do, he doubled down and asserted another one. I don't know how many pages that is, but that's irrelevant too.

So -- what I see is the biker turning his back on the passenger and walking back towards his bike 3 or 4 times before the "fight" starts. And each time -- the Mex guy comes after him and gets in his face. NOT the tactic of someone who's not baiting a fight.

The baiting takes place before the biker is in the picture. That's why he drives around and boxes the car in.

Again from the plaintiff's description (and the original story):

>> Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, .... said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

But Usama said his friend told the man: “This is my country; who are you to tell me that?”

The exchange was heated, Usama said, and he tried to defuse the situation, but his friend got punched and taken to the ground.<<​

That's the part we can't hear for lack of audio. And it fits perfectly.
If it did not, the police would be at the least dropping the case for lack of evidence. If it went down the way the Denialists would revise it, they'd be arresting the two brown people for filing false charges.

There's no national political scandal here. Might be some assault charges on either side. And I've seen better fights at Brownie meetings. So go right for it. Spend ALL the time you want on this. But remember the moral of this story.

I can't ASSERT that Hillary is rabid just because she's been barking like a dog. And if I DID --- you should first ask for the MEDICAL REPORT before you waste another day of your life trying to DISPROVE silly ALLEGATIONS...

Thanks for your dedicated work.. :banana:

You're welcome, and thanks for your disheveled attempt at deflection.
The topic of the OP.....the hate crime....didn't happen. We have no proof.

See what I mean? He just doubled down yet again. Apparently expecting different results.

Face it Pogo. If you and I had to argue this in would lose. A jury would find NO EVIDENCE OF the alleged hate crime. None. Zilch.

I haven't been arguing that it happened this way DUMBASS. YOU have been arguing that it DIDN'T. See the fuck above.
Excellent !!!! Good Job.. I've been kinda tied up doing MY work and didn't notice your "accomplishment"..

NOW -- there is something to discuss. Because YOU wasted 15 pages arguing about what MIGHT have happened, and I went back to making HYUUUGE $$$$/hour designing tech products for folks.


And no, I wasn't arguing what "might have happened" --- I was calling out an asserter to back up his own assertion. Which he not only FAILED to do, he doubled down and asserted another one. I don't know how many pages that is, but that's irrelevant too.

So -- what I see is the biker turning his back on the passenger and walking back towards his bike 3 or 4 times before the "fight" starts. And each time -- the Mex guy comes after him and gets in his face. NOT the tactic of someone who's not baiting a fight.

The baiting takes place before the biker is in the picture. That's why he drives around and boxes the car in.

Again from the plaintiff's description (and the original story):

>> Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, .... said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

But Usama said his friend told the man: “This is my country; who are you to tell me that?”

The exchange was heated, Usama said, and he tried to defuse the situation, but his friend got punched and taken to the ground.<<​

That's the part we can't hear for lack of audio. And it fits perfectly.
If it did not, the police would be at the least dropping the case for lack of evidence. If it went down the way the Denialists would revise it, they'd be arresting the two brown people for filing false charges.

There's no national political scandal here. Might be some assault charges on either side. And I've seen better fights at Brownie meetings. So go right for it. Spend ALL the time you want on this. But remember the moral of this story.

I can't ASSERT that Hillary is rabid just because she's been barking like a dog. And if I DID --- you should first ask for the MEDICAL REPORT before you waste another day of your life trying to DISPROVE silly ALLEGATIONS...

Thanks for your dedicated work.. :banana:

You're welcome, and thanks for your disheveled attempt at deflection.

Not that I care about this non-story anymore.. But did you miss the part where the passenger cups his mouth and yells in the direction of the biker BEFORE the bike and biker even arrives in the picture?

Pogo --- I like you too much to see you waste your time on trivial stuff like this. There is a nation in crisis. Pick up a tool and go find something important to contribute..
Excellent !!!! Good Job.. I've been kinda tied up doing MY work and didn't notice your "accomplishment"..

NOW -- there is something to discuss. Because YOU wasted 15 pages arguing about what MIGHT have happened, and I went back to making HYUUUGE $$$$/hour designing tech products for folks.


And no, I wasn't arguing what "might have happened" --- I was calling out an asserter to back up his own assertion. Which he not only FAILED to do, he doubled down and asserted another one. I don't know how many pages that is, but that's irrelevant too.

So -- what I see is the biker turning his back on the passenger and walking back towards his bike 3 or 4 times before the "fight" starts. And each time -- the Mex guy comes after him and gets in his face. NOT the tactic of someone who's not baiting a fight.

The baiting takes place before the biker is in the picture. That's why he drives around and boxes the car in.

Again from the plaintiff's description (and the original story):

>> Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, .... said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

But Usama said his friend told the man: “This is my country; who are you to tell me that?”

The exchange was heated, Usama said, and he tried to defuse the situation, but his friend got punched and taken to the ground.<<​

That's the part we can't hear for lack of audio. And it fits perfectly.
If it did not, the police would be at the least dropping the case for lack of evidence. If it went down the way the Denialists would revise it, they'd be arresting the two brown people for filing false charges.

There's no national political scandal here. Might be some assault charges on either side. And I've seen better fights at Brownie meetings. So go right for it. Spend ALL the time you want on this. But remember the moral of this story.

I can't ASSERT that Hillary is rabid just because she's been barking like a dog. And if I DID --- you should first ask for the MEDICAL REPORT before you waste another day of your life trying to DISPROVE silly ALLEGATIONS...

Thanks for your dedicated work.. :banana:

You're welcome, and thanks for your disheveled attempt at deflection.

Not that I care about this non-story anymore.. But did you miss the part where the passenger cups his mouth and yells in the direction of the biker BEFORE the bike and biker even arrives in the picture?

Not at all. I was in fact the first one to see it, since I was the one who brought the video in.

Now plug that in to the description given above from the story:

  • “Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.
  • Hispanic cups his hands to reply --- whatever he replies, we can only speculate. Could have been "what?"
  • Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”
("approached" could have been off camera, or could have been him parking his bike where it would block the car)
  • But Usama said his friend told the man: “This is my country; who are you to tell me that?”
--- this could also be the hands cupped on the mouth, although it's a bit long.

Both of those are aggressive challenges. And that's followed/accompanied by blocking the car physically.

Pogo --- I like you too much to see you waste your time on trivial stuff like this. There is a nation in crisis. Pick up a tool and go find something important to contribute..

Seems to me abject denialism of what's in front of one's nose is part of that crisis. I still have no answer to post 59, speaking of crises. That's the real issue here. The abject denialism by pussywimps who can't take responsibility, that's a personal issue. The motivation that's actually behind them doing it ---- Aye there's the rub.

They won't touch that.
Excellent !!!! Good Job.. I've been kinda tied up doing MY work and didn't notice your "accomplishment"..

NOW -- there is something to discuss. Because YOU wasted 15 pages arguing about what MIGHT have happened, and I went back to making HYUUUGE $$$$/hour designing tech products for folks.


And no, I wasn't arguing what "might have happened" --- I was calling out an asserter to back up his own assertion. Which he not only FAILED to do, he doubled down and asserted another one. I don't know how many pages that is, but that's irrelevant too.

So -- what I see is the biker turning his back on the passenger and walking back towards his bike 3 or 4 times before the "fight" starts. And each time -- the Mex guy comes after him and gets in his face. NOT the tactic of someone who's not baiting a fight.

The baiting takes place before the biker is in the picture. That's why he drives around and boxes the car in.

Again from the plaintiff's description (and the original story):

>> Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, .... said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

But Usama said his friend told the man: “This is my country; who are you to tell me that?”

The exchange was heated, Usama said, and he tried to defuse the situation, but his friend got punched and taken to the ground.<<​

That's the part we can't hear for lack of audio. And it fits perfectly.
If it did not, the police would be at the least dropping the case for lack of evidence. If it went down the way the Denialists would revise it, they'd be arresting the two brown people for filing false charges.

There's no national political scandal here. Might be some assault charges on either side. And I've seen better fights at Brownie meetings. So go right for it. Spend ALL the time you want on this. But remember the moral of this story.

I can't ASSERT that Hillary is rabid just because she's been barking like a dog. And if I DID --- you should first ask for the MEDICAL REPORT before you waste another day of your life trying to DISPROVE silly ALLEGATIONS...

Thanks for your dedicated work.. :banana:

You're welcome, and thanks for your disheveled attempt at deflection.

Not that I care about this non-story anymore.. But did you miss the part where the passenger cups his mouth and yells in the direction of the biker BEFORE the bike and biker even arrives in the picture?

Not at all. I was in fact the first one to see it, since I was the one who brought the video in.

Now plug that in to the description given above from the story:

  • “Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.
  • Hispanic cups his hands to reply --- whatever he replies, we can only speculate. Could have been "what?"
  • Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”
("approached" could have been off camera, or could have been him parking his bike where it would block the car)
  • But Usama said his friend told the man: “This is my country; who are you to tell me that?”
--- this could also be the hands cupped on the mouth, although it's a bit long.

Both of those are aggressive challenges. And that's followed/accompanied by blocking the car physically.

Pogo --- I like you too much to see you waste your time on trivial stuff like this. There is a nation in crisis. Pick up a tool and go find something important to contribute..

Seems to me abject denialism of what's in front of one's nose is part of that crisis. I still have no answer to post 59, speaking of crises. That's the real issue here. The abject denialism by pussywimps who can't take responsibility, that's a personal issue. The motivation that's actually behind them doing it ---- Aye there's the rub.

They won't touch that.

Speculate all ya want to !!! :biggrin: Trump's a bully and dangerous power whore. And so is Hilliary for that matter. This ain't vital to proving it.. It's Friday Night Lights off campus in Nebraska or where ever..

Remember what your hero says. --- "If they bring a knife -- You bring a gun"... "Get in their faces" .....

Waay too much of this BS around to be "speculating".. Now excuse me, I gotta go code an image processing routine that will test a surgical tool and maybe help to fix up that guy's fat lip someday.. :cry:
Excellent !!!! Good Job.. I've been kinda tied up doing MY work and didn't notice your "accomplishment"..

NOW -- there is something to discuss. Because YOU wasted 15 pages arguing about what MIGHT have happened, and I went back to making HYUUUGE $$$$/hour designing tech products for folks.


And no, I wasn't arguing what "might have happened" --- I was calling out an asserter to back up his own assertion. Which he not only FAILED to do, he doubled down and asserted another one. I don't know how many pages that is, but that's irrelevant too.

So -- what I see is the biker turning his back on the passenger and walking back towards his bike 3 or 4 times before the "fight" starts. And each time -- the Mex guy comes after him and gets in his face. NOT the tactic of someone who's not baiting a fight.

The baiting takes place before the biker is in the picture. That's why he drives around and boxes the car in.

Again from the plaintiff's description (and the original story):

>> Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, .... said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

But Usama said his friend told the man: “This is my country; who are you to tell me that?”

The exchange was heated, Usama said, and he tried to defuse the situation, but his friend got punched and taken to the ground.<<​

That's the part we can't hear for lack of audio. And it fits perfectly.
If it did not, the police would be at the least dropping the case for lack of evidence. If it went down the way the Denialists would revise it, they'd be arresting the two brown people for filing false charges.

There's no national political scandal here. Might be some assault charges on either side. And I've seen better fights at Brownie meetings. So go right for it. Spend ALL the time you want on this. But remember the moral of this story.

I can't ASSERT that Hillary is rabid just because she's been barking like a dog. And if I DID --- you should first ask for the MEDICAL REPORT before you waste another day of your life trying to DISPROVE silly ALLEGATIONS...

Thanks for your dedicated work.. :banana:

You're welcome, and thanks for your disheveled attempt at deflection.

Not that I care about this non-story anymore.. But did you miss the part where the passenger cups his mouth and yells in the direction of the biker BEFORE the bike and biker even arrives in the picture?

Not at all. I was in fact the first one to see it, since I was the one who brought the video in.

Now plug that in to the description given above from the story:

  • “Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.
  • Hispanic cups his hands to reply --- whatever he replies, we can only speculate. Could have been "what?"
  • Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”
("approached" could have been off camera, or could have been him parking his bike where it would block the car)
  • But Usama said his friend told the man: “This is my country; who are you to tell me that?”
--- this could also be the hands cupped on the mouth, although it's a bit long.

Both of those are aggressive challenges. And that's followed/accompanied by blocking the car physically.

Pogo --- I like you too much to see you waste your time on trivial stuff like this. There is a nation in crisis. Pick up a tool and go find something important to contribute..

Seems to me abject denialism of what's in front of one's nose is part of that crisis. I still have no answer to post 59, speaking of crises. That's the real issue here. The abject denialism by pussywimps who can't take responsibility, that's a personal issue. The motivation that's actually behind them doing it ---- Aye there's the rub.

They won't touch that.

Speculate all ya want to !!! :biggrin: Trump's a bully and dangerous power whore. And so is Hilliary for that matter. This ain't vital to proving it.. It's Friday Night Lights off campus in Nebraska or where ever..

Remember what your hero says. --- "If they bring a knife -- You bring a gun"... "Get in their faces" .....

Waay too much of this BS around to be "speculating".. Now excuse me, I gotta go code an image processing routine that will test a surgical tool and maybe help to fix up that guy's fat lip someday.. :cry:

That's funny, I get it.
However I have no "hero" who ever said that. Prove me wrong.

And just to keep working bottom-to-top, proving Rump's a bully and dangerous power whore isn't the point. That's just stating the obvious.

What I'm after is for the umpteenth time, WHY it's so important for these myriad deniers to deny, spin, ridicule, rewrite and denigrate this story and the characters therein.

As I said -- they won't dare touch that. Apparently that would be even worse than admitting one was wrong.
For the record, my husband tells beggar's to "Get a fucking job" all the time. He's a total jerk about it too. His position is that he works two to four jobs and it pisses him off that others think they have the right to bother him when he's getting gas, basically during his "free time" or w/e, when there are so many jobs available in our city. (I have mentioned my husband is a bit of an asshole heh)

Edit: WTF it ate part sorry.

So I can see this supposed "Trump" supporter telling the supposed African American guy to get a job in a really dickish way that the college students would be "offended" by and felt need for a "safe space" over. Of course, unlike on college campuses, if you pick a fight with someone outside the so-called "safe space" there's not a mob to prevent them from entering it. Tactical error on the Hispanic's part, who apparently doesn't want to say whom he is - probably because he'd get cited for assault as well since he was clearly instigating the fight as well as pushing the biker (first.)
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I get so tired of scrolling thru nonsensical comments and finally someone mentions proof without links...ugh...
Two Wichita State students claimed they were attacked by Trump supporter
page 15 of this thread this was posted:
Police reviewing videos of reported assault on Wichita State minority students
Can anyone read their lips?
Now I'm to page 18 of this thread...anything more that is worth reposting? Crap! Looks like something that happens probably every weekend in any city in America.
add another link ;
Police: Video of attack on two WSU students released
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I get so tired of scrolling thru nonsensical comments and finally someone mentions proof without links...ugh...
Two Wichita State students claimed they were attacked by Trump supporter
page 15 of this thread this was posted:
Police reviewing videos of reported assault on Wichita State minority students
Can anyone read their lips?
Now I'm to page 18 of this thread...anything more that is worth reposting? Crap! Looks like something that happens probably every weekend in any city in America.

Eh -- not really. It's mostly the same two asshats who claimed "hoax", got proven wrong, and still go on and on and on and on denying that they were wrong..... or that it happened that way.... or that OK it happened because it was "justified" ...... same denialism, different day.
Make America Hate Again. That seems more like the theme of Trumps agenda.
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For the record, my husband tells beggar's to "Get a fucking job" all the time. He's a total jerk about it too. His position is that he works two to four jobs and it pisses him off that others think they have the right to bother him when he's getting gas, basically during his "free time" or w/e, when there are so many jobs available in our city. (I have mentioned my husband is a bit of an asshole heh)

Edit: WTF it ate part sorry.

So I can see this supposed "Trump" supporter telling the supposed African American guy to get a job in a really dickish way that the college students would be "offended" by and felt need for a "safe space" over. Of course, unlike on college campuses, if you pick a fight with someone outside the so-called "safe space" there's not a mob to prevent them from entering it. Tactical error on the Hispanic's part, who apparently doesn't want to say whom he is - probably because he'd get cited for assault as well since he was clearly instigating the fight as well as pushing the biker (first.)
. Pushed the biker ? It seemed that his gesture was a sort of touching of the bikers clothing along with attempting to cool the situation down a bit, but the biker used it as a go signal to take the next step in the confrontation, and that step was to try and quickly punch the guy in order to escalate the situation further or to finish it if the punch would have landed like the biker had wanted it to. I have seen plenty of people get into arguments over time, and in some cases one person (usually seen in a woman & man argument), where the woman will try and calm the argument with a touchy feely kind of approach, along with her trying to defang the anger in the man with small talk for whom she is having the confrontation with. Was the young person in the case trying to use a sort of touchy feely (i.e. pat on the guy's shirt as if to say it's all cool man), sort of approach while getting in way to close to the guy who tried to take his head off with that punch ? Now this still doesn't help because the audio isn't there, so we still don't know who challenged who in the situation. The young guy may have yelled something, but then realized when the biker pulled up, that he had bit off way more than he could chew. Now should the biker had escalated the situation after seeing how young and inexperienced the young man was or should he had just given the young guy a thrashing with his words, and a warning before riding off into the sunset ?
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