Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

I get so tired of scrolling thru nonsensical comments and finally someone mentions proof without links...ugh...
Two Wichita State students claimed they were attacked by Trump supporter
page 15 of this thread this was posted:
Police reviewing videos of reported assault on Wichita State minority students
Can anyone read their lips?
Now I'm to page 18 of this thread...anything more that is worth reposting? Crap! Looks like something that happens probably every weekend in any city in America.

Eh -- not really. It's mostly the same two asshats who claimed "hoax", got proven wrong, and still go on and on and on and on denying that they were wrong..... or that it happened that way.... or that OK it happened because it was "justified" ...... same denialism, different day.

Got proven wrong??? Oh....did I miss something? Where is the proof of racial slurs and Trump chants?????
If a muslim student, I'm SURE the attacker was yelling "SCUM, SCUM, SCUM", and not Trump!
And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

A Muslim student at Wichita State University says he and a Hispanic friend, who also is a student, were attacked over the weekend by a man who shouted racial epithets and “Trump, Trump, Trump” before riding away on his motorcycle.

Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, who is Muslim, said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’
Must be why Wichita is up on Arizona in the NCAA tournament
I get so tired of scrolling thru nonsensical comments and finally someone mentions proof without links...ugh...
Two Wichita State students claimed they were attacked by Trump supporter
page 15 of this thread this was posted:
Police reviewing videos of reported assault on Wichita State minority students
Can anyone read their lips?
Now I'm to page 18 of this thread...anything more that is worth reposting? Crap! Looks like something that happens probably every weekend in any city in America.

Eh -- not really. It's mostly the same two asshats who claimed "hoax", got proven wrong, and still go on and on and on and on denying that they were wrong..... or that it happened that way.... or that OK it happened because it was "justified" ...... same denialism, different day.

Got proven wrong??? Oh....did I miss something? Where is the proof of racial slurs and Trump chants?????

Did I miss something? You're the asshat who made the asserstions (plural)...

To wit, roll tape...

( ^^ posted 12 minutes after the thread opened)...


We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

It's a hoax. I'm 100% certain.

Video....or its a hoax.

So I gave you video. You tried to squirm out of it by claiming the party on the receiving end 'started' it. And yet you were trapped into admitting that that can't be determined since there's no audio on the video.

Then you started trying to weasel out of your own hole completely, declaring you meant not that the assault didn't happen, but that the attendant invective wasn't tossed:

The racial slurs and Trump chants never happened. They made it up to stir up a story.

-- To which I demanded your evidence.

Which you do not have.

You lose.
I get so tired of scrolling thru nonsensical comments and finally someone mentions proof without links...ugh...
Two Wichita State students claimed they were attacked by Trump supporter
page 15 of this thread this was posted:
Police reviewing videos of reported assault on Wichita State minority students
Can anyone read their lips?
Now I'm to page 18 of this thread...anything more that is worth reposting? Crap! Looks like something that happens probably every weekend in any city in America.

Eh -- not really. It's mostly the same two asshats who claimed "hoax", got proven wrong, and still go on and on and on and on denying that they were wrong..... or that it happened that way.... or that OK it happened because it was "justified" ...... same denialism, different day.

Got proven wrong??? Oh....did I miss something? Where is the proof of racial slurs and Trump chants?????

Did I miss something? You're the asshat who made the asserstions (plural)...

To wit, roll tape...

( ^^ posted 12 minutes after the thread opened)...


We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

It's a hoax. I'm 100% certain.

Video....or its a hoax.

So I gave you video. You tried to squirm out of it by claiming the party on the receiving end 'started' it. And yet you were trapped into admitting that that can't be determined since there's no audio on the video.

Then you started trying to weasel out of your own hole completely, declaring you meant not that the assault didn't happen, but that the attendant invective wasn't tossed:

The racial slurs and Trump chants never happened. They made it up to stir up a story.

-- To which I demanded your evidence.

Which you do not have.

You lose.


Why would a thread be made about a simple assault case in Wichita Kansas??? Assaults in Wichita happen every day.

THIS story was about racial slurs and Trump chants. Alleged by the Muslim. I said bullshit. He made it up.

And as of now....nothing proves me wrong. No proof any of the slurs or chants ever happened.
If a muslim student, I'm SURE the attacker was yelling "SCUM, SCUM, SCUM", and not Trump!
I get so tired of scrolling thru nonsensical comments and finally someone mentions proof without links...ugh...
Two Wichita State students claimed they were attacked by Trump supporter
page 15 of this thread this was posted:
Police reviewing videos of reported assault on Wichita State minority students
Can anyone read their lips?
Now I'm to page 18 of this thread...anything more that is worth reposting? Crap! Looks like something that happens probably every weekend in any city in America.

Eh -- not really. It's mostly the same two asshats who claimed "hoax", got proven wrong, and still go on and on and on and on denying that they were wrong..... or that it happened that way.... or that OK it happened because it was "justified" ...... same denialism, different day.

Got proven wrong??? Oh....did I miss something? Where is the proof of racial slurs and Trump chants?????

Did I miss something? You're the asshat who made the asserstions (plural)...

To wit, roll tape...

( ^^ posted 12 minutes after the thread opened)...


We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

It's a hoax. I'm 100% certain.

Video....or its a hoax.

So I gave you video. You tried to squirm out of it by claiming the party on the receiving end 'started' it. And yet you were trapped into admitting that that can't be determined since there's no audio on the video.

Then you started trying to weasel out of your own hole completely, declaring you meant not that the assault didn't happen, but that the attendant invective wasn't tossed:

The racial slurs and Trump chants never happened. They made it up to stir up a story.

-- To which I demanded your evidence.

Which you do not have.

You lose.


Why would a thread be made about a simple assault case in Wichita Kansas??? Assaults in Wichita happen every day.

THIS story was about racial slurs and Trump chants. Alleged by the Muslim. I said bullshit. He made it up.

And as of now....nothing proves me wrong. No proof any of the slurs or chants ever happened.


You specifically asserted they DID NOT happen.

The racial slurs and Trump chants never happened. They made it up to stir up a story.

--- that's your post. And you even re-quoted it just now.

Your evidence for this negative where?

I can't believe this thread is still going on. Pogo must be a masochist. He likes having his butt reamed over and over and over. :lol:
I can't believe this thread is still going on. Pogo must be a masochist. He likes having his butt reamed over and over and over. :lol:

--- and your evidence is ...... where?


I'm just lazing in the hammock basking in the warm glow of Win here. Y'all keep bringing me drinks.

Keep diggin'. Maybe you'll find sump'm.
For the record, my husband tells beggar's to "Get a fucking job" all the time. He's a total jerk about it too. His position is that he works two to four jobs and it pisses him off that others think they have the right to bother him when he's getting gas, basically during his "free time" or w/e, when there are so many jobs available in our city. (I have mentioned my husband is a bit of an asshole heh)

Edit: WTF it ate part sorry.

So I can see this supposed "Trump" supporter telling the supposed African American guy to get a job in a really dickish way that the college students would be "offended" by and felt need for a "safe space" over. Of course, unlike on college campuses, if you pick a fight with someone outside the so-called "safe space" there's not a mob to prevent them from entering it. Tactical error on the Hispanic's part, who apparently doesn't want to say whom he is - probably because he'd get cited for assault as well since he was clearly instigating the fight as well as pushing the biker (first.)
. Pushed the biker ? It seemed that his gesture was a sort of touching of the bikers clothing along with attempting to cool the situation down a bit, but the biker used it as a go signal to take the next step in the confrontation, and that step was to try and quickly punch the guy in order to escalate the situation further or to finish it if the punch would have landed like the biker had wanted it to. I have seen plenty of people get into arguments over time, and in some cases one person (usually seen in a woman & man argument), where the woman will try and calm the argument with a touchy feely kind of approach, along with her trying to defang the anger in the man with small talk for whom she is having the confrontation with. Was the young person in the case trying to use a sort of touchy feely (i.e. pat on the guy's shirt as if to say it's all cool man), sort of approach while getting in way to close to the guy who tried to take his head off with that punch ? Now this still doesn't help because the audio isn't there, so we still don't know who challenged who in the situation. The young guy may have yelled something, but then realized when the biker pulled up, that he had bit off way more than he could chew. Now should the biker had escalated the situation after seeing how young and inexperienced the young man was or should he had just given the young guy a thrashing with his words, and a warning before riding off into the sunset ?

Pushed, as in pushed for a fight. Technically the first "touch" was a poke, but you can tell the guy wanted a fight cause he pushed his sleeves up like he was some kind of badass. I can almost guarantee if there's audio that guy in the white hoodie is bad mouthing and spoiling for a fight. Everything about his body language screams it.
I get so tired of scrolling thru nonsensical comments and finally someone mentions proof without links...ugh...
Two Wichita State students claimed they were attacked by Trump supporter
page 15 of this thread this was posted:
Police reviewing videos of reported assault on Wichita State minority students
Can anyone read their lips?
Now I'm to page 18 of this thread...anything more that is worth reposting? Crap! Looks like something that happens probably every weekend in any city in America.

Eh -- not really. It's mostly the same two asshats who claimed "hoax", got proven wrong, and still go on and on and on and on denying that they were wrong..... or that it happened that way.... or that OK it happened because it was "justified" ...... same denialism, different day.

Got proven wrong??? Oh....did I miss something? Where is the proof of racial slurs and Trump chants?????

Did I miss something? You're the asshat who made the asserstions (plural)...

To wit, roll tape...

( ^^ posted 12 minutes after the thread opened)...


We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

It's a hoax. I'm 100% certain.

Video....or its a hoax.

So I gave you video. You tried to squirm out of it by claiming the party on the receiving end 'started' it. And yet you were trapped into admitting that that can't be determined since there's no audio on the video.

Then you started trying to weasel out of your own hole completely, declaring you meant not that the assault didn't happen, but that the attendant invective wasn't tossed:

The racial slurs and Trump chants never happened. They made it up to stir up a story.

-- To which I demanded your evidence.

Which you do not have.

You lose.


Why would a thread be made about a simple assault case in Wichita Kansas??? Assaults in Wichita happen every day.

THIS story was about racial slurs and Trump chants. Alleged by the Muslim. I said bullshit. He made it up.

And as of now....nothing proves me wrong. No proof any of the slurs or chants ever happened.

You were the one who said you wanted video. Now you have it and you still deny it happened. You are dishonest and dishonorable
For the record, my husband tells beggar's to "Get a fucking job" all the time. He's a total jerk about it too. His position is that he works two to four jobs and it pisses him off that others think they have the right to bother him when he's getting gas, basically during his "free time" or w/e, when there are so many jobs available in our city. (I have mentioned my husband is a bit of an asshole heh)

Edit: WTF it ate part sorry.

So I can see this supposed "Trump" supporter telling the supposed African American guy to get a job in a really dickish way that the college students would be "offended" by and felt need for a "safe space" over. Of course, unlike on college campuses, if you pick a fight with someone outside the so-called "safe space" there's not a mob to prevent them from entering it. Tactical error on the Hispanic's part, who apparently doesn't want to say whom he is - probably because he'd get cited for assault as well since he was clearly instigating the fight as well as pushing the biker (first.)
. Pushed the biker ? It seemed that his gesture was a sort of touching of the bikers clothing along with attempting to cool the situation down a bit, but the biker used it as a go signal to take the next step in the confrontation, and that step was to try and quickly punch the guy in order to escalate the situation further or to finish it if the punch would have landed like the biker had wanted it to. I have seen plenty of people get into arguments over time, and in some cases one person (usually seen in a woman & man argument), where the woman will try and calm the argument with a touchy feely kind of approach, along with her trying to defang the anger in the man with small talk for whom she is having the confrontation with. Was the young person in the case trying to use a sort of touchy feely (i.e. pat on the guy's shirt as if to say it's all cool man), sort of approach while getting in way to close to the guy who tried to take his head off with that punch ? Now this still doesn't help because the audio isn't there, so we still don't know who challenged who in the situation. The young guy may have yelled something, but then realized when the biker pulled up, that he had bit off way more than he could chew. Now should the biker had escalated the situation after seeing how young and inexperienced the young man was or should he had just given the young guy a thrashing with his words, and a warning before riding off into the sunset ?

Pushed, as in pushed for a fight. Technically the first "touch" was a poke, but you can tell the guy wanted a fight cause he pushed his sleeves up like he was some kind of badass. I can almost guarantee if there's audio that guy in the white hoodie is bad mouthing and spoiling for a fight. Everything about his body language screams it.

--- which may well be defensive posturing. If you follow the description along with the video (see post 329), it has to be.
Last edited:
How does this video prove the biker was yelling Trump, Trump, Trump while attacking an "innocent victim"? It clearly shows a couple of punks picking a fight with somebody who ended up kicking their asses. Where is the "hate crime"?
How does this video prove the biker was yelling Trump, Trump, Trump while attacking an "innocent victim"?

Don't know. There's no audio so we can't hear what anyone says. So how does it show he was not?

It clearly shows a couple of punks picking a fight with somebody who ended up kicking their asses. Where is the "hate crime"?

Does it now.

---- So now there IS audio? Pick a side already.
"Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’"

Whether this actually happened or not isn't the issue.

What's at issue, and unsurprisingly remarkable, is how hard conservatives are pushing the notion that it didn't happen – where most on the right are tedious blind partisan hacks willing to defend Trump at all costs.
How does this video prove the biker was yelling Trump, Trump, Trump while attacking an "innocent victim"?

Don't know. There's no audio so we can't hear what anyone says. So how does it show he was not?

It clearly shows a couple of punks picking a fight with somebody who ended up kicking their asses. Where is the "hate crime"?

Does it now.

---- So now there IS audio? Pick a side already.
Don't need to prove he was NOT. The accuser needs to prove he WAS. You lose, loser.
"Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’"

Whether this actually happened or not isn't the issue.

What's at issue, and unsurprisingly remarkable, is how hard conservatives are pushing the notion that it didn't happen – where most on the right are tedious blind partisan hacks willing to defend Trump at all costs.
It certainly didn't happen the way they claim it did.
How does this video prove the biker was yelling Trump, Trump, Trump while attacking an "innocent victim"?

Don't know. There's no audio so we can't hear what anyone says. So how does it show he was not?

It clearly shows a couple of punks picking a fight with somebody who ended up kicking their asses. Where is the "hate crime"?

Does it now.

---- So now there IS audio? Pick a side already.
Don't need to prove he was NOT. The accuser needs to prove he WAS. You lose, loser.

Sucksoff90 does. He flat-out stated -- repeatedly -- that it did not happen. That's burden of proof.

Fatter o' mact you kinda just did too --- somehow you see "clearly" a "couple of punks picking a fight" --- yet you can't show how you get to that conclusion. Neither can the police, since they're still investigating it, and they have the same video we do, and more.
"Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’"

Whether this actually happened or not isn't the issue.

What's at issue, and unsurprisingly remarkable, is how hard conservatives are pushing the notion that it didn't happen – where most on the right are tedious blind partisan hacks willing to defend Trump at all costs.

That's getting to the central issue here, and I asked three hundred posts ago why it's so crucially important to these wags to deny, denigrate, revise, spin, obfuscate and just plain lie about this story. Never got even a hint of an answer to that.
How does this video prove the biker was yelling Trump, Trump, Trump while attacking an "innocent victim"?

Don't know. There's no audio so we can't hear what anyone says. So how does it show he was not?

It clearly shows a couple of punks picking a fight with somebody who ended up kicking their asses. Where is the "hate crime"?

Does it now.

---- So now there IS audio? Pick a side already.
Don't need to prove he was NOT. The accuser needs to prove he WAS. You lose, loser.

Sucksoff90 does. He flat-out stated -- repeatedly -- that it did not happen. That's burden of proof.

Fatter o' mact you kinda just did too --- somehow you see "clearly" a "couple of punks picking a fight" --- yet you can't show how you get to that conclusion. Neither can the police, since they're still investigating it, and they have the same video we do, and more.
Hey dumbfuck, the fact that the punk poked the biker proves he was picking a fight. Keep digging, Mr. Grassy Knoll. :lol:
We have a passenger who provoked a fight and lost. That is fact.

No, that's not a "fact". That's something you pulled out of your own asshole, we hope using toilet paper, because AS YOU SAID YOURSELF without audio that can't be established.

So you're contradicting your own post.

Now THAT is what I call a "hole".

Moreover, both parties walked away --- nobody 'won' or 'lost' --- or whatever people do in the pathetic little bubble you swim in.

What else are we supposed to see???

Your documentation of your assertions.

Bubble: "This is a hoax" "video or it's a hoax".

The World of Reality: Video.

Bubble: "The racial slurs and Trump chants didn't happen"

The world of reality: "audio proving that, or bullshit".

Your move, Bubble.
so I see you never read my earlier post post #301. Go read that one, and then say to yourself, my I'm a dumbass.

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