Muslim Woman Speaks Out on Islamophobia and Other Issues


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A Muslim woman speaks out on some important issues. She wants us to know about the many good Muslims, but also wants us to be honest about those who are not. After all, no religion or group is free of radicals. By constantly accusing people of Islamophoia when they bring up terrorism or oppression of women, constructive discussion is ended and things remain the same for many who feel trapped in an archaic existence. This is something to think about. Read the letter she addressed to Ben Affleck. It's thought provoking and I am curious to see how others feel about it.

Dear Ben,
I am writing to you today as a woman who was born and raised in Islam. I saw your discussion with Bill Maher and Sam Harris, and I must say you did me a great disservice that day. Your heart was in the right place, of course, and it was lovely of you to step up and defend ‘my people’.
What you really did though, perhaps inadvertently, was silence a conversation that never gets started. Two people attempted to begin a dialogue and you wouldn’t even listen. Why should any set of ideas be above criticism, Ben?
Why are Muslims being ‘preserved’ in some time capsule of centuries gone by? Why is it okay that we continue to live in a world where our women are compared to candy waiting to be consumed? Why is it okay for women of the rest of the world to fight for freedom and equality while we are told to cover our shameful bodies? Can’t you see that we are being held back from joining this elite club known as the 21st century?
Noble liberals like yourself always stand up for the misrepresented Muslims and stand against the Islamophobes, which is great but who stands in my corner and for the others who feel oppressed by the religion? Every time we raise our voices, one of us is killed or threatened. I am a blogger and illustrator, no threat to anyone, Ben, except for those afraid of words and drawings. I want the freedom to express myself without the very real fear that I might be killed for it. Is that too much to ask? ........................
I am curious as to what libs think of this. While they staunchly defend all things Muslim and even Obama refuses to talk about Muslim terrorists or the brutal treatment of women, there are some Muslim women hoping that there will be a public discussion on the archaic practices of Islam and Sharia law. People suffer because of it, even the peaceful ones. When you hear the term peaceful Muslim, you think of those that do not engage or believe in terrorism, yet no one will talk about the way that other religions are not tolerated in Muslim countries and the Muslim women are covered head to toe and have to obey so many oppressive rules. They have no freedom.
Come on, libs, do you get what the woman is saying? She wants people like Ben Affleck and other defenders of Islam to shut the fuck up when it comes to political correctness and just get real. How in the hell can the left be so approving of the horrendous treatment of Muslim women, even by the peaceful Muslims? Does anyone think they like wearing all that shit and keeping their bodies and face covered? Does anyone think they are happy not being able to speak to any man who isn't a relative? Do they think it's fair to be severely punished for the most minor offenses? Do they like being treated like property and denied rights that most of us take for granted? Sharia Law allows this shit and yet I can't find a single liberal willing to condemn it.

Does anyone remember the book, which was later made into a movie starring Sally Field, "Not Without My Daughter?" Those were typical Muslims. The woman went through hell and was forced to wear that damn burka or whatever it's called. She said it really stunk and was so uncomfortable, but women had no choice. They were watched like hawks when in public and always expected to know their place and follow some extremely oppressive rules or they would pay dearly.

It seems that Muslim men don't bond with their children, especially their daughters. They are mere property that are discarded if they can't follow the rules. Honor killings, genital mutilations and selling girls off for marriage is commonplace.

When the world doesn't talk about it for fear of offending them, the suffering continues. It's like the neighbors who hear a woman getting beat by her husband and look the other way. It might seemingly keep the peace and avoids unpleasantness with the abusers, but the suffering of victims continues.

Imagine being born into a Muslim family where the father sees women as a possession and not a person and you would be expected to live your life being subservient to men with no rights of your own. That is daily life for many female Muslims, but the liberals don't seem to give a shit.

No liberals want to chime in or toss around the usual accusations of Islamophobia? I hate terrorists, too. I think Muslim men who practice Sharia law are complete assholes and don't deserve an ounce of respect. If they believe that women shouldn't vote, speak in public or even show their face, they are the scourge of the earth and deserve to be annihilated.
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Where are the libs who usually claim that I hate all Muslims and get disgusted when I say anything critical? Aren't any of you going to defend Sharia law or other archaic Muslim practices?

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