Muslims are not staying silent in the wake of the Paris attacks

Were either of them shouting "Jesus is Great!"?. Surely you can see the difference.

So, if you go kill people and you're a Muslim but you don't shout "Allah is Great" then it's okay, but if you shout "Allah is Great" then it's bad?

When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Honor killing are on the rise in the United States and in Canada. Committed by imported Muslims, proving that their atavistic cruel 7th century nature has not changed by civilization around them.

Look it up. Wiki is your friend.

because they happen so often here... :rolleyes:

So, you don't believe in "even one is too many" any more?
So, if you go kill people and you're a Muslim but you don't shout "Allah is Great" then it's okay, but if you shout "Allah is Great" then it's bad?

When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Honor killing are on the rise in the United States and in Canada. Committed by imported Muslims, proving that their atavistic cruel 7th century nature has not changed by civilization around them.

Look it up. Wiki is your friend.

because they happen so often here... :rolleyes:

So, you don't believe in "even one is too many" any more?

Why do you guys act like honor killing is so much worse than other domestic violence? Both end up with a woman dead.
When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Honor killing are on the rise in the United States and in Canada. Committed by imported Muslims, proving that their atavistic cruel 7th century nature has not changed by civilization around them.

Look it up. Wiki is your friend.

because they happen so often here... :rolleyes:

So, you don't believe in "even one is too many" any more?

Why do you guys act like honor killing is so much worse than other domestic violence? Both end up with a woman dead.

One is promoted by the religious culture, and favored by the juridical system,

because muslims cant get it together for a secular regime.....
Funny I don't remember "Christianity" either "apologizing for" or denouncing en masse when the Scott Roeders and Eric Rudolphs were doing their thing.

But then I wasn't stupid enough to think it was necessary either... I guess you need an IQ of 214 to figure that out.

Were either of them shouting "Jesus is Great!"?. Surely you can see the difference.

So, if you go kill people and you're a Muslim but you don't shout "Allah is Great" then it's okay, but if you shout "Allah is Great" then it's bad?

When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Honor killing are on the rise in the United States and in Canada. Committed by imported Muslims, proving that their atavistic cruel 7th century nature has not changed by civilization around them.

Look it up. Wiki is your friend.

Already did.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM

Funny I don't remember "Christianity" either "apologizing for" or denouncing en masse when the Scott Roeders and Eric Rudolphs were doing their thing.

But then I wasn't stupid enough to think it was necessary either... I guess you need an IQ of 214 to figure that out.

Were either of them shouting "Jesus is Great!"?. Surely you can see the difference.

So, if you go kill people and you're a Muslim but you don't shout "Allah is Great" then it's okay, but if you shout "Allah is Great" then it's bad?

When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Honor killing are on the rise in the United States and in Canada. Committed by imported Muslims, proving that their atavistic cruel 7th century nature has not changed by civilization around them.

Look it up. Wiki is your friend.

Already did, the last six hundred times we shot this myth down. And STILL nothing's changed -- HBV is an ancient cultural artifact, dating to long before Islam, Christianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism or any other religion you can think of that co-exists alongside it. That's because it's older than all of them. And in fact prohibited in all of them. So when somebody commits an "honor killing", they do so in defiance of, not in observance of, their religion.

From one of those shootings-down of this myth:

>> In Rana Husseini's Murder in the Name of Honor, Ms. Husseini describes an interview in a Jordanian jail she had with a young man named Sarhan who in 1999 shot his sister Yasmin because she was no longer a virgin after she had been raped by a brother-in-law.

In the interview, Sarhan explained, "'I killed her because she was no longer a virgin,' he told me. 'She made a mistake, willingly or not. It is better that one person dies than the whole family of shame and disgrace. It is like a box of apples. If you have one rotten apple would you keep it or get rid of it? I just got rid of it.' When I challenged Sarhan by pointing out that his act contradicted the teachings of Islam and was punishable by God, he said, 'I know that killing my sister is against Islam and it angered God, but I had to do what I had to do and I will answer to God when the time comes." He added, "I know my sister was killed unjustly but what can I do? This is how society thinks. Nobody really wants to kill his own sister." << -- A Practical Approach to Talking About Honor Killing

And we did all this before, and your lameass attempt to run the same myth expecting somehow different results is kinda pathetic. All you're doing is fomenting ignorance, thereby ensuring that the barbarity perpetuates. Which shows us partisan hack political bigot points are more important to you than women's lives.
Last edited:
Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Honor killing are on the rise in the United States and in Canada. Committed by imported Muslims, proving that their atavistic cruel 7th century nature has not changed by civilization around them.

Look it up. Wiki is your friend.

because they happen so often here... :rolleyes:

So, you don't believe in "even one is too many" any more?

Why do you guys act like honor killing is so much worse than other domestic violence? Both end up with a woman dead.

One is promoted by the religious culture, and favored by the juridical system,

because muslims cant get it together for a secular regime.....

It has no religious function. It's an act of social order and social class.
bottom line here is, the Muslim people in America better sure as hell organize a million man march for DC......and soon. If they don't, well.................:oops-28:
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

so they'll stop funding terrorist organizations like hamas and Hezbollah and madrassas in Saudi Arabia?

yeah, didn't think so.

Maybe they'll stop when the US stops being the biggest threat to global security in the world.

1. no. they won't. jihadis were always going to be a problem.
2. no weren't the biggest threat to global security.the jihadis are.
3. no one is responsible for the actions of a terrorist except the terrorist.

And what does this tell me? It tells me you aren't going to listen, to understand, or to care what others say. You have your view, and you don't care about anything else.

You want the enemy to be wrong. Communists were always wrong, Muslims are always wrong, the right in the US is always right.

Jihad were always going to be a problem. Perhaps, but the SIZE of the problem is something different. Bush's decisions in 2003 made the size of extremist Islam far larger that it would otherwise have been.

No, Jihadis are not the biggest threat to global security at all. The US started this whole thing.

Jihadis are killing thousands over decades, the US are getting millions killed. They're causing problems all over the world.

The whole responsibility thing is just another right wing argument that is meaningless. It avoids the need to use your brain, it avoids the need to actually try and make the world a peaceful place. Because the right doesn't like peace. It likes chaos, it likes fear, it likes telling others what to do.
Funny I don't remember "Christianity" either "apologizing for" or denouncing en masse when the Scott Roeders and Eric Rudolphs were doing their thing.

But then I wasn't stupid enough to think it was necessary either... I guess you need an IQ of 214 to figure that out.

Were either of them shouting "Jesus is Great!"?. Surely you can see the difference.

So, if you go kill people and you're a Muslim but you don't shout "Allah is Great" then it's okay, but if you shout "Allah is Great" then it's bad?

When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Hohohoho, Turkey and honor killings ....

Where to start....

But before, this is classic:

"Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?"
Well, most of the backward countries ARE in fact happen to be MUSLIMS. In fact, the only non-backward countries muslims are living in happen to be christian countries :)

Thats why when people are talking about muslims, highly likely they are talking about backwards countries muslims are living in.

And yes, honor killing is a problem in Turkey as well. And they are trying to look into their religion to find out the problem, but again the same thing happens, they are labeled as islamaphobic! These are muslims, trying to do some self-criticism and they face the same arguments as an athesit would :)

And you know why?

Because they can! Islamists can label anyone "islamaphobic", and they can get away with anything their retarded world view has been causing on this world. Unbelievable....

Most backwards countries are Muslim huh?

GDP per capita.

In last place according to the IMF is Burundi, then the Central Africa Republic, then Malawi, then Gambia, then Madagascar, then Niger, then Liberia, then DRC, then Guinea, then Togo, then Guinea-Bissau, the North Korea, then Afghanistan, then Uganda, then Mozambique, then Eritrea, then Burkina Faso.

Burundi = 90% Christian
CAR = 80% Christian
Malawi = 68% Christian
Gambia = 90% Muslim
Madagascar = 52% Indigenous religion, 41% Christian
Niger = 99% Muslim
Liberia = 85% Christian
DRC = 69% Christian.

I could go on. The reality is the countries at the bottom of the pile are a mix of Christian and Muslim. What unites ALL of these countries here is that they're in Africa. Parts of Africa are Muslim, parts are Christian, doesn't seem to change their problems very much.

The DRC is a VERY fucked up country. Doesn't get in the news much because it doesn't have oil. Diamonds and other metals are coming out regardless of the war. No, I said it wrong, they're coming out because of the war, they use these resources to buy weapons and the US is perfectly happy to allow this to continue. So it NEVER gets in the news.

So, in fact, MOST fucked up countries are not actually Muslim, they're actually Christian. But the religion is neither here nor there.


Fine, there are honor killings in Turkey. But a look at the map and you see it's geographical.

Honor killings spread from Turkey-Egypt in the west, over to Bangladesh in the east.

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. China is the 8th largest Muslim country in the world. Many places in Africa are Muslim and yet there are no honor killings.

Uganda is Christian.

Honor killings are bad, they're barbaric, and yet it's based on geography and not religion.

India has honor killings. The state which is notorious is Haryana, 87% are Hindus. It's not about Islam.

Many people who commit honor killings are Muslim, but it's not because they're Muslim.

Most honor killings aren't to do with religion, they're to do with married, family honor and all that crap.
Funny I don't remember "Christianity" either "apologizing for" or denouncing en masse when the Scott Roeders and Eric Rudolphs were doing their thing.

But then I wasn't stupid enough to think it was necessary either... I guess you need an IQ of 214 to figure that out.

Were either of them shouting "Jesus is Great!"?. Surely you can see the difference.

So, if you go kill people and you're a Muslim but you don't shout "Allah is Great" then it's okay, but if you shout "Allah is Great" then it's bad?

When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Honor killing are on the rise in the United States and in Canada. Committed by imported Muslims, proving that their atavistic cruel 7th century nature has not changed by civilization around them.

Look it up. Wiki is your friend.

What about Hindus? Read my previous post for a discussion on honor killings.
Were either of them shouting "Jesus is Great!"?. Surely you can see the difference.

So, if you go kill people and you're a Muslim but you don't shout "Allah is Great" then it's okay, but if you shout "Allah is Great" then it's bad?

When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Hohohoho, Turkey and honor killings ....

Where to start....

But before, this is classic:

"Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?"
Well, most of the backward countries ARE in fact happen to be MUSLIMS. In fact, the only non-backward countries muslims are living in happen to be christian countries :)

Thats why when people are talking about muslims, highly likely they are talking about backwards countries muslims are living in.

And yes, honor killing is a problem in Turkey as well. And they are trying to look into their religion to find out the problem, but again the same thing happens, they are labeled as islamaphobic! These are muslims, trying to do some self-criticism and they face the same arguments as an athesit would :)

And you know why?

Because they can! Islamists can label anyone "islamaphobic", and they can get away with anything their retarded world view has been causing on this world. Unbelievable....

Most backwards countries are Muslim huh?

GDP per capita.

In last place according to the IMF is Burundi, then the Central Africa Republic, then Malawi, then Gambia, then Madagascar, then Niger, then Liberia, then DRC, then Guinea, then Togo, then Guinea-Bissau, the North Korea, then Afghanistan, then Uganda, then Mozambique, then Eritrea, then Burkina Faso.

Burundi = 90% Christian
CAR = 80% Christian
Malawi = 68% Christian
Gambia = 90% Muslim
Madagascar = 52% Indigenous religion, 41% Christian
Niger = 99% Muslim
Liberia = 85% Christian
DRC = 69% Christian.

I could go on. The reality is the countries at the bottom of the pile are a mix of Christian and Muslim. What unites ALL of these countries here is that they're in Africa. Parts of Africa are Muslim, parts are Christian, doesn't seem to change their problems very much.

The DRC is a VERY fucked up country. Doesn't get in the news much because it doesn't have oil. Diamonds and other metals are coming out regardless of the war. No, I said it wrong, they're coming out because of the war, they use these resources to buy weapons and the US is perfectly happy to allow this to continue. So it NEVER gets in the news.

So, in fact, MOST fucked up countries are not actually Muslim, they're actually Christian. But the religion is neither here nor there.


Fine, there are honor killings in Turkey. But a look at the map and you see it's geographical.

Honor killings spread from Turkey-Egypt in the west, over to Bangladesh in the east.

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. China is the 8th largest Muslim country in the world. Many places in Africa are Muslim and yet there are no honor killings.

Uganda is Christian.

Honor killings are bad, they're barbaric, and yet it's based on geography and not religion.

India has honor killings. The state which is notorious is Haryana, 87% are Hindus. It's not about Islam.

Many people who commit honor killings are Muslim, but it's not because they're Muslim.

Most honor killings aren't to do with religion, they're to do with married, family honor and all that crap.

HBV is a cultural artifact that predates all of those religions, has no connection to any of them, and is in fact prohibited by all of them. It's been recorded on every continent except Antarctica, back to the ancient empires of Rome and the Aztecs and beyond. Anne Boleyn was an HBV victim. And they're always about social status and "honor". Italy had honor killing legislaton on the books less than 50 years ago. They have nothing to do with Islam, Hiduism, Sikhism or any other religion. They have everything to do with patriarchy and control of women.

How soon and conveniently some of us forget that our own women weren't even allowed to vote a hundred years ago.
Kind of late for the NOT us song and dance. No apology has come forth either has it? Have they turned in the planners? No.
Its the same old song and dance we hear EVERY time after one of those attacks.

If Karma and justice are TRULY equal their's IS coming and they have EARNED it.

Who is supposed to "apologize" and why? Surely you don't expect an apology from ISIS?

Well, according to the right, all Muslims must apologize otherwise they all support this.

If they do apologize, then they're merely covering their tracks. According to some.
Which is the same God damn mentality every one of you uses when a republican says or does something stupid.
Fucking hypocrites
Kind of late for the NOT us song and dance. No apology has come forth either has it? Have they turned in the planners? No.
Its the same old song and dance we hear EVERY time after one of those attacks.

If Karma and justice are TRULY equal their's IS coming and they have EARNED it.

Who is supposed to "apologize" and why? Surely you don't expect an apology from ISIS?

Well, according to the right, all Muslims must apologize otherwise they all support this.

If they do apologize, then they're merely covering their tracks. According to some.
Which is the same God damn mentality every one of you uses when a republican says or does something stupid.
Fucking hypocrites

Sorry, you don't get to find "hypocrisy" in a blanket generalization fallacy.
Kind of late for the NOT us song and dance. No apology has come forth either has it? Have they turned in the planners? No.
Its the same old song and dance we hear EVERY time after one of those attacks.

If Karma and justice are TRULY equal their's IS coming and they have EARNED it.

Who is supposed to "apologize" and why? Surely you don't expect an apology from ISIS?

Well, according to the right, all Muslims must apologize otherwise they all support this.

If they do apologize, then they're merely covering their tracks. According to some.
Which is the same God damn mentality every one of you uses when a republican says or does something stupid.
Fucking hypocrites

Really? I don't remember ever using that.
Kind of late for the NOT us song and dance. No apology has come forth either has it? Have they turned in the planners? No.
Its the same old song and dance we hear EVERY time after one of those attacks.

If Karma and justice are TRULY equal their's IS coming and they have EARNED it.

Who is supposed to "apologize" and why? Surely you don't expect an apology from ISIS?

Well, according to the right, all Muslims must apologize otherwise they all support this.

If they do apologize, then they're merely covering their tracks. According to some.
Which is the same God damn mentality every one of you uses when a republican says or does something stupid.
Fucking hypocrites

Really? I don't remember ever using that.
Todd Akin says hello
Were either of them shouting "Jesus is Great!"?. Surely you can see the difference.

So, if you go kill people and you're a Muslim but you don't shout "Allah is Great" then it's okay, but if you shout "Allah is Great" then it's bad?

When a Muslim kills his wife or daughter and does not shout "Allahu Akbar" he is just participating in their national sport of "honor" killing and nobody will call him a radical Islamist terrorist. Mainly because the unfortunate victim is one of his own.

And it is NOT OK, at least not in a world inhabited by humans. But it is quite OK in hell holes like Pakistan and Somalia, just to mention a couple of examples.

Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?

Do they have many honor killings in Turkey or Indonesia?

Hohohoho, Turkey and honor killings ....

Where to start....

But before, this is classic:

"Are you talking all Muslims or are you talking about some of the backwards countries that also happen to be Muslim countries?"
Well, most of the backward countries ARE in fact happen to be MUSLIMS. In fact, the only non-backward countries muslims are living in happen to be christian countries :)

Thats why when people are talking about muslims, highly likely they are talking about backwards countries muslims are living in.

And yes, honor killing is a problem in Turkey as well. And they are trying to look into their religion to find out the problem, but again the same thing happens, they are labeled as islamaphobic! These are muslims, trying to do some self-criticism and they face the same arguments as an athesit would :)

And you know why?

Because they can! Islamists can label anyone "islamaphobic", and they can get away with anything their retarded world view has been causing on this world. Unbelievable....

Most backwards countries are Muslim huh?

GDP per capita.

In last place according to the IMF is Burundi, then the Central Africa Republic, then Malawi, then Gambia, then Madagascar, then Niger, then Liberia, then DRC, then Guinea, then Togo, then Guinea-Bissau, the North Korea, then Afghanistan, then Uganda, then Mozambique, then Eritrea, then Burkina Faso.

Burundi = 90% Christian
CAR = 80% Christian
Malawi = 68% Christian
Gambia = 90% Muslim
Madagascar = 52% Indigenous religion, 41% Christian
Niger = 99% Muslim
Liberia = 85% Christian
DRC = 69% Christian.

I could go on. The reality is the countries at the bottom of the pile are a mix of Christian and Muslim. What unites ALL of these countries here is that they're in Africa. Parts of Africa are Muslim, parts are Christian, doesn't seem to change their problems very much.

The DRC is a VERY fucked up country. Doesn't get in the news much because it doesn't have oil. Diamonds and other metals are coming out regardless of the war. No, I said it wrong, they're coming out because of the war, they use these resources to buy weapons and the US is perfectly happy to allow this to continue. So it NEVER gets in the news.

So, in fact, MOST fucked up countries are not actually Muslim, they're actually Christian. But the religion is neither here nor there.


Fine, there are honor killings in Turkey. But a look at the map and you see it's geographical.

Honor killings spread from Turkey-Egypt in the west, over to Bangladesh in the east.

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. China is the 8th largest Muslim country in the world. Many places in Africa are Muslim and yet there are no honor killings.

Uganda is Christian.

Honor killings are bad, they're barbaric, and yet it's based on geography and not religion.

India has honor killings. The state which is notorious is Haryana, 87% are Hindus. It's not about Islam.

Many people who commit honor killings are Muslim, but it's not because they're Muslim.

Most honor killings aren't to do with religion, they're to do with married, family honor and all that crap.

Hahahahahaha, looking at GDP to find out how backwards a country is....., well, stupid.

The most backwards country, let alone this planet, in this galaxy is Saudi Arabia, and yet, they are in the G20. Take a wild guess, why...

Backwardness in not in your wallet, it is in your head.

Backwards means reverse progress, meaning a detrimental progress in a society. All the countries you have named in your post are no backwards, they are just poor. They didnt have a chance to progress, because of their economic and environmental conditions.

On the other hand, most muslim countries are not poor, but contrary, have all the disposable income to make progress, somewhat reliable institutions that can support a healthy governmental system, some even had nationalism process happened to them, but yet, they just backtrack.

Take Turkey for example. Modern Republic of Turkey was setup in 1923, it was a secular country. And look at it now, the president openly can target the sect of the opposition leader. This is the definition of "backwards". reverse progressing from a nationalistic society, into a religious sectarian society. Couldn't been a better example to backwardness.......

Honor killings, UN report says they are most seen in muslim countries, but somehow concludes it has "nothing" to do with religion :) This is like sayin "junk food makes you fat but it has nothing to do with the sugar they put in it".

Of course it is the religion. You dont see it in most asian muslim countries, because they did not take islam with its face value, they have adapted it. The more you go outside from the center, the less effective islam will be. What did you expect?

You have the western countries in your map. But take a WILD guess, who are those people committing honor killings in those western countries? Just take a WILD guess...

Why no honor killings in China? HELLO, China is communist, you heard about that? Communism is a secular regime.

India, seriously... Take a very WILD guess again, what parts of India honor killings are the most? Let it be a WILD one?????
It is the north, Punjab, the Pakistani border, where the muslim population is the most. Indian women are much better off than the Pakistani women, ask any Pakistani...

Anyways, your map shows a very simple fact, muslim countries somehow are the center of this evil. And believe me, muslims are not stupid, they can see this too. Take Turkey as an example, when muslims in Turkey trying to make this point, you know what the islamists do, they do the exact same thing you are doing right now, they open up this map, show how US and England have honor killings too.

Really, the way liberals on this forum approaching to islam, trying to defend it against a very concrete criticism, is NOT helping muslims at all. They are in a spiral, they need to get out of it, and get out of it ASAP.

If you want to do something good for them, just tell the truth, to their face......
Honor killing are on the rise in the United States and in Canada. Committed by imported Muslims, proving that their atavistic cruel 7th century nature has not changed by civilization around them.

Look it up. Wiki is your friend.

because they happen so often here... :rolleyes:

So, you don't believe in "even one is too many" any more?

Why do you guys act like honor killing is so much worse than other domestic violence? Both end up with a woman dead.

One is promoted by the religious culture, and favored by the juridical system,

because muslims cant get it together for a secular regime.....

It has no religious function. It's an act of social order and social class.

And what is creating social order and social class???

You think religion is something out there floating on the air, dont touch anything?

Well, this might be the case in a secular western country, even tho it would still have something from the religion, but eminently not in an islamist country where religion dictates anything and everything, including social order, class and justice.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

Yeah ok, so what.

Arab Muslins need to do far more than that. Like rooting out the terrorists among them, before they attack. Figure out why so many of them are prone to perpetrating acts of terror. Once identified, eliminate any triggers that might lead some of the arab muslims among them to commit terrorist acts..
Kind of late for the NOT us song and dance. No apology has come forth either has it? Have they turned in the planners? No.
Its the same old song and dance we hear EVERY time after one of those attacks.

If Karma and justice are TRULY equal their's IS coming and they have EARNED it.

Who is supposed to "apologize" and why? Surely you don't expect an apology from ISIS?

Well, according to the right, all Muslims must apologize otherwise they all support this.

If they do apologize, then they're merely covering their tracks. According to some.
Which is the same God damn mentality every one of you uses when a republican says or does something stupid.
Fucking hypocrites

Really? I don't remember ever using that.
Todd Akin says hello

Good for him. Whoever he is.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.
VIDEO: Soccer fans chant 'Allahu Akbar' during Paris tribute

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