Muslims Are People too!

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So he's one more of these guys.


No I am not one of those guys. Instead, I am one of the guys who got it right. And in case you are interested, I do not hate Jews or anyone else for that matter. However, I do loath what the Zionists have done to the world.

What? Enabled the Jewish people to have self-determination and dignity in our own ancestral lands after thousands of years of expulsion, persecution, pogroms and genocides?


Oh cry me a river, you guys are so sickening. If your not killing, your thieving, you are like a virus, lowlifes, the less you have to work the better. You have no dignity, but you are arrogant. The Palestinians are the ones with dignity.

How many innocents have the Jews murdered in the USA then, how many in France, Germany, Belgium, France etc. Does it come close to the numbers managed by the muslims.

How many Sikhs and Hindus did Israel mass murder in the immediate post war years, how many Armenians were massacred by Israel during the genocide. How many Biafran's did Israel starve to death, how many Ethiopeans were murdered by Israel. The list of genocides and ethnic cleansings by muslims is endless and growing every day, so much so that the world governents are lying by reducing the numbers of recent genocides to stop civil unrest from breaking out and right wing nationalists taking control of governments.
Actually their ancestral territory is Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Germany. None of them are Canaanites or Samaritans, are they? Hebrew died in around 300 bc, except for a few who still spoke it. When a language dies , that means the people morphed , and they all morphed into other nationalities. You can not resurrect the dead.

Nice dodge. Answer my question.

(And newsflash the Hebrew language is not dead.)

They worked very hard to bring it back since the 1850. That is why its not dead. Most Jews know only a few words of Hebrew. Your question? Are you one of those who think God actually had a discussion with some Hebrews??

Are popping anything and everything out of your mind without checking the facts? how the hell do you come to the conclusion that most Jews don't know Hebrew?

Well in Israel you speak it, taught in schools. Hebrew made a come back in the 1900's and you know it, some still speak Yiddish. Most in American know as much Hebrew as RC's know Latin, not much.

So no actual evidence yet again, just what you have been told by your imams and clerics.

By the way you would be surprised just how much Latin most people know today, and Yiddish is a form of Hebrew that is spoken by regional Jews mostly Germanic.

So he's one more of these guys.


No I am not one of those guys. Instead, I am one of the guys who got it right. And in case you are interested, I do not hate Jews or anyone else for that matter. However, I do loath what the Zionists have done to the world.

What? Enabled the Jewish people to have self-determination and dignity in our own ancestral lands after thousands of years of expulsion, persecution, pogroms and genocides?


Oh cry me a river, you guys are so sickening. If your not killing, your thieving, you are like a virus, lowlifes, the less you have to work the better. You have no dignity, but you are arrogant. The Palestinians are the ones with dignity.

I'm sure you work very hard. As for the Palestinians, if stabbing mothers of 6 children in front of them is called dignity, then they have a lot of it.

How unfortunate, but maybe she should of not been living in the West Bank in a settlement.

Why not when her family paid for the land and held title to it before the neo Nazi's came along and brutally seized it after raping all her relatives
Oh cry me a river, you guys are so sickening. If your not killing, your thieving, you are like a virus, lowlifes, the less you have to work the better. You have no dignity, but you are arrogant. The Palestinians are the ones with dignity.

Its sickening to want self-determination and an end of suffering for your people?
Somehow when the civilized world thinks of the 9-11 dancing Palestinians the word "dignity" doesn't come to mind.

Well at least the Palestinians had nothing to do with 911, and neither did any Muslims.

Is that why the grand master of the group stated on camera that the attack was carried out in support of the Palestinians.

So why did the muslims admit to carrying out the attacks, and why did so few turn up for work that day.
This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.
These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)
Jewish Europe Between the Wars
Oh, but don't you call Penelope a Jew hater.

Yes, we've seen Palestinian dignity.

We remember it well in the case of Shalhevet Pass. A Palestinian full of dignity shot a 6 months old baby while the cruel occupying infant slept soundly in her crib. A heroic act by a man of respect.

We remember it in the case of the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva. Few Palestinian men with such dignity invaded the yeshiva, shooting eight young boys while they sat and prayed peacefully. Again, such an heroic act of Palestinian resistance.

Or how about the case of the heroic act against Shlomo Nativ, a cruel 15 year old occupier? the Palestinian with such dignity butchered Shlomo with an axe, and then he continued his heroic act by injuring another 6 year old boy?

The most heroic act of dignity in the last decade, though, was the brave act of resistance against The Fogel Family. The Palestinian brave men of dignity entered the house, stabbed the two 11 and 4 year old kids, just before they took the life of the Ma and Pa and the 3 months old baby. But they probably were so merciful that they let the 12 year old and two others see the light of day. They may be scarred for life, but hey, the Palis are so merciful they let them live, right?

At least you can list them, I'm afraid the Palestinian victims are too numerous to list.

So are the victims of Palestinian inspired terrorism and violence. Start with the Olympic massacre by Palestinians, then the plane hijackings and murders. Over 1 million victims of Islamic violence inspired by the Palestinians because the muslims have no other cause to pin their rampant psychopathic violent nature on. Run a child over in New York and it was because the Palestinians are being starved, shoot an unarmed woman and it is because the Palestinians are not allowed to murder Jews.
Oh, but don't you call Penelope a Jew hater.

Yes, we've seen Palestinian dignity.

We remember it well in the case of Shalhevet Pass. A Palestinian full of dignity shot a 6 months old baby while the cruel occupying infant slept soundly in her crib. A heroic act by a man of respect.

We remember it in the case of the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva. Few Palestinian men with such dignity invaded the yeshiva, shooting eight young boys while they sat and prayed peacefully. Again, such an heroic act of Palestinian resistance.

Or how about the case of the heroic act against Shlomo Nativ, a cruel 15 year old occupier? the Palestinian with such dignity butchered Shlomo with an axe, and then he continued his heroic act by injuring another 6 year old boy?

The most heroic act of dignity in the last decade, though, was the brave act of resistance against The Fogel Family. The Palestinian brave men of dignity entered the house, stabbed the two 11 and 4 year old kids, just before they took the life of the Ma and Pa and the 3 months old baby. But they probably were so merciful that they let the 12 year old and two others see the light of day. They may be scarred for life, but hey, the Palis are so merciful they let them live, right?

At least you can list them, I'm afraid the Palestinian victims are too numerous to list.

We can list them because each and one of them have names, have history, each and every one of them is viewed by us as a true sacred victim, lost angels.

While Palestinans see their victims as another Shahid, the mothers are proud when their kids die in the war, they send them off to die, they don't give a rat's ass about them!

Then breed another litter and give them the same names because they cant remember more than one at any given time
This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.
Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)
Jewish Europe Between the Wars

And what does this have to do with anything in the real world regarding the topic of this thread. Take it to the Russian board

Unless you are using this as more proof that Jews are a distinct race
Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.

Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.


Where is their any possible room for having a discussion with? This I would like to discuss or at least make an attempt at it. I bring up an entirely new slant and angle on the USS Liberty incident; namely that President Johnson was pressured by his Zionist handlers to order a nuclear strike on Cairo behalf of the State of Israel which, while all this was transpiring, was in the act trying to sink and unarmed American ship and murdering its entire crew. No one! And I mean absolutely no has ever said this before, and you flippantly dismiss my revelations as being old hat. Well, my not so fine Zionist friend, they are not old hat, but instead, a newly revealed part of world history which demonstrates that Israel truly is a rogue nation and the biggest threat to peace and justice in the world today.

And where does this leave us, I know where it leaves me. I will continue to stand up for freedom, justice, and truth. Where it leaves you, is being a lying Zionist apologist who will say anything to confuse, confound, and muddy up the truth. In hell, there is a boiling cauldron of excrement that was reserved for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Fortunately, it has never been used because Jesus has better things to do. When you die, the voices in hell of the condemned will rise up in glee because now hell will have someone to occupy its cauldron.
Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.

[/QUOTE] Dear Roudy!

How about, instead of slamming and disparaging; why don't you sit down and write something intelligent. Tell you what; why don't you go back to page 25 and read post #243 which I wrote. After doing this, tell me one thing that is wrong in this post in fact, content, or conclusion. I am sure you are not intelligent enough nor do you possess the intellectual faculties inside your head to pull this off. Tell us one thing wrong or untrue about this post. If you can't, then please shut your mouth (keyboard) and spare us your un-informed an uncalled for vindictiveness.[/QUOTE]
I'll tell you one that is glaringly wrong with Post #243. The President is the only person with authority to order the launch of bombers carrying nukes or ICBMs. And so the vindictive nuclear strike on Cairo is just in your imagination.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
******Nutjob Jew hater: "Zionists ordered president Johnson to nuke Cairo"

Hooooly shit, now that's a good one. I hear these marijuana dispensaries these days are carrying some pretty strong shit.


If this is the best you can do to discredit me and my writings, then you best start looking for a new Job. Your Zionist employer is not going to be pleased with your performance lately. And frankly, my impressions are that you have lost your touch.
But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.

Its telling that a thread supposedly about Muslims, is actually, and always has been, about Jews and our evil ways.

Telling and standing up for the truth is not being a neo-Nazi or anti-Semite. Instead, it is being a good Christian of which I am one. Being a good Christian, I do not hate anyone. However, I will stand up and speak the truth. If the truth sticks to someone's face and they do not like it, it is not reasonable or fair to claim I hate that person because I bear a measure of responsibility for the truth being stuck to his face.
Yes, but you are a liar for Allah and an ignorant dolt.

Lenin was about as anti-Jew as you are, you ignorant lying sot. The Jew in the movement was Trotsky, the Bolsheviks were nearly as anti-Semitic as you Muzzie Beasts and your Nazi mentors are.

1850, huh?

The shit you liars make up...

Yes we all know that the Ottomans invited the Jews to migrate and work the land because the arab muslims were too lazy to do so.

It never ceases to amaze how people grab at straws and will go to absurd lengths to justify and un-justifiable position. The Muslims do this and the Muslims do that, the Muslims are this and they are that; they also believe this and subscribe to that. All of this is irrelevant to the issues on hand because no matter what hateful things you can come up with about Muslims, this does not change the fact that the Palestinians are the victims here and no matter how hateful you portray Muslims, what they are trying to do, in what we so conveniently call terrorism, is fight for justice for the Palestinian people. The Jews have no claim or right to the land of the Palestinians; morally, legally, or religiously. This being the hard cold truth, what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians are war crimes and the world stands back and does nothing about this because those who rule our world are criminals who bear direct responsibility for these crimes. THE HORROR! THE HORROR! THE HORROR! And this is the world which man has wrought. And this is the world we leave to our children. I am ashamed to call myself a human being because Homo Sapiens are a degenerate and failed species. Greed and lies rule our world. To see and understand the truth in this, all one has to do is read some of the things being posted here.

WRONG as INTERNATIONAL LAW of 1923 granted the land to the Jews for their NATIONal home. This was further reinforced by the changes to the UN charter in 1949 that stated Israel is the Jewish state and will be so for ever, and that the UN would enforce the laws that brought Israel into existence.

Now find an International law that grants Jewish Palestine to the arab muslims for them to call their homeland. They have no legal, moral or religious claim to any part of Palestine and should be forcibly removed and sent back to Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan and Saudi where they came from.

The Avalon Project : The Palestine Mandate

The Palestine Mandate
The Council of the League of Nations:
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country; and

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; and

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have selected His Britannic Majesty as the Mandatory for Palestine; and

Whereas the mandate in respect of Palestine has been formulated in the following terms and submitted to the Council of the League for approval; and

Whereas His Britannic Majesty has accepted the mandate in respect of Palestine and undertaken to exercise it on behalf of the League of Nations in conformity with the following provisions; and

Whereas by the afore-mentioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League Of Nations;

confirming the said Mandate, defines its terms as follows:

The Mandatory shall have full powers of legislation and of administration, save as they may be limited by the terms of this mandate.

ART. 2.
The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.

ART. 3.
The Mandatory shall, so far as circumstances permit, encourage local autonomy.

ART. 4.
An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.

ART. 5.
The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.

ART. 6.
The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't we do the same thing to the Indians; rob them with a pen.

Who is this WE as I certainly didn't rob them of anything.

The above is an international treaty setting out the plans and aspirations of the west in regards to the M.E. It applies to arab muslims much more than it applies to Jews as the arab muslims received 99.9% of the Ottoman empire as reparations for past grievances, The remaining 0.1% went to the non muslims as their share of the war booty, What you are saying is that other religions, creeds, cultures and races should not be granted anything and it should all go to the muslims.

For the record the arab muslims were given the same rights as the Jews to elect a body to represent their interests in any discusions regarding the land and the possible independence thereof which they refused as they wanted the non muslims to be their slaves as it had been for the last 1400 years. They are arrogant, greedy, violent and aggressive and don't see why they should give up anything after their god told them they ruled the world.
Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.

Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.


Where is their any possible room for having a discussion with? This I would like to discuss or at least make an attempt at it. I bring up an entirely new slant and angle on the USS Liberty incident; namely that President Johnson was pressured by his Zionist handlers to order a nuclear strike on Cairo behalf of the State of Israel which, while all this was transpiring, was in the act trying to sink and unarmed American ship and murdering its entire crew. No one! And I mean absolutely no has ever said this before, and you flippantly dismiss my revelations as being old hat. Well, my not so fine Zionist friend, they are not old hat, but instead, a newly revealed part of world history which demonstrates that Israel truly is a rogue nation and the biggest threat to peace and justice in the world today.

And where does this leave us, I know where it leaves me. I will continue to stand up for freedom, justice, and truth. Where it leaves you, is being a lying Zionist apologist who will say anything to confuse, confound, and muddy up the truth. In hell, there is a boiling cauldron of excrement that was reserved for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Fortunately, it has never been used because Jesus has better things to do. When you die, the voices in hell of the condemned will rise up in glee because now hell will have someone to occupy its cauldron.

Johnson was pressured by his Zionist handlers to order a nuclear strike on Cairo behalf of the State of Israel

And your proof is..........?
Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.

Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.


Where is their any possible room for having a discussion with? This I would like to discuss or at least make an attempt at it. I bring up an entirely new slant and angle on the USS Liberty incident; namely that President Johnson was pressured by his Zionist handlers to order a nuclear strike on Cairo behalf of the State of Israel which, while all this was transpiring, was in the act trying to sink and unarmed American ship and murdering its entire crew. No one! And I mean absolutely no has ever said this before, and you flippantly dismiss my revelations as being old hat. Well, my not so fine Zionist friend, they are not old hat, but instead, a newly revealed part of world history which demonstrates that Israel truly is a rogue nation and the biggest threat to peace and justice in the world today.

And where does this leave us, I know where it leaves me. I will continue to stand up for freedom, justice, and truth. Where it leaves you, is being a lying Zionist apologist who will say anything to confuse, confound, and muddy up the truth. In hell, there is a boiling cauldron of excrement that was reserved for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Fortunately, it has never been used because Jesus has better things to do. When you die, the voices in hell of the condemned will rise up in glee because now hell will have someone to occupy its cauldron.

And the evidence for your fantasy claim is what, some islamonazi Jew hater that says it is true ?

By the way have you even seen a photograph of the USS Liberty, hardly unarmed. Then tell the board why it was in a place it should not have been and looked just like one of the Egyptian vessels known to be in that area. ( a vessel it looked exactly the same as because they were sister ships built during WW2 )
Telling and standing up for the truth is not being a neo-Nazi or anti-Semite. Instead, it is being a good Christian of which I am one. Being a good Christian, I do not hate anyone. However, I will stand up and speak the truth. If the truth sticks to someone's face and they do not like it, it is not reasonable or fair to claim I hate that person because I bear a measure of responsibility for the truth being stuck to his face.

Tell me "christian," do you believe that Jesus is the son of god and died on the cross to redeem mankind?

Or was he a profit like Muhammad?
Actually their ancestral territory is Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Germany. None of them are Canaanites or Samaritans, are they? Hebrew died in around 300 bc, except for a few who still spoke it. When a language dies , that means the people morphed , and they all morphed into other nationalities. You can not resurrect the dead.

Nice dodge. Answer my question.

(And newsflash the Hebrew language is not dead.)

They worked very hard to bring it back since the 1850. That is why its not dead. Most Jews know only a few words of Hebrew. Your question? Are you one of those who think God actually had a discussion with some Hebrews??

Are popping anything and everything out of your mind without checking the facts? how the hell do you come to the conclusion that most Jews don't know Hebrew?

Well in Israel you speak it, taught in schools. Hebrew made a come back in the 1900's and you know it, some still speak Yiddish. Most in American know as much Hebrew as RC's know Latin, not much.

Those who speak Yiddish are mainly German Jews and Orthodox Jews. Today Hebrew is taught in every Jewish American school. Gee, learn the subject.
Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.

Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.


Where is their any possible room for having a discussion with? This I would like to discuss or at least make an attempt at it. I bring up an entirely new slant and angle on the USS Liberty incident; namely that President Johnson was pressured by his Zionist handlers to order a nuclear strike on Cairo behalf of the State of Israel which, while all this was transpiring, was in the act trying to sink and unarmed American ship and murdering its entire crew. No one! And I mean absolutely no has ever said this before, and you flippantly dismiss my revelations as being old hat. Well, my not so fine Zionist friend, they are not old hat, but instead, a newly revealed part of world history which demonstrates that Israel truly is a rogue nation and the biggest threat to peace and justice in the world today.

And where does this leave us, I know where it leaves me. I will continue to stand up for freedom, justice, and truth. Where it leaves you, is being a lying Zionist apologist who will say anything to confuse, confound, and muddy up the truth. In hell, there is a boiling cauldron of excrement that was reserved for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Fortunately, it has never been used because Jesus has better things to do. When you die, the voices in hell of the condemned will rise up in glee because now hell will have someone to occupy its cauldron.

No actually what you've said is not new or original in any way. USS Liberty And "Israel influence on US blah blah blah" has been brought up at least tens of thousands of times, especially everytime Nazi scum like you finds himself backed up into a corner.

And US wasn't a formal ally of Israel back in 67 which is why the Liberty was sent as a spy ship operating undercover for observation purposes with no clear markings. Therefore Israel couldn't dictate JACK to the US, it wasn't even receiving arms from Americans at the time. Only after the 67 war did the US become allies with Israel for US national security purposes when it realized that Arab states had all become Soviet satellite states, numbnuts.

So again what does all this demonization and dehumnization and hatred of jews have to do with "Muslims being treated as humans" when it's Islamists and Nazi vermin like you that has a problem treating others as humans? Absolutely nothing.

Tell you what, if there is a hell, Jesus will surely throw your filthy bigoted ass right into that boiling cauldron of excrement. You are a joke.
But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.

Its telling that a thread supposedly about Muslims, is actually, and always has been, about Jews and our evil ways.

Telling and standing up for the truth is not being a neo-Nazi or anti-Semite. Instead, it is being a good Christian of which I am one. Being a good Christian, I do not hate anyone. However, I will stand up and speak the truth. If the truth sticks to someone's face and they do not like it, it is not reasonable or fair to claim I hate that person because I bear a measure of responsibility for the truth being stuck to his face.

you are a sock that keeps getting humiliated and comes back as another sock. Pretty obvious who and what you are.
Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.

Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Citizen Achmed: "Dear Roudy! How about, blah blah blah...bullshit...blah blah blah...garbaggio....crap...more crap"

USS Liberty has been brought up a thousand times by antisemites like yourself, who have been humiliated and destroyed each time. But somehow, you think dehumanizing Jews is a good way of making people think that "Muslims are human too". As if it's the Jews fault that Muslims are intolerant, violent, and commit terrorism against non Muslims.

Do you wish to discuss your own topic (which I don't believe belongs in this forum) or continue to expose yourself as a mentally ill, obsessive Jew hater? Your call.


Where is their any possible room for having a discussion with? This I would like to discuss or at least make an attempt at it. I bring up an entirely new slant and angle on the USS Liberty incident; namely that President Johnson was pressured by his Zionist handlers to order a nuclear strike on Cairo behalf of the State of Israel which, while all this was transpiring, was in the act trying to sink and unarmed American ship and murdering its entire crew. No one! And I mean absolutely no has ever said this before, and you flippantly dismiss my revelations as being old hat. Well, my not so fine Zionist friend, they are not old hat, but instead, a newly revealed part of world history which demonstrates that Israel truly is a rogue nation and the biggest threat to peace and justice in the world today.

And where does this leave us, I know where it leaves me. I will continue to stand up for freedom, justice, and truth. Where it leaves you, is being a lying Zionist apologist who will say anything to confuse, confound, and muddy up the truth. In hell, there is a boiling cauldron of excrement that was reserved for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Fortunately, it has never been used because Jesus has better things to do. When you die, the voices in hell of the condemned will rise up in glee because now hell will have someone to occupy its cauldron.

Johnson was pressured by his Zionist handlers to order a nuclear strike on Cairo behalf of the State of Israel

And your proof is..........?
The acid laced marijuana he smoked before he posted that statement. Ha ha ha.
Roudy: Before posting, why don't ask your mother or some aunt to review what you write. This way you may be able avoid embarrassing yourself further.

Well I don't have the luxury of asking my mosque Imam to sign off on them, like you do.
Dear Roudy!

How about, instead of slamming and disparaging; why don't you sit down and write something intelligent. Tell you what; why don't you go back to page 25 and read post #243 which I wrote. After doing this, tell me one thing that is wrong in this post in fact, content, or conclusion. I am sure you are not intelligent enough nor do you possess the intellectual faculties inside your head to pull this off. Tell us one thing wrong or untrue about this post. If you can't, then please shut your mouth (keyboard) and spare us your un-informed an uncalled for vindictiveness.[/QUOTE]
I'll tell you one that is glaringly wrong with Post #243. The President is the only person with authority to order the launch of bombers carrying nukes or ICBMs. And so the vindictive nuclear strike on Cairo is just in your imagination.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

******Nutjob Jew hater: "Zionists ordered president Johnson to nuke Cairo"

Hooooly shit, now that's a good one. I hear these marijuana dispensaries these days are carrying some pretty strong shit.


If this is the best you can do to discredit me and my writings, then you best start looking for a new Job. Your Zionist employer is not going to be pleased with your performance lately. And frankly, my impressions are that you have lost your touch.[/QUOTE]

*****My Zionist employer is myself. Now, where's your proof for this allegation, or do you need to ask your Islamist employer?
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