Muslims Are People too!

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Oh cry me a river, you guys are so sickening. If your not killing, your thieving, you are like a virus, lowlifes, the less you have to work the better. You have no dignity, but you are arrogant. The Palestinians are the ones with dignity.

Its sickening to want self-determination and an end of suffering for your people?
Somehow when the civilized world thinks of the 9-11 dancing Palestinians the word "dignity" doesn't come to mind.

Well at least the Palestinians had nothing to do with 911, and neither did any Muslims.
Yes of course, the Joooos did 9-11, what was I thinking. Bin Laden was a Mossad agent. And they did it for $$$$$$$$$$.
Oh, but don't you call Penelope a Jew hater.

Yes, we've seen Palestinian dignity.

We remember it well in the case of Shalhevet Pass. A Palestinian full of dignity shot a 6 months old baby while the cruel occupying infant slept soundly in her crib. A heroic act by a man of respect.

We remember it in the case of the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva. Few Palestinian men with such dignity invaded the yeshiva, shooting eight young boys while they sat and prayed peacefully. Again, such an heroic act of Palestinian resistance.

Or how about the case of the heroic act against Shlomo Nativ, a cruel 15 year old occupier? the Palestinian with such dignity butchered Shlomo with an axe, and then he continued his heroic act by injuring another 6 year old boy?

The most heroic act of dignity in the last decade, though, was the brave act of resistance against The Fogel Family. The Palestinian brave men of dignity entered the house, stabbed the two 11 and 4 year old kids, just before they took the life of the Ma and Pa and the 3 months old baby. But they probably were so merciful that they let the 12 year old and two others see the light of day. They may be scarred for life, but hey, the Palis are so merciful they let them live, right?

At least you can list them, I'm afraid the Palestinian victims are too numerous to list.
Oh, but don't you call Penelope a Jew hater.

Yes, we've seen Palestinian dignity.

We remember it well in the case of Shalhevet Pass. A Palestinian full of dignity shot a 6 months old baby while the cruel occupying infant slept soundly in her crib. A heroic act by a man of respect.

We remember it in the case of the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva. Few Palestinian men with such dignity invaded the yeshiva, shooting eight young boys while they sat and prayed peacefully. Again, such an heroic act of Palestinian resistance.

Or how about the case of the heroic act against Shlomo Nativ, a cruel 15 year old occupier? the Palestinian with such dignity butchered Shlomo with an axe, and then he continued his heroic act by injuring another 6 year old boy?

The most heroic act of dignity in the last decade, though, was the brave act of resistance against The Fogel Family. The Palestinian brave men of dignity entered the house, stabbed the two 11 and 4 year old kids, just before they took the life of the Ma and Pa and the 3 months old baby. But they probably were so merciful that they let the 12 year old and two others see the light of day. They may be scarred for life, but hey, the Palis are so merciful they let them live, right?
It's called "lost in translation". What Palestinians call "freedom fighters" the rest of the civilized world calls "Islamic terrorist dirtbag."
No I said he was an atheist Jew.

Yes, but you are a liar for Allah and an ignorant dolt.

Jew is not a race, but what started as a religion has pretty much turned into a "ethnic culture, minus the God part".

Lenin was about as anti-Jew as you are, you ignorant lying sot. The Jew in the movement was Trotsky, the Bolsheviks were nearly as anti-Semitic as you Muzzie Beasts and your Nazi mentors are.

The Zionist sent poor jews there in about 1850 to dig wells and build roads, with Rothschild money, and any other money they could mooch off the rich jews at the time. Muslims are people who practice Islam, otherwise they are the same as most of the jews, Semites, although I think jews minus Judaism are no different than Arabs, only since jews consider themselves as Semites.

1850, huh?

The shit you liars make up...

Yes we all know that the Ottomans invited the Jews to migrate and work the land because the arab muslims were too lazy to do so.

It never ceases to amaze how people grab at straws and will go to absurd lengths to justify and un-justifiable position. The Muslims do this and the Muslims do that, the Muslims are this and they are that; they also believe this and subscribe to that. All of this is irrelevant to the issues on hand because no matter what hateful things you can come up with about Muslims, this does not change the fact that the Palestinians are the victims here and no matter how hateful you portray Muslims, what they are trying to do, in what we so conveniently call terrorism, is fight for justice for the Palestinian people. The Jews have no claim or right to the land of the Palestinians; morally, legally, or religiously. This being the hard cold truth, what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians are war crimes and the world stands back and does nothing about this because those who rule our world are criminals who bear direct responsibility for these crimes. THE HORROR! THE HORROR! THE HORROR! And this is the world which man has wrought. And this is the world we leave to our children. I am ashamed to call myself a human being because Homo Sapiens are a degenerate and failed species. Greed and lies rule our world. To see and understand the truth in this, all one has to do is read some of the things being posted here.
It never ceases to amaze me that so called sane people can't see that the Palestinians have made victimhood an industry and have coerced the U.N. to provide them with an entire agency of their own, the UNRWA.

I don't think "sane" is the word that comes to mind.
Oh cry me a river, you guys are so sickening. If your not killing, your thieving, you are like a virus, lowlifes, the less you have to work the better. You have no dignity, but you are arrogant. The Palestinians are the ones with dignity.

Its sickening to want self-determination and an end of suffering for your people?
Somehow when the civilized world thinks of the 9-11 dancing Palestinians the word "dignity" doesn't come to mind.

Well at least the Palestinians had nothing to do with 911, and neither did any Muslims.

and neither did any Muslims

Who was it?
Oh, but don't you call Penelope a Jew hater.

Yes, we've seen Palestinian dignity.

We remember it well in the case of Shalhevet Pass. A Palestinian full of dignity shot a 6 months old baby while the cruel occupying infant slept soundly in her crib. A heroic act by a man of respect.

We remember it in the case of the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva. Few Palestinian men with such dignity invaded the yeshiva, shooting eight young boys while they sat and prayed peacefully. Again, such an heroic act of Palestinian resistance.

Or how about the case of the heroic act against Shlomo Nativ, a cruel 15 year old occupier? the Palestinian with such dignity butchered Shlomo with an axe, and then he continued his heroic act by injuring another 6 year old boy?

The most heroic act of dignity in the last decade, though, was the brave act of resistance against The Fogel Family. The Palestinian brave men of dignity entered the house, stabbed the two 11 and 4 year old kids, just before they took the life of the Ma and Pa and the 3 months old baby. But they probably were so merciful that they let the 12 year old and two others see the light of day. They may be scarred for life, but hey, the Palis are so merciful they let them live, right?

At least you can list them, I'm afraid the Palestinian victims are too numerous to list.

We can list them because each and one of them have names, have history, each and every one of them is viewed by us as a true sacred victim, lost angels.

While Palestinans see their victims as another Shahid, the mothers are proud when their kids die in the war, they send them off to die, they don't give a rat's ass about them!
Oh cry me a river, you guys are so sickening. If your not killing, your thieving, you are like a virus, lowlifes, the less you have to work the better. You have no dignity, but you are arrogant. The Palestinians are the ones with dignity.

Its sickening to want self-determination and an end of suffering for your people?
Somehow when the civilized world thinks of the 9-11 dancing Palestinians the word "dignity" doesn't come to mind.

Well at least the Palestinians had nothing to do with 911, and neither did any Muslims.

and neither did any Muslims

Who was it?

Oh men, you didn't just go there
What's the point of this thread? I'm lost

The point is; Life is function of mind over matter; if you have no mind, then it doesn't matter.

Another point more to the point is, 'we have met the enemy and he is us'.

Sorry, but this is the best I can do right now. Oh yeah, one last point; Vote for Trump! We may as well get it over with as quickly as possible.

Whoever you choose to vote for is none of our business. Just show Obama the door quickly enough.

Now there is something you and I can shake hands over. But don't forget, that George Bush and Barack Obama are cut from the same block of wood; one was the precursor of the other. The same guys who rule have played the tune for a while now and the beat goes on and on an on............
How unfortunate, but maybe she should of not been living in the West Bank in a settlement.

So, just to be clear about your stance here: its okay to murder innocent people if you don't like them living on their own ancestral territory?
What's the point of this thread? I'm lost

The point is; Life is function of mind over matter; if you have no mind, then it doesn't matter.

Another point more to the point is, 'we have met the enemy and he is us'.

Sorry, but this is the best I can do right now. Oh yeah, one last point; Vote for Trump! We may as well get it over with as quickly as possible.

Whoever you choose to vote for is none of our business. Just show Obama the door quickly enough.

Now there is something you and I can shake hands over. But don't forget, that George Bush and Barack Obama are cut from the same block of wood; one was the precursor of the other. The same guys who rule have played the tune for a while now and the beat goes on and on an on............
You don't like that tune Sock Citizen Achmed? You can always join the jihad.
I do loath what the Zionists have done to the world.

What? Enabled the Jewish people to have self-determination and dignity in our own ancestral lands after thousands of years of expulsion, persecution, pogroms and genocides?



Apparently Neturei Karta and international Jewish organization disagrees with you. On their website they wrote:

"It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did – they intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this (See the books Perfidy, Min hameitzor, etc.).

Why don't you check out their website, you might learn something. Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
How unfortunate, but maybe she should of not been living in the West Bank in a settlement.

So, just to be clear about your stance here: its okay to murder innocent people if you don't like them living on their own ancestral territory?

Most of them were living in settlements in the west bank, land owned by Palestinians.

Actually their ancestral territory is Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Germany. None of them are Canaanites or Samaritans, are they? Hebrew died in around 300 bc, except for a few who still spoke it. When a language dies , that means the people morphed , and they all morphed into other nationalities. You can not resurrect the dead.
What's the point of this thread? I'm lost

The point is; Life is function of mind over matter; if you have no mind, then it doesn't matter.

Another point more to the point is, 'we have met the enemy and he is us'.

Sorry, but this is the best I can do right now. Oh yeah, one last point; Vote for Trump! We may as well get it over with as quickly as possible.

Whoever you choose to vote for is none of our business. Just show Obama the door quickly enough.

Now there is something you and I can shake hands over. But don't forget, that George Bush and Barack Obama are cut from the same block of wood; one was the precursor of the other. The same guys who rule have played the tune for a while now and the beat goes on and on an on............
You don't like that tune Sock Citizen Achmed? You can always join the jihad.


I think being a platinum member has gone to your head......a brain made of platinum no longer can think. Prove me wrong by saying something intelligent for a change.
I do loath what the Zionists have done to the world.

What? Enabled the Jewish people to have self-determination and dignity in our own ancestral lands after thousands of years of expulsion, persecution, pogroms and genocides?



Apparently Neturei Karta and international Jewish organization disagrees with you. On their website they wrote:

"It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did – they intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this (See the books Perfidy, Min hameitzor, etc.).

Why don't you check out their website, you might learn something. Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
Funny. "Neturei Karta". Okay we'll check that box for you too. Like I said come up with something new other than copy and paste from neo Nazi sites. They're a cult and in no way shape or form represent the opinion of 99.99% of world Jewry, in fact they're the exact opposite and laughed at. Next? How many more have you got? We did the Jews control the banks and media, and are responsible for assassinating presidents, blah blah blah. Would you like some help with this?
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I do loath what the Zionists have done to the world.

What? Enabled the Jewish people to have self-determination and dignity in our own ancestral lands after thousands of years of expulsion, persecution, pogroms and genocides?



Apparently Neturei Karta and international Jewish organization disagrees with you. On their website they wrote:

"It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did – they intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this (See the books Perfidy, Min hameitzor, etc.).

Why don't you check out their website, you might learn something. Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

Neturay Karta are 2% of World's Jews, as well as their opinions. You'd know that if you'd search their website, you might learn something
What's the point of this thread? I'm lost

The point is; Life is function of mind over matter; if you have no mind, then it doesn't matter.

Another point more to the point is, 'we have met the enemy and he is us'.

Sorry, but this is the best I can do right now. Oh yeah, one last point; Vote for Trump! We may as well get it over with as quickly as possible.

Whoever you choose to vote for is none of our business. Just show Obama the door quickly enough.

Now there is something you and I can shake hands over. But don't forget, that George Bush and Barack Obama are cut from the same block of wood; one was the precursor of the other. The same guys who rule have played the tune for a while now and the beat goes on and on an on............
You don't like that tune Sock Citizen Achmed? You can always join the jihad.

For your information, I did get a chuckle out of what you wrote, because I wrote a story about an Arab boy I called Ahmed. Perhaps you would like to read it.

I'm Just a Dumb Arab
I do loath what the Zionists have done to the world.

What? Enabled the Jewish people to have self-determination and dignity in our own ancestral lands after thousands of years of expulsion, persecution, pogroms and genocides?



Apparently Neturei Karta and international Jewish organization disagrees with you. On their website they wrote:

"It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did – they intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this (See the books Perfidy, Min hameitzor, etc.).

Why don't you check out their website, you might learn something. Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
Funny. "Neturei Karta". Okay we'll check that box for you too. Like I said come up with something new other than copy and paste from neo Nazi sites. They're a cult and in no way shape or form represent the exact opposite of the opinion of 99.99% of world Jewry. In fact they're laughed at. Next? How many more have you got? We did the Jews control the banks and media, and are responsible for assassinating presidents, blah blah blah. Would you like some help with this?

Do all these people take Keystone Komedy Histuree?
Actually their ancestral territory is Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Germany. None of them are Canaanites or Samaritans, are they? Hebrew died in around 300 bc, except for a few who still spoke it. When a language dies , that means the people morphed , and they all morphed into other nationalities. You can not resurrect the dead.

Nice dodge. Answer my question.

(And newsflash the Hebrew language is not dead.)
How unfortunate, but maybe she should of not been living in the West Bank in a settlement.

So, just to be clear about your stance here: its okay to murder innocent people if you don't like them living on their own ancestral territory?

Most of them were living in settlements in the west bank, land owned by Palestinians.

Actually their ancestral territory is Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Germany. None of them are Canaanites or Samaritans, are they? Hebrew died in around 300 bc, except for a few who still spoke it. When a language dies , that means the people morphed , and they all morphed into other nationalities. You can not resurrect the dead.

Hebrew is way overused.
Hebrew is a Holy language and really should only be used for study and prayer.
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