Muslims: Entitled to kill?

Sure it was, asshole. Over half an hour dedicated to mocking Allah.

Why was the Islamic world not outraged when Obama took $1 million donation from the anti-Islamic filmmaker?

I heard it was 15 minutes, at the end.

Maybe you should see it before you try to sound smart.

Is the Islamic 'War on Women' much, much, much worse than anything you could possibly attempt to attribute to conservative America as being a 'War on Women'?

Well, yes. But, if you get your way, I am sure that you 'Conservatives' can catch up.
The Right Wing has learned that if you repeat a lie often enough...even a lie disproven in their own links... the mentally challenged and idiots will believe it. We've seen ample evidence of that right here.


Is the Islamic 'War on Women' far, far worse than any 'War on Women' you could attempt to pin on conservative America?
Is that all you have?? To take a name I use here and to pretend you're back in 4th grade calling names? ROFLMAO

No, that is not all that I have. I know a lot of history, and in much of it, the 'Christians' acted no better than today's Moslems. Constanople during the crusades ring a bell with you?

That was about 900 years ago, dumb fuck. When was the last time Christians slaughtered anyone because they were infidels?

And how long ago was Sand Creek and Mountain Meadows?
Blacks are entitled to affirmative action, gays are entitled to gay marriage, liberal women are entitled to free contraception, lazy people are entitled to have welfare paid by the government, and muslims entitled to... kill anyone who they think have hurt their feelings?

A lazy black lesbian liberal at a mosque would be unstoppable!
The Right Wing has learned that if you repeat a lie often enough...even a lie disproven in their own links... the mentally challenged and idiots will believe it. We've seen ample evidence of that right here.


Is the Islamic 'War on Women' far, far worse than any 'War on Women' you could attempt to pin on conservative America?

Well yes, but I am sure that you 'Conservatives' can catch up.:badgrin:
LOL, yourself. Before we invaded Iraq on the basis of lies, women had more rights under Sadam than they do now. Bushie Baby and you 'Conservatives' oversaw that the loss of those rights as the new government was formed. Even as you would put the women in this nation back to the 19th Century if you had your way.

You're not really serious....are you???
How can someone actually believe this stuff??? :(

Ask Old Rocks about Sadaam's 'rape rooms.'


His son's were no better than him....

Iraqi exiles say Odai murdered at will and tortured with zeal, and routinely ordered his guards to snatch young women off the street so he could rape them
Saddam's Inner Circle - CBS News
Blacks are entitled to affirmative action, gays are entitled to gay marriage, liberal women are entitled to free contraception, lazy people are entitled to have welfare paid by the government, and muslims entitled to... kill anyone who they think have hurt their feelings? That seems quite plausible if you hear what Mr. Barack Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton are saying.

"Disgusting and reprehensible." said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "Truly abhorrent," an outraged White House official told an international conference. Were they talking about the murder of four Americans in Libya? Or perhaps the hoisting of an Islamist flag over the U.S. Embassy in Cairo?

No. For that they stuck to diplomatic speak. For the president, the harshest language was: "I strongly condemn the outrageous attack." For Clinton it was that the US is heartbroken and she condemned "this senseless act of violence." But "disgusting and reprehensible" and "truly abhorrent " were reserved for an amateurish and silly film by someone nobody has ever heard of.

In fact, what is "disgusting and reprehensible" is that there are people in the world who think they are justified in attacking and killing people because someone hurt their feelings or offended their sensibilities. The US government should not act as a validator or enabler of this upside down worldview, which is exactly what the Obama administration has done repeatedly as they have responded to these abhorrent attacks against the United States.

Read more: President Obama, stop blaming the victim for Mideast violence | Fox News

Obama made two Apology Tours to explicitly tell these little borat nations that they were free to run amok. Instant leadership vacuum.

They are running amok, and the ME is ready to explode thanks to this amateurish asshat.
Meanwhile his goons are harassing some guy who did nothing more dangerous than make a tasteless movie.

Romney told that exact truth. That's what really stings you pathetic Obama fluffers.

Exactly. This guy did NOTHING different that Hollywood doesn't do every damn day in regard to Christians. They make shows and movies that mock, scorn , and ridicule Christians and yet you don't see Christians burning down buildings, raping and murdering innocent people. These Islamic NUTS have no self control.. and they damn sure don't get a free pass to slaughter people just because they don't like what they say.

Oh, you poor fucked up put upon Christians. Except that should people like you come face to face with the real Christ, he would look at you in puzzlement, and state "I know you not".

As Gandhi stated, "I have no problem with your Christ. It is Christians that I have a problem with".

That was stupid....we're not afraid to meet face to face with our Christ. But you better be.....
The Right Wing has learned that if you repeat a lie often enough...even a lie disproven in their own links... the mentally challenged and idiots will believe it. We've seen ample evidence of that right here.


Is the Islamic 'War on Women' far, far worse than any 'War on Women' you could attempt to pin on conservative America?

Well yes, but I am sure that you 'Conservatives' can catch up.:badgrin:
Or is it your hopes that they would catch up for a gotcha moment ?
Exactly. This guy did NOTHING different that Hollywood doesn't do every damn day in regard to Christians. They make shows and movies that mock, scorn , and ridicule Christians and yet you don't see Christians burning down buildings, raping and murdering innocent people. These Islamic NUTS have no self control.. and they damn sure don't get a free pass to slaughter people just because they don't like what they say.

Oh, you poor fucked up put upon Christians. Except that should people like you come face to face with the real Christ, he would look at you in puzzlement, and state "I know you not".

As Gandhi stated, "I have no problem with your Christ. It is Christians that I have a problem with".

That was stupid....we're not afraid to meet face to face with our Christ. But you better be.....

Well now, there is only one way for either of us to put that to the acid test. And I am betting that you are no more eager for that than I am.
No, that is not all that I have. I know a lot of history, and in much of it, the 'Christians' acted no better than today's Moslems. Constanople during the crusades ring a bell with you?

That was about 900 years ago, dumb fuck. When was the last time Christians slaughtered anyone because they were infidels?

And how long ago was Sand Creek and Mountain Meadows?

Lincoln didn't order the massacre of the Indians because they weren't Christians, dipshit.

In the case of Mountain Meadows, the people slaughtered were Christians. That doesn't exactly support your point, now does it?
Blacks are entitled to affirmative action, gays are entitled to gay marriage, liberal women are entitled to free contraception, lazy people are entitled to have welfare paid by the government, and muslims entitled to... kill anyone who they think have hurt their feelings? That seems quite plausible if you hear what Mr. Barack Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton are saying.

"Disgusting and reprehensible." said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "Truly abhorrent," an outraged White House official told an international conference. Were they talking about the murder of four Americans in Libya? Or perhaps the hoisting of an Islamist flag over the U.S. Embassy in Cairo?

No. For that they stuck to diplomatic speak. For the president, the harshest language was: "I strongly condemn the outrageous attack." For Clinton it was that the US is heartbroken and she condemned "this senseless act of violence." But "disgusting and reprehensible" and "truly abhorrent " were reserved for an amateurish and silly film by someone nobody has ever heard of.

In fact, what is "disgusting and reprehensible" is that there are people in the world who think they are justified in attacking and killing people because someone hurt their feelings or offended their sensibilities. The US government should not act as a validator or enabler of this upside down worldview, which is exactly what the Obama administration has done repeatedly as they have responded to these abhorrent attacks against the United States.

Read more: President Obama, stop blaming the victim for Mideast violence | Fox News

Obama made two Apology Tours to explicitly tell these little borat nations that they were free to run amok. Instant leadership vacuum.

They are running amok, and the ME is ready to explode thanks to this amateurish asshat.

Yes, the situation in the ME now is much worse than it was when Obama took office. Bush was a "warmonger", Obama was going to pander to the muslims so much that they would fall in love with America. Obviously, this hasn't happened.. Obama is a big failure.
The Right Wing has learned that if you repeat a lie often enough...even a lie disproven in their own links... the mentally challenged and idiots will believe it. We've seen ample evidence of that right here.


Is the Islamic 'War on Women' far, far worse than any 'War on Women' you could attempt to pin on conservative America?

The problem in here, islam has the law against women that the war on women based on in islamic countries.

I dont't believe you do in usa...

And yet, even if you do, it is in your power to change that. Muslims do not have that privilidge unfortunately. Best thing they can do is to ease it, but they can not do that because these islamists flex their muscles on them, since apparently everybody in the civilized world thinks they have the right to do so...
The Right Wing has learned that if you repeat a lie often enough...even a lie disproven in their own links... the mentally challenged and idiots will believe it. We've seen ample evidence of that right here.


Is the Islamic 'War on Women' far, far worse than any 'War on Women' you could attempt to pin on conservative America?

Well yes, but I am sure that you 'Conservatives' can catch up.:badgrin:
Yes, but look at all the other stupid shit you're "sure" about: Obama being a good President, American SUVs are killing the planet...
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Care to elaborate why we are morons?

What good would it do?

Name calling is just an emotional reaction, hence it has no value. If you're seeking the truth, or trying to convince me I'm wrong, merely stating you don't like what I say is worthless. Try to use rational arguments and perhaps people will give you some credit.

You kicked off this thread by parroting every known Fox talking point known to exist. Why should anyone take you seriously? I certainly don't. You're a clown.
I find it comical that Libtards wail about a mythical 'War on Women' by conservatives, but fall all over themselves to defend these Muslim savages and their total abuse and oppression of their women folk.


Yeah, it's surreal.

The hand that rocks the do not abuse and oppress a billion woman without their consent...The reality is it requires the majority of woman to support the belief system...just as it did in our past history..much of the Muslim world is a couple hundred years behind us in social evolution in many was but it will come..but not from killing their sons and husbands and bombing the shit out of their infrastructure
I find it comical that Libtards wail about a mythical 'War on Women' by conservatives, but fall all over themselves to defend these Muslim savages and their total abuse and oppression of their women folk.


Yeah, it's surreal.

The hand that rocks the do not abuse and oppress a billion woman without their consent...The reality is it requires the majority of woman to support the belief system...just as it did in our past history..much of the Muslim world is a couple hundred years behind us in social evolution in many was but it will come..but not from killing their sons and husbands and bombing the shit out of their infrastructure
And we do this bombing and killing for what reasons again ? They may be hundreds of years or so behind us, but it don't stop them from learning how to use rocket propelled grenades and other weapons of their own mass destruction, now does it ? Maybe if they would quit focusing so much on the beating of their (war) chest while holding these weapons in their hands, and would look more towards modernizing a bit, then we wouldn't have to be bothered with them as much.

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