Muslims Gone Wild! San Bernardino Edition

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CNN's brilliant journalism: "Now comes the challenging part: What was their motive? Could it just have been anger at a party?"

How about Islam, dipshits. Fucking domestic terrorism.
That help?

Fucking idiots.

They were BORN HERE YOU IDIOT....clearly something caused this couple who clearly had this planned out, to leave this party, come back and kill, leaving a baby the math you moron

Another terrorism denier. Idiots like you really need to wake up. Seriously.
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.
It depends on what is discovered to be the motivation. If a Christian goes mad with a gun and says he did for Jesus or God, I guess the fact he's Christain becomes relevant. Most Islamist butchers scream Alahu Akbar, leaving us in no doubt they believe they are doing their stuff in the name of Islam. When Muslims go on the rampage, this is commonly the case, so people make assumptions. To be expected really.
They were BORN HERE YOU IDIOT....clearly something caused this couple who clearly had this planned out, to leave this party, come back and kill, leaving a baby the math you moron
You already told us the reason. The poor babies 'heard shit', and, according to you, insult one, you insult them all, then they just have to go on a killing spree. Thanks for your insight.

Pardon me - but, have we met? "Insult one, you insult them all" came out of someone else's keyboard. Senile much? Don't worry - I think that's covered under that wonderful Obamacare you have.
I'm responding to Tiggered. And I'm not a recipient of Obamacare.
My apologies.
No worries.
Do you have Tigerred on ignore? I'm wondering if posters have someone on ignore it looks as though something directed at them is directed at the post before. I only ask because someone on another thread kept getting angry thinking I was addressing them. Maybe I should be hitting quote instead of reply, but that's annoying on an iPad.

No - but the way the message is "collapsed," it appeared (in that post) that you were directing your post at me. Once I expanded it - I could see that was not the case.
It might have something to do with the attack not being one lone person but at least two.
CNN's brilliant journalism: "Now comes the challenging part: What was their motive? Could it just have been anger at a party?"

How about Islam, dipshits. Fucking domestic terrorism.
That help?

Fucking idiots.

They were BORN HERE YOU IDIOT....clearly something caused this couple who clearly had this planned out, to leave this party, come back and kill, leaving a baby the math you moron

Another terrorism denier. Idiots like you really need to wake up. Seriously.

Does the cute smiley playing a violin indicate you cannot generate an independent thought/response?
Christian goes mad with a gun - mental problems, work problems etc
Muslim goes mad with a gun - terrorism.

Blacks are thugs and animals, sub human creatures when they kill
White men, have mental issues, societal issues or simply just having a bad day.
Muslim's we're talking ISIS, Al Queda, Jehad bullshit, 9/11 on steroids, the second coming of christ shit....God forbid, they're rendered as some sorry mf's who are just evil as hell, like niggas and rednecks that kill for sport.
CNN's brilliant journalism: "Now comes the challenging part: What was their motive? Could it just have been anger at a party?"

How about Islam, dipshits. Fucking domestic terrorism.
That help?

Fucking idiots.

They were BORN HERE YOU IDIOT....clearly something caused this couple who clearly had this planned out, to leave this party, come back and kill, leaving a baby the math you moron

Another terrorism denier. Idiots like you really need to wake up. Seriously.

Does the cute smiley playing a violin indicate you cannot generate an independent thought/response?

Nope, just thought It was one of those same shit different day responses from a conservative shit for brains moron, ie you Senior Chief...again, what is your strike and how long in the Navy, fatso!!
You already told us the reason. The poor babies 'heard shit', and, according to you, insult one, you insult them all, then they just have to go on a killing spree. Thanks for your insight.

Pardon me - but, have we met? "Insult one, you insult them all" came out of someone else's keyboard. Senile much? Don't worry - I think that's covered under that wonderful Obamacare you have.
I'm responding to Tiggered. And I'm not a recipient of Obamacare.
My apologies.
No worries.
Do you have Tigerred on ignore? I'm wondering if posters have someone on ignore it looks as though something directed at them is directed at the post before. I only ask because someone on another thread kept getting angry thinking I was addressing them. Maybe I should be hitting quote instead of reply, but that's annoying on an iPad.

No - but the way the message is "collapsed," it appeared (in that post) that you were directing your post at me. Once I expanded it - I could see that was not the case.
Oh, of course.
CNN's brilliant journalism: "Now comes the challenging part: What was their motive? Could it just have been anger at a party?"

How about Islam, dipshits. Fucking domestic terrorism.
That help?

Fucking idiots.

They were BORN HERE YOU IDIOT....clearly something caused this couple who clearly had this planned out, to leave this party, come back and kill, leaving a baby the math you moron

Another terrorism denier. Idiots like you really need to wake up. Seriously.

Does the cute smiley playing a violin indicate you cannot generate an independent thought/response?

Nope, just thought It was one of those same shit different day responses from a conservative shit for brains moron, ie you Senior Chief...again, what is your strike and how long in the Navy, fatso!!

Well, I am no George W. "Conservative Shit for Brains Moron" Bush, that's for sure. His net worth is $20 million. I barely have $2M in savings, investments and property owned, but, working on it. I aspire to be dumb enough to be worth $20M or more. You? Never had to strike for a rate - had a guaranteed "A" school when I enlisted. Spent a lot of time at sea. Most of my career. Career exceeded 20 years, should have stayed 40. This civilian life stuff - I tell ya, a bunch of fucking unskilled morons in the work force these days. I'm certain you can relate.

Have a nice day.
Well they made a big deal over Ted Cruz' statement after the Colorado shooting, that most of these shooters are Democrats. Here's some evidence. LOL.

this SAN BERNARDINO thing is a KOPY-KAT thing ----a phenomenon well known
to criminologists. A sequel to the success in Paris
Yes, of course. But the leftist media is desperately trying to frame it as "workplace violence". It's pretty pathetic. The two were wearing Go-Pro cameras during the shooting. It's pretty obvious who they were.
Just as I thought..................they find out a person who did the attack has a middle eastern name and now everyone is saying that we need to beware of every Muslim.

How soon until we get camps like we did for the Japanese after Pearl Harbor?
You don't think well. We just got hit in a Paris style attack. What do you suggest we do, ignore it?
Suddenly you want to all just get along? I'll send a telegram.

Typical "the crusades! The crusades!" reponse everytime Muslim animals commit their religious terror jihad.
Just as I thought..................they find out a person who did the attack has a middle eastern name and now everyone is saying that we need to beware of every Muslim.

How soon until we get camps like we did for the Japanese after Pearl Harbor?

When Trump is elected, he will set up Muslim camps all over the nation and force all of the Muslims, who by then will have large Ms stamped on their forehead, into the camps. Donald is the second coming of Adolph.

Actually non of that. Just outlaw the practice of Islam, as we did with communism. It cannot be considered a religion and certainly not equal with other faiths today. It's practitioners have clearly gone over the ideological cliff. There was a time when swearing an oath that you are not a communist and did not ever belong to the communist party was a requirement for becoming a US citizen. The same should be done with Islam.
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The introduction of a mark to distinguish persons not belonging to the religious faith of the majority did not originate in Christendom, where it was later radically imposed, but in Islam. It seems that Caliph Omar II (717–20), not Omar I, as is sometimes stated, was the first ruler to order that every non-Muslim, the dhimmī, should wear vestimentary distinctions (called giyār, i.e., distinguishing marks) of a different color for each minority group. The ordinance was unequally observed, but it was reissued and reinforced by Caliph al-Mutawakkil (847–61). Subsequently it remained in force over the centuries, with a few variations. Thus, in Sicily the Saracen governor in 887/8 compelled the Christians to wear on their garments and put on their doors a piece of cloth in the form of a swine, and the Jews to affix a similar sign in the form of a donkey. In addition, the Jews were compelled to wear yellow belts and special hats.
Jewish Badge | Jewish Virtual Library

The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish and humiliate Jews and other non-Muslims in Islam dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries.[2][3] A genizahdocument from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word dhimmi [a social status given to tolerated infidels] on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.[4]
Yellow badge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another leftist whacko bullshit comparison. I don't remember Jews blowing up and slaughtering non Jews left and right during that era, do you?
Just as I thought..................they find out a person who did the attack has a middle eastern name and now everyone is saying that we need to beware of every Muslim.

How soon until we get camps like we did for the Japanese after Pearl Harbor?

what do you "know"?? I will help you understand. At this point there is actually
no information regarding MOTIVE. What we do know so far is NO APPARENT MOTIVE. We know that the persons who did the killing were WELL PREPARED
TO KILL ------they had weapons and assault stuff that most people have never used or owned or even saw. I never saw a pipe bomb. As to AK's ---I have seen pictures-----I do not own the gear that people doing assaults wear-----THUS these people were PREPARED TO GO ON AN KILLING SPREE FOR UNKNOWN REASONS----------seems like terrorism-------by coincidence that are all muslims

What do I "know"? Dunno, I try to stay informed, but sometimes I might miss things. However....I did serve 20 years in the U.S. Navy.

Even though there were bomb threats against the hospital, as well as fears from bombs being possibly in the vehicle that was stopped, there were none.

I'd like to see what happens in the evidence later. We don't have enough information yet.

However...............if it is linked to Daesh, then bomb the hell out of them and look for others who may decide to become a threat.

hello sailor------address me as MA'AM----Lcdr here ----I am not an actual veteran--two year --separated. I did not suggest that the people in this case were under
the DIRECTION----I doubt it. They are, IMO, under the direction of their spiritual
beliefs------with some ADDITIONAL FACTOR. ------afterall-----the choice of venue
is kinda strange. Based on prior experience-----I DO advocate surveillance of mosques.

Address you as ma'am? You've gotta fucking be kidding me.................two years in the U.S. Navy will NEVER make one a LCDR. Based on the time in service requirements, the best you could hope for in rank (if you had a college degree) would be LT or O-2. Hate to tell you, but I was a Personnelman of 20 years, and was also selected to be part of the YN school for submarines, as well as was selected for independent duty aboard an MSC vessel where I was a Department Head.

Earn my respect and you have it. Tell me you deserve it for whatever reason, and I will tell you to fuck off.

I've taken on anything from a SCPO to a full star Admiral and won, and everything in between. You don't scare me.

BTW...................unless we meet in a military forum where I know that you outrank me, or I call you friend, I don't have to acknowledge your rank. I'm retired.

Wow. What a dope. Regardless - you know that thing that happened in Paris? And this thing that happened in California yesterday? Well, it's coming soon to a theater near you. Wave your rainbow flag when they start blasting the place - maybe that'll save you, vs. carrying a gun.

Good luck.

The introduction of a mark to distinguish persons not belonging to the religious faith of the majority did not originate in Christendom, where it was later radically imposed, but in Islam. It seems that Caliph Omar II (717–20), not Omar I, as is sometimes stated, was the first ruler to order that every non-Muslim, the dhimmī, should wear vestimentary distinctions (called giyār, i.e., distinguishing marks) of a different color for each minority group. The ordinance was unequally observed, but it was reissued and reinforced by Caliph al-Mutawakkil (847–61). Subsequently it remained in force over the centuries, with a few variations. Thus, in Sicily the Saracen governor in 887/8 compelled the Christians to wear on their garments and put on their doors a piece of cloth in the form of a swine, and the Jews to affix a similar sign in the form of a donkey. In addition, the Jews were compelled to wear yellow belts and special hats.
Jewish Badge | Jewish Virtual Library

The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish and humiliate Jews and other non-Muslims in Islam dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries.[2][3] A genizahdocument from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word dhimmi [a social status given to tolerated infidels] on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.[4]
Yellow badge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong tilly------it was from CONSTANTINE and became part of the JUSTINIAN CODE------when Justin---the grandson of Constantine codified the shit and filth
of Constantine and---essentially created the CANON law which included the basis for the legalization of the INQUISITION genocide. Sorry----but it was actually a
Christian innovation. It was not only the OUTWARD MARKINGS but the other filth----that included ban on non Christians (specifically jews) being banned from owning weapons of any kind and riding on HORSES ----same shit that the muslims incorporated into their shariah shit. Fret not-----it is simple history and-----remnants of the filth exist today------you would be amazed. ADOLF did not
take it from muslims ----he took it from CANON LAW. Nice person that you are---
I will tell you a secret sign. If you ever run into some CHASSIDIC people---in
their long black coats you might note----NO PLEAT IN THE BACK---it is a sign
left over from Medieval Europe when under the filth and stink of Canon Law---
Jews could not ride on horses (the pleat actually exists in men's jackets so they
can straddle a horse.) Is that little tidbit not interesting? A little weird ---but true.
Don't worry. Its not your fault. There are a whole bunch of "signs" and some
of them still sorta exist. BTW----the color yellow as a sign of "jew" ----also originated with CANON LAW. You will get over it

Thank you for that, Irosie91. My original point still stands though, as I said:

"It was Muslims who were among the first to force others, ie Jews, to wear identifying marks/clothes."

oh sorry "among the first...." right. Constantine did it before muslims did it.
------but----the REALITY is that outward markings ----for this or that group of people did not start with Constantine either------way back ----even the ancient greeks and romans did it. They had all kinds of rules as to who could have a STRIPE somewhere on his "toga" A whole bunch of rules and regs In the USA
----it came to be a military things------as a remnant of that stuff
True. I made the point because someone said Trump will have Muslims wearing signs to ID them as such, like the nazis did, as if it was an exclusively nazi idea, so I thought it ought to be pointed out that Muslims had done the same centuries before Hitler. And then of course, someone screams 'link', lol. Of course I don't support anybody doing anything of the sort to anyone, lol. And thank for your interesting and informative replies. You are a mine of information.

Trump said no such thing. He said that Muslim immigrants need to be watched, especially those from Syria and conflict areas. He also said that SOME mosques need to also be monitored as their clerics are preaching hatred and violence. A sensible move to protect the public from these animals, considering what the terrorist groups have threatened to do and already done.

The introduction of a mark to distinguish persons not belonging to the religious faith of the majority did not originate in Christendom, where it was later radically imposed, but in Islam. It seems that Caliph Omar II (717–20), not Omar I, as is sometimes stated, was the first ruler to order that every non-Muslim, the dhimmī, should wear vestimentary distinctions (called giyār, i.e., distinguishing marks) of a different color for each minority group. The ordinance was unequally observed, but it was reissued and reinforced by Caliph al-Mutawakkil (847–61). Subsequently it remained in force over the centuries, with a few variations. Thus, in Sicily the Saracen governor in 887/8 compelled the Christians to wear on their garments and put on their doors a piece of cloth in the form of a swine, and the Jews to affix a similar sign in the form of a donkey. In addition, the Jews were compelled to wear yellow belts and special hats.
Jewish Badge | Jewish Virtual Library

The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish and humiliate Jews and other non-Muslims in Islam dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries.[2][3] A genizahdocument from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word dhimmi [a social status given to tolerated infidels] on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.[4]
Yellow badge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another leftist whacko bullshit comparison. I don't remember Jews blowing up and slaughtering non Jews left and right during that era, do you?
Of course not. I think you've misunderstood my post.
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