Muslims Gone Wild! San Bernardino Edition

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Picture of Islamic terrorist

Robert Lewis Dear, 57 (Provided by City of Colorado Springs)

Picture of typical loon terrorist that is not Islamic.
that's a befuddled left libturd

The introduction of a mark to distinguish persons not belonging to the religious faith of the majority did not originate in Christendom, where it was later radically imposed, but in Islam. It seems that Caliph Omar II (717–20), not Omar I, as is sometimes stated, was the first ruler to order that every non-Muslim, the dhimmī, should wear vestimentary distinctions (called giyār, i.e., distinguishing marks) of a different color for each minority group. The ordinance was unequally observed, but it was reissued and reinforced by Caliph al-Mutawakkil (847–61). Subsequently it remained in force over the centuries, with a few variations. Thus, in Sicily the Saracen governor in 887/8 compelled the Christians to wear on their garments and put on their doors a piece of cloth in the form of a swine, and the Jews to affix a similar sign in the form of a donkey. In addition, the Jews were compelled to wear yellow belts and special hats.
Jewish Badge | Jewish Virtual Library

The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish and humiliate Jews and other non-Muslims in Islam dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries.[2][3] A genizahdocument from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word dhimmi [a social status given to tolerated infidels] on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.[4]
Yellow badge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong tilly------it was from CONSTANTINE and became part of the JUSTINIAN CODE------when Justin---the grandson of Constantine codified the shit and filth
of Constantine and---essentially created the CANON law which included the basis for the legalization of the INQUISITION genocide. Sorry----but it was actually a
Christian innovation. It was not only the OUTWARD MARKINGS but the other filth----that included ban on non Christians (specifically jews) being banned from owning weapons of any kind and riding on HORSES ----same shit that the muslims incorporated into their shariah shit. Fret not-----it is simple history and-----remnants of the filth exist today------you would be amazed. ADOLF did not
take it from muslims ----he took it from CANON LAW. Nice person that you are---
I will tell you a secret sign. If you ever run into some CHASSIDIC people---in
their long black coats you might note----NO PLEAT IN THE BACK---it is a sign
left over from Medieval Europe when under the filth and stink of Canon Law---
Jews could not ride on horses (the pleat actually exists in men's jackets so they
can straddle a horse.) Is that little tidbit not interesting? A little weird ---but true.
Don't worry. Its not your fault. There are a whole bunch of "signs" and some
of them still sorta exist. BTW----the color yellow as a sign of "jew" ----also originated with CANON LAW. You will get over it

Thank you for that, Irosie91. My original point still stands though, as I said:

"It was Muslims who were among the first to force others, ie Jews, to wear identifying marks/clothes."

oh sorry "among the first...." right. Constantine did it before muslims did it.
------but----the REALITY is that outward markings ----for this or that group of people did not start with Constantine either------way back ----even the ancient greeks and romans did it. They had all kinds of rules as to who could have a STRIPE somewhere on his "toga" A whole bunch of rules and regs In the USA
----it came to be a military things------as a remnant of that stuff
True. I made the point because someone said Trump will have Muslims wearing signs to ID them as such, like the nazis did, as if it was an exclusively nazi idea, so I thought it ought to be pointed out that Muslims had done the same centuries before Hitler. And then of course, someone screams 'link', lol. Of course I don't support anybody doing anything of the sort to anyone, lol. And thank for your interesting and informative replies. You are a mine of information.

Trump said no such thing. He said that Muslim immigrants need to be watched, especially those from Syria and conflict areas. He also said that SOME mosques need to also be monitored as their clerics are preaching hatred and violence. A sensible move to protect the public from these animals, considering what the terrorist groups have threatened to do and already done.
Oh dear. I have no doubt Trump DID NOT say he will have Muslims wearing identifying things. I was responding to a poster who claimed Trump said that, and simply pointing out that Muslims were among the first people to make people wear identifiers, Ie they made Jews and Christians wear identifiers. I don't believe for one minute that Trump said anything of the type, and I am in favour of watching mosques with dubious teachings and whatnot.
Just as I thought..................they find out a person who did the attack has a middle eastern name and now everyone is saying that we need to beware of every Muslim.

How soon until we get camps like we did for the Japanese after Pearl Harbor?
naw, just deport them.
CNN's brilliant journalism: "Now comes the challenging part: What was their motive? Could it just have been anger at a party?"

How about Islam, dipshits. Fucking domestic terrorism.
That help?

Fucking idiots.

They were BORN HERE YOU IDIOT....clearly something caused this couple who clearly had this planned out, to leave this party, come back and kill, leaving a baby the math you moron

They were wearing military outfits with GoPro cameras and had an arsenal of guns and bombs. They were going to upload the film as another propaganda clip. The two were devout Muslims one of them recently made pilgrimage to Mecca (where he went completely whacko). This event was a preplanned Islamic terror event. Wake up and smell the jihad.
CNN's brilliant journalism: "Now comes the challenging part: What was their motive? Could it just have been anger at a party?"

How about Islam, dipshits. Fucking domestic terrorism.
That help?

Fucking idiots.
CNN withheld the guys Muslim name for hours before the other networks. They didn't even cover the CAIR (declared a terrorist group by some Arab nations) press conference where they presented their usual "this had nothing to do with Islam" bullshit.
CNN's brilliant journalism: "Now comes the challenging part: What was their motive? Could it just have been anger at a party?"

How about Islam, dipshits. Fucking domestic terrorism.
That help?

Fucking idiots.

I am not sure if I read it on the net-----or I dreamed it last night-----did someone say that FAROOQ got angry because he was offered a ham sandwich at the
Christmas party?

Well there ya go, we have a motive, he was totally justified. Not only was it because of global warming but he was also offered a ham sandwich. That's a double whammy!
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Suddenly you want to all just get along? I'll send a telegram.

Typical "the crusades! The crusades!" reponse everytime Muslim animals commit their religious terror jihad.

Weren't the Christians killing the INVADING Muslims during the crusades?

Not whitewashing the horrors of the crusades, but...the first crusades were initiated to repel the invading Muslims from Christian lands, correct.
Suddenly you want to all just get along? I'll send a telegram.

Typical "the crusades! The crusades!" reponse everytime Muslim animals commit their religious terror jihad.

Weren't the Christians killing the INVADING Muslims during the crusades?

Not whitewashing the horrors of the crusades, but...the first crusades were initiated to repel the invading Muslims from Christian lands, correct.
No, that is correct. Which is why it took them three years on the move to get to the Holy Land and begin the true slaughter.
Just as I thought..................they find out a person who did the attack has a middle eastern name and now everyone is saying that we need to beware of every Muslim.

How soon until we get camps like we did for the Japanese after Pearl Harbor?
You don't think well. We just got hit in a Paris style attack. What do you suggest we do, ignore it?
That was not Paris. They slaughtered people he worked with, and for.

The introduction of a mark to distinguish persons not belonging to the religious faith of the majority did not originate in Christendom, where it was later radically imposed, but in Islam. It seems that Caliph Omar II (717–20), not Omar I, as is sometimes stated, was the first ruler to order that every non-Muslim, the dhimmī, should wear vestimentary distinctions (called giyār, i.e., distinguishing marks) of a different color for each minority group. The ordinance was unequally observed, but it was reissued and reinforced by Caliph al-Mutawakkil (847–61). Subsequently it remained in force over the centuries, with a few variations. Thus, in Sicily the Saracen governor in 887/8 compelled the Christians to wear on their garments and put on their doors a piece of cloth in the form of a swine, and the Jews to affix a similar sign in the form of a donkey. In addition, the Jews were compelled to wear yellow belts and special hats.
Jewish Badge | Jewish Virtual Library

The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish and humiliate Jews and other non-Muslims in Islam dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century.The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61), subsequently remaining in force for centuries.[2][3] A genizahdocument from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word dhimmi [a social status given to tolerated infidels] on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.[4]
Yellow badge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wrong tilly------it was from CONSTANTINE and became part of the JUSTINIAN CODE------when Justin---the grandson of Constantine codified the shit and filth
of Constantine and---essentially created the CANON law which included the basis for the legalization of the INQUISITION genocide. Sorry----but it was actually a
Christian innovation. It was not only the OUTWARD MARKINGS but the other filth----that included ban on non Christians (specifically jews) being banned from owning weapons of any kind and riding on HORSES ----same shit that the muslims incorporated into their shariah shit. Fret not-----it is simple history and-----remnants of the filth exist today------you would be amazed. ADOLF did not
take it from muslims ----he took it from CANON LAW. Nice person that you are---
I will tell you a secret sign. If you ever run into some CHASSIDIC people---in
their long black coats you might note----NO PLEAT IN THE BACK---it is a sign
left over from Medieval Europe when under the filth and stink of Canon Law---
Jews could not ride on horses (the pleat actually exists in men's jackets so they
can straddle a horse.) Is that little tidbit not interesting? A little weird ---but true.
Don't worry. Its not your fault. There are a whole bunch of "signs" and some
of them still sorta exist. BTW----the color yellow as a sign of "jew" ----also originated with CANON LAW. You will get over it

Thank you for that, Irosie91. My original point still stands though, as I said:

"It was Muslims who were among the first to force others, ie Jews, to wear identifying marks/clothes."

oh sorry "among the first...." right. Constantine did it before muslims did it.
------but----the REALITY is that outward markings ----for this or that group of people did not start with Constantine either------way back ----even the ancient greeks and romans did it. They had all kinds of rules as to who could have a STRIPE somewhere on his "toga" A whole bunch of rules and regs In the USA
----it came to be a military things------as a remnant of that stuff
True. I made the point because someone said Trump will have Muslims wearing signs to ID them as such, like the nazis did, as if it was an exclusively nazi idea, so I thought it ought to be pointed out that Muslims had done the same centuries before Hitler. And then of course, someone screams 'link', lol. Of course I don't support anybody doing anything of the sort to anyone, lol. And thank for your interesting and informative replies. You are a mine of information.

Trump said no such thing. He said that Muslim immigrants need to be watched, especially those from Syria and conflict areas. He also said that SOME mosques need to also be monitored as their clerics are preaching hatred and violence. A sensible move to protect the public from these animals, considering what the terrorist groups have threatened to do and already done.
Terrorists aren't animals, they are humans unfortunately and humans are often dedicated, dumb. and deadly. Get over thinking of them as animals and it will help you greatly to understand what you're up against.
Weren't the Christians killing the INVADING Muslims during the crusades?
Yes, as well as lots of Jews and even some Christians. By the time they got to Jerusalem it had changed hands and was open to the Christians again but they slaughtered the place anyway.

Where did you study history? That's a remarkable rewrite.
Weren't the Christians killing the INVADING Muslims during the crusades?
Yes, as well as lots of Jews and even some Christians. By the time they got to Jerusalem it had changed hands and was open to the Christians again but they slaughtered the place anyway.

Where did you study history? That's a remarkable rewrite.
Look it up. It's in the history books, that's where I learned it.

Start here:

"This sort of action was not an isolated event — indeed, it was repeated throughout Europe by all sorts of crusading hordes. Lucky Jews were given a last-minute chance to convert to Christianity in accord with Augustine's doctrines. Even other Christians were not safe from the Christian crusaders. As they roamed the countryside, they spared no effort in pillaging towns and farms for food. When Peter the Hermit's army entered Yugoslavia, 4,000 Christian residents of the city of Zemun were massacred before they moved on to burn Belgrade."
What Were the Crusades?
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