Muslims Gone Wild! San Bernardino Edition

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shoulda closed and enforced their borders, huh?

Oh well...evolution is a bitch...superior peoples always displace the inferior...
What's that, whitey, soon to be the minority here? I couldn't hear your English over all the Spanish.

And your apology for genocide is noted. It's a classic, of the invaders.

LMAO...your fantasy "predictions" are irrelevant....but comical..
he hates america.
oh, I know...and is jealous and resentful of white people...
I am white people, you dumbfucks.
the problem is where the money came from. I will bet you funding was from a terrorist group. want to bet?
I bet not. He had a job, with the people they slaughtered.
so, that was most likely the entire plan to get in. Again, if you can't tell the dude was recruited based on the facts coming out you are delusional. his funding for his arsenal came from a terrorist group.
If that was his plan why did he come to the party, get mad, and then come back? And don't jump the shark, which you are.
you're really not bright at all. There is no factual data out yet that validates that he went out angry. I can't give you all of the answers because he died with those. The fact remains, his funding came from a terrorist group and I bet you that. The equipment they had was not normally sold hardware. It came from somewhere other than a store.
The reports say he got angry. Not a single report says he has ties to a terrorist group. Follow your own fucking advice and shut up about what is unknown.
reports state his house was very busy with muslims going in and out of it. neighbors gave out that info.

You still have no information from the people from the party. So speculation is all yours on what did or didn't happen in the room. It was all planned, there would not have been bombs involved if it were merely someone getting mad and coming back to shoot someone. it was an execution.
shoulda closed and enforced their borders, huh?

Oh well...evolution is a bitch...superior peoples always displace the inferior...
What's that, whitey, soon to be the minority here? I couldn't hear your English over all the Spanish.

And your apology for genocide is noted. It's a classic, of the invaders.
hahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha desperation showing house.
Nope, just pointing out that what you suggested they do you couldn't manage to either, dumbass.
no, it's called desperation.
shoulda closed and enforced their borders, huh?

Oh well...evolution is a bitch...superior peoples always displace the inferior...
What's that, whitey, soon to be the minority here? I couldn't hear your English over all the Spanish.

And your apology for genocide is noted. It's a classic, of the invaders.

LMAO...your fantasy "predictions" are irrelevant....but comical..
he hates america.
oh, I know...and is jealous and resentful of white people...
I am white people, you dumbfucks.
that hates white people.
shoulda closed and enforced their borders, huh?

Oh well...evolution is a bitch...superior peoples always displace the inferior...
What's that, whitey, soon to be the minority here? I couldn't hear your English over all the Spanish.

And your apology for genocide is noted. It's a classic, of the invaders.

LMAO...your fantasy "predictions" are irrelevant....but comical..
he hates america.
oh, I know...and is jealous and resentful of white people...
I am white people, you dumbfucks.
So?..that doesn't automatically exclude anti white proclivities.
Suspect ID'd as a Muslim animal which means probably ISIS enemy within scum. San Bernardino has a population of 12,500 Muslims. Historically these attacks are launched from cities with high population of Muslims. Notice the delusional leftist media refuses to even call it Islamic terrorism, let alone disclose that the perpetrators are even Muslim.

Islam, the cancer of modern civilization:

Suspect ID'd in San Bernardino Massacre as Syed Farook
Katie Zavadski


attacked a center for the disabled in San Bernardino, California, according to NBC News. The Daily Beast has learned that the police have just executed a search warrant at a Redlands, California address—an address that belongs to Farook’s family.

Police pursued a car leaving from the Redlands address, Chief Jarrod Baraugan said at a Wednesday evening press conference. A male and female suspect were inside the car, and both of them have been killed. Both of the suspects were armed with assault rifles and handguns, Baraugan said. Police have apprehended a third man, but have not identified his relation to the attacks yet.

An eyewitness at the Inland Regional Center, where gunmen killed 14 and wounded at least 18 more, told police he saw a man leaving a meeting of county employees this morning, looking nervous. Poice officers named Syed Farook as that man in their radio communications. At approximately 11 a.m., at least two people entered the center and opened fire.

Farook, who also went by his middle name, Raheel, was a business taxes representative for the California State Board of Equalization, according to his LinkedIn profile. He is a 2003 graduate La Sierra High School, and most recently studied finance at California State University Fullerton until 2013.

(As the Los Angeles Times notes, a Syed R. Farook was employed as an environmental health specialist by the San Bernardino County Health department, according to public recods. But that individual shows no apparent connection to the Redlands home raidedd by the police.)

Records show Sayed Raheel Farook bought a two bedroom Corona home in March 2014. Farook’s social media profile shows he is married and has at least one young child. His wife did not return messages left on Wednesday.

The Daily Beast knocked on the Corona, CA home's door and was met by a man who said, “My name is Farook.” When asked if he knew Sayed, the man said, “Of course I know him but I have nothing to say.” When asked about Syed being named as a suspect, he said, “I have nothing to say.”

Behind Farook, was a brightly lit home with low-slung sectional couches and boxes for appliances. The smell of basmati rice cooking came wafting through the door. A set of womens sandals sat outside of the security door.

Five minutes after he answered the door, Farook got into a white car and drove away, answering questions again with, “I have nothing to say.”

The Daily Beast contacted Farook's sister, Saira Khan, by phone on Wednesday shortly after the shooting. She said the media was jumping to conclusions on identifying the suspect and said that her brother was at work. Khan said she would try to get in touch with her brother and pass along his contact information.

In the neighborhood in Redlands neighborhood where the Farook family kept its home—and where police executed their search—it’s trash day. Typically that’s not a big deal, but on this day all of those green, black, and blue barrels look suspicious—the perfect place to hide an explosive device.

There’s good reason to be on edge. In front of the condo complex where the Farook family lived is a SWAT vehicle and though it’s hard to see anything in the darkness, apparently a bomb-diffusing robot has been going between the vehicle and the condo unit.

My only question is if Mossad burnt my Grill Cheese andwich with bacon on it!
I bet not. He had a job, with the people they slaughtered.
so, that was most likely the entire plan to get in. Again, if you can't tell the dude was recruited based on the facts coming out you are delusional. his funding for his arsenal came from a terrorist group.
If that was his plan why did he come to the party, get mad, and then come back? And don't jump the shark, which you are.
you're really not bright at all. There is no factual data out yet that validates that he went out angry. I can't give you all of the answers because he died with those. The fact remains, his funding came from a terrorist group and I bet you that. The equipment they had was not normally sold hardware. It came from somewhere other than a store.
The reports say he got angry. Not a single report says he has ties to a terrorist group. Follow your own fucking advice and shut up about what is unknown.
reports state his house was very busy with muslims going in and out of it. neighbors gave out that info.

You still have no information from the people from the party. So speculation is all yours on what did or didn't happen in the room. It was all planned, there would not have been bombs involved if it were merely someone getting mad and coming back to shoot someone. it was an execution.
Explain why he came and went, to drop the baby off at mom's no less? Explain why we've yet to see the propaganda videos? Explain why he killed coworkers at a party instead of say, a nightclub full of strangers Paris-style?
What's that, whitey, soon to be the minority here? I couldn't hear your English over all the Spanish.

And your apology for genocide is noted. It's a classic, of the invaders.

LMAO...your fantasy "predictions" are irrelevant....but comical..
he hates america.
oh, I know...and is jealous and resentful of white people...
I am white people, you dumbfucks.
So?..that doesn't automatically exclude anti white proclivities.
I'm very anti-whitey when whitey is like you fucking morons.
shoulda closed and enforced their borders, huh?

Oh well...evolution is a bitch...superior peoples always displace the inferior...
What's that, whitey, soon to be the minority here? I couldn't hear your English over all the Spanish.

And your apology for genocide is noted. It's a classic, of the invaders.
hahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha desperation showing house.
Nope, just pointing out that what you suggested they do you couldn't manage to either, dumbass.
no, it's called desperation.
Not even close. They lost their nation and you, are losing yours...
so, that was most likely the entire plan to get in. Again, if you can't tell the dude was recruited based on the facts coming out you are delusional. his funding for his arsenal came from a terrorist group.
If that was his plan why did he come to the party, get mad, and then come back? And don't jump the shark, which you are.
you're really not bright at all. There is no factual data out yet that validates that he went out angry. I can't give you all of the answers because he died with those. The fact remains, his funding came from a terrorist group and I bet you that. The equipment they had was not normally sold hardware. It came from somewhere other than a store.
The reports say he got angry. Not a single report says he has ties to a terrorist group. Follow your own fucking advice and shut up about what is unknown.
reports state his house was very busy with muslims going in and out of it. neighbors gave out that info.

You still have no information from the people from the party. So speculation is all yours on what did or didn't happen in the room. It was all planned, there would not have been bombs involved if it were merely someone getting mad and coming back to shoot someone. it was an execution.
Explain why he came and went, to drop the baby off at mom's no less? Explain why we've yet to see the propaganda videos? Explain why he killed coworkers at a party instead of say, a nightclub full of strangers Paris-style?
you can't speculate that one? wow.
shoulda closed and enforced their borders, huh?

Oh well...evolution is a bitch...superior peoples always displace the inferior...
What's that, whitey, soon to be the minority here? I couldn't hear your English over all the Spanish.

And your apology for genocide is noted. It's a classic, of the invaders.
hahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha desperation showing house.
Nope, just pointing out that what you suggested they do you couldn't manage to either, dumbass.
no, it's called desperation.
Not even close. They lost their nation and you, are losing yours...
there you go, right out admitted it, his hate on america. Thanks for proving my post.
What's that, whitey, soon to be the minority here? I couldn't hear your English over all the Spanish.

And your apology for genocide is noted. It's a classic, of the invaders.
hahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha desperation showing house.
Nope, just pointing out that what you suggested they do you couldn't manage to either, dumbass.
no, it's called desperation.
Not even close. They lost their nation and you, are losing yours...
there you go, right out admitted it, his hate on america. Thanks for proving my post.
There is plenty to hate about America, mainly the fact that it allows un-American little shits like you to exist here.
Yes, as well as lots of Jews and even some Christians. By the time they got to Jerusalem it had changed hands and was open to the Christians again but they slaughtered the place anyway.

Where did you study history? That's a remarkable rewrite.
Look it up. It's in the history books.

Mein Kampf is not a history book son.
Nope. And the slaughter Hitler admired, and was inspired by, was that of the Native Americans.

He was quite enamoured of Islam.

Muslim recruits of the SS Handzar Division pray in 1943. PHOTO: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS; GERMAN ARCHIVES
Jan. 16, 2015 3:55 p.m. ET
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitlercomplained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.

He was quite enamoured of Islam.
Muslim recruits of the SS Handzar Division pray in 1943. PHOTO: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS; GERMAN ARCHIVES
Jan. 16, 2015 3:55 p.m. ET
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitlercomplained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.
Explain why he came and went, to drop the baby off at mom's no less? Explain why we've yet to see the propaganda videos? Explain why he killed coworkers at a party instead of say, a nightclub full of strangers Paris-style?
you can't speculate that one? wow.
Nope, and if you can lay it all out for us, before anyone actually knows a damn thing. Go...
Where did you study history? That's a remarkable rewrite.
Look it up. It's in the history books.

Mein Kampf is not a history book son.
Nope. And the slaughter Hitler admired, and was inspired by, was that of the Native Americans.

He was quite enamoured of Islam.

Muslim recruits of the SS Handzar Division pray in 1943. PHOTO: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS; GERMAN ARCHIVES
Jan. 16, 2015 3:55 p.m. ET
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitlercomplained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.

He was quite enamoured of Islam.
Muslim recruits of the SS Handzar Division pray in 1943. PHOTO: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS; GERMAN ARCHIVES
Jan. 16, 2015 3:55 p.m. ET
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitlercomplained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.
Islam, and Judaism, allow you to kill your enemies, Christianity does not. Hitler would have like Mother Goose as long as it said you could kill your enemies, which, it did.
hahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha desperation showing house.
Nope, just pointing out that what you suggested they do you couldn't manage to either, dumbass.
no, it's called desperation.
Not even close. They lost their nation and you, are losing yours...
there you go, right out admitted it, his hate on america. Thanks for proving my post.
There is plenty to hate about America, mainly the fact that it allows un-American little shits like you to exist here.
terrorist sympathizer.
Look it up. It's in the history books.

Mein Kampf is not a history book son.
Nope. And the slaughter Hitler admired, and was inspired by, was that of the Native Americans.

He was quite enamoured of Islam.

Muslim recruits of the SS Handzar Division pray in 1943. PHOTO: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS; GERMAN ARCHIVES
Jan. 16, 2015 3:55 p.m. ET
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitlercomplained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.

He was quite enamoured of Islam.
Muslim recruits of the SS Handzar Division pray in 1943. PHOTO: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS; GERMAN ARCHIVES
Jan. 16, 2015 3:55 p.m. ET
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitlercomplained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.
Islam, and Judaism, allow you to kill your enemies, Christianity does not. Hitler would have like Mother Goose as long as it said you could kill your enemies, which, it did.

oh for pete's sake..hitler again.....:blahblah: :rolleyes:
Nope, just pointing out that what you suggested they do you couldn't manage to either, dumbass.
no, it's called desperation.
Not even close. They lost their nation and you, are losing yours...
there you go, right out admitted it, his hate on america. Thanks for proving my post.
There is plenty to hate about America, mainly the fact that it allows un-American little shits like you to exist here.
terrorist sympathizer.
Nope, but I understand what the fuck is happening and you do not. Those helping ISIS are people like you, all juiced up for a Holy War and ready to lock all Muslims here up in concentration camps.
Mein Kampf is not a history book son.
Nope. And the slaughter Hitler admired, and was inspired by, was that of the Native Americans.

He was quite enamoured of Islam.

Muslim recruits of the SS Handzar Division pray in 1943. PHOTO: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS; GERMAN ARCHIVES
Jan. 16, 2015 3:55 p.m. ET
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitlercomplained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.

He was quite enamoured of Islam.
Muslim recruits of the SS Handzar Division pray in 1943. PHOTO: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS; GERMAN ARCHIVES
Jan. 16, 2015 3:55 p.m. ET
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitlercomplained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.
Islam, and Judaism, allow you to kill your enemies, Christianity does not. Hitler would have like Mother Goose as long as it said you could kill your enemies, which, it did.

oh for pete's sake..hitler again.....:blahblah: :rolleyes:
He admired our slaughter of Native Americans. He liked our eugenics program as well and took that to its extreme conclusion.
Suddenly you want to all just get along? I'll send a telegram.

Typical "the crusades! The crusades!" reponse everytime Muslim animals commit their religious terror jihad.

Weren't the Christians killing the INVADING Muslims during the crusades?

Not whitewashing the horrors of the crusades, but...the first crusades were initiated to repel the invading Muslims from Christian lands, correct.
No, that is correct. Which is why it took them three years on the move to get to the Holy Land and begin the true slaughter.

Had the Muslims not first invaded European and Christian lands there wouldn't have been a mandate for the crusades.
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