Muslims hate gays, liberals love muslims

Now where was I?

Oh, yeah.

Muslims hate gays. Southern Republicans hate gays.

It's true love!

Tell that to the shooter, a true and devout democrat.

Liberals literally can not criticize Islam, it's a physical impossibility.
. They figure that when Islam defeats their enemy here for them, then they will turn and criticize Islam after that, and then they might even try to get them out of the country once and for all after their job here is done. Face it y'all, the Dems were looking around the world for a people & religion that could defeat what they hate, and they figure that they found it in the Muslims or in their religion.
Now where was I?

Oh, yeah.

Muslims hate gays. Southern Republicans hate gays.

It's true love!

Tell that to the shooter, a true and devout democrat.

Liberals literally can not criticize Islam, it's a physical impossibility.
. They figure that when Islam defeats their enemy here for them, then they will turn and criticize Islam after that, and then they might even try to get them out of the country once and for all after their job here is done. Face it y'all, the Dems were looking around the world for a people & religion that could defeat what they hate, and they figure that they found it in the Muslims or in their religion.

[[[[[[[[[[[[ que twilight zone music ]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Now where was I?

Oh, yeah.

Muslims hate gays. Southern Republicans hate gays.

It's true love!

Tell that to the shooter, a true and devout democrat.

Liberals literally can not criticize Islam, it's a physical impossibility.
. They figure that when Islam defeats their enemy here for them, then they will turn and criticize Islam after that, and then they might even try to get them out of the country once and for all after their job here is done. Face it y'all, the Dems were looking around the world for a people & religion that could defeat what they hate, and they figure that they found it in the Muslims or in their religion.

[[[[[[[[[[[[ que twilight zone music ]]]]]]]]]]]]]
. Put your head in the sand if you want to, but unless you've lived through the sixties and onward, you either won't know the whole story or you feel that you can change history for a new generation of those who have no clue why all this has finally come to a head.
ok lets face it ..

if a Southern Baptist went in a Gay club and gunned down 100 Latinos the RW's would be patting him on the back, and passing out medals for doing them a big favor.
"..the 10 countries where homosexuality may be punishable by death":
  • Yemen
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Mauritania
  • Nigeria
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • United Arab Emirates
Here are the 10 countries where homosexuality may be punished by death

Seems many Muslim countries execute Gays because their laws have established death as the punishment for homosexuality. Sad.


5 Muslim Nations Where Gay is Legal - LGBT Muslims

From Wiki:

However, in 20 out of 57 Muslim-majority nations same-sex intercourse is not forbidden by law.

The Ottoman Empire (predecessor of Turkey) decriminalized homosexuality in 1858. In Turkey, where 99.8% of the population is Muslim, homosexuality has never been criminalized since the day it was founded in 1923.[74] And LGBT people also have the right to seek asylum in Turkey under the Geneva Convention since 1951.[75]

Same-sex sexual intercourse is legal in Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (State of Palestine), most of Indonesia, and in Northern Cyprus. In Albania, Lebanon, and Turkey, there have been discussions about legalizing same-sex marriage.[18][19] Albania, Northern Cyprus and Kosovo also protect LGBT people with anti-discrimination laws.

Its cultural not religious.

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It is religious, not cultural. Many of the 10 countries listed by the Washington Post that punish homosexuality by death base their laws on Sharia law; the other countries in your list do not.

Sharia law is religious, not cultural.


And we used to stone adulterers because the bible told us to. It is cultural not religious.

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Sharia law is not religious?

Tell us more...

Somehow I doubt the regressed apply these standards to Christians. And for love of god, Christianity is nowhere near as bad as Islam...

Yes, it is. They are all equally bad and/or good. What differs is the culture in which the religion is being interpreted.

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5 Muslim Nations Where Gay is Legal - LGBT Muslims

From Wiki:

However, in 20 out of 57 Muslim-majority nations same-sex intercourse is not forbidden by law.

The Ottoman Empire (predecessor of Turkey) decriminalized homosexuality in 1858. In Turkey, where 99.8% of the population is Muslim, homosexuality has never been criminalized since the day it was founded in 1923.[74] And LGBT people also have the right to seek asylum in Turkey under the Geneva Convention since 1951.[75]

Same-sex sexual intercourse is legal in Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (State of Palestine), most of Indonesia, and in Northern Cyprus. In Albania, Lebanon, and Turkey, there have been discussions about legalizing same-sex marriage.[18][19] Albania, Northern Cyprus and Kosovo also protect LGBT people with anti-discrimination laws.

Its cultural not religious.

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It is religious, not cultural. Many of the 10 countries listed by the Washington Post that punish homosexuality by death base their laws on Sharia law; the other countries in your list do not.

Sharia law is religious, not cultural.


And we used to stone adulterers because the bible told us to. It is cultural not religious.

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Sharia law is not religious?

Tell us more...

Somehow I doubt the regressed apply these standards to Christians. And for love of god, Christianity is nowhere near as bad as Islam...

Actually, Christians never stoned adulterers. Jews did.

Burning at the stake was big with Christians.

And whipping. Puritans liked to whip adulterers and blasphemers.

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ok lets face it ..

if a Southern Baptist went in a Gay club and gunned down 100 Latinos the RW's would be patting him on the back, and passing out medals for doing them a big favor.
This is you admitting it has never happened, is unlikely to ever happen.

Southern Baptist ministers don't advocate such behavior.

Muslim imams do advocate it, help fund it, and bring people together specifically to facilitate it. They train the men doing it.
How many Baptist churches do the same?
ok lets face it ..

if a Southern Baptist went in a Gay club and gunned down 100 Latinos the RW's would be patting him on the back, and passing out medals for doing them a big favor.
. No, they would make sure that the laws of this land are held up, unlike what is going on in demo land, where law and order has been stood on it's head. The law only applies when it's convenient for the Dems, and that's only when it is politically convenient for the over all agenda they are pushing.
ok lets face it ..

if a Southern Baptist went in a Gay club and gunned down 100 Latinos the RW's would be patting him on the back, and passing out medals for doing them a big favor.
This is you admitting it has never happened, is unlikely to ever happen.

Southern Baptist ministers don't advocate such behavior.

Muslim imams do advocate it, help fund it, and bring people together specifically to facilitate it. They train the men doing it.
How many Baptist churches do the same?

A Baptist pastor JUST had this to say about gays...

"I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out,"

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ok lets face it ..

if a Southern Baptist went in a Gay club and gunned down 100 Latinos the RW's would be patting him on the back, and passing out medals for doing them a big favor.
This is you admitting it has never happened, is unlikely to ever happen.

Southern Baptist ministers don't advocate such behavior.

Muslim imams do advocate it, help fund it, and bring people together specifically to facilitate it. They train the men doing it.
How many Baptist churches do the same?

A Baptist pastor JUST had this to say about gays...

"I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out,"

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. :link:
ok lets face it ..

if a Southern Baptist went in a Gay club and gunned down 100 Latinos the RW's would be patting him on the back, and passing out medals for doing them a big favor.
This is you admitting it has never happened, is unlikely to ever happen.

Southern Baptist ministers don't advocate such behavior.

Muslim imams do advocate it, help fund it, and bring people together specifically to facilitate it. They train the men doing it.
How many Baptist churches do the same?

A Baptist pastor JUST had this to say about gays...

"I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out,"

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. :link:

Sacramento Baptist pastor praises Orlando massacre

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ok lets face it ..

if a Southern Baptist went in a Gay club and gunned down 100 Latinos the RW's would be patting him on the back, and passing out medals for doing them a big favor.
This is you admitting it has never happened, is unlikely to ever happen.

Southern Baptist ministers don't advocate such behavior.

Muslim imams do advocate it, help fund it, and bring people together specifically to facilitate it. They train the men doing it.
How many Baptist churches do the same?

A Baptist pastor JUST had this to say about gays...

"I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out,"

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. :link:

Sacramento Baptist pastor praises Orlando massacre

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. Notice his ethnicity ? Well wasn't it Latino night or something like that in the club ? You think his embarrassment for his race was involved, and so he thinks that latino's ought not be engaging in such a thing as that ? When people get embarrassed about something, they say some strong things, but it doesn't always mean that they are truly literal about what they say.

Him being a pastor, he probably figures the tough talk will jar the minds of those who are maybe thinking about getting into a club scene/lifestyle that no one will care about them afterwards. Is he showing that there is huge discontent/disconnect for anyone who goes the way of becoming what some see as a lost soul or even maybe becoming evil in their ways and all as a result of ?

Now whether he actually means literally what he says who knows (or) it could be just a fire and brimstone fear tactic message he uses in order to detour the younger folks who might become vulnerable in life to such a lifestyle or club scene, and for whom may see such a thing as somehow being ok, to then know that it is not good or not ok.

Does he do this by showing discontent for their ways in life, and so he speaks with his strong words as a tactic? His hopes probably are, and by way of the bitter tough talk used in his strategy, that he will make one that he uses such a thing around, to think to themselves (I guess), that to go down a bad row/road in life, will be a very tough row/road to hoe or to go down in life so why do it ? Otherwise he figures why subject yourself to ridicule and hate speak, when it can be avoided by choosing another way of life instead ?

The main thing is that the many ways that people speak, don't become action within the many attitudes that are out there today. It's best that people seperate themselves from one another as best they can, and to respect one anothers space if this nation is going to progress forward in unity anymore.
Last edited:
ok lets face it ..

if a Southern Baptist went in a Gay club and gunned down 100 Latinos the RW's would be patting him on the back, and passing out medals for doing them a big favor.
This is you admitting it has never happened, is unlikely to ever happen.

Southern Baptist ministers don't advocate such behavior.

Muslim imams do advocate it, help fund it, and bring people together specifically to facilitate it. They train the men doing it.
How many Baptist churches do the same?

A Baptist pastor JUST had this to say about gays...

"I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out,"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
. :link:

Sacramento Baptist pastor praises Orlando massacre

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
. Notice his ethnicity ? Well wasn't it Latino night or something like that in the club ? You think his embarrassment for his race was involved, and so he thinks that latino's ought not be engaging in such a thing as that ? really pretzeled yourself with that one. He wasn't alone. Try this guy on for size.

Pastor Steven Anderson Celebrates '50 Less Pedophiles in the World' After Orlando Attacks: WATCH - Towleroad

And of course you've heard of Evil Uncle Chuckles?

Pat Robertson on Orlando: The Best Thing To Do is Let LGBT, Islamic Allies ‘Kill Themselves’

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Factually speaking, radical Muslims and extreme Christians don't like gays. We hear stories out of the Middle East where gays are tortured and or killed for who they are and now we got a case of it right in our own back yard. Yet, Liberals will spend more time focused on concern about the extreme Christian vs. the radical Muslim. Liberals will tell US to tolerate the extreme Muslim and be afraid of the extreme Christian. Bottom line, Liberals always have and always will cherry pick "tolerance".

Obama is killing extremist Muslims every day. What's your contribution?

He obviously missed one.
Factually speaking, radical Muslims and extreme Christians don't like gays. We hear stories out of the Middle East where gays are tortured and or killed for who they are and now we got a case of it right in our own back yard. Yet, Liberals will spend more time focused on concern about the extreme Christian vs. the radical Muslim. Liberals will tell US to tolerate the extreme Muslim and be afraid of the extreme Christian. Bottom line, Liberals always have and always will cherry pick "tolerance".

Obama is killing extremist Muslims every day. What's your contribution?

He obviously missed one.
. Yes, and look at the blunders by him and his administration, in which caused him to miss this one, and to miss the other ones as well.
Muslims hate gays. Southern Republicans hate gays.

It's true love!

muslims murder gays, republicans want them to have equal rights. democrats do nothing about muslims murdering gays
Far right republicans want nothing of the sort, Redfish. When it comes to gay, the far right ubs re right there with their Muslim buddies.

the far right is a tiny minority of idiots. the majority of conservatives just want gays to do their thing in peace and not try to mandate that it be called normal
Now where was I?

Oh, yeah.

Muslims hate gays. Southern Republicans hate gays.

It's true love!

Tell that to the shooter, a true and devout democrat.

Liberals literally can not criticize Islam, it's a physical impossibility.
American Muslims aren't going to join a party which so clearly HATES them.

Neither are gays.

Or Hispanics.

Or blacks.

A fact which will be driven home in November.

correct, they won't vote democrat
"Actually, Christians never stoned adulterers. Jews did." Christians hanged, burned, boiled alive, beheaded, electrocuted, shot, gassed, and lethally injected the condemned in America.

Fake thinks the lethal injection of convicted murders is the same as islmofascism...:wtf:
Muslims hate gays. Southern Republicans hate gays.

It's true love!

muslims murder gays, republicans want them to have equal rights. democrats do nothing about muslims murdering gays

All of the sudden no Republicans opposed gays in the military, or marriage equality for gays. All of the sudden no Republican run states still allow employers to discriminate against gays.

Wow, talk about a history rewrite.

This fake New Yorker thinks opposing two men getting married is the same as the islamonazis beheading people...You cant make this shit up:uhoh3:
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It is religious, not cultural. Many of the 10 countries listed by the Washington Post that punish homosexuality by death base their laws on Sharia law; the other countries in your list do not.

Sharia law is religious, not cultural.


And we used to stone adulterers because the bible told us to. It is cultural not religious.

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Sharia law is not religious?

Tell us more...

Somehow I doubt the regressed apply these standards to Christians. And for love of god, Christianity is nowhere near as bad as Islam...

Actually, Christians never stoned adulterers. Jews did.

Burning at the stake was big with Christians.

And whipping. Puritans liked to whip adulterers and blasphemers.

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Try to keep it in the 21st century genius:slap:

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