Muslims hate gays, liberals love muslims

Muslims hate gays. Southern Republicans hate gays.

It's true love!

muslims murder gays, republicans want them to have equal rights. democrats do nothing about muslims murdering gays

All of the sudden no Republicans opposed gays in the military, or marriage equality for gays. All of the sudden no Republican run states still allow employers to discriminate against gays.

Wow, talk about a history rewrite.

This fake New Yorker thinks apposing two men getting married is the same as the islamonazis beheading people...You cant make this shit up:uhoh3:

English please.
And we used to stone adulterers because the bible told us to. It is cultural not religious.

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Sharia law is not religious?

Tell us more...

Somehow I doubt the regressed apply these standards to Christians. And for love of god, Christianity is nowhere near as bad as Islam...

Actually, Christians never stoned adulterers. Jews did.

Burning at the stake was big with Christians.

And whipping. Puritans liked to whip adulterers and blasphemers.

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Try to keep it in the 21st century genius:slap:

George Bush launches his 'crusade' into Iraq, 2003, and murders hundreds of innocents on the first day alone.
This is you admitting it has never happened, is unlikely to ever happen.

Southern Baptist ministers don't advocate such behavior.

Muslim imams do advocate it, help fund it, and bring people together specifically to facilitate it. They train the men doing it.
How many Baptist churches do the same?

A Baptist pastor JUST had this to say about gays...

"I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out,"

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. :link:

Sacramento Baptist pastor praises Orlando massacre

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. Notice his ethnicity ? Well wasn't it Latino night or something like that in the club ? You think his embarrassment for his race was involved, and so he thinks that latino's ought not be engaging in such a thing as that ? really pretzeled yourself with that one. He wasn't alone. Try this guy on for size.

Pastor Steven Anderson Celebrates '50 Less Pedophiles in the World' After Orlando Attacks: WATCH - Towleroad

And of course you've heard of Evil Uncle Chuckles?

Pat Robertson on Orlando: The Best Thing To Do is Let LGBT, Islamic Allies ‘Kill Themselves’

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You're so weak, if there were Christians on the internet recruiting and radicalizing people to kill people, they'd be shut down.There is no such problem .You can go to any Christian country without worrying about being murdered by Christians because you're gay. In most mulsim countries you'd be kill...Try to keep it real.
Sharia law is not religious?

Tell us more...

Somehow I doubt the regressed apply these standards to Christians. And for love of god, Christianity is nowhere near as bad as Islam...

Actually, Christians never stoned adulterers. Jews did.

Burning at the stake was big with Christians.

And whipping. Puritans liked to whip adulterers and blasphemers.

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Try to keep it in the 21st century genius:slap:

George Bush launches his 'crusade' into Iraq, 2003, and murders hundreds of innocents on the first day alone.

I like a say you're a dumbass fake New Yorker...War is war not murder:slap:
"Actually, Christians never stoned adulterers. Jews did." Christians hanged, burned, boiled alive, beheaded, electrocuted, shot, gassed, and lethally injected the condemned in America.
Fake thinks the lethal injection of convicted murders is the same as islmofascism...:wtf:
I merely stated factually the methods of execution in the American colonies and states, which in no way excuses your silly confusion conclusion. :lol:
Actually, Christians never stoned adulterers. Jews did.

Burning at the stake was big with Christians.

And whipping. Puritans liked to whip adulterers and blasphemers.

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Try to keep it in the 21st century genius:slap:

George Bush launches his 'crusade' into Iraq, 2003, and murders hundreds of innocents on the first day alone.

I like a say you're a dumbass fake New Yorker...War is war not murder:slap:
Of course war can be considered murder.
Muslims are proud of how well they lie. Jesus is not like that. Left needs to drop Muslims. No other belief system people are doing what Muslims are doing. That should raise a red flag.

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