Muslims in America and the Jewish Solution

In order to stem the tide of mounting xenophobia, racism and misplaced nationalism (as this country starts to mimic Germany in the early 30's), are Jews the only ones who can save Muslims in America?

For they might be the only ones who can see what is coming?
How many innocent people must die before dumb ass leftists and statists realize radical Islam is a threat?

Apparently a whole lot.
Exactly backwards.

The Left are the new Fascists...and they are getting a lot of people killed.
Alright troll, explain that in more detail.

I'll bet the farm, you can't.
Of course, you being a leftist you have no understanding of reality.

The left along with the ruling class, is demanding open borders, diversity, and hate crimes against anyone who says a word against protected classes, like Muslims. Radical Islam murders and enslaves people all over the world, but you are told by the elites that we must take in more Muslims. They FORCE this on all good little Fascists...and you being a USEFUL IDIOT, can't see the truth.
You watch too much TV.

Alright junior, pencils down and eyes to the front of the class, you're about to be schooled (not home school)...

I'm going to show you the "detail" you claimed you included. Why? Because you're a dumbass! My comments will be in red.

1. The fact that you...(you mean, "your")... race baiting demagogues...(do you know what a demagogue is? It is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument. Are you calling me a political leader?) him a racist, does not make it so. ...(no it doesn't, but his actions in office do. Like nominating a AG who thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is their members smoking pot.)... YOu are the problem, not us. ...(that is one of the staple signitures of Germany in the 30's, "us against them")...

You and your side are making their arguments primarily by appealing to emotions, ie fear and hatred, rather than rational thought.

The Klan is an irrelevant fringe. Neither Trump nor his AG have done anything to suggest they think otherwise. Your sides attempt to smear Trump with the Klan is an appeal to emotion, ie the fear of being ridiculed by being associated with vile nutjobs like the Klan in order to influence the People. ie you are being a Demagogue.

Your complete and constant vilification of the Right shows that you consider us your enemy. Or are you trying to suggest we are allied of the Klan, but still your friends? LOL!!!

2. The Press's actions have made them the enemy. ...(an enemy, is someone you would kill. Do you want to kill journalists?)...Their ...(you mean "there")... is nothing wrong with telling the Truth. ...(Agreed. But you haven't told any.)... If you think there is, that shows that you are in the wrong. ...(Now you're jumping to conclusions.)...

There is nothing in the definition of the word "enemy" that requires a "readiness to kill". That was you lying about your enemies in order to make us an object of fear and hatred. ie you are AGAIN using "emotion" to influence people, not a rational argument.

THAT is a Truth, for you. Liar.

3. Your refusal to see that your enemies have valid interests and grievances, is just you being an ass. ...(that's the 2nd time you brought up "enemy", but this time, it was as if they were your friends)..

You have amply demonstrated that you consider us, Trump and his supporters, your enemies. YOur post here does not address my point, ie

Your refusal to see that your enemies have valid interests and grievances, is just you being an ass.

4. He is not "Scapegoating" an entire race of people. Try to be less dishonest. ...(is there a travel ban against the Dutch? Or Australians? the Irish? No, there isn't. And we both know who the travel ban is banning.)...

Islam is not a race. NOt all Muslims are banned, just travelers from a list of specific countries that we can't trust to do any vetting.

Calling people "Racist" is not a rational argument. It is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

fyi, there is you, using emotion again.

5. The rest of the world is fucked up. Trump is the answer to our shared problems. ...(too general)...

LOL!! The dysfunctional general philosophy of the Left, which is dominate in the First World, is fucked up. Trump is a massive challenge to much of that. Such as Political Correctness and Universalism.

6. Their is nothing wrong with Americans being proud of being Americans, and/or wanting American policies to serve American interests. You having a problem with this is you being an Anti-American. ...(I have a problem with you thinking you're an American as you demonstrate the actions and ideology of what occurred in Wiemar, Germany)...

I made a valid point, and your response was to personally smear me with a Godwin. That is not a rational argument against my point(s) but an use of emotion to try to persuade

7. You don't respect our laws. Or our nation. ...(as you attack me for using my 1st amendment rights. In this country, a person is innocent until proven guilty. In your posts, that is one American value that seems to be missing)...

I'm not attacking you for using your 1st amendment rights. I am disagreeing with you.

YOur use of a Strawman is not a rational argument.

8. Your demagogic ...(that's not even a word!)... panic mongering is noted and dismissed. ...(strawman)...You are the bad guy here. ...(well, at least your grammar was correct)...

I have demonstrated, with your help, that my accusing you of demagogic panic mongering is a valid point, that you need to address.

But you won't. Because that is not the way people like you operate

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