Muslims in America Condemn Extremists and Fear Anew for Their Lives

This is becoming like the KKK towards Muslims instead of blacks, jews and RC's. I am appalled at some of the stuff I read.

Dearborn has crime of course, they also have a Catholic mayor and no real problems till the Christians go there and try to declare how much better they are.

if only you cared that you sound like the KKK when talking about jews.

kind of makes you an irrelevancy
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......
Thats incorrect. We attacked Iraq in retaliation like a drunken street fighter attacking someone who was just happened to be nearby instead of the person that actually hit us. Lots of muslim blood was touched in that attack even though it was terrorists that happened to claim being muslims that did the damage. Thanks to that fopa we now have ISIS.

Sadaam was getting ready for the end of sanctions and Europe didn't care that he violated every last one of the ceasefire requirements......after muslims murdered 3,000 Americans letting him play his games was no longer a sane thing to do....sort of like pulling all of our troops out of Iraq and letting isis your guy obama did....

you guys still don't get the apparently never we will have to do this without you......
Sad thing is that condemning the extremists is not going to do much to protect them from the idiots. My muslim neighbor and I talked and he knows he can send his family to my home if something goes down.
I think of that Quinton tarantino movie where the Germans are hiding the Jews and the nazi comes in and makes a speech about rats. Maybe ingloriously bastards? Great movie.

It wasn't a German it was a French farmer.
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......
Thats incorrect. We attacked Iraq in retaliation like a drunken street fighter attacking someone who was just happened to be nearby instead of the person that actually hit us. Lots of muslim blood was touched in that attack even though it was terrorists that happened to claim being muslims that did the damage. Thanks to that fopa we now have ISIS.

Sadaam was getting ready for the end of sanctions and Europe didn't care that he violated every last one of the ceasefire requirements......after muslims murdered 3,000 Americans letting him play his games was no longer a sane thing to do....sort of like pulling all of our troops out of Iraq and letting isis your guy obama did....

you guys still don't get the apparently never we will have to do this without you......

Ok, so you clarified it. It was Muslims. Not terrorists.
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......

Terrorists murdered 3000 people.

And yes, some of you DO attack innocent people.

That is what I said...muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 people..not catholics, mormons or zoroastrians.....
No. You said this.
"..muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11"

I dont see the word "terrorist" in that sentence.

You are correct....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans and some foreigners......they were terrorists...but mostly they were muslim jihadi......

How is that innaccurate.....?
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......
Thats incorrect. We attacked Iraq in retaliation like a drunken street fighter attacking someone who was just happened to be nearby instead of the person that actually hit us. Lots of muslim blood was touched in that attack even though it was terrorists that happened to claim being muslims that did the damage. Thanks to that fopa we now have ISIS.

Sadaam was getting ready for the end of sanctions and Europe didn't care that he violated every last one of the ceasefire requirements......after muslims murdered 3,000 Americans letting him play his games was no longer a sane thing to do....sort of like pulling all of our troops out of Iraq and letting isis your guy obama did....

you guys still don't get the apparently never we will have to do this without you......

Ok, so you clarified it. It was Muslims. Not terrorists.

Yes...I know you lefties like to play games rather than deal with facts, the truth and reality....3,000 people were murdered by muslims on 9/11.....14 people were murdered by muslims last week.....
Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam —
I will not lie. Yes, they do represent islam now. In more ways than one. And they should be nervous.
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......

Terrorists murdered 3000 people.

And yes, some of you DO attack innocent people.

That is what I said...muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 people..not catholics, mormons or zoroastrians.....
No. You said this.
"..muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11"

I dont see the word "terrorist" in that sentence.

You are correct....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans and some foreigners......they were terrorists...but mostly they were muslim jihadi......

How is that innaccurate.....?
Its inaccurate because you claimed you said "muslim terrorists". How did you get confused about that?
Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......

Terrorists murdered 3000 people.

And yes, some of you DO attack innocent people.

That is what I said...muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 people..not catholics, mormons or zoroastrians.....
No. You said this.
"..muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11"

I dont see the word "terrorist" in that sentence.

You are correct....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans and some foreigners......they were terrorists...but mostly they were muslim jihadi......

How is that innaccurate.....?
Its inaccurate because you claimed you said "muslim terrorists". How did you get confused about that?

As obama constantly says....

Let me be clear....

muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

muslims murdered 14 Americans last week.
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......
Thats incorrect. We attacked Iraq in retaliation like a drunken street fighter attacking someone who was just happened to be nearby instead of the person that actually hit us. Lots of muslim blood was touched in that attack even though it was terrorists that happened to claim being muslims that did the damage. Thanks to that fopa we now have ISIS.

Sadaam was getting ready for the end of sanctions and Europe didn't care that he violated every last one of the ceasefire requirements......after muslims murdered 3,000 Americans letting him play his games was no longer a sane thing to do....sort of like pulling all of our troops out of Iraq and letting isis your guy obama did....

you guys still don't get the apparently never we will have to do this without you......
You won't do anything except whine about muslims on the message board. The only threat is that low intellect morons such as yourself actually help the terrorists recruit more members. When are you going to wake up?
Terrorists murdered 3000 people.

And yes, some of you DO attack innocent people.

That is what I said...muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 people..not catholics, mormons or zoroastrians.....
No. You said this.
"..muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11"

I dont see the word "terrorist" in that sentence.

You are correct....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans and some foreigners......they were terrorists...but mostly they were muslim jihadi......

How is that innaccurate.....?
Its inaccurate because you claimed you said "muslim terrorists". How did you get confused about that?

As obama constantly says....

Let me be clear....

muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

muslims murdered 14 Americans last week.
We arent talking about what Obama said. We are talking about how you claimed you said "muslim terrorists" but thats not the truth.
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......
Thats incorrect. We attacked Iraq in retaliation like a drunken street fighter attacking someone who was just happened to be nearby instead of the person that actually hit us. Lots of muslim blood was touched in that attack even though it was terrorists that happened to claim being muslims that did the damage. Thanks to that fopa we now have ISIS.

Sadaam was getting ready for the end of sanctions and Europe didn't care that he violated every last one of the ceasefire requirements......after muslims murdered 3,000 Americans letting him play his games was no longer a sane thing to do....sort of like pulling all of our troops out of Iraq and letting isis your guy obama did....

you guys still don't get the apparently never we will have to do this without you......
You won't do anything except whine about muslims on the message board. The only threat is that low intellect morons such as yourself actually help the terrorists recruit more members. When are you going to wake up? morons keep saying that....

Does anyone tell members of isis..."you know...if we keep murdering Americans, and chopping off heads of other people...we are just going to make people join the U.S. Army?"
That is what I said...muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 people..not catholics, mormons or zoroastrians.....
No. You said this.
"..muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11"

I dont see the word "terrorist" in that sentence.

You are correct....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans and some foreigners......they were terrorists...but mostly they were muslim jihadi......

How is that innaccurate.....?
Its inaccurate because you claimed you said "muslim terrorists". How did you get confused about that?

As obama constantly says....

Let me be clear....

muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

muslims murdered 14 Americans last week.
We arent talking about what Obama said. We are talking about how you claimed you said "muslim terrorists" but thats not the truth.

And I clarified..........I will do so again....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

muslims murdered 128 people in France and wounded over 300 more.

muslims murdered 14 people last week.

I can repeat the truth again if you want.
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......
Thats incorrect. We attacked Iraq in retaliation like a drunken street fighter attacking someone who was just happened to be nearby instead of the person that actually hit us. Lots of muslim blood was touched in that attack even though it was terrorists that happened to claim being muslims that did the damage. Thanks to that fopa we now have ISIS.

Sadaam was getting ready for the end of sanctions and Europe didn't care that he violated every last one of the ceasefire requirements......after muslims murdered 3,000 Americans letting him play his games was no longer a sane thing to do....sort of like pulling all of our troops out of Iraq and letting isis your guy obama did....

you guys still don't get the apparently never we will have to do this without you......
You won't do anything except whine about muslims on the message board. The only threat is that low intellect morons such as yourself actually help the terrorists recruit more members. When are you going to wake up? morons keep saying that....

Does anyone tell members of isis..."you know...if we keep murdering Americans, and chopping off heads of other people...we are just going to make people join the U.S. Army?"
I dont know what people tell ISIS. What does that have to do with me telling you to get your head out of your ass and wake up?
Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam —
I will not lie. Yes, they do represent islam now. In more ways than one. And they should be nervous.
They should be nervous about being watched by our secret service, not you or any vigilantes.

What vigilantes would that guys keep blabbing on and on about hate crimes....and they never happen.....Americans aren't middle eastern muslims...we do not murder people for drawing cartoons or even for murdering our people...we actually blame the actual muslims that did it...not the muslims who didn't do it....
Muslims are lucky they live here....muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11 and muslim blood was left untouched......a fake story about a koran being flushed down the toilet and muslims rioted and murdered people in the middle east.....they have never been under threat and I am F*****g tired of you left wing types accusing us of actions that never happen and never will happen...we are not muslims....we do not attack innocent people to punish the guilty...that is what muslims do in the middle east, not Americans......CAIR is a group that comes out of the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood......they should be laughed off the stage......
Thats incorrect. We attacked Iraq in retaliation like a drunken street fighter attacking someone who was just happened to be nearby instead of the person that actually hit us. Lots of muslim blood was touched in that attack even though it was terrorists that happened to claim being muslims that did the damage. Thanks to that fopa we now have ISIS.

Sadaam was getting ready for the end of sanctions and Europe didn't care that he violated every last one of the ceasefire requirements......after muslims murdered 3,000 Americans letting him play his games was no longer a sane thing to do....sort of like pulling all of our troops out of Iraq and letting isis your guy obama did....

you guys still don't get the apparently never we will have to do this without you......
You won't do anything except whine about muslims on the message board. The only threat is that low intellect morons such as yourself actually help the terrorists recruit more members. When are you going to wake up? morons keep saying that....

Does anyone tell members of isis..."you know...if we keep murdering Americans, and chopping off heads of other people...we are just going to make people join the U.S. Army?"
I dont know what people tell ISIS. What does that have to do with me telling you to get your head out of your ass and wake up?

And you have no leg to stand on....your head has been so far up your ass for so long you don't know what the sun looks like.
No. You said this.
"..muslims murdered 3000 people on 9/11"

I dont see the word "terrorist" in that sentence.

You are correct....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans and some foreigners......they were terrorists...but mostly they were muslim jihadi......

How is that innaccurate.....?
Its inaccurate because you claimed you said "muslim terrorists". How did you get confused about that?

As obama constantly says....

Let me be clear....

muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

muslims murdered 14 Americans last week.
We arent talking about what Obama said. We are talking about how you claimed you said "muslim terrorists" but thats not the truth.

And I clarified..........I will do so again....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

muslims murdered 128 people in France and wounded over 300 more.

muslims murdered 14 people last week.

I can repeat the truth again if you want.
So you admit you lied when you claimed you said "muslim terrorists"? Its about time.
You are correct....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans and some foreigners......they were terrorists...but mostly they were muslim jihadi......

How is that innaccurate.....?
Its inaccurate because you claimed you said "muslim terrorists". How did you get confused about that?

As obama constantly says....

Let me be clear....

muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

muslims murdered 14 Americans last week.
We arent talking about what Obama said. We are talking about how you claimed you said "muslim terrorists" but thats not the truth.

And I clarified..........I will do so again....muslims murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11.

muslims murdered 128 people in France and wounded over 300 more.

muslims murdered 14 people last week.

I can repeat the truth again if you want.
So you admit you lied when you claimed you said "muslim terrorists"? Its about time.

Nope...I left off terrorist.....I put it on in the next post...and to piss you guys off I am from this point going forward leaving terrorist off when muslims murder more people....I am tired of your nonsense.....
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

No sane person is suggesting violence against Islamic Americans. If you have specific evidence of a recent rash Muslim persecution in America please post specific links. is a straw man argument.

The real victims are the Christians and Jews murdered by the jihadist nut bags in Paris and California. That is where my concern lies and where your concern should lie. Thank you.

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