Muslims In America.. The "peaceful Muslims"

I support the Jewish people and Israel being the Jews country.

Still doesn't make sense. Israel might be the only Jewish state, but it doesn't speak for all Jewish people. It still has a govt which is still elected and many Jews don't support the govt whichever party gets into power. Many Jews don't support the actions of their govt when it does a lot of what it does.
To simply support something, as if you support them no matter what they do whether right or wrong, is ridiculous. I certainly wouldn't expect a Jewish person or an Israeli to automatically support Israeli politicians straight away. So why someone else would doesn't make sense to me.
I support the Jewish people and Israel being the Jews country.

Still doesn't make sense. Israel might be the only Jewish state, but it doesn't speak for all Jewish people. It still has a govt which is still elected and many Jews don't support the govt whichever party gets into power. Many Jews don't support the actions of their govt when it does a lot of what it does.
To simply support something, as if you support them no matter what they do whether right or wrong, is ridiculous. I certainly wouldn't expect a Jewish person or an Israeli to automatically support Israeli politicians straight away. So why someone else would doesn't make sense to me.
Au contraire. Support for Israel, and support for that to be the homeland for the Jews, makes perfect sense.
I am not a Jew hater. Jews believe in the one true God. I support Israel 100%.

This sentence makes no sense. You say you support Jews then you say you support Israel 100% as if Israel someone is all Jews and no matter what they do is good for all Jews etc etc. Ridiculous.
I support the Jewish people and Israel being the Jews country.

That is one hot debate. What do you know about the Jewish people?
Au contraire. Support for Israel, and support for that to be the homeland for the Jews, makes perfect sense.

How's that?
Easy. Israel belongs to the Jews who God gave the land to. The palestinians who stole the name have no historical part to it. Therefore I support Israel as a Jewish state, ALL of Israel.

Do you know the Jews in Israel are mainly secular meaning they do not believe the Torah was inspired by God. Have you read EZRA, part of the Jewish history book, you know the OT, which they conveniently forgot they wrote. Intermarriage rampant, so one of those Jews might be a Canaanite princess really.
Au contraire. Support for Israel, and support for that to be the homeland for the Jews, makes perfect sense.

How's that?
After suffering the loss of 6,000,000 during the 1940s, the world is allowing the Jews to set up as 'Israel' as a multi-generational, en masse apology and penance.

A consolation prize, for The West allowing so many of them to die, without attempting to intercede.

The land is their homeland anyway (part ancestral, part spiritual), and they've been hoping to retake it for the past 2000 years, since Euro-trash kicked them out.

The Arabs who were dumb enough to stay behind are in the way, and need to leave, before they're forced out.

The Christians, Muslims and Buddhists all have several countries and cities under their control that serve as the core of their spiritual life.

Why begrudge the Jews (who started it all, in connection with Christianity and Islam) one measly sliver of land, to give them a taste of the same thing.

Once the last of the Arabs gets out of the way within those borders, the region will be at peace again.

And it gives The West a foothold on the Middle East and a buffer against a re-awakening and re-militarizing Islam, for very little cost... a very good thing to have.

It makes perfect sense.
You ever hear some of the ways them Zionist talk about the US. They will stab us in the back in a moment if they could. Its a real shame, they just left the orthodox jews to fend for themselves before WWII hey, but they got most of the Zionist in Germany out.
You ever hear some of the ways them Zionist talk about the US. They will stab us in the back in a moment if they could. Its a real shame, they just left the orthodox jews to fend for themselves before WWII hey, but they got most of the Zionist in Germany out.
When given a choice between taking a chance on getting stabbed in the back by a Jew or a Muslim, my money is on it being safer to trust the Jew, every time.
I am not a Jew hater. Jews believe in the one true God. I support Israel 100%.

This sentence makes no sense. You say you support Jews then you say you support Israel 100% as if Israel someone is all Jews and no matter what they do is good for all Jews etc etc. Ridiculous.
I support the Jewish people and Israel being the Jews country.

That is one hot debate. What do you know about the Jewish people?
Au contraire. Support for Israel, and support for that to be the homeland for the Jews, makes perfect sense.

How's that?
Easy. Israel belongs to the Jews who God gave the land to. The palestinians who stole the name have no historical part to it. Therefore I support Israel as a Jewish state, ALL of Israel.

Do you know the Jews in Israel are mainly secular meaning they do not believe the Torah was inspired by God. Have you read EZRA, part of the Jewish history book, you know the OT, which they conveniently forgot they wrote. Intermarriage rampant, so one of those Jews might be a Canaanite princess really.
You talk a lot but say nothing meaningful.
Au contraire. Support for Israel, and support for that to be the homeland for the Jews, makes perfect sense.

How's that?
Easy. Israel belongs to the Jews who God gave the land to. The palestinians who stole the name have no historical part to it. Therefore I support Israel as a Jewish state, ALL of Israel.

...and back to reality.

Let's just say I don't have a problem with there being a Jewish country, I'm not a bigot. This isn't the issue.

The issue is that you say you support Israel 100%. I don't even support my own country 100%. Now, perhaps this is me misinterpreting what you're saying, I'm not sure. I support the right of Israel to be a state. Not for religious reasons, but because it's there, it happened and you can't go back on it. If it were 100 years ago I'd support Jewish people settling somewhere else, but as it is, I support Israel being there.
That doesn't mean I support what they do and the manner they do it in. When you say you support them 100% does this mean you support their aggressive and warmongering policies too, just because they're Jewish?
Au contraire. Support for Israel, and support for that to be the homeland for the Jews, makes perfect sense.

How's that?
After suffering the loss of 6,000,000 during the 1940s, the world is allowing the Jews to set up as 'Israel' as a multi-generational, en masse apology and penance.

A consolation prize, for The West allowing so many of them to die, without attempting to intercede.

The land is their homeland anyway (part ancestral, part spiritual), and they've been hoping to retake it for the past 2000 years, since Euro-trash kicked them out.

The Arabs who were dumb enough to stay behind are in the way, and need to leave, before they're forced out.

The Christians, Muslims and Buddhists all have several countries and cities under their control that serve as the core of their spiritual life.

Why begrudge the Jews (who started it all, in connection with Christianity and Islam) one measly sliver of land, to give them a taste of the same thing.

Once the last of the Arabs gets out of the way within those borders, the region will be at peace again.

And it gives The West a foothold on the Middle East and a buffer against a re-awakening and re-militarizing Islam, for very little cost... a very good thing to have.

It makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I'm sure ethnic cleansing makes perfect sense to you.
Au contraire. Support for Israel, and support for that to be the homeland for the Jews, makes perfect sense.

How's that?
After suffering the loss of 6,000,000 during the 1940s, the world is allowing the Jews to set up as 'Israel' as a multi-generational, en masse apology and penance.

A consolation prize, for The West allowing so many of them to die, without attempting to intercede.

The land is their homeland anyway (part ancestral, part spiritual), and they've been hoping to retake it for the past 2000 years, since Euro-trash kicked them out.

The Arabs who were dumb enough to stay behind are in the way, and need to leave, before they're forced out.

The Christians, Muslims and Buddhists all have several countries and cities under their control that serve as the core of their spiritual life.

Why begrudge the Jews (who started it all, in connection with Christianity and Islam) one measly sliver of land, to give them a taste of the same thing.

Once the last of the Arabs gets out of the way within those borders, the region will be at peace again.

And it gives The West a foothold on the Middle East and a buffer against a re-awakening and re-militarizing Islam, for very little cost... a very good thing to have.

It makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I'm sure ethnic cleansing makes perfect sense to you.

Blah, blah, blah...

More like eviction and expulsion...

One need look no further than the mass of Jews expelled from Muslim-controlled lands during the period 1948-1975 as a test of legality and ethics...

Or the population-transfers of Hindus and Muslims in 1947-1948 between India and Pakistan...

Or the expulsions of ethnic Germans from the Sudatenland by the Czechs or from East Prussia by the Poles in the 1945-1948 timeframe...

All by Allied powers, post WWII, within living memory...

Happens all the time...

Especially when there's an embedded, militant, hostile population, presenting a Gordian Knot that must be cut...

Any Muslim-Arab Palestinian in the West Bank or Gaza, with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together, needs to get a clue, after 66 years, and get the hell outta Dodge.

Time to go somewhere where they're actually wanted, and where they can build new lives for themselves and their families, away from the insanity that they wallow in.
Blah, blah, blah...

More like eviction and expulsion...

One need look no further than the mass of Jews expelled from Muslim-controlled lands during the period 1948-1975 as a test of legality and ethics...

Or the population-transfers of Hindus and Muslims in 1947-1948 between India and Pakistan...

Or the expulsions of ethnic Germans from the Sudatenland by the Czechs or from East Prussia by the Poles in the 1945-1948 timeframe...

All by Allied powers, post WWII, within living memory...

Happens all the time...

Especially when there's an embedded, militant, hostile population, presenting a Gordian Knot that must be cut...

Any Muslim-Arab Palestinian in the West Bank or Gaza, with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together, needs to get a clue, after 66 years, and get the hell outta Dodge.

Time to go somewhere where they're actually wanted, and where they can build new lives for themselves and their families, away from the insanity that they wallow in.

It's called ethnic cleansing, that's its name. You don't like it? Sure.

Also, ethnic cleansing on both sides doesn't make things better. I'm no fan of Muslims, but I try and find solutions that actually work, not ones that make things worse.

Ethnically cleansing the Middle East isn't going to work, you'd have to get rid of a large, LARGE area.
Coming to America.

This chick is the problem. She extols liberalism's highest value, tolerance, and yet she expresses worry about what is happening but she won't cross over and defend her own culture.

Combine the mind virus of liberalism's religious instruction of "I'm above judging" @ 2:04 in the video with Islam's "I am judging you" and their willingness to fight for their beliefs and this is the result.

Liberals align more with their religion of Liberalism than with their native culture. She just can't break free, she can't be judgmental, she needs to try to understand, she needs to try to allow for them to live by their own ways, etc.

The future belongs to those who fight for it. Muslims are fighting for the future of an Islamic world.
Coming to America.

This chick is the problem. She extols liberalism's highest value, tolerance, and yet she expresses worry about what is happening but she won't cross over and defend her own culture.

Combine the mind virus of liberalism's religious instruction of "I'm above judging" @ 2:04 in the video with Islam's "I am judging you" and their willingness to fight for their beliefs and this is the result.

Liberals align more with their religion of Liberalism than with their native culture. She just can't break free, she can't be judgmental, she needs to try to understand, she needs to try to allow for them to live by their own ways, etc.

The future belongs to those who fight for it. Muslims are fighting for the future of an Islamic world.

I'm not sure what you're complaining about. Surely by putting such a video out she IS defending her own culture.
Coming to America.

This chick is the problem. She extols liberalism's highest value, tolerance, and yet she expresses worry about what is happening but she won't cross over and defend her own culture.

Combine the mind virus of liberalism's religious instruction of "I'm above judging" @ 2:04 in the video with Islam's "I am judging you" and their willingness to fight for their beliefs and this is the result.

Liberals align more with their religion of Liberalism than with their native culture. She just can't break free, she can't be judgmental, she needs to try to understand, she needs to try to allow for them to live by their own ways, etc.

The future belongs to those who fight for it. Muslims are fighting for the future of an Islamic world.

I'm not sure what you're complaining about. Surely by putting such a video out she IS defending her own culture.

She's not actually defending her culture. She's not saying "you're wrong, the British way is better." What she's doing is showing us that she's enlightened. She's showing us that she's trying to understand them. She's showing us that she tolerates them. She's showing us that she's not judgmental.

Oh hey, you're right, she is defending her own culture - more accurately, religion - Liberalism. What she's not doing is defending Western culture, British culture.
Blah, blah, blah...

More like eviction and expulsion...

One need look no further than the mass of Jews expelled from Muslim-controlled lands during the period 1948-1975 as a test of legality and ethics...

Or the population-transfers of Hindus and Muslims in 1947-1948 between India and Pakistan...

Or the expulsions of ethnic Germans from the Sudatenland by the Czechs or from East Prussia by the Poles in the 1945-1948 timeframe...

All by Allied powers, post WWII, within living memory...

Happens all the time...

Especially when there's an embedded, militant, hostile population, presenting a Gordian Knot that must be cut...

Any Muslim-Arab Palestinian in the West Bank or Gaza, with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together, needs to get a clue, after 66 years, and get the hell outta Dodge.

Time to go somewhere where they're actually wanted, and where they can build new lives for themselves and their families, away from the insanity that they wallow in.

It's called ethnic cleansing, that's its name. You don't like it? Sure.

Also, ethnic cleansing on both sides doesn't make things better. I'm no fan of Muslims, but I try and find solutions that actually work, not ones that make things worse.

Ethnically cleansing the Middle East isn't going to work, you'd have to get rid of a large, LARGE area.
There is nothing else left, untried, other than Israeli capitulation to the Arabs, and that ain't gonna happen.

Far more likely, we will see the Israelis continue to push the Arabs off the few remaining scraps of land left to them; shoving them across the borders into Jordan and Lebanon.
Au contraire. Support for Israel, and support for that to be the homeland for the Jews, makes perfect sense.

How's that?
Easy. Israel belongs to the Jews who God gave the land to. The palestinians who stole the name have no historical part to it. Therefore I support Israel as a Jewish state, ALL of Israel.

...and back to reality.

Let's just say I don't have a problem with there being a Jewish country, I'm not a bigot. This isn't the issue.

The issue is that you say you support Israel 100%. I don't even support my own country 100%. Now, perhaps this is me misinterpreting what you're saying, I'm not sure. I support the right of Israel to be a state. Not for religious reasons, but because it's there, it happened and you can't go back on it. If it were 100 years ago I'd support Jewish people settling somewhere else, but as it is, I support Israel being there.
That doesn't mean I support what they do and the manner they do it in. When you say you support them 100% does this mean you support their aggressive and warmongering policies too, just because they're Jewish?
It is the evil horde that is warmongering. I support Israel in defending itself.
Blah, blah, blah...

More like eviction and expulsion...

One need look no further than the mass of Jews expelled from Muslim-controlled lands during the period 1948-1975 as a test of legality and ethics...

Or the population-transfers of Hindus and Muslims in 1947-1948 between India and Pakistan...

Or the expulsions of ethnic Germans from the Sudatenland by the Czechs or from East Prussia by the Poles in the 1945-1948 timeframe...

All by Allied powers, post WWII, within living memory...

Happens all the time...

Especially when there's an embedded, militant, hostile population, presenting a Gordian Knot that must be cut...

Any Muslim-Arab Palestinian in the West Bank or Gaza, with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together, needs to get a clue, after 66 years, and get the hell outta Dodge.

Time to go somewhere where they're actually wanted, and where they can build new lives for themselves and their families, away from the insanity that they wallow in.

It's called ethnic cleansing, that's its name. You don't like it? Sure.

Also, ethnic cleansing on both sides doesn't make things better. I'm no fan of Muslims, but I try and find solutions that actually work, not ones that make things worse.

Ethnically cleansing the Middle East isn't going to work, you'd have to get rid of a large, LARGE area.
There is nothing else left, untried, other than Israeli capitulation to the Arabs, and that ain't gonna happen.

Far more likely, we will see the Israelis continue to push the Arabs off the few remaining scraps of land left to them; shoving them across the borders into Jordan and Lebanon.
Jordan kick the Palestinian s out long ago because they couldn't get along with anybody.
She's not actually defending her culture. She's not saying "you're wrong, the British way is better." What she's doing is showing us that she's enlightened. She's showing us that she's trying to understand them. She's showing us that she tolerates them. She's showing us that she's not judgmental.

Oh hey, you're right, she is defending her own culture - more accurately, religion - Liberalism. What she's not doing is defending Western culture, British culture.

yeah, you get all that from someone who is judging them in their faces huh? Seems like you just want to attack and rant for no real good reason.

If she wanted to show us she was so enlightened, she wouldn't speak like she does. Really, he accent is not one of someone who is out there to show enlightenment, she seems more to be doing practice journalism to me.

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