Muslims In America.. The "peaceful Muslims"

I don't support the violent reaction from the folks attending the event in the least. Violence is not the answer. These jerks showed up with the specific purpose to be offensive and to provoke the people attending the festival. Sort like the clowns over at Westboro Baptist. They use similar tactics in hopes of gaining this exact reaction so they can use it in their propaganda. The difference here is that some people seem to be giving this group a pass because of whom they are targeting. I can count on one hand the number of posts I've seen people defending the tactics used by Westboro.
The best way to fight Islamists is by exposing their hypocrisy, violence, brutal teachings, and intolerance to the world - and to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The actions of Islamists like ISIL/ISIS do the job, and disgust more Muslims than they recruit.

Islam needs a reformation, and it is slowly getting one as Muslims leave traditionalist or extremist Mosques and turn to reformist Mosques, Christianity, or just give up religion altogether.

Islamists claim they will 'rule the world', but the reality is that their own religion is deeply divided and fighting amongst themselves. The number one killers of Muslims are other Muslims, not westerners. Also Christianity not Islam is the fastest growing religion, and irreligion is growing faster than Islam.
I wonder if this guy visits Jewish temples and waves a pig's head around. Jews believe pigs are unclean, too. And they don't believe in Jesus, either. So they are going to burn in the lakes of fire with the Muslims, by his lights.

Somehow I doubt this asshole does. He knows the widespread condemnation that would rain down on his ass if he raided Jewish gatherings.

He's a coward, playing it safe. Picking on the demographic he knows won't get any sympathy.

Chickenshit motherfucker.

This was in the aftermath of the original incident. That guy is a loon, but in the original Christians were just passing out flyers...

ISIS supporters urged to attack Times Square with pipe bombs New York Post

ISIS supporters urged to attack Times Square with pipe bombs

Supporters of the Islamic State terror group are being urged to attack Times Square and other popular American tourist attractions with easily assembled homemade bombs, according to a disturbing report Tuesday.
A message posted on an ISIS Web forum lists widely available ingredients needed to build a pipe bomb, and includes photos showing how to combine them into a deadly explosive device, Vocativ reported.
The Arabic-language message cites Times Square — the scene of a failed car-bomb attack in 2010 by al Qaeda sympathizer Faisal Shahzad — and the Las Vegas Strip as prime targets, but also suggests striking sites in Texas and mass-transit stations across the country
New York Muslim groups denounce ISIS actions - am New York

you lazy sack of shit. fuck you and your cherry picked crap.

You leftists are such fucking idiots you don't even understand the subtext of what you read. Look at what your article focuses on - calls for Americans not to be anti-Muslim. That's why these guys are taking to the press - for their own self-interest. They're not calling the press to announce that they've expelled certain people, turned over names to the FBI, highlighted sermons to his co-religionists which blasted the text of the Qur'an and called for reformation of his faith.

No, what's important is to pay lip service to peace and then cast blame on Americans for what he says is intolerance to Muslims:

Dalia Mahmoud of the Muslim Public Affairs Council added that it also serves as a reminder that everyone needs to stand together in times of strife and support the president in his position in order to thwart any terrorist act.​

"We just need to understand our neighbors and to be open to continuing to live with the principles of diversity and peace and justice," said Mahmoud. "As long as we do that, we remain strong as a nation and able to counter any kind of threat."

Many of the leaders expressed concern over anti Muslim bigotry in New York and insisted that the only way to peace is through dialogue.

"We want to be able to also be proactive and build a safer world and a more just and peaceful world," said Carroll.
So who is the threat here, why it's other Americans being threatening to Muslims.

Lenin had a name for guys like you, useful idiots.
The christian trouble makers got kicked out of the park.

Another victory for Islam!!! ..... :thup:

"Kicked out another group of people who disagree with me...another victory for Islam!"

I'm glad that you're so honest about how intolerant, backwards, and bigoted your ideology of hate is. It saves me the trouble of having to prove that's what you actually believe.
I'm talking about killing their own people. What does that have to donwith land stealing?
Extremist Muslims kill BECAUSE they are Muslim, hence their constant use of the Koran as justification.
Just to be sure, I'm not talking about all or even most Muslims. But as I sad before, there is no comparison to my examples and the ones you gave in an earlier post.

I don't get the link.

So they use the koran as justification, doesn't mean they are killing because they're Muslims, that's such bad logic.

It's like saying a soldier in the US who is a Christian and who uses the bible to justify their role in the armed forces and being in some foreign country is clearly killing because they're christian and therefore christianity is clearly amazingly bad.
I'm talking about killing their own people. What does that have to donwith land stealing?
Extremist Muslims kill BECAUSE they are Muslim, hence their constant use of the Koran as justification.
Just to be sure, I'm not talking about all or even most Muslims. But as I sad before, there is no comparison to my examples and the ones you gave in an earlier post.

I don't get the link.

So they use the koran as justification, doesn't mean they are killing because they're Muslims, that's such bad logic.

It's like saying a soldier in the US who is a Christian and who uses the bible to justify their role in the armed forces and being in some foreign country is clearly killing because they're christian and therefore christianity is clearly amazingly bad.
Your logic is sick and twisted.
"Kicked out another group of people who disagree with me...another victory for Islam!"
I'm glad that you're so honest about how intolerant, backwards, and bigoted your ideology of hate is. It saves me the trouble of having to prove that's what you actually believe.
People here cheered when the bikers stood up to the Westboro Baptist Church at funerals.

So these same people should support the muslim families who stood up to this group of Christian crazies. ..... :cool:
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I think you are just jealous because of all the fun muslims have around the world. ..... :cool:


Yeah... havin' fun, all over the world...

I don't claim to be any kind of expert on religion, but tell me if I'm wrong here.

A goal of Christianity is to spread The Word, and I assume that includes motivating people to hop on board.

Islam pretty much has the same goal.

Minor difference - at this time in the world's history, there are many in Islam who are perfectly cool with accomplishing this goal through intimidation, wanton destruction, terrorism, slaughter and mass murder. Additionally, more and more they are procuring the means to do precisely that, and can be depended upon to do everything in their power to follow through.

Am I wrong anywhere?

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I don't claim to be any kind of expert on religion, but tell me if I'm wrong here.

A goal of Christianity is to spread The Word, and I assume that includes motivating people to hop on board.

Islam pretty much has the same goal.

Minor difference - at this time in the world's history, there are many in Islam who are perfectly cool with accomplishing this goal through intimidation, wanton destruction, terrorism, slaughter and mass murder. Additionally, more and more they are procuring the means to do precisely that, and can be depended upon to do everything in their power to follow through.

Am I wrong anywhere?


The difference is that Islam is generally poor and people are more likely to listen to religion. In the west the religion has moved on from spiritual to material, and oil is about as material as it can get. Pray to the oil god...................
Islam is growing and spreading throughout the is unstoppable.......... :thup:
Actually, Islam is dying by the thousands every day. Looks to be that over the next few years, that rate is going to be increasing.

Sucks to be a Muslim these days, what with their getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis.

I don't claim to be any kind of expert on religion, but tell me if I'm wrong here.

A goal of Christianity is to spread The Word, and I assume that includes motivating people to hop on board.

Islam pretty much has the same goal.

Minor difference - at this time in the world's history, there are many in Islam who are perfectly cool with accomplishing this goal through intimidation, wanton destruction, terrorism, slaughter and mass murder. Additionally, more and more they are procuring the means to do precisely that, and can be depended upon to do everything in their power to follow through.

Am I wrong anywhere?


The difference is that Islam is generally poor and people are more likely to listen to religion. In the west the religion has moved on from spiritual to material, and oil is about as material as it can get. Pray to the oil god...................
I take it you ride a bicycle everywhere you go?
I take it you ride a bicycle everywhere you go?

I passed my driving test, haven't driven since. I generally walk a lot. I often live in cities where I can walk.

But then again I'm not talking about not using oil. I'm talking about what oil has become, the thirst for oil and what this has turned the US into, a green eyed monster.
Nope. Like gun owners, there are no good one. Right? Lets lump all Muslims into one bucket. Something needs done about them


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