Muslims In America.. The "peaceful Muslims"

Islam is growing and spreading throughout the is unstoppable.......... :thup:
wanna bet ?
as soon as most American gun owners (about 70%,) wake up to the FACT that the Second Amdt. is meant for defending American Soil, (30% of us know what it means, we know how to use our weapons defensively AND offensively :up:) there will not be one living muslime in this country.

i just hope we 30%'ers can get the 70% to wake up and realize why they have the "Right To Keep And Bear Arms" :up:
Islam is growing and spreading throughout the is unstoppable.......... :thup:
Actually, Islam is dying by the thousands every day. Looks to be that over the next few years, that rate is going to be increasing.

Sucks to be a Muslim these days, what with their getting their asses handed to them on a daily basis.
Christians number 2.2 billion, or about one-in-three (32%) people worldwide.
Christians Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project
The religiously unaffiliated number 1.1 billion, accounting for about one-in-six (16%) people worldwide.
Religiously Unaffiliated Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project
Muslims number 1.6 billion, representing 23% of all people worldwide. There are two major branches of Islam – Sunni and Shia. The overwhelming majority (87-90%) of Muslims are Sunnis; about 10-13% are Shia Muslims.8
Muslims Pew Research Center s Religion Public Life Project
Like most cancers, the way to stop Islam is high doses of RADIATION therapy.

What about the biggest cancer that has invaded various countries, bombed many more in the last decades?
Yes, Islam, that is the cancer.

I was referring the to US.
The problem here is very few people seem to understand what the impact of US foreign policy actually has on the views of the people in the Middle East. People think you can just bomb and, like at school with bullying, you'll just scare people. Unfortunately it doesn't always work like that, these people are fighting back.The harder you hit, the more they work out and the more they fight back.
Like most cancers, the way to stop Islam is high doses of RADIATION therapy.

What about the biggest cancer that has invaded various countries, bombed many more in the last decades?
Yes, Islam, that is the cancer.
Nah, it is the dictatorships and messes we created in the Middle East, including deposing stable democratic governments like the US did in Iran when it put the Shah in power. I agree with Ron Paul in the respect that our attempts to 'help' have often had a negative and destructive effect.
Would say more than that, at the height of 9/11 US companies and corporations were firing people for just having Arab sounding names. Some of my extended family lost their jobs, and had to find other ones. So it is general discrimination post 9/11 too.
I had that happen to me in 2003. ....... :(
Ouch. Sorry man. :eek:

Amir Khan, well known boxer was refused entry into the US because he was called "Amir Khan", the US govt just doesn't give a damn. Someone got banned because their name backwards spelt the name of some terrorist or other. I suppose not much has changed in the past 200 years.
Islam is a cancer on civilization. It always has been. The only issue is degree: is an individual or particular group benign, malignant, in remission (reformed), or metastasized.

Whether you are a peaceful Muslim or not is no longer of much consequence. At this point a lid needs to be put on radical Islam. Neither the peaceful MUSLIMS nor any sect, group or state are able to control the radicals. You have failed. Therefore, I fail to see how you should somehow get special accommodations because you deem yourself "peaceful".

You can have your religious beliefs in America. I do not begrudge you that. It is your INDIVIDUAL and private right to do so. But, as a nation (which Islamic ideology results in) do not try to defend Islam. It has proven again and again that it fosters radicalism that cannot coexist with civilized society. Moreover, the ideological adherents to Islam cannot control these radical elements.

Thus, on Islam on an individual level, as a religious ideology, is something that is rather benign. However, Islam is not contextually content with this. Rather, it projects itself into a political ideology as well. That fact, coupled with radical, fundamentalist elements, creates a disastrous cocktail of chaos that cannot exist alongside civilized society.

Based on the foregoing I submit that the Islamic nation that exists across the world needs to be eradicated lest we watch our civilization further devolve into pointless violence and chaotic destruction.
Ouch. Sorry man. :eek:
I had worked as a department supervisor at a high tech factory for 5 years.

No one there knew that I was a muslim because I wore regular American clothes at work and the topic of religion never came up.

A new mosque was built right down the street from the factory and people started seeing my car in the parking lot on fridays. Which is the congregational meeting day in Islam. So it finally got around that I was a muslim.

For 4 years I always received stellar annual work reviews and a nice hourly pay raise.

But that 5th year, (when I was identified as a muslim), my work review was rated raise.......and 45 days later I was terminated. ... :(
Ouch. Sorry man. :eek:
I had worked as a department supervisor at a high tech factory for 5 years.

No one there knew that I was a muslim because I wore regular American clothes at work and the topic of religion never came up.

A new mosque was built right down the street from the factory and people started seeing my car in the parking lot on fridays. Which is the congregational meeting day in Islam. So it finally got around that I was a muslim.

For 4 years I always received stellar annual work reviews and a nice hourly pay raise.

But that 5th year, (when I was identified as a muslim), my work review was rated raise.......and 45 days later I was terminated. ... :(
Ouch. Seems like a classic 'the Muslims are coming' knee jerk reaction, that you find across America. The 9/11 hijackers weren't even American Muslims, yet the paranoia and fear remains. :/
Would say more than that, at the height of 9/11 US companies and corporations were firing people for just having Arab sounding names. Some of my extended family lost their jobs, and had to find other ones. So it is general discrimination post 9/11 too.
I had that happen to me in 2003. ....... :(
Ouch. Sorry man. :eek:

Amir Khan, well known boxer was refused entry into the US because he was called "Amir Khan", the US govt just doesn't give a damn. Someone got banned because their name backwards spelt the name of some terrorist or other. I suppose not much has changed in the past 200 years.
Weird, I would relate a name like Amir Khan as being more traditional Indian or Pakistani - it is hardly an indication of anything.
Weird, I would relate a name like Amir Khan as being more traditional Indian or Pakistani - it is hardly an indication of anything.

Yep, he's British of Pakistani origin, but he's also a well known boxer. Why should a name mean he can't go to the US?

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