Muslims In America.. The "peaceful Muslims"

I knew a guy from Saudi Arabia who was going to school here in the U.S. before 9/11

He was refused entry back into the U.S. to finish school after 9/11 because his last name was the same as one of the hijacker's last name.

It was crazy because his last name was very common in SA

Kind of like Smith or Jones here in America. ..... :cool:
The so called christians were nothing but trouble makers looking for a fight.

The muslims have an annual Family Day event and picnic and weren't bothering anyone.

And here comes along a small group of christian agitators yelling and screaming at the muslim families and their children.

So, you're excusing the violent reaction? Why not report it if they were harassed? What do we always see violent reactions to just about everything when it comes to Muslims?

Here is a violent reaction from a Muslim in an Australian KFC. What pissed him off so bad? A customer asked for bacon on their sandwich. The KFC had bent over to please Muslims and the restaurant was operating under Sharia law. That means zero tolerance.

Think we have no reason to be concerned in America? Guess again. Muslims are making the same kind of demands here and we have plenty of liberals willing to bend over and sell us out.

Maxine Waters tells Islamic society that sharia law is compatible with U.S. Constitution.

Sharia law goes against everything this country stands for. I realize some Muslims here respect only Sharia law, even though it is about as un-American as it gets. Women and children have no rights under Sharia law. It's dangerous to our freedoms and rights. But they continue to push and more idiots are willing to embrace it.

Every time someone even mildly offends a radical Muslim, violence ensues. Even the so-called peaceful Muslims react by wanting to kill infidels. Something is seriously wrong with anyone who decides to try to kill someone rather than reporting harassment. How can the liberals excuse Muslims for attempted murder because they were offended, but condemn those who shoot intruders in their homes in self-defense?
I knew a guy from Saudi Arabia who was going to school here in the U.S. before 9/11

He was refused entry back into the U.S. to finish school after 9/11 because his last name was the same as one of the hijacker's last name.

It was crazy because his last name was very common in SA

Kind of like Smith or Jones here in America. ..... :cool:

Yeah, just an amazing lack of understanding about almost everything from the US govt.
Muhammed P(eanut butter and jelly) B(e) U(pon) H(im) must be roasting in Hell but laughing his ass off at all of this.
Ouch. Sorry man. :eek:
I had worked as a department supervisor at a high tech factory for 5 years.

No one there knew that I was a muslim because I wore regular American clothes at work and the topic of religion never came up.

A new mosque was built right down the street from the factory and people started seeing my car in the parking lot on fridays. Which is the congregational meeting day in Islam. So it finally got around that I was a muslim.

For 4 years I always received stellar annual work reviews and a nice hourly pay raise.

But that 5th year, (when I was identified as a muslim), my work review was rated raise.......and 45 days later I was terminated. ... :(
Ouch. Seems like a classic 'the Muslims are coming' knee jerk reaction, that you find across America. The 9/11 hijackers weren't even American Muslims, yet the paranoia and fear remains. :/
Muslim is muslim. Quran instructs all muslims to commit jihad and to lie to make them look good. I do not trust any muslim satan worshiper.
The christian trouble makers got kicked out of the park.

Another victory for Islam!!! ..... :thup:
Satan's religion will lose in the end. Islam is a violent religion based on lies from a psychotic pedophile.

I think the OT is more violent than the Quran.
You would actually have to understand the Bible to realize the difference between the one true God and Satan=allah.

Right the same God by a different name and a slightly different view on him. Yes I am aware of all the arguments in favor of the Jews, they were pagans, and not monotheistic.
The christian trouble makers got kicked out of the park.

Another victory for Islam!!! ..... :thup:
Satan's religion will lose in the end. Islam is a violent religion based on lies from a psychotic pedophile.

I think the OT is more violent than the Quran.
You would actually have to understand the Bible to realize the difference between the one true God and Satan=allah.

Right the same God by a different name and a slightly different view on him. Yes I am aware of all the arguments in favor of the Jews, they were pagans, and not monotheistic.
Not the same god, that is the lie that people all to often believe. I know a former muslim from pakistan, he will tell you what I have told you.
The christian trouble makers got kicked out of the park.

Another victory for Islam!!! ..... :thup:
Satan's religion will lose in the end. Islam is a violent religion based on lies from a psychotic pedophile.

I think the OT is more violent than the Quran.
You would actually have to understand the Bible to realize the difference between the one true God and Satan=allah.

Right the same God by a different name and a slightly different view on him. Yes I am aware of all the arguments in favor of the Jews, they were pagans, and not monotheistic.
Not the same god, that is the lie that people all to often believe. I know a former muslim from pakistan, he will tell you what I have told you.

Which is what? Are you aware of the similarities between the OT and Quran. Differences yes, but many of the same people mentioned , the book of Jasper is more in the Quran and only mentioned in the OT , of course there are a few differences but not many. The OT talks preemptive wars, and genocide, the Quran talks about fighting enemies. Of course if your an evangelical or fundamental Muslim your both going to twist verses to suit your purposes.
Satan's religion will lose in the end. Islam is a violent religion based on lies from a psychotic pedophile.

I think the OT is more violent than the Quran.
You would actually have to understand the Bible to realize the difference between the one true God and Satan=allah.

Right the same God by a different name and a slightly different view on him. Yes I am aware of all the arguments in favor of the Jews, they were pagans, and not monotheistic.
Not the same god, that is the lie that people all to often believe. I know a former muslim from pakistan, he will tell you what I have told you.

Which is what? Are you aware of the similarities between the OT and Quran. Differences yes, but many of the same people mentioned , the book of Jasper is more in the Quran and only mentioned in the OT , of course there are a few differences but not many. The OT talks preemptive wars, and genocide, the Quran talks about fighting enemies. Of course if your an evangelical or fundamental Muslim your both going to twist verses to suit your purposes.
I am aware that people will misinform me that there are simililarities between the OT and the Quran to brainwash me in believing the lie. Pure BS! I am aware of the argument and reject it due to I actually understand the Bible. People influenced by satan try to say they are the same.
I think the OT is more violent than the Quran.
You would actually have to understand the Bible to realize the difference between the one true God and Satan=allah.

Right the same God by a different name and a slightly different view on him. Yes I am aware of all the arguments in favor of the Jews, they were pagans, and not monotheistic.
Not the same god, that is the lie that people all to often believe. I know a former muslim from pakistan, he will tell you what I have told you.

Which is what? Are you aware of the similarities between the OT and Quran. Differences yes, but many of the same people mentioned , the book of Jasper is more in the Quran and only mentioned in the OT , of course there are a few differences but not many. The OT talks preemptive wars, and genocide, the Quran talks about fighting enemies. Of course if your an evangelical or fundamental Muslim your both going to twist verses to suit your purposes.
I am aware that people will misinform me that there are simililarities between the OT and the Quran to brainwash me in believing the lie. Pure BS! I am aware of the argument and reject it due to I actually understand the Bible. People influenced by satan try to say they are the same.

Yep your an evangelical fundamentalist who has probably never read Mac I and II or the Book of Ester. Sure I'm doing it to brainwash you, I really don't think you understand the Bible either.

Tell me, why don't either one eat pork?
The verses in the Koran that were ripped off from the OT and other religions bear little resemblance in context or meaning to the originals. No, the insipid psychotic gibberish in the Koran is not similar to the OT at all, and neither are the rip-offs of Zoroastrianism and the other religions. The Koran is insane juvenile gibberish, nothing religious about it.
The verses in the Koran that were ripped off from the OT and other religions bear little resemblance in context or meaning to the originals. No, the insipid psychotic gibberish in the Koran is not similar to the OT at all, and neither are the rip-offs of Zoroastrianism and the other religions. The Koran is insane juvenile gibberish, nothing religious about it.
And organized haphazardly and according to length, rather than chronology, if memory serves correctly. An asinine way to configure a foundational work.
You would actually have to understand the Bible to realize the difference between the one true God and Satan=allah.

Right the same God by a different name and a slightly different view on him. Yes I am aware of all the arguments in favor of the Jews, they were pagans, and not monotheistic.
Not the same god, that is the lie that people all to often believe. I know a former muslim from pakistan, he will tell you what I have told you.

Which is what? Are you aware of the similarities between the OT and Quran. Differences yes, but many of the same people mentioned , the book of Jasper is more in the Quran and only mentioned in the OT , of course there are a few differences but not many. The OT talks preemptive wars, and genocide, the Quran talks about fighting enemies. Of course if your an evangelical or fundamental Muslim your both going to twist verses to suit your purposes.
I am aware that people will misinform me that there are simililarities between the OT and the Quran to brainwash me in believing the lie. Pure BS! I am aware of the argument and reject it due to I actually understand the Bible. People influenced by satan try to say they are the same.

Yep your an evangelical fundamentalist who has probably never read Mac I and II or the Book of Ester. Sure I'm doing it to brainwash you, I really don't think you understand the Bible either.

Tell me, why don't either one eat pork?
Actually I read the Book of Esther back in May. Mac i or ii I have no idea what that is. By the way, Esther is spelled with an h in it. When you try to argue the Bible with me make sure you know what you are talking about. Goodbye loser.

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