Muslims in Georgia

Muslims will NEVER assimilate.

it's all the contrary...

Islam "commands" Muslims to convert infidels to Islam or kill them.
Its nonsense and you should know that. If muslims were trying to kill us we would be dead centuries ago. Muslims have been a part of the American society for centuries but perhaps have assimilated too well for you to notice.
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...
Marching with guns is not democracy. Its anti democracy and goes to deny these people their constitutional rights.

It's a constitutional right in this country.

But it is also blatant intimidation to a peaceful group of American citizens.

As opposed to red necks in trucks with a shot gun hanging in the back window and a large drooling dog in the cab with the window rolled all the way down?

Towns and counties in part of the country have different rules from large cities and more metropolitan communities.

If the down had all showed up with their dogs in the town hall or a bottle of beer and a pork sandwich?

Is it right to muslims to tell schools they have to only serve all halal food to the students not just the muslim ones? Students with allergies usually bring their own food and some allowed to eat in "nut" free zones or separate rooms.

If a school banned all food for all the allergies of all the students, there would be nearly nothing they could serve.

What of uniforms where muslims demand their students wear the hijab, niqba or abaya for the boys and not participate in certain classes and activities or separate the boys from the girls in classes or actually have separate the sexes in the whole school?

In flood zones or areas near water ways and swamps, would you want a cemetery where the bodies were not preserved or laid in only a shroud? Not even autopsied to find if they body might be carrying something contagious even years later? No cremation or above ground burials? Not knowing what the rains and runoff might carry a mile of more away or into water aquifers and wells?

After Katrina more than a hundred coffins were found miles away and had to be identified and returned if possible. Would you want half decomposed bodies in nothing but a sheet floating in your area in a flood or disaster? Georgia is not exactly desert climate where the body will naturally mummify or left to the bugs? Yes, these are matters for the town to decide on? Muslim cemeteries are no visited on a regular basis like other faiths. Women are not suppose to visit or morn. Women are usually not allowed near the grave yard even during burial and might only see it once after one year if at all.

Town halls allow for open discussions on such items and for the town to vote on changes. Those who don't know about or understand need to be able to learn before making a decision for the town.

It is about information and the community working together to find the right solution.

It is about muslims or any outside group learning to work with their neighbors and assimilating into america.
It looks like the townsfolk did not want to discuss these matters and turned up to intimidate the minority community.
It's called Pest Control... a.k.a. neutralizing The Nest before it gets bigger and out of control... consider it Preemptive Politics...
It's always another mosque. Conquering the host country one acre at a time.
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...
Think about it for a minute. How does your rant square with the rights of Americans to worship ?
Saw this in the comments section of an article. Works for me.

"Let’s promote tolerance by being tolerant of all mosques in the US.

I would propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to each and every mosque nationwide.

We could call one of the clubs, which would be a gay establishment, "The Turban Cowboy" and the other, a topless bar, would be called "You Mecca Me Hot."

Next door should always be a butcher shop that specializes in the finest cuts of pork - and across the street, an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called "Iraq of Ribs."

A lingerie store should be close by called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret" and a liquor store in the neighborhood called "Morehammered."

In side alleys should be bars call "The Alley Ack Bar".

All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us."
Saw this in the comments section of an article. Works for me.

"Let’s promote tolerance by being tolerant of all mosques in the US.

I would propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to each and every mosque nationwide.

We could call one of the clubs, which would be a gay establishment, "The Turban Cowboy" and the other, a topless bar, would be called "You Mecca Me Hot."

Next door should always be a butcher shop that specializes in the finest cuts of pork - and across the street, an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called "Iraq of Ribs."

A lingerie store should be close by called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret" and a liquor store in the neighborhood called "Morehammered."

In side alleys should be bars call "The Alley Ack Bar".

All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us."

^^^ that is precious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"You Mecca Me Hot" ................"The Alley Ack Bar". :lmao:
Saw this in the comments section of an article. Works for me.

"Let’s promote tolerance by being tolerant of all mosques in the US.

I would propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to each and every mosque nationwide.

We could call one of the clubs, which would be a gay establishment, "The Turban Cowboy" and the other, a topless bar, would be called "You Mecca Me Hot."

Next door should always be a butcher shop that specializes in the finest cuts of pork - and across the street, an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called "Iraq of Ribs."

A lingerie store should be close by called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret" and a liquor store in the neighborhood called "Morehammered."

In side alleys should be bars call "The Alley Ack Bar".

All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us."

^^^ that is precious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"You Mecca Me Hot" ................"The Alley Ack Bar". :lmao:

My hubs came up with the Alley Ack Bar one. :lol:
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...
Think about it for a minute. How does your rant square with the rights of Americans to worship ?
Wake me up when Muslim countries reciprocate...
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...
Think about it for a minute. How does your rant square with the rights of Americans to worship ?
Wake me up when Muslim countries reciprocate...
Why do they need to reciprocate for Americans to enjoy their constitutional right ?
Saw this in the comments section of an article. Works for me.

"Let’s promote tolerance by being tolerant of all mosques in the US.

I would propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to each and every mosque nationwide.

We could call one of the clubs, which would be a gay establishment, "The Turban Cowboy" and the other, a topless bar, would be called "You Mecca Me Hot."

Next door should always be a butcher shop that specializes in the finest cuts of pork - and across the street, an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called "Iraq of Ribs."

A lingerie store should be close by called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret" and a liquor store in the neighborhood called "Morehammered."

In side alleys should be bars call "The Alley Ack Bar".

All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us."

^^^ that is precious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"You Mecca Me Hot" ................"The Alley Ack Bar". :lmao:
Ali-Ooops ! :eusa_drool:
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...
Think about it for a minute. How does your rant square with the rights of Americans to worship ?
Wake me up when Muslim countries reciprocate...
Why do they need to reciprocate for Americans to enjoy their constitutional right ?
Only the Muzzies.

Next slide, please.
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...
Think about it for a minute. How does your rant square with the rights of Americans to worship ?
Wake me up when Muslim countries reciprocate...
Why do they need to reciprocate for Americans to enjoy their constitutional right ?
Only the Muzzies.

Next slide, please.
Are they not Americans ?
Saw this in the comments section of an article. Works for me.

"Let’s promote tolerance by being tolerant of all mosques in the US.

I would propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to each and every mosque nationwide.

We could call one of the clubs, which would be a gay establishment, "The Turban Cowboy" and the other, a topless bar, would be called "You Mecca Me Hot."

Next door should always be a butcher shop that specializes in the finest cuts of pork - and across the street, an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called "Iraq of Ribs."

A lingerie store should be close by called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret" and a liquor store in the neighborhood called "Morehammered."

In side alleys should be bars call "The Alley Ack Bar".

All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us."

so sorry....but the visualization of that had me ROFLOL
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.


they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school.

How did the Muslims call off the town meeting? Wouldn't that be a function of the city council?
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.


The Muslims tried to buy and turn a store that was for sale into a Mosque in my small Georgia college town. A lot of people showed up and pro and con speeches were made in front of the city council. After each speech they asked the pros to stand and then the cons. A lot of college kids were there and they vote with the few Muslims that were there. One of the Muslim advocates was a lawyer.
The majority won the head count and the city council denied the zoning application.
About a week later the city council publish an article in the local paper approving the zoning for the Muslims stating the legal fees to the City would be huge and once it got to a federal court they would lose. End of story.

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