Muslims in Georgia

Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.


they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school.

How did the Muslims call off the town meeting? Wouldn't that be a function of the city council?

Walk out and withdraw the proposal till another time.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?
Islam is satans religion, that is why.
Marching, with firearms, protesting the building of a religious house of worship, or school, or cemetery is wrong in so many, of course, as long as it's peaceful but I wonder how I, if I were an American citizen who is Muslim, would feel seeing that.

Angry. Not at them, but at the people committing atrocities in the name of my religion. These people are reacting naturally to what they see as a threat to their safety. My faith has only itself to blame for not reining in these blasphemers who kill in the name of Allah.

Hopeless. Because no matter how much I try to convince them I'm not like those terrorists overseas, they will simply dismiss it. No matter how many times I assert my faith as a "religion of peace" they will contend otherwise, naturally with the atrocities committed on 9/11. By radical Islamic terrorists.

Afraid. Because there could come a time when another large scale terrorist attack is carried out on American soil, by a member of my faith, and then those same people protesting with their firearms will only become more hostile to me and people of my faith.

Isolated. Because each time there is a terrorist attack on American soil, the first thing people will do is see if people of my faith were responsible for it. It would make me feel different and wary.

Islam varies as much as Christianity but all people that are not familar with islam know is what they see and hear in the news, which is usually the bad or extreme radicals that abuse Islam.

Knowledge, openness, transparency is the only way for most americans to understand and eventually accept. They are afraid because they have been hurt by muslims and that is their only frame of reference. The language, secrecy and oddity of islam does not exactly make it easy to open themselves to scrutiny, conformity and possible reform in the west or the ability to assimilate without feeling they are denying their faith.

Clash of civilizations. People on both sides need to be willing to listen and work together.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?
Islam is satans religion, that is why.

At one time people thought christians were worshipers of evil and perversion and needed to be exterminated. Then you had christians killing other christians for not be the right type of christians and accused them of all manners of crimes and witchcraft. This went on for the better part of christian history till the last century.

Even in Jerusalem christians are still fighting with other christians. Priest are slugging it out in the churches and out on the streets. Quite the side show for the tourists wanting to come and pray. Shouldn't be any wonder since christianity as we know it began with bishops physically attacking each other over whether Jesus was human or divine. Half never thought of him as son of god any more than all mankind but as just the son of man. The idea of divine only barely pass by a vote after quite an ordeal. Now the idea is in question again as more discoveries are made about the past.
But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.
Like the woman from Norway who was RAPED. Then when she sought justice, she was jailed for being raped?

Oh foolish libtard.

I didn't say they were perfect. But at least the people are free to practice any religion they want. No one is protesting churches being built

And that woman wasn't jailed for being raped. She along with her accused rapist were thrown in jail for fornication because there was no evidence of rape. It is antiquated to jail people for fornication but it's not like it's a common thing for them to thrown rape victims in jail.

I actually have a friend who was sexually assaulted in Qatar. The police did take her claim seriously and they winded up catching the guy.
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...

You do realize that Saudi Arabia is just one of the many Muslim countries right? Most Muslims would never want to live there. They only go for hajj and that's it.

But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.
Can Christians and Jews and Buddhists, etc.,build churches and synagogues and temples there, and practice openly and without fear?

Yes they can. There churches and temples in both UAE and Qatar as there is a high number of catholic Phillipinos and Hindu Indians. There aren't many Jewish in the gulf so I haven't seen any synagogues there.

But when I lived in Egypt I came across some synagogues as there is a small population of Jewish people there.

need four male witnesses to prove rape
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?

People can build if they meet the building laws -----the building laws in the USA include the right of the public living in any given area to OBJECT.
...Can Christians and Jews and Buddhists, etc.,build churches and synagogues and temples there, and practice openly and without fear?
In Georgia? Maybe...maybe not.
They stand one helluva better chance of doing so in Georgia than they do in Saudi Arabia - and a number of other Muslim countries.

But, of course, that macro-level distinction escapes (or is obfuscated by) Western LibTards with a Cultural Suicide death wish, disguised as egalitarianism.
It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

Exercising free speech is as American as it gets. Even if you are doing it while armed.
A city government allowing its citizens to vote on the approval or rejection of a Mosque is absolutely American.

Forcing that mosque on the people of that city after a clear majority reject it is what would be un-American. Remember, rejecting the mosque does not mean impeding the rights of Muslims to worship their faith.
I think it's really cool that a town is allowed to vote on whether to allow a house of worship of a particular belief system in their town.

We did that and the Muslims hired lawyers and the City Council gave in rather than spend tax money defending the vote. As long as a Muslim loving President is in office, the Muslims will always win.
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...
So in the meantime, to show your displeasure, you'll behave just like them?
Islam varies as much as Christianity but all people that are not familar with islam know is what they see and hear in the news, which is usually the bad or extreme radicals that abuse Islam.

There's only one Islam and Muhammad is it's prophet. We know Islam by the behavior of it's practitioners and by reading it's doctrine.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?
Islam is satans religion, that is why.

At one time people thought christians were worshipers of evil and perversion and needed to be exterminated. Then you had christians killing other christians for not be the right type of christians and accused them of all manners of crimes and witchcraft. This went on for the better part of christian history till the last century.

Even in Jerusalem christians are still fighting with other christians. Priest are slugging it out in the churches and out on the streets. Quite the side show for the tourists wanting to come and pray. Shouldn't be any wonder since christianity as we know it began with bishops physically attacking each other over whether Jesus was human or divine. Half never thought of him as son of god any more than all mankind but as just the son of man. The idea of divine only barely pass by a vote after quite an ordeal. Now the idea is in question again as more discoveries are made about the past.

The standard Christian defense of Islam.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?
Islam is satans religion, that is why.
Sorry, don't believe in Satan. I do believe in allowing those who have a religion to practice it, though.
But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.


Dubai is not a democratic country.

Dubai is a Muslim country which follows strict Muslim laws.

Dubai also follows Sharia law.

Muslim laws and culture is very different from west or democratic nations.


Going To DUBAI – Know the 41 laws, do and Don’ts of Dubai or you will end up in Jail

Have you ever been to Dubai? Because if you had you wouldn't be talking like that. They don't call it the Vegas of the Middle East fork thing.

I never said they were democratic. I said they were westernized. Meaning the culture there is similar to western culture. Emirati nationals only make up about 20% the rest are nationals.

They may have shariah law on the books but they don't follow it. The bars, clubs, sell pork , women can wear whatever they want. Prostitution is supposed to be illegal but there are streets in Dubai where women openly hook in the streets. These things all go against shariah law yet they allow it.
But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.


Dubai is not a democratic country.

Dubai is a Muslim country which follows strict Muslim laws.

Dubai also follows Sharia law.

Muslim laws and culture is very different from west or democratic nations.


Going To DUBAI – Know the 41 laws, do and Don’ts of Dubai or you will end up in Jail

Have you ever been to Dubai? Because if you had you wouldn't be talking like that. They don't call it the Vegas of the Middle East fork thing.

I never said they were democratic. I said they were westernized. Meaning the culture there is similar to western culture. Emirati nationals only make up about 20% the rest are nationals.

They may have shariah law on the books but they don't follow it. The bars, clubs, sell pork , women can wear whatever they want. Prostitution is supposed to be illegal but there are streets in Dubai where women openly hook in the streets. These things all go against shariah law yet they allow it.
Its a hugely popular holiday destination for Europeans.

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