Muslims in Georgia

Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.


If the Muslims in Georgia insist upon having a cemetery that only allows Muslims, clearly they are offended at having their deceased Muslims placed in graves near non-Muslims. You can bet these particular Muslims are ones that would also want Sharia Law in the United States and the conversion, subjugation and killing of non-Muslims. These are not loyal Americans, they are the enemy.
So, according to some here the US should show that they're superior to 'Third World shit-holes' by adopting the laws of those 'Third World shit-holes'.
No. Third world shitholes are third world shitholes because of the culture that created them. We don't allow those who adhere to that culture to colonize our country.
Sorry, don't believe in Satan. I do believe in allowing those who have a religion to practice it, though.
If I start a religion that allows me to BUY a 9 year old girl and call er my wife, have sex with goats, preach that my god commands my followers to kill Jews wherever we find them, kill anyone who speaks against myself or my god, would you support my right to preach and practice those beliefs?
Islam varies as much as Christianity but all people that are not familar with islam know is what they see and hear in the news, which is usually the bad or extreme radicals that abuse Islam.

There's only one Islam and Muhammad is it's prophet. We know Islam by the behavior of it's practitioners and by reading it's doctrine.

As far back as the 9th C there have been 73 sects of islam
20 version of the quran, 7 were recognized in the hadith during the life of Mohammed. Two major sect, sunni and shite believe in differing authoritative hadiths. Most recognize sunni, shite, sufi, ahmadiyya, kharijite as main branches and nizari, druze, alwites, seveners, twelvers, wahabism, bahai sects from modern news events and there are dozens of reforms and movements within them and across the muslim world. Three, four, five (most widely recognized), seven, eleven different schools of law, depending on who you ask.

One god, Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. Five pillars, but the rest varies widely in beliefs, laws, practices, books and creeds.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?

Still has to go through town approval. If the town trusted their muslim neighbors they might not object, but if they feel muslims want to impose their laws and beliefs on the town, state, country there needs to be a give and take of information and trust.

Muslims did not want to face the community so they canceled the town hall meeting.

Montessori schools have to meet standards and required teach and test students on basic subjects and mandatory testing as the rest of the state.

Religious catholic and jewish schools also.

Standards for AMI Montessori Classrooms | AMI USA

Would you, as a minority, want to face a community that is so hostile to you they're carrying guns to protest the simple building of a school, or a cemetary or a place of worship?

There is no indication this school would be different than any other religious school.

They probably feel safer just keeping their heads down.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.


Marching, with firearms, protesting the building of a religious house of worship, or school, or cemetary is wrong in so many, of course, as long as it's peaceful but I wonder how I, if I were an American citizen who is Muslim, would feel seeing that. Would it be the same way the Jews felt when the Germans started closing down their business and synagogues? The presence of firearms changes the message and gives it a far more sinister aspect.

It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

some communities that have carry permits might also allow them to be carried in town hall meeting


Or checked in at the door but carried outside


the people made a statement just showing up. Muslims did not want to plead their case to the town.

Or, they are worried about violence and decided to postpone it - the article you posted pretty much says it all.

Article title: Armed militia storm council meeting after right-wing anger over Muslim plan for mosque

Local armed militia in a small US town forced a council meeting to be cancelled following growing security concerns over their presence.

The violent group of right-wing protesters carried guns into a local square to demonstrate against "the presence of Muslims" in the country

The meeting, which was expected to lift a ban on new places of worship, was called off amid growing tensions in Newton County, Georgia.

...The group, led by local resident Chris Hill, is now under investigation from Homeland Security and local law enforcement.

Newton County manager Lloyd Kerr said the group were "exhibiting harassing or violent behavior".

She added: "Unfortunately, in today’s society, uncivil threats or intentions must be taken seriously."

Following this, nearly 30 members of the armed militia stormed the local town centre armed with machine guns, forcing the mosque meeting to be cancelled.
Last edited:
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

If the Muslims in Georgia insist upon having a cemetery that only allows Muslims, clearly they are offended at having their deceased Muslims placed in graves near non-Muslims. You can bet these particular Muslims are ones that would also want Sharia Law in the United States and the conversion, subjugation and killing of non-Muslims. These are not loyal Americans, they are the enemy.

You've successfully taken the height of stupidity to levels never before seen.

Congratulations for being that stupid.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?

Still has to go through town approval. If the town trusted their muslim neighbors they might not object, but if they feel muslims want to impose their laws and beliefs on the town, state, country there needs to be a give and take of information and trust.

Muslims did not want to face the community so they canceled the town hall meeting.

Montessori schools have to meet standards and required teach and test students on basic subjects and mandatory testing as the rest of the state.

Religious catholic and jewish schools also.

Standards for AMI Montessori Classrooms | AMI USA
I am not understanding this. Religious freedom is dependant on the approval of the majority ?

building and zoning are

religious freedom is secondary to local, state and federal laws. Sharia is not allowed to supersede them, but for some muslims it does, in their minds.

As for the cemetery, some laces do not allow a body to be buried without a coffin, or certain types of coffins. Some deaths require autopsies. Schools required to meet certain equality between sexes and standards of education and testing as well as treatment of the students

I don't think that's entirely true - there's considerable latitude in private religious schools and in homeschooling - they just have to meet certain educational milestones.
Holy batshit crazy batman. Freedom of religeon is dead and stinking in Georgia. Yes boy blunder.

Never mind Georgia!

How about this? hmm????

for all the Islamic apologists????

What does Saudi Arabia have to do with American citizens? Nothing. We are a pluralistic country of multiple religions and a foundation built on freedom of religion. We have no control over Saudi Arabia and what Saudi Arabia does has no bearing on how WE treat our religious groups. So lets please stop this sillyness.
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...
Think about it for a minute. How does your rant square with the rights of Americans to worship ?
Wake me up when Muslim countries reciprocate...

Since when do we base OUR country's rights on what other countries do?
Holy batshit crazy batman. Freedom of religeon is dead and stinking in Georgia. Yes boy blunder.

Never mind Georgia!

How about this? hmm????

for all the Islamic apologists????

What does Saudi Arabia have to do with American citizens? Nothing. We are a pluralistic country of multiple religions and a foundation built on freedom of religion. We have no control over Saudi Arabia and what Saudi Arabia does has no bearing on how WE treat our religious groups. So lets please stop this sillyness.

Well said.
It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

Exercising free speech is as American as it gets. Even if you are doing it while armed.
A city government allowing its citizens to vote on the approval or rejection of a Mosque is absolutely American.

Forcing that mosque on the people of that city, if after a vote, the majority of them reject it is what would be un-American. Remember, rejecting the mosque does not mean impeding the rights of Muslims to worship their faith.

I don't need a church building to worship God, because God is omnipotent. I am in his presence no matter where I go.

I would assume Allah works the same way for Muslims.

If it meets all the zoning requirements and permit requirements, then refusing it solely on the basis of religion would be discrimminatory. You are right in that you don't need a church/mosque etc to worship, but worship is only a part of the function of these structures. They also serve as a focus for community, for activities and gatherings related to that community.
It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

Exercising free speech is as American as it gets. Even if you are doing it while armed.
A city government allowing its citizens to vote on the approval or rejection of a Mosque is absolutely American.

Forcing that mosque on the people of that city, if after a vote, the majority of them reject it is what would be un-American. Remember, rejecting the mosque does not mean impeding the rights of Muslims to worship their faith.

I don't need a church building to worship God, because God is omnipotent. I am in his presence no matter where I go.

I would assume Allah works the same way for Muslims.

Muslims can pray any place, even a church or synogogue, though most out of respect of the early muslims would prefer to pray in the court yard but let christians and jew pray in the mosques

Muslims, jews and christians used to pray together. Now that is growing again in popularity.

Earlier prophets and revelations were directed to those people and respected. Mohammed spoke to arabs in their own language and for their time. They were all considered right.

Why things changed is more political than religious and happened over centuries

Interesting...did not know that.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

If the Muslims in Georgia insist upon having a cemetery that only allows Muslims, clearly they are offended at having their deceased Muslims placed in graves near non-Muslims. You can bet these particular Muslims are ones that would also want Sharia Law in the United States and the conversion, subjugation and killing of non-Muslims. These are not loyal Americans, they are the enemy.

Many cemeteries that are associated with churches, synagogues, mosques etc are only for those of that particular religion. Is that a problem for you?
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

If the Muslims in Georgia insist upon having a cemetery that only allows Muslims, clearly they are offended at having their deceased Muslims placed in graves near non-Muslims. You can bet these particular Muslims are ones that would also want Sharia Law in the United States and the conversion, subjugation and killing of non-Muslims. These are not loyal Americans, they are the enemy.

There are catholic, jew, etc. only cemeteries. Bodies in only a shroud and not preserved in any way can be a health problem in some areas.

People have to be aware before fast tracking a cemetery. Very dry climates and higher ground with solid bed rock at least 6 ft below might be better location than areas that might flood or near water of any kind. Public need to simply be aware and understand about muslim burial. If they can find the right or better location they should have that option.

Knowledge and cooperation are necessary.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?

Still has to go through town approval. If the town trusted their muslim neighbors they might not object, but if they feel muslims want to impose their laws and beliefs on the town, state, country there needs to be a give and take of information and trust.

Muslims did not want to face the community so they canceled the town hall meeting.

Montessori schools have to meet standards and required teach and test students on basic subjects and mandatory testing as the rest of the state.

Religious catholic and jewish schools also.

Standards for AMI Montessori Classrooms | AMI USA

Would you, as a minority, want to face a community that is so hostile to you they're carrying guns to protest the simple building of a school, or a cemetary or a place of worship?

There is no indication this school would be different than any other religious school.

They probably feel safer just keeping their heads down.

If I had a reasonable case and was ready to fully educate and discuss the situation.................
You forget who I had to work with. Arguing a point in front of people with guns was never a problem for me, nor having one pointed at me. Now a car bomb(s) is a different matter especially when I was the intended target not just a collateral victim.
I know, not usual especially in the US :) Very little about my life was ever usual

If you have a valid ration case, why should people with guns make a difference if they will at least listen?

I believe there are now 11 states with conceal carry without permit now.

If you have something valid to say to a policeman, soldier, or anyone with a legal concealed gun, should you never say anything to them? Should you be afraid?

Town folk in Georgia were calm and sitting in the hall ready to listen. The presenter(s) of the petition didn't want to speak to them instead of just the board.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.


Marching, with firearms, protesting the building of a religious house of worship, or school, or cemetary is wrong in so many, of course, as long as it's peaceful but I wonder how I, if I were an American citizen who is Muslim, would feel seeing that. Would it be the same way the Jews felt when the Germans started closing down their business and synagogues? The presence of firearms changes the message and gives it a far more sinister aspect.

It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

some communities that have carry permits might also allow them to be carried in town hall meeting


Or checked in at the door but carried outside


the people made a statement just showing up. Muslims did not want to plead their case to the town.

Or, they are worried about violence and decided to postpone it - the article you posted pretty much says it all.

Article title: Armed militia storm council meeting after right-wing anger over Muslim plan for mosque

Local armed militia in a small US town forced a council meeting to be cancelled following growing security concerns over their presence.

The violent group of right-wing protesters carried guns into a local square to demonstrate against "the presence of Muslims" in the country

The meeting, which was expected to lift a ban on new places of worship, was called off amid growing tensions in Newton County, Georgia.

...The group, led by local resident Chris Hill, is now under investigation from Homeland Security and local law enforcement.

Newton County manager Lloyd Kerr said the group were "exhibiting harassing or violent behavior".

She added: "Unfortunately, in today’s society, uncivil threats or intentions must be taken seriously."

Following this, nearly 30 members of the armed militia stormed the local town centre armed with machine guns, forcing the mosque meeting to be cancelled.

One of the Most Biased Anti-Gun 'News' Articles I've Seen in Some Time - Publius Forum
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.

Why is building a Mosque considered not assimilating? Do they need to be Baptists, too?

Can Christians and Catholics and Montessori build schools? Why can't this Muslim community?

Still has to go through town approval. If the town trusted their muslim neighbors they might not object, but if they feel muslims want to impose their laws and beliefs on the town, state, country there needs to be a give and take of information and trust.

Muslims did not want to face the community so they canceled the town hall meeting.

Montessori schools have to meet standards and required teach and test students on basic subjects and mandatory testing as the rest of the state.

Religious catholic and jewish schools also.

Standards for AMI Montessori Classrooms | AMI USA
I am not understanding this. Religious freedom is dependant on the approval of the majority ?

building and zoning are

religious freedom is secondary to local, state and federal laws. Sharia is not allowed to supersede them, but for some muslims it does, in their minds.

As for the cemetery, some laces do not allow a body to be buried without a coffin, or certain types of coffins. Some deaths require autopsies. Schools required to meet certain equality between sexes and standards of education and testing as well as treatment of the students

I don't think that's entirely true - there's considerable latitude in private religious schools and in homeschooling - they just have to meet certain educational milestones.

Noone said they could not be home schooled. When a group make demands on a public school or build a school that does not conform to standards............

Even home school programs have to follow certain protocols and testing by the end of the school year.

This is about facing the town, explaining what you are proposing and letting them vote on petitions legally

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