Muslims in Georgia

Holy batshit crazy batman. Freedom of religeon is dead and stinking in Georgia. Yes boy blunder.

Never mind Georgia!

How about this? hmm????

for all the Islamic apologists????

Well there are no churches in Saudi but there are churches in the rest of the Middle East. Saudi isn't the only Muslim country.
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...

You do realize that Saudi Arabia is just one of the many Muslim countries right? Most Muslims would never want to live there. They only go for hajj and that's it.

But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.
Its nonsense and you should know that. If muslims were trying to kill us we would be dead centuries ago. Muslims have been a part of the American society for centuries but perhaps have assimilated too well for you to notice.
Liberalism IS a mental disorder!
Marching, with firearms, protesting the building of a religious house of worship, or school, or cemetery is wrong in so many, of course, as long as it's peaceful but I wonder how I, if I were an American citizen who is Muslim, would feel seeing that.

Angry. Not at them, but at the people committing atrocities in the name of my religion. These people are reacting naturally to what they see as a threat to their safety. My faith has only itself to blame for not reining in these blasphemers who kill in the name of Allah.

Hopeless. Because no matter how much I try to convince them I'm not like those terrorists overseas, they will simply dismiss it. No matter how many times I assert my faith as a "religion of peace" they will contend otherwise, naturally with the atrocities committed on 9/11. By radical Islamic terrorists.

Afraid. Because there could come a time when another large scale terrorist attack is carried out on American soil, by a member of my faith, and then those same people protesting with their firearms will only become more hostile to me and people of my faith.

Isolated. Because each time there is a terrorist attack on American soil, the first thing people will do is see if people of my faith were responsible for it. It would make me feel different and wary.
So, according to some here the US should show that they're superior to 'Third World shit-holes' by adopting the laws of those 'Third World shit-holes'.
Would it be the same way the Jews felt when the Germans started closing down their business and synagogues? The presence of firearms changes the message and gives it a far more sinister aspect.

No. You seem to confuse protests with government sanctioned oppression. If it's the will of the people that a mosque should not be built in their town, so be it. The key aspect here is, that even if they reject the mosque, the Muslims still have the freedom to worship their faith without their government singling them out and punishing them for it---just not necessarily at that particular mosque.
Holy batshit crazy batman. Freedom of religeon is dead and stinking in Georgia. Yes boy blunder.

Never mind Georgia!

How about this? hmm????

for all the Islamic apologists????

Well there are no churches in Saudi but there are churches in the rest of the Middle East. Saudi isn't the only Muslim country.

fewer and fewer churches except qatar, they finally build a big beautiful one
It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

Exercising free speech is as American as it gets. Even if you are doing it while armed.
A city government allowing its citizens to vote on the approval or rejection of a Mosque is absolutely American.

Forcing that mosque on the people of that city, if after a vote, the majority of them reject it is what would be un-American. Remember, rejecting the mosque does not mean impeding the rights of Muslims to worship their faith.

I don't need a church building to worship God, because God is omnipotent. I am in his presence no matter where I go.

I would assume Allah works the same way for Muslims.
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It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

Exercising free speech is as American as it gets. Even if you are doing it while armed.
A city government allowing its citizens to vote on the approval or rejection of a Mosque is absolutely American.

Forcing that mosque on the people of that city after a clear majority reject it is what would be un-American. Remember, rejecting the mosque does not mean impeding the rights of Muslims to worship their faith.
I think it's really cool that a town is allowed to vote on whether to allow a house of worship of a particular belief system in their town.
It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

Exercising free speech is as American as it gets. Even if you are doing it while armed.
A city government allowing its citizens to vote on the approval or rejection of a Mosque is absolutely American.

Forcing that mosque on the people of that city after a clear majority reject it is what would be un-American. Remember, rejecting the mosque does not mean impeding the rights of Muslims to worship their faith.
I think it's really cool that a town is allowed to vote on whether to allow a house of worship of a particular belief system in their town.

But you wouldn't be angry at that fact if they voted to approve it. You are only quiet when things are going your liberal way. When they aren't, statements like this one^^^ are the response. Instead, it suddenly becomes an affront to Americanism when you don't get your way.
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Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...

You do realize that Saudi Arabia is just one of the many Muslim countries right? Most Muslims would never want to live there. They only go for hajj and that's it.

But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.
Can Christians and Jews and Buddhists, etc.,build churches and synagogues and temples there, and practice openly and without fear?
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...

You do realize that Saudi Arabia is just one of the many Muslim countries right? Most Muslims would never want to live there. They only go for hajj and that's it.

But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.
Can Christians and Jews and Buddhists, etc.,build churches and synagogues and temples there, and practice openly and without fear?
In Georgia? Maybe...maybe not.
But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.
Like the woman from Norway who was RAPED. Then when she sought justice, she was jailed for being raped?

Oh foolish libtard.

I didn't say they were perfect. But at least the people are free to practice any religion they want. No one is protesting churches being built

And that woman wasn't jailed for being raped. She along with her accused rapist were thrown in jail for fornication because there was no evidence of rape. It is antiquated to jail people for fornication but it's not like it's a common thing for them to thrown rape victims in jail.

I actually have a friend who was sexually assaulted in Qatar. The police did take her claim seriously and they winded up catching the guy.
Until Saudi Arabia decriminalizes non-Muslim worship and allows the open practice of non-Muslim faiths and the construction of churches and synagogues and temples, I really don't give a rat's ass how many Muzzies come crawling out of the woodwork, demanding that our Secularized Christian Republic accommodate them as they demand...

You do realize that Saudi Arabia is just one of the many Muslim countries right? Most Muslims would never want to live there. They only go for hajj and that's it.

But go to any other Muslim country like Qatar or Dubai and will find it quite westernized.
Can Christians and Jews and Buddhists, etc.,build churches and synagogues and temples there, and practice openly and without fear?

Yes they can. There churches and temples in both UAE and Qatar as there is a high number of catholic Phillipinos and Hindu Indians. There aren't many Jewish in the gulf so I haven't seen any synagogues there.

But when I lived in Egypt I came across some synagogues as there is a small population of Jewish people there.
It's both very American....and very unAmerican.

Exercising free speech is as American as it gets. Even if you are doing it while armed.
A city government allowing its citizens to vote on the approval or rejection of a Mosque is absolutely American.

Forcing that mosque on the people of that city, if after a vote, the majority of them reject it is what would be un-American. Remember, rejecting the mosque does not mean impeding the rights of Muslims to worship their faith.

I don't need a church building to worship God, because God is omnipotent. I am in his presence no matter where I go.

I would assume Allah works the same way for Muslims.

Muslims can pray any place, even a church or synogogue, though most out of respect of the early muslims would prefer to pray in the court yard but let christians and jew pray in the mosques

Muslims, jews and christians used to pray together. Now that is growing again in popularity.

Earlier prophets and revelations were directed to those people and respected. Mohammed spoke to arabs in their own language and for their time. They were all considered right.

Why things changed is more political than religious and happened over centuries

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