Muslims Protest Against ISIL


Dearborn, MI has approximately 30 to 40 thousand Muslims living in and around it. So, a rally was planned to protest the “radical Islamic group.” Something all “moderate” Muslims should gladly protest against. Right?

So, how many turned up?

About a hundred or so!

Surprised? Not me. The Devil's Cult is based upon war and terror and intolerance so why should they protest what they believe in?

Read more @ Dearborn, Michigan: Rally protests ISIS, only handful of Muslims show up

Pam Geller?

Doesn't she have stories about American Muslims eating Christian babies to report?

Meanwhile- you have a story about American Muslims protesting against ISIL and your complaint is that not enough Muslims were at this protest?
So what number of muslim protesters would have show up for you to quit calling them "The Devil's Cult"?? .... :cool:
It is not possible to be a practising muslim if you do not follow the Koran. The Koran specifically states that women are animals and are to be treated as such. The Koran teaches it's OK to lie and cheat and kill innocents to advance the cause of Islam.
There are no moderate muslims.

We have about 2 million Muslims in America.

Since you claim that there are no 'moderate muslims'- why don't we have 2 million Muslims out there killing Christians in America?
Where are the 2 million Muslims in America harnessing their women to plows for plowing?

Christ- have you ever even met a Muslim?
So what number of muslim protesters would have show up for you to quit calling them "The Devil's Cult"?? .... :cool:
nah, you're just the anti christ and his false prophet.
That's not what your Bible says. ...... :cool:
And if I did prove it from the Bible, your attitude would be like all Muslims; that the bible has been corrupted (by the jews) with it's 47,000 contradictions.
Here, I'll give you a teaser. Bablyon, the Mother of all harlots.
Where is Babylon located?
Mecca rather interesting word. Isn't one of it's interpretations Mother of all cities. But of course you'll say no...correct.
It is not possible to be a practising muslim if you do not follow the Koran. The Koran specifically states that women are animals and are to be treated as such. The Koran teaches it's OK to lie and cheat and kill innocents to advance the cause of Islam.
There are no moderate muslims.
I've read the Quran many times and have never seen any of the accusations you have listed.

Would you be so kind as to list the chapter and verses in the Quran to back up your claims.

Looking forward to seeing them. ..... :cool:
Just exactly how many versions of the Quran are there?
It is not possible to be a practising muslim if you do not follow the Koran. The Koran specifically states that women are animals and are to be treated as such. The Koran teaches it's OK to lie and cheat and kill innocents to advance the cause of Islam.
There are no moderate muslims.
I've read the Quran many times and have never seen any of the accusations you have listed.

Would you be so kind as to list the chapter and verses in the Quran to back up your claims.

Looking forward to seeing them. ..... :cool:

And you conveniently forget and omit the Hadith!
Mecca rather interesting word. Isn't one of it's interpretations Mother of all cities. But of course you'll say no...correct.
Mecca is mentioned in the Bible......with a slight spelling difference.

Psalm 84:6 "As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools".
So what number of muslim protesters would have show up for you to quit calling them "The Devil's Cult"?? .... :cool:
nah, you're just the anti christ and his false prophet.
That's not what your Bible says. ...... :cool:
here's even another little gem. NoW what religion is it that beheads people???. Apparently this religion that beheads people for not:. worshiping the beast 2. receiving his image 3. receiving his mark in their foreheads.It's obvious that this passage links Islam with the beast, the false prophet, and the anti Christ.
Revelations 4;
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Revelations 4;
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Some poor guy named John was having a nightmare.

I don't know why they included his bizarre book of fantasy tales into the bible. ..... :dunno:
Revelations 4;
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Some poor guy named John was having a nightmare.

I don't know why they included his bizarre book of fantasy tales into the bible. ..... :dunno:
yup, just as I thought.
Muslims refuse to accept as scripture what their mind cannot grasp.
Ho-hum - Muslims give ISIS the cold shoulder...

Muslims to ISIS: Sorry, Too Busy Binge-Watching to Join You
December 29, 2015 - A call to arms prompted snarky replies on social media
ISIS’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi recently called on Muslims around the world to “join the fight,” but social media users have been quick to offer their reasons for staying at home.

A writer and human rights activist named Iyad El-Baghdadi translated ISIS’s call to arms into English on Twitter, where the snarky responses have been rolling in. One of the most popular excuses? Too much can’t-miss TV and film, like the newly released Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the upcoming Sherlock special.

@iyad_elbaghdadi Sorry but I'm watching Star Wars, maybe tomorrow…

— Aim Amraam (@Aim_Amraam) December 27, 2015

@iyad_elbaghdadi Can't mate, have to see the new Star Wars first

— Youssef Kobo (@Youssef_Kobo) December 29, 2015

@iyad_elbaghdadi Too busy being part of a civilised and functioning society. Also, Sherlock S04 in 4 days. I can't miss the first episode.

— Boorbuck (@rirezwan) December 28, 2015

Ho-hum - Muslims give ISIS the cold shoulder...

Muslims to ISIS: Sorry, Too Busy Binge-Watching to Join You
December 29, 2015 - A call to arms prompted snarky replies on social media
ISIS’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi recently called on Muslims around the world to “join the fight,” but social media users have been quick to offer their reasons for staying at home.

A writer and human rights activist named Iyad El-Baghdadi translated ISIS’s call to arms into English on Twitter, where the snarky responses have been rolling in. One of the most popular excuses? Too much can’t-miss TV and film, like the newly released Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the upcoming Sherlock special.

@iyad_elbaghdadi Sorry but I'm watching Star Wars, maybe tomorrow…

— Aim Amraam (@Aim_Amraam) December 27, 2015

@iyad_elbaghdadi Can't mate, have to see the new Star Wars first

— Youssef Kobo (@Youssef_Kobo) December 29, 2015

@iyad_elbaghdadi Too busy being part of a civilised and functioning society. Also, Sherlock S04 in 4 days. I can't miss the first episode.

— Boorbuck (@rirezwan) December 28, 2015


Even Iran's leaders are talking of repairing the image of Islam after the stain ISIS has give the faith. Some are calling for major reforms, and in places those speaking out for reform are being jailed for blasphemy.

All Islam has to stand up and say "not in our name". Reform and standardization of sharia and the reading of the quran is long over due. Time to wake up and join the 21st century, or at least 15th C. H.

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