Muslims raise funds for families of California victims

US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)
And how many Muslims live in the US? IS that an average of one cent per adult? How much money was given to jihadists for weapons and bomb making? That I would like to see.
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

LOL....The victims were all democrats.
And why should I pay for the foolishness of our president? I find it rather amusing that you expect someone else to pay when you dont hold your messiah responsible for jack shit!
There you go. And how come the only ones here using the term "messiah" for our President are crazy RWrs?

Nice dodge....not really,you're just as transparent as ever.
About Us | LaunchGood
Chris Abdur-Rahman Blauvelt
CEO - Captain of the ShipMore →

[email protected]

Chris is a passionate Muslim American entrepreneur committed to building up the global Muslim community to reach its full potential. He was born in Malaysia, raised in the United States and at the age of 16 became a Muslim through the influence of a friend and the Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Muslims United for San Bernardino | LaunchGood
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

Thats only if you dont consider thoughts and prayers to be more valuable than money lol
I know....that's pretty much all that they've offered. And pissed that Muslims have collected money for the victims, that's evident.
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?
Poor baby....I see I've struck a nerve.

Wrong! But typical far left drone wanting others to do what they will not do themselves..
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?
Poor baby....I see I've struck a nerve.

Wrong! But typical far left drone wanting others to do what they will not do themselves..
I see that nerve is still bothering you. :D
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?
Poor baby....I see I've struck a nerve.

Wrong! But typical far left drone wanting others to do what they will not do themselves..
I see that nerve is still bothering you. :D

Another example of why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

You will need a more credible source than Al-Jazeera!

But that is what far left drones do when they run a narrative!

Muslim Initiative Is Raising Money For San Bernardino Shooting Victims

Muslim groups raising money for black churches burned in the South

"These haircuts make a difference:" Members of Muslim group offer free haircuts to homeless in Milwaukee

Muslims raise over $55,000 for San Bernardino Families - Imams Online

Business News World - Muslim groups raise funds for victims of San Bernardino shootings
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?
Poor baby....I see I've struck a nerve.

Wrong! But typical far left drone wanting others to do what they will not do themselves..
I see that nerve is still bothering you. :D

Another example of why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
Still crying, Kosh?
Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?
Poor baby....I see I've struck a nerve.

Wrong! But typical far left drone wanting others to do what they will not do themselves..
I see that nerve is still bothering you. :D

Another example of why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
Still crying, Kosh?

See how the far left can not accept the fact they want others to do what they will not..
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?
Poor baby....I see I've struck a nerve.

Wrong! But typical far left drone wanting others to do what they will not do themselves..
I see that nerve is still bothering you. :D

Another example of why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
Kosh why the hate? Have you had any intimate interactions with Muslims outside of what you watch on TV and read on internet forums?
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?

She's not the one criticizing contributions.

Wrong as always far left drone..

Please explain how mocking is criticism? or does that only exist in far left drone land?
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

You will need a more credible source than Al-Jazeera!

But that is what far left drones do when they run a narrative!

Muslim Initiative Is Raising Money For San Bernardino Shooting Victims

Muslim groups raising money for black churches burned in the South

"These haircuts make a difference:" Members of Muslim group offer free haircuts to homeless in Milwaukee

Muslims raise over $55,000 for San Bernardino Families - Imams Online

Business News World - Muslim groups raise funds for victims of San Bernardino shootings
At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong - not "all Muslims" are "terrorists."
Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?
Poor baby....I see I've struck a nerve.

Wrong! But typical far left drone wanting others to do what they will not do themselves..
I see that nerve is still bothering you. :D

Another example of why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
Kosh why the hate? Have you had any intimate interactions with Muslims outside of what you watch on TV and read on internet forums?

It is called mocking the far left drones, hardly hate..

If they can not handle the mocking they should not do it themselves..
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
Can we assume that's $857 more per victim than you have contributed?

Says the far left drone!

How much have you contributed? or do you rely solely on others to do that via government redistribution?

She's not the one criticizing contributions.

The amount is an indicator of just how much muslims care.....which is apparently very little.
And of course we dont know how many none muslims donated.
Poor baby....I see I've struck a nerve.

Wrong! But typical far left drone wanting others to do what they will not do themselves..
I see that nerve is still bothering you. :D

Another example of why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
Still crying, Kosh?

See how the far left can not accept the fact they want others to do what they will not..
I'm not the one crying about Muslims donating to the victims in San Bernadino. You're sobbing all over your con-federate flag crying towel/

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