Muslims strongly condemn terror attacks

"'This is just the beginning and you shall know who the Jordanians are,' the armed forces said in a statement on state TV. They claimed hits on ISIS training centers, arms and ammunition depots: 'All targets were completely destroyed and all the planes returned to their bases safely.' The air mission was named 'Moath the Martyr.' State TV aired exclusive video footage of warplanes striking unspecified ISIS positions in Syria. Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh later stressed to CNN that the airstrikes marked the beginning of his nation's retaliation over the pilot's death, but not the start of its fight against terrorism. He vowed to destroy ISIS."
"Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, in an exclusive interview with Fox News, appealed to the U.S. to play a greater role in helping his country fight terrorism -- as he urged the creation of an 'Arab ready force' to confront the Islamic State and...See More
Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again - Common Word, Common Lord

Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again
posted by Hesham A. Hassaballa

In the Name of God: the Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Lord

A very common, oft-repeated mantra among pundits and “experts” is that Muslims haven’t roundly condemned the extremism committed in Islam’s name. So many times, we hear people saying, “Where are the Muslim voices in condemnation?” “Why aren’t Muslims speaking up against extremists like ISIS?”

Well, the fact is, Muslims have been speaking out against ISIS and other extremist groups. The problem is, some times, people either don’t know or choose not to know this fact. Enter in this excellent post by Media Matters For America, which documents the round condemnation of ISIS by Muslim groups all across the world:

Read more: Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again - Common Word, Common Lord
Read more at Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again - Common Word, Common Lord
Islamic leaders speak out against Daesh | ShareAmerica

Islamic scholars from throughout the Ummah have condemned Daesh for committing crimes in the name of Islam. Read their words:

(© AP Images)
Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb
The Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar

Armed groups who “commit these barbaric and heinous crimes have taken this upright religion as a cover and called themselves ‘Islamic State’ in an attempt to export the image of their new adulterated Islam.” (Al-Arabiya, December 3, 2014)

(© AP Images)
Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh
The Grand Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

“The ideas of extremism, radicalism and terrorism which destroy the land and everything on it do not belong to Islam at all, but they are the first enemy of Islam, and Muslims have been its first victims, as seen in the crimes of the so-called Da’esh, Al-Qaeda and their affiliated groups.”(Statement titled “Foresight and Remembrance,” August 19, 2014)

Ninewa (Mosul) Clerics and Preachers League
“ISIL is a sick group whose only obsession is bloodshed and sabotage in the name of Islam.”(Statement on June 13, 2014)

(Gianluigi Guercia/AFP/Getty Images)
Sheikh Shawqi Allam
The Grand Mufti of Al-Azhar

“An extremist group such as this poses a danger to Islam and Muslims, tarnishing its image as well as shedding blood and spreading corruption across the land.” (Reuters, August 12, 2014)

(Facebook/Dr. Ibrahim Negim)
Dr. Ibrahim Negim
Adviser to Egypt’s Mufti

“Belonging to extremist organizations like Da’esh is religiously forbidden because it seeks to destroy the land and distort the image of Islam around the world.” (Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta Media Center, June 13, 2014)

Sheikh Abdulkareem Shaaban
Deputy Head, Al Fiqh Council in Mosul

“ISIL’s terrorist attacks come under the pretext of establishing justice and Islam, while in fact, they are the farthest people from Islam and justice. We as clerics declare that they neither represent our faith nor our Sunni sect.” (June 18, 2014)

(Facebook/Syrian Islamic Council)
Syrian Islamic Council
“It is required by Islamic Law to fight them and put an end to their machinations until their impact on Syrians and their country is completely abolished.” (Statement on Council’s website,, August 25, 2014)

126 Muslim scholars in open letter to Al-Baghdadi
“You have made children engage in war and killing. Some are taking up arms and others are playing with the severed heads of your victims. Some children have been thrown into the fray of combat and are killing and being killed. In your schools some children are tortured and coerced into doing your bidding and others are being executed. These are crimes against innocents.”(, September 19, 2014)

Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah
“All forms of oppression and aggression against religious minorities are in direct contradiction to the values of our religion. In fact, Islam calls us to do well by religious minorities, to place them under our protection, and threatens those who harm them with punishment in the afterlife.” (Statement titled “This is Not the Path to Paradise,” September 14, 2014)

They are taken serious by low info types...such as yourself. Sit down,sonny
You are in the pee wee league, econchick. You don't have a clue.
Wow what a stunning rebutta,you really put me in my place,LOL,now try again.give us a magical link showing ME cities with mobs chanting down with ISIS,come on you fack piece of shit,show the world
You are shifting to the ME cities where ISIS is watching. You go to Syria into ISIS held territorty to denounce them.

You are not? Because you are a coward? Thought so.

And you are admitting that chikenwing, econchick, and sassy are all the same person. Reported.
One must assume that if you are calling him a coward for not going to Syria to protest, then you must be going there yourself. So are you going to Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?
Why? Not only do you have no power, you make no sense.
Thank you for proving your post was nonsense.... hypocrite.
You are in the pee wee league, econchick. You don't have a clue.
Wow what a stunning rebutta,you really put me in my place,LOL,now try again.give us a magical link showing ME cities with mobs chanting down with ISIS,come on you fack piece of shit,show the world
You are shifting to the ME cities where ISIS is watching. You go to Syria into ISIS held territorty to denounce them.

You are not? Because you are a coward? Thought so.

And you are admitting that chikenwing, econchick, and sassy are all the same person. Reported.
One must assume that if you are calling him a coward for not going to Syria to protest, then you must be going there yourself. So are you going to Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?
Why? Not only do you have no power, you make no sense.
Thank you for proving your post was nonsense.... hypocrite.
You chicken hawks have no power.
Of course they'll condemn it. What do you expect them to do, march the streets saying, "we support ISIS, just come and book us all?"
Exactly... do a little LYING after something like this to get the heat off them, and go right on quietly, secretly AGREEING with what the terrorists do.

Why would anyone think that? Because we NEVER see islam as a whole RISE UP AND DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

They're all a bunch of filthy, stone age liars, murders and pedophile worshipers.
Kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't

Conservatives claim "Muslims never condemn terrorism"

Provide examples where they do and they claim "All Muslims lie"
Wow what a stunning rebutta,you really put me in my place,LOL,now try again.give us a magical link showing ME cities with mobs chanting down with ISIS,come on you fack piece of shit,show the world
You are shifting to the ME cities where ISIS is watching. You go to Syria into ISIS held territorty to denounce them.

You are not? Because you are a coward? Thought so.

And you are admitting that chikenwing, econchick, and sassy are all the same person. Reported.
One must assume that if you are calling him a coward for not going to Syria to protest, then you must be going there yourself. So are you going to Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?
Why? Not only do you have no power, you make no sense.
Thank you for proving your post was nonsense.... hypocrite.
You chicken hawks have no power.
We have as much power as you. Why do you keep making non-points?
You are shifting to the ME cities where ISIS is watching. You go to Syria into ISIS held territorty to denounce them.

You are not? Because you are a coward? Thought so.

And you are admitting that chikenwing, econchick, and sassy are all the same person. Reported.
One must assume that if you are calling him a coward for not going to Syria to protest, then you must be going there yourself. So are you going to Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?
Why? Not only do you have no power, you make no sense.
Thank you for proving your post was nonsense.... hypocrite.
You chicken hawks have no power.
We have as much power as you. Why do you keep making non-points?
Far more than you will ever know. :lol:
One must assume that if you are calling him a coward for not going to Syria to protest, then you must be going there yourself. So are you going to Syria, or are you just a hypocrite?
Why? Not only do you have no power, you make no sense.
Thank you for proving your post was nonsense.... hypocrite.
You chicken hawks have no power.
We have as much power as you. Why do you keep making non-points?
Far more than you will ever know. :lol:
Thanks for giving us another non-point.
We need a war against extremism, not religion.

The extremists kill more Muslims than anyone else

Now we need the Muslim community to take up the fight against radical Islam. It should not be the wests fight to fight

Be careful there. The war hawk Hillary will be on the debate this evening raising her fist and demanding we carpet bomb the Middle East. Tomorrow, you'll be forced to come on here defending her claim.
Wonder if she will first blame the attack on a video.
That, or the vast right-wing conspiracy again.

I wonder how many troops are in that vast right-wing conspiracy army?
We need a war against extremism, not religion.

The extremists kill more Muslims than anyone else

Now we need the Muslim community to take up the fight against radical Islam. It should not be the wests fight to fight

Be careful there. The war hawk Hillary will be on the debate this evening raising her fist and demanding we carpet bomb the Middle East. Tomorrow, you'll be forced to come on here defending her claim.
Wonder if she will first blame the attack on a video.
That, or the vast right-wing conspiracy again.

I wonder how many troops are in that vast right-wing conspiracy army?

Jake has no substance. He never has had any.
We need a war against extremism, not religion.

The extremists kill more Muslims than anyone else

Now we need the Muslim community to take up the fight against radical Islam. It should not be the wests fight to fight

Be careful there. The war hawk Hillary will be on the debate this evening raising her fist and demanding we carpet bomb the Middle East. Tomorrow, you'll be forced to come on here defending her claim.

No....she won't. You fail.

Really? The debate hasn't happened yet dumbass.

Really? Maybe that's why I used the future tense. You imbecile.

So you have a crystal ball?
When the moderates join the fight to take the radicals out then they will be taken serious. Talk is cheap
Yeah...because no muslims are fighting ISIS in the Middle East right now.

Oh again...I was discussing low info and POOF!!! Here ya are do you know you aren't a muslim working hard ( and successfully) to make christians appear really really stupid?

What? I'm not a Muslim, good grief you've OD'd on stupid pills. Do yourself a favor, put me on ignore, I keep making you look like the dunce you are, tthat and you won't get butt hurt and bawl about it
How do we know you aren't a Muslim? You already are a confirmed sock...what else are you hiding from us. Muslims are known liars....what better disguise than as a very very stupid christian.
Just a preemptive thread for those claiming Muslims never condemn terrorism

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris.

Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, an umbrella body that represents more than 500 organizations including mosques, schools and charities, described the killings as "horrific and abhorrent."

"My thoughts and prayers for the families of those killed and injured and for the people of France, our neighbours," he said in a statement.

"This attack is being claimed by the group calling themselves 'Islamic State'. There is nothing Islamic about such people and their actions are evil, and outside the boundaries set by our faith."
Bullshit! Muslims are happy about this. These true Muslims are invading Europe. These fuckers make up the vast majority of the invaders!

Radical Islam isn't the problem, Islam itself is the problem!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They condemn it publicly but thank Allie at prayer. If they said what they thought it would be a worldwide open season and the majority would be meeting Wally an Homohammid within a month.
Let these chimps try that in China and see how long they last. These French faggots need to open season, bulldoze all the Mosques and kill everything wearing a diaper above its shoulders.Take out their little bastards too or they'll be a problem a decade from now.
Such tough, brave talk. What are YOU doing to take down Islam?
Just a preemptive thread for those claiming Muslims never condemn terrorism

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris.

Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, an umbrella body that represents more than 500 organizations including mosques, schools and charities, described the killings as "horrific and abhorrent."

"My thoughts and prayers for the families of those killed and injured and for the people of France, our neighbours," he said in a statement.

"This attack is being claimed by the group calling themselves 'Islamic State'. There is nothing Islamic about such people and their actions are evil, and outside the boundaries set by our faith."
Unless there are over 1 billion muslims openly condemning this attack, do even bother mentioning it.

1 billion?

Why don't you do a survey?

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