Muslims Want Catholic School to Provide Room Without Crosses

My son's Catholic and attends a Methodist College. Funny, I'm not bitching there's no Catholic Church on campus. Only the Muslims and Liberals bitch about such idiocy.

Oh really? I bitched about it? I'm a Liberal.
Notice their defenders and their stupidity. All Liberals.

Bodecea is a liberal and is speaking against the muslims in this lawsuit.

Deflection, in the other thread several liberals spoke against the Muslims. Doesn't change the fact that ONLY Liberals are defending them.

Deflection? I AM a liberal and I AM speaking against the muslims in the lawsuit.

Apparently you don't like that not all of us fit into the nice neat boxes you want to assign to us.
The university has not allowed Muslim students to form a Muslim student group and to let them have a plain room without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The university wants to take their money but treat them like second class students. It's bull.

They may be a Catholic university, but unless they only want Catholic students they ought to be more sensitive to other religions and cultures.


They don't HAVE to accommodate them. There is no reason to accommodate them. If they are uncomfortable,they should go to an islamic school same as i would send my son to yeshiva.

at some point people really have to get a grip. the first amendment doesn't protect your right to worship in SOME OTHER RELIGION'S sanctuary.

Wanna make a bet this Administration agrees with the Muslims? The simple fact they opened an investigation in such a cut and dried situation tells me what the outcome will be.
Sure, what's your parameters as to proof?
The university has not allowed Muslim students to form a Muslim student group and to let them have a plain room without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The university wants to take their money but treat them like second class students. It's bull.

They may be a Catholic university, but unless they only want Catholic students they ought to be more sensitive to other religions and cultures.

It is a private religious institution. If they want something different, they should go elsewhere. Perhaps muslims should start their OWN private religious institutions. Whoa?! Is that a stroke of genius or what.

Muslims have declared war on all things Christian, and all things western. This is just another front for it. Only stupid people cannot see that.
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The Human Rights Act generally prohibits denying students equal access to university facilities based upon factors like religion, sex, or sexual orientation unless there is a "business necessity": i.e., without the discrimination, the entity would literally go out of business.

"There is no way that Catholic University can show that it is a 'business necessity' to discriminate against Muslim students by denying them access to the same benefits other student groups enjoy, especially since many Catholic universities, including nearby Georgetown University, permit associations of Muslim students, and courts have held that any such denial cannot lawfully be based even on the most deeply held religious beliefs," says Prof. Banzhaf, who has won more than one hundred discrimination cases under the Act.

Catholic U's President Must Answer New Charges of Illegal Discrimination Against Muslims and Women

Next they will want to redecorate the Vatican. :rolleyes: Get out your paint roller.
The best solutions would be if Muslims will go back to their fu.... dirty countries and keep quiet. Nobody need their Islam in this country.
This is from an NPR interview last year with the President of CUA. 91 Muslim students out of 7000. And prob. only a half dozen complaining. :doubt:

"Catholic campuses had a higher population of Muslim students than the average four-year institution in 2009, according to a recent report by The Washington Post. Students cite the appeal of shared values. However, tensions can rise when Muslim students want to carve out their own space through Muslim prayer rooms, Muslim chaplains and student organizations. Host Michel Martin speaks with John Garvey, president of The Catholic University of America about the influx of Muslim students enrolling in Catholic colleges."

The fact is that most of our Muslim students live off campus so the needs of theirs that we need to attend to are for daily prayer or for meals and fasting and dress and that sort of thing. But needs that are less urgent are ones that we satisfy by connecting them with local ministers.

Our campus ministry works with them to make sure that they know where they can attend the mosque in Virginia or the District of Columbia. Most of our students, as I said, live off campus and so they attend mosque.

Ungrateful bastards. They are jealous of the kids at Georgetown, where the university has bent over backwards, corrupted by Arab petro-dollars. And they will gladly remove their crosses for whomever asks.

Hey kids - do your effin homework and maybe you can get into Georgetown too. :cool:

Its pretty obvious they want to convert these Catholic schools into Islamic centers of learning.

Muslims want to convert the entirely Universe to their idiocy pedophile teaching. Many non-Muslims demand that Muslims must go back if they do not accept our culture, religion and values. We do not need this people in our countries.

Better Hundred Chinese or Christian Africans as a Muslim Immigrant.
why would you dignify his paranoia? at some point, we should be able to discuss an issue without anyone making up what they *think* someone else may, might or will "believe".

reality... they would have to assert and prove a violation of a constitutional right. there isn't one.

and this court sure isn't going to find that there is.

it's a non-issue designed to generate more fauxrage.

And yet an investigation is initiated. On a claim that the complaining lawyer admits has no legal basis. With facts that prove it is a malicious waste of time.

since when do you agree with my assessments of what constitutes a bona fide claim?

if i were their lawyer and had an agenda, i could make the argument that if the school accepts federal funds, then maybe there does have to be an accommodation. (i disagree, but the argument could be made).

oh no!!!! an investigation?!?!?!?! what will they think of next?

How do you know the school accepts 'federal funds?'
Why is the school admitting non catholic students?

MONEY!! !!!

One reason perhaps. But likewise they also want to provide an education to people and teach them good values whether they are Catholic or not. And why shouldn't they?

You really should learn to give people more of the benefit of the doubt.
if they want to make money off Muslims then they need to provide them with a place to pray.

They should tell them to NOT come to their school if they want to deny them a place to pray

They have a place to pray. The muslims in question simply arent happy with the places.
The university has not allowed Muslim students to form a Muslim student group and to let them have a plain room without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The university wants to take their money but treat them like second class students. It's bull.

They may be a Catholic university, but unless they only want Catholic students they ought to be more sensitive to other religions and cultures.

This is a Catholic University, what do you want them to do?:confused:

Stop being catholic?
if they want to make money off Muslims then they need to provide them with a place to pray.

They should tell them to NOT come to their school if they want to deny them a place to pray

read the articles, moron. They have the same access to facilities that any other student has. They were given facilities to pray in. They did not LIKE said facilities, because the Catholic university would not remove the crosses 5 times a day for them to pray.

It seems like a alot of baggage required for the Muslims to pray.

Yeah. These are some odd requirements.

I'm grateful that I have the privilege to pray anywhere and anywhere. I could pray with anyone I chose to as well too.
You guys do know the Muslims are doing this on purpose.

Youre powers of deduction are exceptional. I simply cant allow you to waste them here while there are so many crimes going unsolved at this very moment. Go! Go! for the good of the city!

For the record, I don't know of a single law suit that was filed by accident.
My son's Catholic and attends a Methodist College. Funny, I'm not bitching there's no Catholic Church on campus. Only the Muslims and Liberals bitch about such idiocy.

Oh really? I bitched about it? I'm a Liberal.

He isn't claiming that all liberals b*#$* about it. He is claiming that if someone is b*#$*ing about it they are either muslim or liberal.

There is a difference.

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