Must be nice: White dude with a Gun taken in peacefully after a 6 hour standoff

You black people never stop bitching do ya? that dude just pulled out his white privlege card and did not get shot. Sucks to be black.... I guess.:banana:

I'm not bitching...I'm just saying that a guy with a gun who was given 6 hours of negotiations was taken away without firing a shot. I think you should write the police and tell them how irresponsible they are for not firing at will

Why? Because some guy, clear across the country, an ex felon with a gun, decided to not obey 12 commands to drop his gun got killed?

When you grow up, then you can discuss with the adults.
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Aint that sweet? Must be nice. And he had a replica gun! I think it's safe to say that if he was black he would've been shot dead, on site. Then the cops would've said they felt threatened by the big, bad looking dude. And then the peanut gallery would chime in with some excuse about the police being in fear for their safety. Mass murderers, rapists, suicidal privileged, and even terrorists can get disarmed and taken in alive, but unarmed black people... Executed.

After long standoff, police arrest suicidal man at Civic Center
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
Aint that sweet? Must be nice. And he had a replica gun! I think it's safe to say that if he was black he would've been shot dead, on site. Then the cops would've said they felt threatened by the big, bad looking dude. And then the peanut gallery would chime in with some excuse about the police being in fear for their safety. Mass murderers, rapists, suicidal privileged, and even terrorists can get disarmed and taken in alive, but unarmed black people... Executed.

After long standoff, police arrest suicidal man at Civic Center
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.

Derpty-Derp. The guy was suicidal. They have protocol on how to handle the mentally ill. They waited it out and talked him down instead of taking the chance he killed himself by rushing him. Why the fuck is this so hard for you guys to understand? Instead of praising the cops for not killing a mentally unstable person, you use it as a propaganda piece for killing Blacks. You are a fucking piece of shit in my minds for that. A cop does the right thing, and you turn it into a negative. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
Aint that sweet? Must be nice. And he had a replica gun! I think it's safe to say that if he was black he would've been shot dead, on site. Then the cops would've said they felt threatened by the big, bad looking dude. And then the peanut gallery would chime in with some excuse about the police being in fear for their safety. Mass murderers, rapists, suicidal privileged, and even terrorists can get disarmed and taken in alive, but unarmed black people... Executed.

After long standoff, police arrest suicidal man at Civic Center
Translation: FUCK THE POLICE!!! FUCK THE POLICE!!! They murder every black man they see and treat the white ones with kid gloves. FUCK THE POLICE!!!

You forget that it's Left Wingers who want to disarm the populace leaving only the police and the military with weapons.

You also forget this inconvenient truth:
Police Shootings — Whom Does It Affect The Most?
Of the 990 people who were killed by police officers in 2015, the Washington Post reported 258 of them were black. So far in 2016, there have been 708 documented deaths in police shootings, 173 of which have resulted the deaths of African-Americans. Although there has been increased media attention surrounding the police killings of black people — on Saturday videos were released of Keith Scott’s death after he was shot by a police officer in Charlotte, North Carolina — statistics show the number of police shootings has increased among all races.

The Post, which has been collecting data and public records on police shootings throughout the country since last year, reported 325 white people and 111 Hispanics have been shot and killed by police so far in 2016. Of the 708 deaths reported, the races of 27 of those kills were described as other, and the races of 72 of the deceased are still unknown. The majority of the police shootings have been of men, which account for 679 of the deaths reported.
Cops kill more whites that Blacks but don't let that stop your "outrage"
ahh, now there you go, providing facts again.
The facts are that there are more whites and whites are more violent. Another thing is that white cops dont shoot white people because they think they are Black.
well I'm glad you know the difference between colors. And more whites are killed by cops because there are more whites. it doesn't change the fact though does it?
Aint that sweet? Must be nice. And he had a replica gun! I think it's safe to say that if he was black he would've been shot dead, on site. Then the cops would've said they felt threatened by the big, bad looking dude. And then the peanut gallery would chime in with some excuse about the police being in fear for their safety. Mass murderers, rapists, suicidal privileged, and even terrorists can get disarmed and taken in alive, but unarmed black people... Executed.

After long standoff, police arrest suicidal man at Civic Center
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?
Aint that sweet? Must be nice. And he had a replica gun! I think it's safe to say that if he was black he would've been shot dead, on site. Then the cops would've said they felt threatened by the big, bad looking dude. And then the peanut gallery would chime in with some excuse about the police being in fear for their safety. Mass murderers, rapists, suicidal privileged, and even terrorists can get disarmed and taken in alive, but unarmed black people... Executed.

After long standoff, police arrest suicidal man at Civic Center
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?

Links are your friend.
Aint that sweet? Must be nice. And he had a replica gun! I think it's safe to say that if he was black he would've been shot dead, on site. Then the cops would've said they felt threatened by the big, bad looking dude. And then the peanut gallery would chime in with some excuse about the police being in fear for their safety. Mass murderers, rapists, suicidal privileged, and even terrorists can get disarmed and taken in alive, but unarmed black people... Executed.

After long standoff, police arrest suicidal man at Civic Center
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?

Ok how about I list all the times a Black man had a gun and didn't get shot by the police... well I can't because the media doesn't cover that when it happens.
Whites haven't turned cops into targets. I told you it wasn't going to bode well for blacks calling for the murder of cops. You've made it a contest. One that cops are going to win.
Aint that sweet? Must be nice. And he had a replica gun! I think it's safe to say that if he was black he would've been shot dead, on site. Then the cops would've said they felt threatened by the big, bad looking dude. And then the peanut gallery would chime in with some excuse about the police being in fear for their safety. Mass murderers, rapists, suicidal privileged, and even terrorists can get disarmed and taken in alive, but unarmed black people... Executed.

After long standoff, police arrest suicidal man at Civic Center
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?

Links are your friend.
If they are my friend then they must be your enemy.

Man accused in 7th Ward shooting rampage was misidentified, police say

"NOPD officers had begun to give chase, and the rampage soon came to an end with a dramatic police standoff. Police said the man stepped out from grassy area on Derbigny and pointed his gun the officers.

They ordered him to drop the weapon, but said he reportedly answered, "No, you drop your (expletive) gun!""
Whites haven't turned cops into targets. I told you it wasn't going to bode well for blacks calling for the murder of cops. You've made it a contest. One that cops are going to win.

White cops starting shooting Blacks long before Blacks begin retaliating. Another white excuse I see.
Aint that sweet? Must be nice. And he had a replica gun! I think it's safe to say that if he was black he would've been shot dead, on site. Then the cops would've said they felt threatened by the big, bad looking dude. And then the peanut gallery would chime in with some excuse about the police being in fear for their safety. Mass murderers, rapists, suicidal privileged, and even terrorists can get disarmed and taken in alive, but unarmed black people... Executed.

After long standoff, police arrest suicidal man at Civic Center
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?

Ok how about I list all the times a Black man had a gun and didn't get shot by the police... well I can't because the media doesn't cover that when it happens.
I doubt you can find many if any links about a Black guy pointing a gun at the cops and living to tell about it.
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?

Ok how about I list all the times a Black man had a gun and didn't get shot by the police... well I can't because the media doesn't cover that when it happens.
I doubt you can find many if any links about a Black guy pointing a gun at the cops and living to tell about it.

As I said, which you selectively ignored, because it doesn't draw headlines and the media doesn't report it... yet if it didn't happen, you wouldn't have so many Black men in jail, especially on gun charges.

I can give you one from recently though...ex-Notre Dame player Max Redfield was arrested with a gun... and drum roll... wasn't shot.

6 Notre Dame football players arrested in 2 incidents
Whites haven't turned cops into targets. I told you it wasn't going to bode well for blacks calling for the murder of cops. You've made it a contest. One that cops are going to win.

White cops starting shooting Blacks long before Blacks begin retaliating. Another white excuse I see.
white cops were shoting whites long before that.
he must have obeyed the directions he received. wow, see how that works?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?

Ok how about I list all the times a Black man had a gun and didn't get shot by the police... well I can't because the media doesn't cover that when it happens.
I doubt you can find many if any links about a Black guy pointing a gun at the cops and living to tell about it.
why would someone point a gun at a cop and think they don't deserve to be shot?
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?

Ok how about I list all the times a Black man had a gun and didn't get shot by the police... well I can't because the media doesn't cover that when it happens.
I doubt you can find many if any links about a Black guy pointing a gun at the cops and living to tell about it.

As I said, which you selectively ignored, because it doesn't draw headlines and the media doesn't report it... yet if it didn't happen, you wouldn't have so many Black men in jail, especially on gun charges.

I can give you one from recently though...ex-Notre Dame player Max Redfield was arrested with a gun... and drum roll... wasn't shot.

6 Notre Dame football players arrested in 2 incidents
That was retarded. Those are money making players for white people that didnt have a gun on them. the gun was in the car if you read your own link dummy.
Well they gave him 6 hours to obey directions. I know most of you are stupid but it shouldnt have taken him 6 hours to comply.
he never threatened them. they waited him out. get over it, he surrendered and complied with the surrender.
How about the white guy that shot at the cops and then when cornered and ordered to drop his weapon he told them to fucking drop theirs?

Ok how about I list all the times a Black man had a gun and didn't get shot by the police... well I can't because the media doesn't cover that when it happens.
I doubt you can find many if any links about a Black guy pointing a gun at the cops and living to tell about it.
why would someone point a gun at a cop and think they deserve not to be shot?
Whites do it all the time as I just pointed out so you tell me.
Whites haven't turned cops into targets. I told you it wasn't going to bode well for blacks calling for the murder of cops. You've made it a contest. One that cops are going to win.

White cops starting shooting Blacks long before Blacks begin retaliating. Another white excuse I see.
white cops were shoting whites long before that.
Thats because whites are violent criminals like Billy the Kid. Its not because of their race the cops were shooting them.

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