Must Read: Medicare Bills For Unvaccinated Surpass $2 Billion For June And July Alone

Every republican president since Eisenhower has been or done worse things than the republican president before him.

I realized in the bush boy years that the next republican president would be worse. I couldn't imagine what would be worse than the bush boy at the time and I didn't want to find out.

We found out.

The next republican president will be worse than trump.
I call this the "what do you have to lose" principle. What happens is a republican screws things up, and the next president, a democrat, cleans up the mess he left.

With the country again running on all cylinders, the republicans jump on the culture wars to return to power. And again the cycle of them screwing up the country, and the democrat getting elected to fix it.
WOW, it's like we take our chances when a hurricane is about to strike. took that chance when you bought a place in the hurricane zone.
Really? When they buy the house, they get home owners insurance, flood insurance (if possible), to cover the property, and when the hurricane is about to strike, they evacuate to higher ground.

Your idea of "take your chances" is to stay in your house until the water reaches the top floor, and hope the government sends a boat to evacuate you.
Really? When they buy the house, they get home owners insurance, flood insurance (if possible), to cover the property, and when the hurricane is about to strike, they evacuate to higher ground.

Your idea of "take your chances" is to stay in your house until the water reaches the top floor, and hope the government sends a boat to evacuate you.

I'm well aware of the precautions I need to take during a hurricane.
Just like I'm well aware of the dangers of the vaccine.
This is bad.

The unvaccinated are costing us billions in medicare. The article didn't have any numbers on medicaid or private insurance but I would be willing to bet it's just as high.

It's going to cause everyone's insurance premiums to go up. The insurance companies aren't just going to eat the cost of this. The executives and stockholders have to get their millions so someone is going to have to pay.

Guess who that will be?

Medicare needs to be properly funded without politicians stealing from it so the rich can have tax cuts.

The bill for this pandemic is going to be astronomical. It's not going to be free.

All of this can be avoided with two very cheap shots in the arm.

Now, hold that up against blood clots, heart issues, strokes and etc caused by the shots. Oh wait, you can't, because the entire system is burying that information.

How is this not creepy to liberals? Covid is like a religion to them
I call this the "what do you have to lose" principle. What happens is a republican screws things up, and the next president, a democrat, cleans up the mess he left.

With the country again running on all cylinders, the republicans jump on the culture wars to return to power. And again the cycle of them screwing up the country, and the democrat getting elected to fix it.
Voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.
And please tell us OP how many billions has your open borders policies cost tax payers, huh?
As soon as you give a fuck about that, then you can talk.
Yet you advocate essentially doing NOTHING (like evacuating or vaccinating) when the storm approaches.

Depends on the Hurricane.....and the virus.
Sometimes evacuating is a bad idea. Being in gridlock traffic with no gas is not where you want to be.
Getting an experimental jab is exactly the same.
This is bad.

The unvaccinated are costing us billions in medicare. The article didn't have any numbers on medicaid or private insurance but I would be willing to bet it's just as high.

It's going to cause everyone's insurance premiums to go up. The insurance companies aren't just going to eat the cost of this. The executives and stockholders have to get their millions so someone is going to have to pay.

Guess who that will be?

Medicare needs to be properly funded without politicians stealing from it so the rich can have tax cuts.

The bill for this pandemic is going to be astronomical. It's not going to be free.

All of this can be avoided with two very cheap shots in the arm.

The unvaxed should have their medical or Medicare premiums skyrocket like the costs. Same for other irresponsible people who smoke or overeat.
Responsible people should not subsidize the irresponsible.
This fails as both a false comparison fallacy and a red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is about the fact that those willfully ignorant and in unwarranted opposition to being vaccinated have caused a monumental – and easily avoidable – financial burden on the nation as a whole.
The problem with trying to hijack my rhetoric is that you don't know how to use what you didn't build. I clearly demonstrated in my comparison where I reference the amount of money in the opening post that I did in fact read and understand the opening post. When lefties evade and use red herrings, they always evade demonstrating that they read and understood the opening post.
C_Clayton_Jones got his panties in a wad when I brought up fat people and the 400 billion that is used to treat heart disease in fat people every year that dwarfs the 2 billion of alleged costs of unvaxxed. I'd put money on it, C_Clayton_Jones is a fat ass.
I'm 54. My SS won't fully vest until I'm 70.

It's not fair.

I was told for over 40 years it would be 65. Then when I'm less than 25 years from the goal, the republicans moved the goal posts.

They should have raised the age on people just starting their careers. Not people who were in the middle.

Now, the republicans are talking about raising the medicare age. I will be 65 in July 2025 so I've only got less than 4 years.

I won't be surprised if they raise that age on me a year before I reach it.
I call this the "what do you have to lose" principle. What happens is a republican screws things up, and the next president, a democrat, cleans up the mess he left.

With the country again running on all cylinders, the republicans jump on the culture wars to return to power. And again the cycle of them screwing up the country, and the democrat getting elected to fix it.

Very true.

My question is when will America learn?
Since heart disease costs more than 400 billion each year, we should be focused on fat people

This is bad.

The unvaccinated are costing us billions in medicare. The article didn't have any numbers on medicaid or private insurance but I would be willing to bet it's just as high.

It's going to cause everyone's insurance premiums to go up. The insurance companies aren't just going to eat the cost of this. The executives and stockholders have to get their millions so someone is going to have to pay.

Guess who that will be?

Medicare needs to be properly funded without politicians stealing from it so the rich can have tax cuts.

The bill for this pandemic is going to be astronomical. It's not going to be free.

All of this can be avoided with two very cheap shots in the arm.

You might show greater concern about the trillions wasted on the war machine or the billions of dollars the billionaires avoid paying in taxes.

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