Mutiny @ FBI - Top Agents demand that Hillary be CHARGED with a crime -

He never did anything right, which is why agents are resigning in mass.

This guy Comey is just trying to prevent himself from ending up here after Trump wins...

We are civilized we don't do that any more.

We will ask Vladimir for some Polonium-210.

What bodyguard of a kleptocrat who stole billions from our country do you want us to kill?
Here's a hint:

When you have to start trolling your own thread with internet memes, you've already lost.

The Thousand-Hour Hillareich

Well, it's better than her old one: STRUNG UP TOGETHER.
Due process of law requires that first there is evidence of a crime being committed, than it is determined who committed that crime.

It seems to me that in this case, congress first determined that Clinton had committed a crime, then went searching for evidence that a crime had been committed.

That violates the principal of due process. It constitutes a political witch hunt. Without evidence of a crime being committed FIRST, those that started this investigation are seriously abusing their power.

How would you like it if law enforcement agencies decided that you had committed a crime, then went hunting for evidence of a crime.
I don't know about that. Hillary set up the private server. Someone should have told her no, but that's probably her (and Bill's) biggest failing. They don't like being told no, and have tempers, so there's an resistance to doing so. The FBI prosecutes people for sending classified information on private servers. Petraus for one.

The Clinton haters long for some conspiracy that thwarted diligent FBI agents, who live for truth justice and the American way, but they aren't going to find one in the decision to not charge Hillary. Prosecutors had to prove that she intentionally sent classified matl. There were tens of thousands of emails. Apparently 3 of which had "c" on them. The private server was wrong. But her emails dissemination was not anywhere near the intent of Petraus or someone like Manning's leaks. Her defense was going to be "oopsies, three out of gazillions, my bad." You look at Ken Starr's career. He went from Supreme Court hopeful to disgraced and fired Baylor chancellor/professor. And he won his case. I don't think there were a lot of proscutors lining up for that case, and the FBI agents probably had burnt feelings after sifting all those emails.

Comey should not have put his personal cred on the line though.
No. I mean what caused the original investigation into Clinton's emails?

Was it just that some congressmen found out that she had an email server, so they decided to launch an investigation? What was the original evidence that started the whole thing?

No, it became public knowledge when "Guccifer" hacked Sidney Blumenthal, and got tied up into the Benghazi investigation.
So it appears that Clinton's emails were subpoenaed without any evidence of a crime having been committed, in violation of the principal of due process. It was a severe abuse of power by the congressmen that started the investigation for the sole purpose of undermining democracy.
No. I mean what caused the original investigation into Clinton's emails?

Was it just that some congressmen found out that she had an email server, so they decided to launch an investigation? What was the original evidence that started the whole thing?

No, it became public knowledge when "Guccifer" hacked Sidney Blumenthal, and got tied up into the Benghazi investigation.

So why hasn't everyone that holds a security clearance and has a private email account being investigated?
So it appears that Clinton's emails were subpoenaed without any evidence of a crime having been committed, in violation of the principal of due process. It was a severe abuse of power by the congressmen that started the investigation for the sole purpose of undermining democracy.


1) 18 U.S.C Sec. 793(f) of the federal code make it unlawful to send of store classified information on personal email.

2) Section 1236.22 of the 2009 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requirements

3) Violation of the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA)

18 U.S. Code § 793(f)

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1)
through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.



No. I mean what caused the original investigation into Clinton's emails?

Was it just that some congressmen found out that she had an email server, so they decided to launch an investigation? What was the original evidence that started the whole thing?

Hillary was conducting GOVERNMENT BUSINESS in a private email server.


Could someone explain why Clinton's emails were subpoenaed in the first place? Why weren't Colin Powell's or Condoleezza Rice's emails subpoenaed? They had private email servers too. For that matter shouldn't all private email accounts of everyone that has classified clearances have their private email subpoenaed?

The whole issue seems like a political hatchet job and nothing more.

Comey’s whitewash didn’t go over well with either Americans or longtime FBI agents who reacted angrily to Comey’s over-the-top corruption. Subsequently, in recent months Comey has had a virtual mutiny on his hands as in the FBI boss has lost all credibility, respect, and moral authority.

Well see there you go. You have snippets from sites, the most non-partisan of which is Fox, saying the FBI was floored with "Comey's decision. That's the point. The FBI are the invesigators. The DOJ attorneys choose what to prosecute and what not to prosecute. Lynch said she would defer the decision to Comey and her staff. Most likely the FBI agents who sifted the emails wanted a prosecution. The prosecutors did not.

The F.B.I. is investigating whether Mrs. Clinton, her aides or anyone else broke the law by setting up a private email server for her to use as secretary of state. Internal investigators have concluded that the server was used to send classified information. For the Justice Department, the central question is whether the conduct met the legal standard for the crime of mishandling classified information.

career agents and attorneys on the case unanimously believed the Democratic presidential nominee should have been charged"
So it appears that Clinton's emails were subpoenaed without any evidence of a crime having been committed, in violation of the principal of due process. It was a severe abuse of power by the congressmen that started the investigation for the sole purpose of undermining democracy.

The controversy unfolded against the backdrop of Clinton's 2016 presidential election campaign and hearings held by the United States House Select Committee on Benghazi. Some experts, officials, and members of Congress have contended that her use of private messaging system software and a private server violated State Department protocols and procedures, as well as federal laws and regulations governing recordkeeping. In response, Clinton has said that her use of personal email was in compliance with federal laws and State Department regulations and that former secretaries of state had also maintained personal email accounts, though not their own private email servers.

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
Due process of law requires that first there is evidence of a crime being committed, than it is determined who committed that crime.

It seems to me that in this case, congress first determined that Clinton had committed a crime, then went searching for evidence that a crime had been committed.

That violates the principal of due process. It constitutes a political witch hunt. Without evidence of a crime being committed FIRST, those that started this investigation are seriously abusing their power.

How would you like it if law enforcement agencies decided that you had committed a crime, then went hunting for evidence of a crime.

That's exactly what they do. Except for the fact that they suspect somebody of doing a crime (just like Hillary) and then find evidence a crime was committed.

For instance, let's say your wife was found in the backyard chocked to death. Based on how you answered the detectives questions, they label you a suspect. They then look for evidence that you did indeed kill your wife.

It's not a witch hunt, it's matching the evidence with the crime.
A former federal attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova spelled it all out in a WMAL radio interview last Friday just hours after the news was released that Comey had sent a letter informing Congress that the case is being reopened. DiGenova said that with an open revolt brewing inside the FBI, Comey was forced to go public on Friday with reopening the investigation. The former DC attorney added that the FBI investigators discovered more emails on a phone confiscated from the former New York Congressman and separated husband Anthony Weiner that also included his wife and longtime Hillary’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin’s communications that allegedly bear pertinent relevance to the Hillary case. Funny how things have a karmic way of coming full circle – the Clintons first introduced Weiner and Abedin 15 years ago and they married a half dozen years ago.

A former federal attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova spelled it all out in a WMAL radio interview last Friday just hours after the news was released that Comey had sent a letter informing Congress that the case is being reopened. DiGenova said that with an open revolt brewing inside the FBI, Comey was forced to go public on Friday with reopening the investigation. The former DC attorney added that the FBI investigators discovered more emails on a phone confiscated from the former New York Congressman and separated husband Anthony Weiner that also included his wife and longtime Hillary’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin’s communications that allegedly bear pertinent relevance to the Hillary case. Funny how things have a karmic way of coming full circle – the Clintons first introduced Weiner and Abedin 15 years ago and they married a half dozen years ago.

Is America Going To Elect A President Who Will Be Selecting Her Own Prosecutors As The Email Investigation Continues Post-Election?

Journalist Carl Bernstein, who played a key role in uncovering the Watergate scandal in the Nixon era, says Hillary Clinton’s email fiasco is in no way “bigger than Watergate.” [
Politico Oct 29, 2016] But Watergate was a simple break-in at a Democrat electioneering office. Hillary Clinton not only operated her email system outside normal security procedures but did so to hide the fact she was operating her pay-to-play schemes at the State Department and was lining her pockets with millions of dollars in the process. Hillary Clinton literally put the State Department up for sale says a report published in the New York Post. [New York Post Aug 9, 2016]


Even more criminal is that the Democrat Party is attempting to cover up Clinton’s scheme that keeps offering favors to even foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation, making the Democrat Party a complicit to criminal activity (as if that is something new to them). The Justice Department sought to bar the Justice Department (FBI) from proceeding ahead with its investigation of Hillary’s emails, which is the reason why Anthony Weiner’s emails were not scrutinized early on. [Daily Mail UK Oct 31, 2016]

Is America going to elect Hillary Clinton and watch her use her power to appoint an Attorney General and a new FBI chief to get off the hook? Hillary Clinton may still be under investigation after she is elected. [Daily Mail UK Oct 30, 2016] Hillary Clinton could go to prison for 20 years if charged with obstruction of justice. [Info Wars Oct 31, 2016] Expect a Presidential pardon if that ever happens.
Is America Going To Elect A President Who Will Be Selecting Her Own Prosecutors As The Email Investigation Continues Post-Election?

Journalist Carl Bernstein, who played a key role in uncovering the Watergate scandal in the Nixon era, says Hillary Clinton’s email fiasco is in no way “bigger than Watergate.” [
Politico Oct 29, 2016] But Watergate was a simple break-in at a Democrat electioneering office. Hillary Clinton not only operated her email system outside normal security procedures but did so to hide the fact she was operating her pay-to-play schemes at the State Department and was lining her pockets with millions of dollars in the process. Hillary Clinton literally put the State Department up for sale says a report published in the New York Post. [New York Post Aug 9, 2016]


Standing for Slipping

The media never allow us to think about the other thing that Watergate proved. The Democrats were so lazy, irresponsible, cheap, and sloppy that they couldn't protect their own private campaign information, so why would we expect them to protect the nation or be competent enough to run it?
Is America Going To Elect A President Who Will Be Selecting Her Own Prosecutors As The Email Investigation Continues Post-Election?

Journalist Carl Bernstein, who played a key role in uncovering the Watergate scandal in the Nixon era, says Hillary Clinton’s email fiasco is in no way “bigger than Watergate.” [
Politico Oct 29, 2016] But Watergate was a simple break-in at a Democrat electioneering office. Hillary Clinton not only operated her email system outside normal security procedures but did so to hide the fact she was operating her pay-to-play schemes at the State Department and was lining her pockets with millions of dollars in the process. Hillary Clinton literally put the State Department up for sale says a report published in the New York Post. [New York Post Aug 9, 2016]


Standing for Slipping

The media never allow us to think about the other thing that Watergate proved. The Democrats were so lazy, irresponsible, cheap, and sloppy that they couldn't protect their own private campaign information, so why would we expect them to protect the nation or be competent enough to run it?

While Hillary Clinton is now playing the role of victim of an “October Surprise” that the FBI chose to run against her, 24 years ago Bill Clinton cheered an 11th-hour indictment in his bid for reelection. [Washington Examiner Oct 30-2016]

Meanwhile, another email gets uncovered where Hillary Clinton’s top aides were drooling over a Super Pac that planned to work hand-in-hand with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, something that is legally forbidden. As Hillary’s team ponders this development, one of Hillary’s top aides says in her email: “That’s fine. But skirting if not violating the law doesn’t help her INMHO” (slang/acronym: in my humble opinion). [ Oct 31, 2016]

Now Huma Claims She Never Used Laptop Seized From Anthony Weiner by FBI - So Can She Explain How it Ended up Containing Her Clinton Emails?

Now Huma claims she never used laptop seized from Anthony Weiner by FBI - so can she explain how it ended up containing her Clinton emails?

    • Huma Abedin's attorney tells Politico that Clinton's chief aide denied the laptop seized by the FBI was shared with estranged husband
    • Anthony Weiner's sexting relationship with girl, 15, was revealed by and probed by FBI - leading to laptop seizure
    • But Karen Dunn - a Clinton loyalist attorney hired by Abedin - says it was his alone
    • Identity of her lawyer suggests she wants to stay in Clintonworld - but Clinton herself called Abedin just 'one of my staffers' on Monday
    • Development comes amid bitter clash between Clinton and FBI with White House backing its director James Comey as man of 'principle'


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