Mutiny @ FBI - Top Agents demand that Hillary be CHARGED with a crime -


So you're going on the record as an Ed Klein fan?

I guess Barnum was right.

So , from your standpoint, WHY did Mr. Comey decide to do what is just and right?


He didn't "do what is just and right", he sent the letter to Congress to cover his own ass.

"COVER HIS OWN ASS" from what?

WHY did he feel that any of his actions would be subjected to relevant , subsequent criticism, legal penalties or other repercussions"


Because he testified under oath that the investigation was over.

What do you think would have happened had it come out in 2 weeks that the FBI had been examining new emails, even if nothing scandalous was found? I can see the Breitbart headlines already.



I haven't seen anything credible saying that they are. Only bullshit from clowns like Ed Klein
So , from your standpoint, WHY did Mr. Comey decide to do what is just and right?


He didn't "do what is just and right", he sent the letter to Congress to cover his own ass.

"COVER HIS OWN ASS" from what?

WHY did he feel that any of his actions would be subjected to relevant , subsequent criticism, legal penalties or other repercussions"


Because he testified under oath that the investigation was over.

What do you think would have happened had it come out in 2 weeks that the FBI had been examining new emails, even if nothing scandalous was found? I can see the Breitbart headlines already.

So he did violate the Hatch Act. And worse. This all just sucks. For everyone.

No, he didn't violate the Hatch Act.

He followed the law, exactly. That's what I mean by saying that he was covering his ass.

I think this is going to be debated very, very heavily. This from a Bush advisor in the NYT:

Richard W. Painter, a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School, was the chief White House ethics lawyer from 2005 to 2007.

(For the sake of full disclosure, in this election I have supported Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Hillary Clinton for president, in that order.)

On Friday, the director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey, sent members of Congress a letter about developments in the agency’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s emails, an investigation which supposedly was closed months ago. This letter, which was quickly posted on the internet, made highly unusual public statements about an F.B.I. investigation concerning a candidate in the election. The letter was sent in violation of a longstanding Justice Department policy of not discussing specifics about pending investigations with others, including members of Congress. According to some news reports, the letter was sent before the F.B.I. had even obtained the search warrant that it needed to look at the newly discovered emails. And it was sent days before the election, when many Americans are already voting.

Violations of the Hatch Act and of government ethics rules on misuse of official positions are not permissible in any circumstances, including in the case of an executive branch official acting under pressure from politically motivated members of Congress. Violations are of even greater concern when the agency is the F.B.I."""

So you're going on the record as an Ed Klein fan?

I guess Barnum was right.

So , from your standpoint, WHY did Mr. Comey decide to do what is just and right?


He didn't "do what is just and right", he sent the letter to Congress to cover his own ass.

"COVER HIS OWN ASS" from what?

WHY did he feel that any of his actions would be subjected to relevant , subsequent criticism, legal penalties or other repercussions"


Because he testified under oath that the investigation was over.

What do you think would have happened had it come out in 2 weeks that the FBI had been examining new emails, even if nothing scandalous was found? I can see the Breitbart headlines already.

So he did violate the Hatch Act. And worse. This all just sucks. For everyone.
U.S. Office of Special Counsel Hatch Act


Could someone explain why Clinton's emails were subpoenaed in the first place? Why weren't Colin Powell's or Condoleezza Rice's emails subpoenaed? They had private email servers too. For that matter shouldn't all private email accounts of everyone that has classified clearances have their private email subpoenaed?

The whole issue seems like a political hatchet job and nothing more.
Could someone explain why Clinton's emails were subpoenaed in the first place? Why weren't Colin Powell's or Condoleezza Rice's emails subpoenaed? They had private email servers too. For that matter shouldn't all private email accounts of everyone that has classified clearances have their private email subpoenaed?

The whole issue seems like a political hatchet job and nothing more.

Well, of course it is.

But Congress can subpoena whatever they like.
Could someone explain why Clinton's emails were subpoenaed in the first place? Why weren't Colin Powell's or Condoleezza Rice's emails subpoenaed? They had private email servers too. For that matter shouldn't all private email accounts of everyone that has classified clearances have their private email subpoenaed?

The whole issue seems like a political hatchet job and nothing more.

Comey’s whitewash didn’t go over well with either Americans or longtime FBI agents who reacted angrily to Comey’s over-the-top corruption. Subsequently, in recent months Comey has had a virtual mutiny on his hands as in the FBI boss has lost all credibility, respect, and moral authority.

So , from your standpoint, WHY did Mr. Comey decide to do what is just and right?


He didn't "do what is just and right", he sent the letter to Congress to cover his own ass.

"COVER HIS OWN ASS" from what?

WHY did he feel that any of his actions would be subjected to relevant , subsequent criticism, legal penalties or other repercussions"


Because he testified under oath that the investigation was over.

What do you think would have happened had it come out in 2 weeks that the FBI had been examining new emails, even if nothing scandalous was found? I can see the Breitbart headlines already.



I haven't seen anything credible saying that they are. Only bullshit from clowns like Ed Klein

It's really old news, and as you say, overblown

Inside the debate over probing the Clinton Foundation -

Most everyone agrees, going back to at least 2007 and liberal Matthew Ygelsias, that the Foundation fund raising had an odor. But DOJ prosecutors didn't see a case because bribery requires evidence to show Hillary DID something for the money, and if all they had was she met with Big Dog of Tasmania or someplace for ten minutes, no prosecutor really relished trying to hunt with that dog of a case.

Comey never should have had his dog and pony congressional presentation, and after having screwed that up, he knew his reputation for "Mr. Squeaky Clean" would be in tatters if agents leaked word that the FBI had MORE emails.

IF the FBI is hemmoraging resignations over investigating Clinton, they sure don't have enough agents hunting potential terrorists.
Could someone explain why Clinton's emails were subpoenaed in the first place? Why weren't Colin Powell's or Condoleezza Rice's emails subpoenaed? They had private email servers too. For that matter shouldn't all private email accounts of everyone that has classified clearances have their private email subpoenaed?

The whole issue seems like a political hatchet job and nothing more.

Well, of course it is.

But Congress can subpoena whatever they like.


"The decision to let Hillary Clinton off the hook for mishandling classified information has roiled the FBI and Department of Justice, with one person closely involved in the year-long probe telling that career agents and attorneys on the case unanimously believed the Democratic presidential nominee should have been charged"

So , from your standpoint, WHY did Mr. Comey decide to do what is just and right?


He didn't "do what is just and right", he sent the letter to Congress to cover his own ass.

"COVER HIS OWN ASS" from what?

WHY did he feel that any of his actions would be subjected to relevant , subsequent criticism, legal penalties or other repercussions"


Because he testified under oath that the investigation was over.

What do you think would have happened had it come out in 2 weeks that the FBI had been examining new emails, even if nothing scandalous was found? I can see the Breitbart headlines already.



I haven't seen anything credible saying that they are. Only bullshit from clowns like Ed Klein


Here's a hint:

When you have to start trolling your own thread with internet memes, you've already lost.
Could someone explain why Clinton's emails were subpoenaed in the first place? Why weren't Colin Powell's or Condoleezza Rice's emails subpoenaed? They had private email servers too. For that matter shouldn't all private email accounts of everyone that has classified clearances have their private email subpoenaed?

The whole issue seems like a political hatchet job and nothing more.

Comey’s whitewash didn’t go over well with either Americans or longtime FBI agents who reacted angrily to Comey’s over-the-top corruption. Subsequently, in recent months Comey has had a virtual mutiny on his hands as in the FBI boss has lost all credibility, respect, and moral authority.

Well see there you go. You have snippets from sites, the most non-partisan of which is Fox, saying the FBI was floored with "Comey's decision. That's the point. The FBI are the invesigators. The DOJ attorneys choose what to prosecute and what not to prosecute. Lynch said she would defer the decision to Comey and her staff. Most likely the FBI agents who sifted the emails wanted a prosecution. The prosecutors did not.

The F.B.I. is investigating whether Mrs. Clinton, her aides or anyone else broke the law by setting up a private email server for her to use as secretary of state. Internal investigators have concluded that the server was used to send classified information. For the Justice Department, the central question is whether the conduct met the legal standard for the crime of mishandling classified information.
No. I mean what caused the original investigation into Clinton's emails?

Was it just that some congressmen found out that she had an email server, so they decided to launch an investigation? What was the original evidence that started the whole thing?
Could someone explain why Clinton's emails were subpoenaed in the first place? Why weren't Colin Powell's or Condoleezza Rice's emails subpoenaed? They had private email servers too. For that matter shouldn't all private email accounts of everyone that has classified clearances have their private email subpoenaed?

The whole issue seems like a political hatchet job and nothing more.

Comey’s whitewash didn’t go over well with either Americans or longtime FBI agents who reacted angrily to Comey’s over-the-top corruption. Subsequently, in recent months Comey has had a virtual mutiny on his hands as in the FBI boss has lost all credibility, respect, and moral authority.

Well see there you go. You have snippets from sites, the most non-partisan of which is Fox, saying the FBI was floored with "Comey's decision. That's the point. The FBI are the invesigators. The DOJ attorneys choose what to prosecute and what not to prosecute. Lynch said she would defer the decision to Comey and her staff. Most likely the FBI agents who sifted the emails wanted a prosecution. The prosecutors did not.

The F.B.I. is investigating whether Mrs. Clinton, her aides or anyone else broke the law by setting up a private email server for her to use as secretary of state. Internal investigators have concluded that the server was used to send classified information. For the Justice Department, the central question is whether the conduct met the legal standard for the crime of mishandling classified information.

So why haven't they investigated Powell or Rice? Why haven't they investigated everyone that has a security clearance and a private email account?

What, specifically, was the original evidence that Clinton had broken the law? What justified the original congressional investigation?
Could someone explain why Clinton's emails were subpoenaed in the first place? Why weren't Colin Powell's or Condoleezza Rice's emails subpoenaed? They had private email servers too. For that matter shouldn't all private email accounts of everyone that has classified clearances have their private email subpoenaed?

The whole issue seems like a political hatchet job and nothing more.

Comey’s whitewash didn’t go over well with either Americans or longtime FBI agents who reacted angrily to Comey’s over-the-top corruption. Subsequently, in recent months Comey has had a virtual mutiny on his hands as in the FBI boss has lost all credibility, respect, and moral authority.

Well see there you go. You have snippets from sites, the most non-partisan of which is Fox, saying the FBI was floored with "Comey's decision. That's the point. The FBI are the invesigators. The DOJ attorneys choose what to prosecute and what not to prosecute. Lynch said she would defer the decision to Comey and her staff. Most likely the FBI agents who sifted the emails wanted a prosecution. The prosecutors did not.

The F.B.I. is investigating whether Mrs. Clinton, her aides or anyone else broke the law by setting up a private email server for her to use as secretary of state. Internal investigators have concluded that the server was used to send classified information. For the Justice Department, the central question is whether the conduct met the legal standard for the crime of mishandling classified information.

Was that really the "conclusion"?

Do you have personal knowledge?

So , from your standpoint, WHY did Mr. Comey decide to do what is just and right?


He didn't "do what is just and right", he sent the letter to Congress to cover his own ass.

"COVER HIS OWN ASS" from what?

WHY did he feel that any of his actions would be subjected to relevant , subsequent criticism, legal penalties or other repercussions"


Because he testified under oath that the investigation was over.

What do you think would have happened had it come out in 2 weeks that the FBI had been examining new emails, even if nothing scandalous was found? I can see the Breitbart headlines already.

So he did violate the Hatch Act. And worse. This all just sucks. For everyone.
U.S. Office of Special Counsel Hatch Act



Thanks for your educated opinion. An ex-Bush legal advisor disagrees.
Due process of law requires that first there is evidence of a crime being committed, than it is determined who committed that crime.

It seems to me that in this case, congress first determined that Clinton had committed a crime, then went searching for evidence that a crime had been committed.

That violates the principal of due process. It constitutes a political witch hunt. Without evidence of a crime being committed FIRST, those that started this investigation are seriously abusing their power.

How would you like it if law enforcement agencies decided that you had committed a crime, then went hunting for evidence of a crime.

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