MVP Award For Liars


Sep 23, 2010
Jonathon Moseley over at Canada Free Press reminds us of the lies Marco Rubio told when he ran for the Senate:

“Well, we have a path for citizenship. It’s called coming legally into this country. The ones who are already here. You can’t do it [ever get citizenship].”

. . . “First and foremost we have to secure the border, we have to secure the workplace.”

. . . “First of all, earned path to citizenship is basically code for amnesty.”

. . . “America cannot be the only country in the world that does not enforce its immigration laws. It is unfair to the people that have legally entered this country to create an alternative pathway for individuals who entered illegally and knowingly did so.”

. . . “If you grant amnesty, the message that you’re sending is that if you come in this country and stay here long enough, we will let you stay.”

. . . “I will not support anything that makes our immigration system worse, that does not truly and legitimately secure our borders, or that leads to further illegal immigration in the future.”

. . . “I will not relent from the ongoing fight to ensure the American people’s voices are heard before any votes are cast on this important government reform, but one fact is true: no bill will be rushed through the Senate as a take-it-or-leave-it proposition.”

. . . “No, no, never have been. In fact, I am strongly against amnesty for a number of different reasons,”. . .

“The most important thing we need to do is enforce our existing laws. We have existing laws that are not being adequately enforced. Nothing will make it harder to enforce your existing laws if you reward people who broke them. In essence if you go to people and you say, look, well you have been here for so long, even though you broke the law, we are going to let you stay. Number one it demoralizes the people that are going through the legal process. It’s a very clear signal that why go through the legal process if you can accomplish the same thing through the illegal process. Number two, it demoralizes the people enforcing the law. So I am not, and I will never support. Never have and never will support any effort to grant blanket legalization amnesty to folks who have entered or stayed in this country illegally.”

First, Rubio’s campaign lies gave him immediate membership in the Old Boys Club in both political parties. He lied, they knew he lied, and he got away with it. That’s like winning the MVP Award for Liars.

Make no mistake with Rubio. A huge number of voters like politicians who lie contrary to Jonathon Moseley’s take:

Voters don’t like being lied to.

Voters love it when their candidates tell lies. Indeed, America’s sick democracy included Islam’s taqiyya long before Barack Taqiyya came along. Woodrow Wilson was the first big liar; FDR may still hold the record for lying; the Clintons never told the truth about anything, and Barack Taqiyya cannot open his mouth without telling a lie.

Bush the Elder is the only politician who was ever punished for telling a lie, and that turned out to be a disaster when the country replaced him with a depraved murderer in addition to being a liar. For all of Clinton’s known lies and depraved sex acts he is still admired by many Americans. So much for “Voters don’t like being lied to.”

NOTE: John McCain was not defeated because he told the same lies Rubio is telling about immigration although it was a contributing factor. He was defeated because conservatives decided they had their fill of RINO media-anointed candidates.

The truth is: Every Democrat sees the lie the minute their candidates tell it. No matter. They applaud the lie just as Muslims applaud the lies their leaders tell to non-Muslims in order to defeat them. Rubio’s sin is that he told Democrat lies. There is not a chance he would have won his Senate seat had he told the same lies while running as a Democrat? In that scenario Democrat and Republican voters would have known he was lying. He was believed by Republicans because he told immigration lies as a Republican, and a conservative Republican at that.

Question: Is redemption possible? Answer: No.

If Marco Rubio still has any friends left, it is time for them to stage an “intervention” to call him back to common sense, rationality, and honesty. Someone needs to talk Rubio down from the ledge.

Is Marco Rubio the same as Moderate Charlie Crist?
By Guest Column Jonathon Moseley Thursday, June 27, 2013

Is Marco Rubio the same as Moderate Charlie Crist?

Rubio jumped off the ledge the minute he lined up with Senators McCain and Schumer. Assuming his immigration bill goes down to defeat in the House —— conservatives forgiving him for trying and lying is only giving a liar a license to tell more lies. Conservatives aside, there is not a chance a majority of Americans will forgive him should amnesty and permanent open-borders become the only immigration laws Democrats will enforce with a passion.
Racist Canadian journalist criticizes a hispanic American politician? I don't recall Canadians criticizing Harry Reid when he committed treason by telling Americans and the Troops that "the war (in Iraq) is lost".
Paul Ryan is a traitor too. He had such an innocent looking face - that one took me by surprise.
Racist Canadian journalist criticizes a hispanic American politician?

To whitehall: I have no proof that Jonathon Moseley is a racist.

I don't recall Canadians criticizing Harry Reid when he committed treason by telling Americans and the Troops that "the war (in Iraq) is lost".

To whitehall: “Canadians” and the Canada Free Press are two different things.

Harry Reid did his Walter Cronkite impersonation in 2007:

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]​

If you research the archives I think you’ll find that the CFP did criticize Reid.

Incidentally, nobody ever brings a Democrat to justice for committing treason. John Kerry is a case in point.

Paul Ryan is a traitor too. He had such an innocent looking face - that one took me by surprise.

To Jeremiah: I wouldn’t put Ryan on my list of trustworthy conservatives.

He won an Obama aye?

To Leweman: One liar supporting another.
Racist Canadian journalist criticizes a hispanic American politician?

To whitehall: I have no proof that Jonathon Moseley is a racist.

I don't recall Canadians criticizing Harry Reid when he committed treason by telling Americans and the Troops that "the war (in Iraq) is lost".

To whitehall: “Canadians” and the Canada Free Press are two different things.

Harry Reid did his Walter Cronkite impersonation in 2007:

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]​

If you research the archives I think you’ll find that the CFP did criticize Reid.

Incidentally, nobody ever brings a Democrat to justice for committing treason. John Kerry is a case in point.

Paul Ryan is a traitor too. He had such an innocent looking face - that one took me by surprise.

To Jeremiah: I wouldn’t put Ryan on my list of trustworthy conservatives.

He won an Obama aye?

To Leweman: One liar supporting another.

Who doesn't lie in politics?
I don't recall Canadians criticizing Harry Reid when he committed treason by telling Americans and the Troops that "the war (in Iraq) is lost".

To whitehall: “Canadians” and the Canada Free Press are two different things.

Harry Reid did his Walter Cronkite impersonation in 2007:

[ame=]Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost - YouTube[/ame]​

If you research the archives I think you’ll find that the CFP did criticize Reid.

Incidentally, nobody ever brings a Democrat to justice for committing treason. John Kerry is a case in point.

So lemme get this straight.....

BOTH of you clowns believe that rendering an opinion on how the war is going, amounts to "treason"?

No wonder y'all live in fantasy comic books. :cuckoo:

noun \ˈtrē-zən\
Definition of TREASON
1: the betrayal of a trust : treachery
2: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
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Who doesn't lie in politics?

To Leweman: True enough, but there is a difference between lying to get elected in order to get rich, or richer, as they all do, and lying to betray the country as Democrats have been doing since the 1930s. If you have time to spare please read my comments in this thread:

Incidentally, Rubio gave a speech on the Senate floor earlier today. His career is sinking in quicksand; so he tried to find solid footing by wrapping himself in the flag; in the history of LEGAL immigrants, his parents, and every thing else he could squeeze in to justify his lies in 2010. No matter what he said today, or how many times the media runs the clip, he cannot escape two facts:

1. He lied like hell to get elected.

2. His immigration bill betrays the country he now claims he loves.

Rubio even reiterated the same border security lies John McCain was telling about THE FENCE in 2007.

And Rubio repeatedly cites the “11,000, 000 illegals” lie. That was the number in 2007. Rubio et al., would have us believe that the number is still 11,000,000. The true number ties into the Affordable Care Act.

Rubio says he is for repealing the ACA. He also says amnesty is about jobs. He must know that the ACA will absorb millions of “amnesty illegals” in the first few years; more than 10 million in the next decade. So he has to be lying about something.

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