My 28 Minutes with AOC

  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer) ??????
  • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  • can anyone describe that special "WORLD VIEW" ????
LOL, you've now admitted how stupid you are. She is a Moron.
"Stupid"? This response is made when the author of a post on the Politics Forum shows ignorance and incapability of writing a clear, concise and rational statement.

This post is just one of the too many comments by the biddable who are led to believe this BIG LIE and echo it. This response is made when the author of a post on the Politics Forum shows ignorance and incapability of writing a clear, concise and rational statement.

This post is just one of the too many comments by the biddable above who are led to believe this BIG LIE and echo it, with the intent to smear the Intelligence of this poster and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I disagree. Misogyny is simply the expectation that women know, accept, and embrace their proper role in the world.

For a woman to have hurt me, I would have to give value to their opinion, interest, etc… I don’t do that. I have had several women attempt to insult or humiliate me over the years, but that didn’t work either.
I suppose it didn't work do to the fact that your posts all are an insult and humiliation of your own character.
Yawn. You're dismissed

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is a federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. ICE's stated mission is to protect the United States from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety. Wikipedia
Founded: March 2003, United States
Yawn, I guess we had no border security untill 2003.
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

We got into this egregious student debt issue in the first place because of a failed Leftist policy of letting students and families assume more loan than they could afford and/or for a concentration of study for which there is no job market. If we the taxpayer bail out student debt, it needs to be one time. Moving forward, their needs to be much more controls (like mortgages). Students and families should not be taking out $200-$300k in loans to fly 3 time zones away to attend an elite college to major in some bullshit field that has no job market just because they feel entitled. This is a big part of the mess we are in…. It’s not that there is debt, it’s that it is unmanageable debt.
"Stupid"? This response is made when the author of a post on the Politics Forum shows ignorance and incapability of writing a clear, concise and rational statement.

This post is just one of the too many comments by the biddable who are led to believe this BIG LIE and echo it. This response is made when the author of a post on the Politics Forum shows ignorance and incapability of writing a clear, concise and rational statement.

This post is just one of the too many comments by the biddable above who are led to believe this BIG LIE and echo it, with the intent to smear the Intelligence of this poster and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The fact that she is demonstrably stupid is a lie? Aren't you just so precious.
"Stupid"? This response is made when the author of a post on the Politics Forum shows ignorance and incapability of writing a clear, concise and rational statement.

This post is just one of the too many comments by the biddable who are led to believe this BIG LIE and echo it. This response is made when the author of a post on the Politics Forum shows ignorance and incapability of writing a clear, concise and rational statement.

This post is just one of the too many comments by the biddable above who are led to believe this BIG LIE and echo it, with the intent to smear the Intelligence of this poster and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Say again?
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

She is the dumbest fuck ever to hold a seat in congress, and I come from the state that put Sheila Jackson Lee in office.

“T]o me, capitalism at its core … is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost. … To me that is not a redeemable system.” Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Feb. 4, 2022

“The emphasis in socialism is on democracy. … It’s just as much a transformation about bringing democracy to the workplace so that … we don’t check all of our rights at the [workplace] door because … as workers and people in society, we’re the ones creating wealth.”

Complete fucking idiot.

So is the OP, so it follows.
Holy Cow... even for citygator this is a bit too funny.

Big socialist titties have done their work:

Trump was elected with both houses. He had an easy path and couldn’t get alignment with his own party. Then he destroyed the economy leaving a shell that Biden is building back better. Trumps a fuckup. All the figures show that. Only way to think differently is to ignore the data applaud his insult comic routine.

Trump destroyed the economy, Biden is ... "fixing" it ... LOL. You're a total boob. Fortunately you're too dumb to be embarrassed by what you post
Trump destroyed the economy, Biden is ... "fixing" it ... LOL. You're a total boob. Fortunately you're too dumb to be embarrassed by what you post
Show me a beginning of Trump number that he improved. Show me an ending number that didn’t get worse. You can’t. He totally fucked it up. Biden under the same conditions has us barreling up towards the heights Obama passed to Trump that he destroyed. GDP, deficit, employment, all worse when Trump left.
The fact that she is demonstrably stupid is a lie? Aren't you just so precious.
"This post is just one of the too many comments by the biddable above who are led to believe this BIG LIE and echo it, with the intent to smear the Intelligence of this poster and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."

It's my opinion that this biddable person is a jerk, and not a very bright jerk for him to believe he can prove this person he maligns is stupid.
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