My 28 Minutes with AOC

Big fat mushy pasty-faced leftwingers have no qualifications to make the racist call. What on earth makes you think you do?
You've been here posting for several weeks now, and it doesn't take any effort to realize you have the qualifications, desire or curiosity of a biddable fool. Hate is what motivates you, and hate is not the only character flaw you've exposed.
You've been here posting for several weeks now, and it doesn't take any effort to realize you have the qualifications, desire or curiosity of a biddable fool. Hate is what motivates you, and hate is not the only character flaw you've exposed.
Your hate is no better.
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

I like AOC in general, but I am even more left, progressive, liberal than she is.

You think she is wrong about presidents being able to cancel tuition debt because Congress controls the purse strings by law. But I think she is right because if you look at the law Congress passed allowing federal tuition loans, they wrote in executive discretion. They already authorized presidents forgiving student loans.

I agree she did not explain the alternatives to capitalism. But there many. The problem basically is a greedy few have a monopoly on the wealth needed by everyone for every thing. One solution is for the feds to give out more loans, like FHA housing to almost everyone. Another solution is help finance employee purchases of the company they work for. But best of all would be if gov would set up nation wide franchises for things like agriculture, instead of just subsidizing agriculture. What they do now benefits big agri-biz too much, and does not help small farms. Starting something that would attract small farms and create more coordination would be better.

You can allow politicians to hold stocks as long as it is through a 3rd party, so they do not know what stocks they own.

I disagree with AOC on ending the filibuster just to pass a questionable voting rights bill. The filibuster is immensely more important than a voting rights bill that we really just symbolic and would likely change nothing.

She is wrong about FaceBook in that a monopoly is more efficient for users. The solution to monopolies is how we deal with utility monopolies, with regulation, not break them up. Censorship should always be illegal anyway, (except libel, inciting violence, etc.)

I agree with her on health insurance, and essentially I see all insurance as a form of extortion. You are forced to prepay insurance, so than there is no means of forcing accountability. That can't work. It is the extortion of a greedy monopoly.
Was something in my post vague?
He was centrist until he became involved with a trespasser.

The natives to the Americas crossed the land bridge from the Bearing Straits.
That means everyone south of our southern border, used to be north of it at one time.
So anyone calling someone south of the border, has it wrong.
Those south of the border came from north of the border.
And around 1900 we illegally chased off or killed over a million Hispanics that used to legally live in the US.
So Hispanics are NOT "trespassers".
We are more illegal than they are.
Game doesn’t end in the 3rd quarter. Hoover had a great economy then the depression hit. Guess what? No one says Hoover had a great economy. You are what your numbers say you are

Wasn't really Hoover's fault.
The stock market should really just be illegal.
People are duped into believing they are actually buying something, and they actually are not.
The money you get from selling a stock only comes from those buying that stock.
The company adds nothing and you do not actually own anything when you buy stocks.
It is really just a shell game.

The solutions since then has been to regulate to even out the fraud more, and to prevent bank runs.
But otherwise we still are at risk from the stock market still.
It deliberately creates cycles about 8 years long of boom and bust, to deliberately fleece the unwary.
Anyone in the stock market is not very bright.
Read it and cry loon.

She must have gotten her economics degree from a crackerjacks box.

Politifact is totally wrong on this.
They claim almost no one has 2 jobs, for example.
And that obviously is all wrong.
For example, all working women likely have 2 jobs, but one is an unpaid household maker.
Almost all working men also have a 2nd job, even if it is home repair, selling crafts, driving for Uber, etc.
The fact these 2nd jobs are not easily identified, does not mean they do not exist.
And of course then these additional hours are not being tracked, so Politifact is obviously wrong on this as well.
Clearly most people are significantly more poor by any measure, so are working much harder just to survive.
So AOC is correct and Politifact did a very lazy, superficial, and incorrect analysis.
I posted a link what have you got to say now ?

I say AOC is correct.
Jobs now are paying so low and have not kept up with inflation, with a $7.25 minimum wage, so that the majority are frantically working on means of surviving.
The majority of the additional work people are doing in order to survive, are not going to be listed by traditional employment stats.
For example, driving for Uber, selling drugs, etc.
The underground economy is vastly increasing, as traditional employment is failing people more and more.
“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.” Bill Clinton To Ted Kennedy on what he thought about Obama.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Biden on Obama.

But essentially Obama was just a pretty face.
He did none of what he promised.
He did not end any of the evil and illegal wars.
He mandated private health insurance, instead of making health care cheaper.
Obama was an improvement, but also a sell out.
I don't want or need anything from you and yes you hate, you just justify it as do most people.

But hate is not necessarily wrong, just unproductive because it gets in the way of changing anyone's view or opinion.
The best solution is to ignore hate instead of bouncing it back.
Mistaken beliefs are the real problem, and that can be cured.
We all likely are wrong about something.
Politifact is totally wrong on this.
They claim almost no one has 2 jobs, for example.
And that obviously is all wrong.
For example, all working women likely have 2 jobs, but one is an unpaid household maker.
Almost all working men also have a 2nd job, even if it is home repair, selling crafts, driving for Uber, etc.
The fact these 2nd jobs are not easily identified, does not mean they do not exist.
And of course then these additional hours are not being tracked, so Politifact is obviously wrong on this as well.
Clearly most people are significantly more poor by any measure, so are working much harder just to survive.
So AOC is correct and Politifact did a very lazy, superficial, and incorrect analysis.
The problem is having 2 jobs does not lower the unemployment rate. AOC the economics degree holder is a fucking moron.
The problem is having 2 jobs does not lower the unemployment rate. AOC the economics degree holder is a fucking moron.

But AOC is just not as articulate as she could be.
The point of having 2 jobs is that people are being forced to find non-traditional means of survival.
The reality is unemployment is down because so much time has elapsed that the unemployed are no longer qualifying for benefits, and therefore just not being counted any more.
In general she is right that the majority are far worse off than ever.
Wages are way too low, minimum wage is way too low, employment is way too low due to offshoring, collective bargaining is almost nonexistent except with government jobs, covid wiped out millions of jobs like restaurants, etc.
Having 2 crummy nontraditional jobs that are not counted, did lower the unemployment rate like she said, because they no longer are looking for the 1 good job like they used to.
You've been here posting for several weeks now, and it doesn't take any effort to realize you have the qualifications, desire or curiosity of a biddable fool. Hate is what motivates you, and hate is not the only character flaw you've exposed.
I made a comment about Cortez' constituents being on welfare and meth, and your fellow leftwinger called me a 'racist', even though my comment had nothing to do with race. I challenge his qualifications to make the racist call, and you call me the hater?
I made a comment about Cortez' constituents being on welfare and meth, and your fellow leftwinger called me a 'racist', even though my comment had nothing to do with race. I challenge his qualifications to make the racist call, and you call me the hater?

The point is that it is not relevant whether or not her constituents are on welfare or meth.
Wealthy people do not necessarily work harder, deserve their wealth, make safer choices than meth, or get less corporate welfare.
It was an attack on the people that avoided the facts or justification.
AOC's constituents are the poorest and therefore likely to be on welfare more, but that should not matter.
There really is not much welfare in the US.
Pity isn't justification, it is an expression of empathy, a character in most human beings and even dogs. Sad that you lack empathy.
Where did I say I don't pity people? Go ahead quote it. You do this frequently, so you either have very poor reading comprehension or you are really dishonest, so which is it?
I made a comment about Cortez' constituents being on welfare and meth, and your fellow leftwinger called me a 'racist', even though my comment had nothing to do with race. I challenge his qualifications to make the racist call, and you call me the hater?
I don't care who your constituents are, you represent them. Yes, they are poor but many are poor through no fault of their own and drug users are usually self medicating because of mental health issues.
But AOC is just not as articulate as she could be.
The point of having 2 jobs is that people are being forced to find non-traditional means of survival.
The reality is unemployment is down because so much time has elapsed that the unemployed are no longer qualifying for benefits, and therefore just not being counted any more.
In general she is right that the majority are far worse off than ever.
Wages are way too low, minimum wage is way too low, employment is way too low due to offshoring, collective bargaining is almost nonexistent except with government jobs, covid wiped out millions of jobs like restaurants, etc.
Having 2 crummy nontraditional jobs that are not counted, did lower the unemployment rate like she said, because they no longer are looking for the 1 good job like they used to.
Having two jobs does not lower the unemployment rate. The mental hoops people will jump through for this moron is equal part hilarious and terrifying.
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

Ah - hard pass.

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