My 28 Minutes with AOC

Do you know how to Google like the rest of us? Doubt it. If capable, try AOC says referring to surge of Illegal Immigrants “ pushes white Supremacy “ or her being against the Coronavirus relief Money Bill because it didn’t include Illegal immigrants. And that’s just for starters
Oh I know how to google. I also know how to SUPPORT MY ASSERTIONS. And when someone questions sourcing I provide it. Because I stand behind what I say.

So go ahead, source your claim. Unless of course you just like to run your mouth, not making serious arguments.
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

She's a joke.

A fauxialist Kim Kardashian who talks a good game as a token of the supposed love of Democrats for the left (whose votes were illegally/fraudulently suppressed to install demented rapist Biden et al), but who is hard-wired into the very elite/capitalist system she criticizes.

She's a slumming Marie Antoinette and nothing more.
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Oh I know how to google. I also know how to SUPPORT MY ASSERTIONS. And when someone questions sourcing I provide it. Because I stand behind what I say.

So go ahead, source your claim. Unless of course you just like to run your mouth, not making serious arguments.
Told you what to look 👀 up, Too lazy to do it? 😇
This is where Democrats tend to go off the rails.

First, she's running with the standard partisan hyperbole when she describes and talks about pure capitalism, since that doesn't exist. She should know that capitalism doesn't need to be replaced, it just needs to applied properly. That's a much easier argument to make than to infer that it shouldn't exist. It's not difficult to argue that proper and efficient guardrails are a critical component of capitalism. There are plenty of examples of why that is. PLENTY.

This is the trap that Democrats fall into, just like "defund the police". No, a smarter, more moderate and more easily sellable approach is reform.

I realize she's young and full of youthful energy, but that's the same energy that can turn a lot of people off. It sure does look like the polls bear that out.

A substantive post! :eek:

Liked as such.
Told you what to look 👀 up, Too lazy to do it? 😇
I'm not too lazy to do it, I KNOW that is not her position. I'm just extending you the opportunity to prove me wrong.

But pleasantries are now concluded, and we'll just call things as they are - you are clearly full of shit and can't support it.
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

I am not wasting my time on this worthless sack of shit. Student loans a national emergency?!!!. You should worry on putting a gallon of gas in your car or food in your mouth clown instead of Traitor Joe pay off a loan you go. Then move out of mama's basement and try growing a pair. I bet she tells you how to put your make-up too.
I'm not too lazy to do it, I KNOW that is not her position. I'm just extending you the opportunity to prove me wrong.

But pleasantries are now concluded, and we'll just call things as they are - you are clearly full of shit and can't support it.
Sorry but my first example was a quote from the Headline. Don’t want to believe she thinks Illegals should receive COVID relief money? I can’t help you. Don’t believe she’s for defunding the Police ? Continue to live in your dream World
I am not wasting my time on this worthless sack of shit. Student loans a national emergency?!!!. You should worry on putting a gallon of gas in your car or food in your mouth clown instead of Traitor Joe pay off a loan you go. Then move out of mama's basement and try growing a pair. I bet she tells you how to put your make-up too.
I’m not sure who it was but one of the Squad Members said she wanted HER student 👩‍🎓 loan paid off because she owed $17 ,000 !!!
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

My biggest problem with "Alex" is that for an Economics major...she's absolutely CLUELESS when it comes to Macro Economics! It's like she never studied the subject at all!
I am not wasting my time on this worthless sack of shit.

You just did.

Student loans a national emergency?!!!.
I don’t support about half the things she listed. One of them I don’t support is waving school loans. There are better uses of our money.

You should worry on putting a gallon of gas in your car or food in your mouth clown instead of Traitor Joe pay off a loan you go. Then move out of mama's basement and try growing a pair. I bet she tells you how to put your make-up too.
You’re a dick.
My biggest problem with "Alex" is that for an Economics major...she's absolutely CLUELESS when it comes to Macro Economics! It's like she never studied the subject at all!
In what way? I didn’t hear her say anything whacko about economics. She simply didn’t explain what a better option was than pure capitalism.
Sorry but my first example was a quote from the Headline. Don’t want to believe she thinks Illegals should receive COVID relief money? I can’t help you. Don’t believe she’s for defunding the Police ? Continue to live in your dream World
...Covid relief money? Are you unable to keep track of basic conversation or just playing stupid?

I've asked you to source this claim:

She doesn’t believe the border should be controlled in ANY way

What the hell does Covid money have to do with that?
In what way? I didn’t hear her say anything whacko about economics. She simply didn’t explain what a better option was than pure capitalism.
She doesn't explain that, Gator because she doesn't have a better option! That becomes readily apparent the more you listen to her "agenda"!
...Covid relief money? Are you drunk to the point of being unable to keep track of basic conversation?

I've asked you to source this claim:
...Covid relief money? Are you unable to keep track of basic conversation or just playing stupid?

I've asked you to source this claim:

What the hell does Covid money have to do with that?
“ AOC blasts Kamalia Harris for telling Illegal Immigrants not to Come”
Just ONE more example, Google it
What does COVID relief 🥲 money have to do with it?????” She believes that the Illegals are entitled to EVERYTHING that those who are here legally are

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