My 28 Minutes with AOC

I couldn't think of a more perfect encapsulation of the stupidity of both you and her, than to see you misuse a common word while trying to explain why her stupid idea to forgive student loans (and Joe Biden's lie about it) is a massive, massive embarrassment.

You fell for everything!

Well done!
I’m not for waving student debt. College grads make $1m more than non grads in their lifetime. It’s a net win for them even though some waste the opportunity poorly.
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This is where Democrats tend to go off the rails.

First, she's running with the standard partisan hyperbole when she describes and talks about pure capitalism, since that doesn't exist. She should know that capitalism doesn't need to be replaced, it just needs to applied properly. That's a much easier argument to make than to infer that it shouldn't exist. It's not difficult to argue that proper and efficient guardrails are a critical component of capitalism. There are plenty of examples of why that is. PLENTY.

This is the trap that Democrats fall into, just like "defund the police". No, a smarter, more moderate and more easily sellable approach is reform.

I realize she's young and full of youthful energy, but that's the same energy that can turn a lot of people off. It sure does look like the polls bear that out.
That’s where she goes wrong and a tiny minority of the left. Biden Clinton Obama all were mainstream capitalists who believe in more social spending solutions to our problems. None of them were interested in upsetting capitalism other than pulling down profits into the general till.
Uh huh.

You just look like an idiot trying to prop up the left wing version of MTG.

The extremes need to go, even the ones you are to blind to even register.
She’s not a nut. She’s like Bernie, an idealist which is impractical. MTG is a dangerous nut.
^ Mal's pitch perfect WryCatcher Imitation! Poseurs take note!
Yep, I was once Wry Catcher, and then my lap top crashed and I lost all my Passwords, thus I signed in anew as Rye Catcher.

Rye BTW is, "A cover crop that is a plant that is used primarily to slow erosion, improve soil health, enhance water availability, smother weeds, help control pests and diseases***. Wry on the other hand is using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor.

***Such as Trumpism and the pests who support him on this message board.
She’s not a nut. She’s like Bernie, an idealist which is impractical. MTG is a dangerous nut.
Bernie is also a nut.

I reiterate, you are just to blind to see the nuts on your side.

Do you think anyone is a far left wing nut?

Bernie is also a nut.

I reiterate, you are just to blind to see the nuts on your side.

Do you think anyone is a far left wing nut?

Bernie is not stupid; he knows how Congress works and pilfers.
He had to go to the Left of Hillary when she pretended to be slightly Left of Center.
The Mac attack crew ought to consider that perhaps Mac didn’t change… what changed was that when you jumped on the train of a insult comic con man with no redeemable qualities at all you became extremists who would defend anything… including an outright attempt to overturn an election. You are extremists and anything not extreme is incomprehensible to you now. You are broken.
I’m not for waving student debt. College grads make $1m more than non grads in their lifetime. It’s a net win for them even though some waste the opportunity poorly.
I can guarantee that trade school graduates will make millions more than any gender studies bitch will ever make.

When it comes to the vocations that matter, the college has but a dozen that are important. That means that 92% of those in college today are fucking worthless.
That’s where she goes wrong and a tiny minority of the left. Biden Clinton Obama all were mainstream capitalists who believe in more social spending solutions to our problems. None of them were interested in upsetting capitalism other than pulling down profits into the general till.
Well, that goes to our political "system" (ha), one that incentivizes shitty behavior and intellectual dishonesty.

I lost a lot of faith in our ability (or, more accurately, balls) to fix capitalism after the Meltdown. As long as political tribalism continues to pervert pretty much everything it touches, nothing is getting fixed.

So capitalism's unfixed flaws have given rise to people like AOC. But I'm doubtful there are enough people who want to go more in the opposite direction, and that may not change any time soon.

My frustration is that both ends of the spectrum have perfectly reasonable arguments, and all it would take is some honest communication and collaboration to start us down the right path. But it looks like we've lost those qualities.
Bernie is also a nut.

I reiterate, you are just to blind to see the nuts on your side.

Do you think anyone is a far left wing nut?

That shit don’t fly. The nuts on the left DONT GET ELECTED. Bernie isn’t a nut. He’s an idealist. He isn’t spreading nut conspiracies. Those folks are not mainstream in the party like the looks who took over the Republicans.

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