My 28 Minutes with AOC

Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

Bright and articulate ? Have you heard some of the stupid shit that comes out of her mouth ?

"Oh, unemployment is low, everything is fine, right?’ Well, unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs.”
This one is my absolute favorite and she supposedly has a degree in economics.
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

She's a puppet promising the pheasants free shit----

She isn't that tuff to figure out and no she won't change. At best, she will just get better at lying and promising bullshit.
Bright and articulate ? Have you heard some of the stupid shit that comes out of her mouth ?

"Oh, unemployment is low, everything is fine, right?’ Well, unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs.”
This one is my absolute favorite and she supposedly has a degree in economics.
That’s not a quote. You made that up. She is bright but not all knowing. Just like you just made a bad statement that I’m going to mock you for, she will occasionally too.

Link that quote or forever be labeled a fucking liar. I’m going to tell people you’re thunderkissing when I know they are lying. It’s synonymous.
That’s not correct. Statistically what I said is 100% true. That doesn’t mean you can’t find a trade worker who made more than a grad. It means the vast majority of college grads make more so that statistically the average is $1m more. Not every single one. Hell, Zuckerberg didn’t graduate. Your point has no merit if you’re just talking outliers.

This always befuddles citygator
You tell me one then. Corrine Brown was a poor representative of the Democratic Party. She is in jail. Home jail since Covid 19.
You need a lefty nut job? Swing a dead cat, Moron.

But here is one of my favs….

You need a lefty nut job? Swing a dead cat, Moron.

But here is one of my favs….

I don’t know that guy but it was metaphor delivered too straight laced that it confused dummies.

Republican U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland of Coweta County referred to then-presidential candidate Barack Obama and wife Michelle as "uppity". Can’t make this up. Stupid comment. Difference in stupid comments and extremist whackos like MTG which was the topic. Not poor execution of metaphors but extremist nuts.
Wtf does that prove? Nothing.

Don't worry about, obviously no one is home to be able to answer the door.
Don’t worry about it. You obviously don’t have the skill to Google the titles I gave you. She criticized Harris because Harris told Illegals not to come and that proves “ nothing ‘
Don’t worry, Obviously no one is home 🏡 capable of opening the door 🚪
I don’t know that guy but it was metaphor delivered too straight laced that it confused dummies.

Republican U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland of Coweta County referred to then-presidential candidate Barack Obama and wife Michelle as "uppity". Can’t make this up. Stupid comment. Difference in stupid comments and extremist whackos like MTG which was the topic. Not poor execution of metaphors but extremist nuts.
Just because you are ignorant that this moron is serving Congress doesn’t change the fact I proved you wrong, Dumbass.
Wanna try again? Your link compares all kinds of different college degrees and their respective earnings.

Nowhere in it does it compare grads to non-grads, Moron.

Are you always this dumb? Don’t answer, we all know you are.
Page 5…. Here, I forgot you can’t count passed 1. 5 is the one that looks like a snake….5. 1,2,3,4……..5

Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

So confirmed. She is a moron.
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

She's a flipping idiot, being a bartender doesn't give you the basis to make important decisions, it gives uou experience to make a good Margarita, nothing wrong with that but lets quit giving her credit she doesn't deserve; besides she is a traitor to all things decent. Also its obvious you don't understand capitalism at all.
Alex (AOC to you guys and all around right wing boogeyman) is bright, articulate, lovely, and has some wonderful stances paired with a few poorly thought out (or poorly explained) views. She’ll be great in 10-15 years. Here’s 28 minutes with her but my 60 seconds worth of bullets summarizes her interview if you’d prefer below.

  • Inflation is very much the result of profiteering. There is some supply chain impacts but a lot of price gouging is going on. Minimal stimulus payments to help workers aren’t moving the prices. (She’s right - look at earnings)
  • Wants to wave student debt. Thinks asking students to pick up paying after the moratorium of payments ends in May is dangerous to the economy. Forgiveness is the just thing to do. President has the ability to cancel debt. Doesn’t need congress. (She’s wrong or at least it’s not a thorough answer)
  • Capitalism is an unredeemable system because it concentrates all the power in the hands of the few. Says true capitalism pursues profit at the expense of the environment, people, peace, prosperity and that isn’t what works. (Not well explained what she is recommending as an alternative but nails the shortcomings of pure capitalism)
  • Wants to ban congress from holding stocks. (I get it but it’s a non starter)
  • Takes Manchin and Sinema to task for pushing for consensus instead of ramming voting rights through. Says blacks were allowed to vote because of the voting rights act in the 60’s, which was entirely a partisan vote, was not a consensus. Where would they fall back then? (She’s right, they blew it)
  • There is no shortage of qualified Supreme Court Justices made up of Black Women and they bring a missing world view to the court.(Good short answer)
  • Wants to break up Facebook as a monopoly. (Not well explained)
  • Being a waitress was the most formative experience for her political career. Worked with undocumented workers, had no medical insurance, etc. (She’s one of the people - good answer)
  • Friends don’t call her AOC they call her Alex. AOC came from TV reporters who were struggling with her name. She’s embraced the new nickname but still is Alex to her friends. (Nice softball question)

She's got the crazy eyes, and she should go back to bartending. America would be grateful.
I don’t know that guy but it was metaphor delivered too straight laced that it confused dummies.

Republican U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland of Coweta County referred to then-presidential candidate Barack Obama and wife Michelle as "uppity". Can’t make this up. Stupid comment. Difference in stupid comments and extremist whackos like MTG which was the topic. Not poor execution of metaphors but extremist nuts.
Proving my point once again.

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