My 8 year old is more logical than half of America

It is not about "letting" it bother you, it is about your overwhelming disgust with people that completely disregard your needs and feelings as a human being.

If you are depressed, then it's not caused by disgust with others. Depression is disgust turned inwards.
You should not be allowed to teach kids if that is truly how you feel.

Because I know what depression is?

You know, it's cool if you disagree with me, but if you're going to attack my very professional life, go fuck yourself.
That isn't what depression is.

You are teaching kids that THEY are to blame for feeling miserable.

Depression is much more than guilt or low self-esteem.

I know. And I also know that no one can "give" you depression by being mean.
You don't know anything.

I was depressed because the world I imagined, and the world that my teachers told me existed was the exact opposite of the real world. I became doubly depressed when I learned to cope with the real world with the understanding that somehow things would get better, and then learning that the world was only getting worse under the tutelage of the very same people who claimed they wanted to make a better world.
you would be wrong

sometimes, telling the teacher makes things worse

kid needs to learn discernment - I agree that violence is a last resort, but, if a kid were hitting a girl and I found out my son didn't step in, he'd get in trouble for that

my son would also be in trouble with me if another kid hit him & he ran away to go cry to the teacher; a trip to the priciple's office is FAR BETTER than having the other kids think you are weak & easy prey...

that's 2 situations where violence is warranted and the most appropriate reaction

I teach young children, who literally have no time where there isn't an adult nearby. They don't have the capacity to decide when "enough is enough" at that age. Like I said, telling the teacher isn't frowned upon at this age.
How old?

Are they special needs?

Like I said earlier, context is everything...

Kindergarten. Some have special needs.
Bullying really doesn't even exist yet at that stage.

It is really more about having power over weaker kids than physically or emotionally hurting them.

Elementary school is when the malicious thoughts start, and by middle school you are perfectly capable of causing suicides.

We aren't disagreeing. Prolonged bullying doesn't exist at this age. But the seeds of bullying start here, as well as the seeds of self-protection.
Bullying doesn't exist at that stage at all.

It is just kids taking advantage of their charisma or physical strength to get ahead.
If you are depressed, then it's not caused by disgust with others. Depression is disgust turned inwards.
You should not be allowed to teach kids if that is truly how you feel.

Because I know what depression is?

You know, it's cool if you disagree with me, but if you're going to attack my very professional life, go fuck yourself.
That isn't what depression is.

You are teaching kids that THEY are to blame for feeling miserable.

Depression is much more than guilt or low self-esteem.

I know. And I also know that no one can "give" you depression by being mean.
You don't know anything.

I was depressed because the world I imagined, and the world that my teachers told me existed was the exact opposite of the real world. I became doubly depressed when I learned to cope with the real world with the understanding that somehow things would get better, and then learning that the world was only getting worse under the tutelage of the very same people who claimed they wanted to make a better world.

What I'm reading is that you were depressed by reality.

By the way, I would never tell you in a million years that you are to "blame" for depression. You plucked that out of thin air.

Depression is definitely an internalization of bad feelings. It can also be a chemical imbalance. It is irrational to blame others for how you cope. They might make your life easier or more difficult, but in the end, how you cope is on you.

I am glad you had the strength to get through the bullying alive.
You should not be allowed to teach kids if that is truly how you feel.

Because I know what depression is?

You know, it's cool if you disagree with me, but if you're going to attack my very professional life, go fuck yourself.
That isn't what depression is.

You are teaching kids that THEY are to blame for feeling miserable.

Depression is much more than guilt or low self-esteem.

I know. And I also know that no one can "give" you depression by being mean.
You don't know anything.

I was depressed because the world I imagined, and the world that my teachers told me existed was the exact opposite of the real world. I became doubly depressed when I learned to cope with the real world with the understanding that somehow things would get better, and then learning that the world was only getting worse under the tutelage of the very same people who claimed they wanted to make a better world.

What I'm reading is that you were depressed by reality.

By the way, I would never tell you in a million years that you are to "blame" for depression. You plucked that out of thin air.

Depression is definitely an internalization of bad feelings. It can also be a chemical imbalance. It is irrational to blame others for how you cope. They might make your life easier or more difficult, but in the end, how you cope is on you.

I am glad you had the strength to get through the bullying alive.
I was depressed by the callous lying and outright evilness of "progressive" assholes telling ME that I was in the wrong for fighting back when they most likely were the bullies when they went to school. I was too smart for my own good.

My depression was 100% rational then, and my pessimism is 100% rational now.
Because I know what depression is?

You know, it's cool if you disagree with me, but if you're going to attack my very professional life, go fuck yourself.
That isn't what depression is.

You are teaching kids that THEY are to blame for feeling miserable.

Depression is much more than guilt or low self-esteem.

I know. And I also know that no one can "give" you depression by being mean.
You don't know anything.

I was depressed because the world I imagined, and the world that my teachers told me existed was the exact opposite of the real world. I became doubly depressed when I learned to cope with the real world with the understanding that somehow things would get better, and then learning that the world was only getting worse under the tutelage of the very same people who claimed they wanted to make a better world.

What I'm reading is that you were depressed by reality.

By the way, I would never tell you in a million years that you are to "blame" for depression. You plucked that out of thin air.

Depression is definitely an internalization of bad feelings. It can also be a chemical imbalance. It is irrational to blame others for how you cope. They might make your life easier or more difficult, but in the end, how you cope is on you.

I am glad you had the strength to get through the bullying alive.
I was depressed by the callous lying and outright evilness of "progressive" assholes telling ME that I was in the wrong for fighting back when they most likely were the bullies when they went to school. I was too smart for my own good.

My depression was 100% rational then, and my pessimism is 100% rational now.

Depression is an illness. It's not rational. Sorry.
That isn't what depression is.

You are teaching kids that THEY are to blame for feeling miserable.

Depression is much more than guilt or low self-esteem.

I know. And I also know that no one can "give" you depression by being mean.
You don't know anything.

I was depressed because the world I imagined, and the world that my teachers told me existed was the exact opposite of the real world. I became doubly depressed when I learned to cope with the real world with the understanding that somehow things would get better, and then learning that the world was only getting worse under the tutelage of the very same people who claimed they wanted to make a better world.

What I'm reading is that you were depressed by reality.

By the way, I would never tell you in a million years that you are to "blame" for depression. You plucked that out of thin air.

Depression is definitely an internalization of bad feelings. It can also be a chemical imbalance. It is irrational to blame others for how you cope. They might make your life easier or more difficult, but in the end, how you cope is on you.

I am glad you had the strength to get through the bullying alive.
I was depressed by the callous lying and outright evilness of "progressive" assholes telling ME that I was in the wrong for fighting back when they most likely were the bullies when they went to school. I was too smart for my own good.

My depression was 100% rational then, and my pessimism is 100% rational now.

Depression is an illness. It's not rational. Sorry.
Pure garbage.

It is 100% rational when you are kid and hopelessness is all you have to work with.
Most 8 year olds would rather have a nice smooth road, most 8 years would like clean food, water and air....

Republicans are about the most stupid thing on earth but there's so many of them...A cancer.
This discussion is mainly about what happens when his 8 year old becomes 11 or 12 and enters the hell that is middle school.
I know. And I also know that no one can "give" you depression by being mean.
You don't know anything.

I was depressed because the world I imagined, and the world that my teachers told me existed was the exact opposite of the real world. I became doubly depressed when I learned to cope with the real world with the understanding that somehow things would get better, and then learning that the world was only getting worse under the tutelage of the very same people who claimed they wanted to make a better world.

What I'm reading is that you were depressed by reality.

By the way, I would never tell you in a million years that you are to "blame" for depression. You plucked that out of thin air.

Depression is definitely an internalization of bad feelings. It can also be a chemical imbalance. It is irrational to blame others for how you cope. They might make your life easier or more difficult, but in the end, how you cope is on you.

I am glad you had the strength to get through the bullying alive.
I was depressed by the callous lying and outright evilness of "progressive" assholes telling ME that I was in the wrong for fighting back when they most likely were the bullies when they went to school. I was too smart for my own good.

My depression was 100% rational then, and my pessimism is 100% rational now.

Depression is an illness. It's not rational. Sorry.
Pure garbage.

It is 100% rational when you are kid and hopelessness is all you have to work with.

It's an actual mental illness, not just feeling lousy. It has emotional and physical symptoms. And it isn't caused by other people unless you're already predisposed to depression.

There are people who go through awful, hopeless events and don't get depressed. There are people who have mostly good lives and get depressed. It has nothing to do with logic.
Um - you're kidding I hope

Standing up for yourself against a bully is often the only way to make it stop, that your son stood up for another kid is amazingly admirable

You cannot let a bully pick on you. I straight up told my son that if he ever got bullied that he should punch the kid in the nose & don't quit swinging until the teachers pull you apart. Also told him that he would not EVER get in trouble for standing up for himself

I understand that fighting in school is to be discouraged, but if it is because you are getting harassed, sometimes it is necessary

I am surprised to hear this from you, I really am

Do you ever think there is a situation where it is appropriate for your kid to hit another kid?
I am glad you brought that up. Because he did as well.
I told my son if he doesn't defend himself, he will get in trouble with me. I don't give a DAMN what happens to him at school. You MUST defend yourself.
But that kid wasn't messing with him. Wasn't even hitting the kid. He could have handled THAT situation better. Im not trying to raise a pussy, but I am not trying to raise an ignorant redneck either.

A racist statement from a typical liberal racist I guess. I was listening to one of the typical liberal talk shows on pbs, and they were talking about removing the flag in Mississippi, I thought that they had voted a few years ago in Mississippi, and the vote was overwhelmingly to keep the current flag. The conversation was mostly the usual liberal drivel, "Do you want to keep a flag that causes a most of your citizens to feel uncomfortable?" Answer, "well they can leave anytime they want". LSASS "But the flag is racist, and is a symbol of slavery." Answer "Not really it is a symbol of the states heritage" NQ "But is that a heritage you want to display"? Answer, "IT is a historical heritage of the state" It is also NOT racist except in the small minds of liberals". Next>>>> Text in from young black student at a large high school in the state. "I think it is time to change the flag, it makes me feel uncomfortable, and I think it is a symbol of slavery, I see it all over my school, on cars and trucks in the parking lot. "THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE IT ON THEIR CARS ARE JUST REDNECKS AND RACIST WHO HATE BLACK PEOPLE" WELL now WHO IS THE RACIST??? that is EXACTLY the same as a white kid calling him a N "you always censor" R. Say it isn't liberal and you and all like you are liars as usual. Same goes for the bully, racist of one color can cause major disruption, and a gang beat the shit out of one of the other kids, and just walk a way with no punishment, let the others even say a word, and they are out. Bullies learn their trade from being allowed to slide instead of having the hell beat out of them till they cant come to school the next day.
Most 8 year olds would rather have a nice smooth road, most 8 years would like clean food, water and air....

Republicans are about the most stupid thing on earth but there's so many of them...A cancer.
This discussion is mainly about what happens when his 8 year old becomes 11 or 12 and enters the hell that is middle school.

You need help.
Most 8 year olds would rather have a nice smooth road, most 8 years would like clean food, water and air....

Republicans are about the most stupid thing on earth but there's so many of them...A cancer.

Complete bullshit!!! Liberal dimshits are the most destructive and vile scum to ever crawl out of the sewer. If they had an IQ of over 30 they would no longer be liberals.
Most 8 year olds would rather have a nice smooth road, most 8 years would like clean food, water and air....

Republicans are about the most stupid thing on earth but there's so many of them...A cancer.
This discussion is mainly about what happens when his 8 year old becomes 11 or 12 and enters the hell that is middle school.

You need help.
Not really.

Sounds like.
Gads you're tiresome.
Go watch the toilet flush. Maybe you will learn something
Well, as much as I disagree with the other posters' attitudes here, I did not have any luck teaching mine to use his words rather than his fists if another kid dissed him. He said okay and then completely ignored me. I assume his father and grandfather, behind my back, were pretty much telling him to defend himself if necessary. He wasn't a bully, so he did okay in the end, but I do think things are different with boys. Sometimes I saw him fighting with a friend, rolling on the ground swearing, pulling hair and kicking, and ten minutes later they were best friends again. With females, the grudge goes on forever; maybe because we don't just give each other a good pop. Who knows.

My daughter popped her bully in the nose and they became really good friends after she stood up for herself.

Ironically, the assistant principal of her school who called me to tell me she was suspended for 3 days is now my boss!
You don't know anything.

I was depressed because the world I imagined, and the world that my teachers told me existed was the exact opposite of the real world. I became doubly depressed when I learned to cope with the real world with the understanding that somehow things would get better, and then learning that the world was only getting worse under the tutelage of the very same people who claimed they wanted to make a better world.

What I'm reading is that you were depressed by reality.

By the way, I would never tell you in a million years that you are to "blame" for depression. You plucked that out of thin air.

Depression is definitely an internalization of bad feelings. It can also be a chemical imbalance. It is irrational to blame others for how you cope. They might make your life easier or more difficult, but in the end, how you cope is on you.

I am glad you had the strength to get through the bullying alive.
I was depressed by the callous lying and outright evilness of "progressive" assholes telling ME that I was in the wrong for fighting back when they most likely were the bullies when they went to school. I was too smart for my own good.

My depression was 100% rational then, and my pessimism is 100% rational now.

Depression is an illness. It's not rational. Sorry.
Pure garbage.

It is 100% rational when you are kid and hopelessness is all you have to work with.

It's an actual mental illness, not just feeling lousy. It has emotional and physical symptoms. And it isn't caused by other people unless you're already predisposed to depression.

There are people who go through awful, hopeless events and don't get depressed. There are people who have mostly good lives and get depressed. It has nothing to do with logic.

Depression is when you let your hopelessness affect your every day life activities to the point that you are impaired, that has nothing to do with "mental illness".

If your feelings of hopelessness are rational, and there is no reason to dispel those feelings, then you will naturally be affected in other areas of your life by that hopelessness until it consumes you.
What I'm reading is that you were depressed by reality.

By the way, I would never tell you in a million years that you are to "blame" for depression. You plucked that out of thin air.

Depression is definitely an internalization of bad feelings. It can also be a chemical imbalance. It is irrational to blame others for how you cope. They might make your life easier or more difficult, but in the end, how you cope is on you.

I am glad you had the strength to get through the bullying alive.
I was depressed by the callous lying and outright evilness of "progressive" assholes telling ME that I was in the wrong for fighting back when they most likely were the bullies when they went to school. I was too smart for my own good.

My depression was 100% rational then, and my pessimism is 100% rational now.

Depression is an illness. It's not rational. Sorry.
Pure garbage.

It is 100% rational when you are kid and hopelessness is all you have to work with.

It's an actual mental illness, not just feeling lousy. It has emotional and physical symptoms. And it isn't caused by other people unless you're already predisposed to depression.

There are people who go through awful, hopeless events and don't get depressed. There are people who have mostly good lives and get depressed. It has nothing to do with logic.

Depression is when you let your hopelessness affect your every day life activities to the point that you are impaired, that has nothing to do with "mental illness".

If your feelings of hopelessness are rational, and there is no reason to dispel those feelings, then you will naturally be affected in other areas of your life by that hopelessness until it consumes you.

The DSM disagrees with you.
I was depressed by the callous lying and outright evilness of "progressive" assholes telling ME that I was in the wrong for fighting back when they most likely were the bullies when they went to school. I was too smart for my own good.

My depression was 100% rational then, and my pessimism is 100% rational now.

Depression is an illness. It's not rational. Sorry.
Pure garbage.

It is 100% rational when you are kid and hopelessness is all you have to work with.

It's an actual mental illness, not just feeling lousy. It has emotional and physical symptoms. And it isn't caused by other people unless you're already predisposed to depression.

There are people who go through awful, hopeless events and don't get depressed. There are people who have mostly good lives and get depressed. It has nothing to do with logic.

Depression is when you let your hopelessness affect your every day life activities to the point that you are impaired, that has nothing to do with "mental illness".

If your feelings of hopelessness are rational, and there is no reason to dispel those feelings, then you will naturally be affected in other areas of your life by that hopelessness until it consumes you.

The DSM disagrees with you.
The APA has an agenda.

Medication just makes people too stupid or careless to understand why they were depressed, it doesn't actually eliminate the depression.

Psychology is largely a scam.
Gads you're tiresome.
Go watch the toilet flush. Maybe you will learn something
Well, as much as I disagree with the other posters' attitudes here, I did not have any luck teaching mine to use his words rather than his fists if another kid dissed him. He said okay and then completely ignored me. I assume his father and grandfather, behind my back, were pretty much telling him to defend himself if necessary. He wasn't a bully, so he did okay in the end, but I do think things are different with boys. Sometimes I saw him fighting with a friend, rolling on the ground swearing, pulling hair and kicking, and ten minutes later they were best friends again. With females, the grudge goes on forever; maybe because we don't just give each other a good pop. Who knows.

My daughter popped her bully in the nose and they became really good friends after she stood up for herself.

Ironically, the assistant principal of her school who called me to tell me she was suspended for 3 days is now my boss!
My daughter had a *friend* who bullied her (and others) relentlessly for years. There was a whole mind fuck thing that went with it..this girl would set girls up and then set out to get all the girls in their class to also target the victim.

Finally the girl jumped my daughter and that was it. I went into the school and said if this happens again, I'm suing your stupid asses. This has been going on for years, there is a record of it, and you need to own it and deal with's the school's job to keep our kids safe, and if they can't, then they need to be held accountable. Every single time shit would happen they'd act like it was the first time, and like my daughter (or the other kids that were targeted) were *equally* to blame.

That was at the beginning of the year. So far no new incidents.

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