My 8 year old is more logical than half of America

I hope the OP isn't saying a kid shouldn't respond to bullying by defending themselves physically? If so, wholly fuck would the OP be wrong.
I'd suggest you try teaching your kid about being a man if I thought you were one.

Don't fault us for pointing that out, TNHarley.
I remember after I told my parents that I had been in fight and they were positively furious with me. When my mother left the room my father smiled at me, shook my hand, and said; "It appears you won't have to worry about being bullied anymore."
If my kid doesn't defend himself against physical altercations, he is liable to get his ass whooped again when he gets home
The OP is teaching his boy to be a liberal like him and let evil people prevail in all situations.
Don't your god loving ass have some more hate to disperse on this forum?
That's what I thought, faggot.
People are tired of parents like you. You're part of the problem kids are dealing with.
By teaching my kid violence isn't always the answer? Lol maybe you are right. Some punk calls him gay? Beat his ass. Some kid picking on someone else that has nothing to do with him? Beat his ass!
Genius! Some of you hear make ME Muslims sound inviting. In the least, you sound just like them.
I assume all of you star parents are also consistent. I assume you guys supported the attack on charlie hebdo as well? And all the violence the left is doing over trump? Because he hit their sensitivities?
People like you make me sick. Ignorant as hell.
That is quite a false comparison you've got there....

Charlie Hebdo had several members of their staff MURDERED for violating a Muslim tradition that was insane back in the Middle Ages.

The violence against Trump supporters is also COMPLETELY unwarranted by ANY of the actions taken by either Trump or his supporters.
Same fuckin principle. Just on a more destructive scale.
How so? He hurt their feelings. Try some consistency?
Of course, I would rather you be inconsient than say you teach 8 year olds to beat up people.
Guess I'm fucked both ways :\
It is not the same principle at all.

Killing people because they drew your prophet or insulted your prophet is just plain idiocy and insanity that literally was insane back when slavery was still justified in civilized society.

Trump did nothing but stand up to the psychotic SJWs and they literally can't take the fact that he actually GAINED support from doing that. It has very little to do with sensibilities at all.
I hope the OP isn't saying a kid shouldn't respond to bullying by defending themselves physically? If so, wholly fuck would the OP be wrong.
The OP doesn't want his kid to help others being bullied. He wants his kid to go against what he knows is right.
He wants his kid to be a pussy.
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
PS im not teaching my kid not to defend himself. Apparently people cant read that it wasn't HIM that was being talked about.
Words are NOT a reason to get violent.
Umm, why was he wrong? He did the right thing.He defended his friend.
Oh, and on the way home I brought it back up. He said the same kid was picking on a girl in kindergarten or first grade. He didn't know. He walked up to him and the kid said what? Myboy said "so what if she is poor? How would you like it if we made fun of you for being fat?" Kid walked away. I guess we will find out if him beating him at his own game works or not.
He told me he couldn't help but go up to him. I praised the shit out of him. Might even let him skip cleaning his bathroom.
I am seriously so proud of him. However report cards come out in a couple weeks lol
So he is now verbally abusing other kids instead of simply physically retaliating.

Simply? Are you fucking joking?
You make me want to support selective breeding.
I am not saying he should go up and punch kids for any old thing, I am just saying that he can't sink to a bully's level on the psychological side.

Bruises always heal, but hurt hearts might not.
I'm kind of impressed by the kid..he managed to reap praises from both sides.

He did smack the kid, so he stood up to a bully...

And then like a good Christian, he repented and said he wished he hadn't, so now he's also a good pacifist....

Everybody's happy.
I remember after I told my parents that I had been in fight and they were positively furious with me. When my mother left the room my father smiled at me, shook my hand, and said; "It appears you won't have to worry about being bullied anymore."
Was he right?
I remember after I told my parents that I had been in fight and they were positively furious with me. When my mother left the room my father smiled at me, shook my hand, and said; "It appears you won't have to worry about being bullied anymore."
Was he right?

Fucking A right. There's only one way to handle a bully, and that's a punch in the mouth.
I remember after I told my parents that I had been in fight and they were positively furious with me. When my mother left the room my father smiled at me, shook my hand, and said; "It appears you won't have to worry about being bullied anymore."
Was he right?

Fucking A right. There's only one way to handle a bully, and that's a punch in the mouth.
Trust me, I know that better than most.
I teach my children that violence is always the answer. To all life's problems. Teacher assigns too much homework? Beat that ass! McD's forgot your nuggets? Beat that ass! Old lady taking too much time at the store for lottery tickets? Yup, you guess it! Beat that ass!
You're also teaching your children that morality is relative and there really are no rules other than what you make for yourself, but that is the issue of another thread.

It's called a joke, wet blanket. Also, I don't have any children.
So, you were lying when you said you had children. What else have you lied about on this forum?
I remember after I told my parents that I had been in fight and they were positively furious with me. When my mother left the room my father smiled at me, shook my hand, and said; "It appears you won't have to worry about being bullied anymore."
Was he right?

He was right. It also helped that I broke the kid's nose and he had to wear one of those silly looking braces. At the time, I was known for being shy as well as nice, but after that I was also known as a person that was done taking shit from people.
I remember after I told my parents that I had been in fight and they were positively furious with me. When my mother left the room my father smiled at me, shook my hand, and said; "It appears you won't have to worry about being bullied anymore."
Was he right?

Fucking A right. There's only one way to handle a bully, and that's a punch in the mouth.
Trust me, I know that better than most.

Yeah no shit. I've experienced it many times. In 8th grade a guy picked on everyone. He was a freak. He sat behind me in P.E. and yours truly was his personal favorite, and I put up with it all fucking year. Fast forward to the 9th grade, and take a wild guess who was in my P.E. class? First day of class was the last time he laid a hand on me. What you figure hurt him worse, the busted rib or the fact he was no longer the shit? No doubt the latter.
I stood up to bullies, and anyone who tells their kid to let bullies pick on him is raising a coward.

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