Zone1 my black ancestors sold slaves to white slavers but I blame the white slavers.

You do realize that you are allowed to use slaves for more than just picking cotton, right? They dont need plantations in order to have a need for slaves, of which arabs had more than any other group in the world.

Nope. They might have a couple boys to look after the chickens, but they never had a large slave population. They couldn't feed them.
Slave trade has been big business since the beginning of man. Humans were enslaving other humans before we could even speak. The question is, why are you people always trying to blame whitey for it?

You mean in America, Brazil and the Caribbean?
Nope. They might have a couple boys to look after the chickens, but they never had a large slave population. They couldn't feed them.
Thats an absurd claim, seeing how they took more slaves than any other place in the world.
Yup that's what we have in a nut shell from people that post about whites being solely responsible for slavery in America.

perfect example of this blame whites but not blacks

the countries that sold blacks into slavery in Africa, 10 African nations involved in the slave trade - Think Africa

Some people need to find fault in other races to justify their own shortcomings in life. These are people of low character and best be avoided.
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You mean in America, Brazil and the Caribbean?
Those places didnt exist in the beginning. Those places are only responsible for a tiny fraction of the history of slavery. Slavery started in Africa and it thrives there more today than ever before.
I like the part in the Bible where Jesus advocated chattel slavery.
The slave trade was big business.. they had lots of stockholders.

Stockholders in business ventures which never would have happened, had it not been for North African Arab Muslims creating that market. Do you really think that a bunch of white people took a boat to Africa, and rounded up a bunch of dark people? No. It was primarily North African Arab Muslims whose penchant for slavery, who created the slave market. They had been doing that for centuries before they found that it could be profitable.
They are more angry at long dead slave owners in history than they are with the current slave owners in Africa in 2022. You dont hear a fucking peep out of black people for modern day slavery. I guess its because they cant score political points for those slaves.
Not only that, but they virtually suck the cocks of the political whores who own their stupid asses this very day.

Sure, they only have to "work" on November 4th or for a few weeks before stuffing ballot boxes in exchange for a substandard living, but they're oblivious to the fact that they're forcibly segregated in shitty communities with piss poor public services that are designed to fail.

Sure enough some black people get a few table scraps if they get good brainwashing and parrot inane drivel but for the most part they're still serving a "massa" and they're regarded as "house n!993rs" by the ghetto rats.

That said it seems to me a lot of black people are escaping the plantation. From my perspective plenty of them know that even the black political whores are doing nothing for them at best, and otherwise working to keep them down.
The Dutch were hauling African slaves to Brazil before 1600.

The Dutch were merely transporting them, and selling them for a higher price than they bought them. They bought them from the North African Arab Muslims, who were the ones who actually took them into captivity.
Stockholders in business ventures which never would have happened, had it not been for North African Arab Muslims creating that market. Do you really think that a bunch of white people took a boat to Africa, and rounded up a bunch of dark people? No. It was primarily North African Arab Muslims whose penchant for slavery, who created the slave market. They had been doing that for centuries before they found that it could be profitable.

The first African slaves to the New World were labor for the sugar plantations in Recif, Brazil. They hauled sugar and rum to New Amsterdam and onto Europe with sugar, rum and dried Cod. Then back down the West Coast of Africa to pick up more slaves.

They had to have labor. The natives had died of disease and fighting or they'd run off to the mountains.

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