"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
“all Men are created equal” ...

I believe you misunderstood what it even says. NOT all men are created equal. :)
I quoted another poster, who cited an old quote.
Actually, no one is created equal to another.
Life is not fair, but we can try, if we are ethical.
Everyone starts out equal, what happens after that is governed by fate, luck, heredity, and you.
Nope, everyone has unique DNA and few are born with opportunities like Trump.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
You can say whatever stupid thing you want to say, but when in society, you go after someone's neck, that's where your freedom ends and theirs begins.

What the hateful women's superiority groups don't know is that it could be the American people have had enough of hearing how abortion clinics are actually killing fields that rival Chinese genocide against themselves in the few years surrounding WWII, and while the rest of the world was preoccupied with going after each other's armies, Mao was going after harmless citizens of his own country for the "crime" of speaking against him. His killings were so vast, some say he killed 100 million of his own people. Others put the figure as anywhere between 20 million and 60 million. Others call the killings "countless." His killing spree surpassed Russia's similar killings of farmers as well as Russia's gentry, and Mao killed more people than Hitler did. Socialists to horrible things once they get power, from the first minute until the last. The Soviet Socialist Republic was a terrible place to be during war years. Lenin's murders have no place in the civil world. He killed innocent farmers just because they were stubborn and wanted to have some say so in all things agricultural. He wasn't hearing of it, so he bloody starved them to death with cat-and-mouse maneuvers of the KGB to empty farmhouses of food as long as it took for the farmers to die off of starvation. What fools. It resulted in long lines at the markets all over Russia while oranges rotted on the trees, people died of scurvy. Unbelievably, Lenin was a really creepy foot shoot specialist. :(

The only thing positive that came out of it for America is that those of us who had good history programs from first grade on up knew that Russian people were having hard times because of the Weekly Reader program. What nobody seemed to know except for Eisenhower was that Linen was killing off his own. And now when AOC brags about being a Socialist, all I can do is envision her in a KGB outfit killing off the best people in America that she likes to poop all over.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
You can say whatever stupid thing you want to say, but when in society, you go after someone's neck, that's where your freedom ends and theirs begins.

What the hateful women's superiority groups don't know is that it could be the American people have had enough of hearing how abortion clinics are actually killing fields that rival Chinese genocide against themselves in the few years surrounding WWII, and while the rest of the world was preoccupied with going after each other's armies, Mao was going after harmless citizens of his own country for the "crime" of speaking against him. His killings were so vast, some say he killed 100 million of his own people. Others put the figure as anywhere between 20 million and 60 million. Others call the killings "countless." His killing spree surpassed Russia's similar killings of farmers as well as Russia's gentry, and Mao killed more people than Hitler did. Socialists to horrible things once they get power, from the first minute until the last. The Soviet Socialist Republic was a terrible place to be during war years. Lenin's murders have no place in the civil world. He killed innocent farmers just because they were stubborn and wanted to have some say so in all things agricultural. He wasn't hearing of it, so he bloody starved them to death with cat-and-mouse maneuvers of the KGB to empty farmhouses of food as long as it took for the farmers to die off of starvation. What fools. It resulted in long lines at the markets all over Russia while oranges rotted on the trees, people died of scurvy. Unbelievably, Lenin was a really creepy foot shoot specialist. :(

The only thing positive that came out of it for America is that those of us who had good history programs from first grade on up knew that Russian people were having hard times because of the Weekly Reader program. What nobody seemed to know except for Eisenhower was that Linen was killing off his own. And now when AOC brags about being a Socialist, all I can do is envision her in a KGB outfit killing off the best people in America that she likes to poop all over.
That was a general non-specific rant.
Anything specific you want to address about a woman’s right to her own body (this thread) or about what specific language AOC said about the abortion issue?
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
You can say whatever stupid thing you want to say, but when in society, you go after someone's neck, that's where your freedom ends and theirs begins.

What the hateful women's superiority groups don't know is that it could be the American people have had enough of hearing how abortion clinics are actually killing fields that rival Chinese genocide against themselves in the few years surrounding WWII, and while the rest of the world was preoccupied with going after each other's armies, Mao was going after harmless citizens of his own country for the "crime" of speaking against him. His killings were so vast, some say he killed 100 million of his own people. Others put the figure as anywhere between 20 million and 60 million. Others call the killings "countless." His killing spree surpassed Russia's similar killings of farmers as well as Russia's gentry, and Mao killed more people than Hitler did. Socialists to horrible things once they get power, from the first minute until the last. The Soviet Socialist Republic was a terrible place to be during war years. Lenin's murders have no place in the civil world. He killed innocent farmers just because they were stubborn and wanted to have some say so in all things agricultural. He wasn't hearing of it, so he bloody starved them to death with cat-and-mouse maneuvers of the KGB to empty farmhouses of food as long as it took for the farmers to die off of starvation. What fools. It resulted in long lines at the markets all over Russia while oranges rotted on the trees, people died of scurvy. Unbelievably, Lenin was a really creepy foot shoot specialist. :(

The only thing positive that came out of it for America is that those of us who had good history programs from first grade on up knew that Russian people were having hard times because of the Weekly Reader program. What nobody seemed to know except for Eisenhower was that Linen was killing off his own. And now when AOC brags about being a Socialist, all I can do is envision her in a KGB outfit killing off the best people in America that she likes to poop all over.
That was a general non-specific rant.
Anything specific you want to address about a woman’s right to her own body (this thread) or about what specific language AOC said about the abortion issue?
When a woman chose to get pregnant by having sex, her body is no longer hers. She is sharing it with another human being. No matter what the government say.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
You hope so, seeing how there is no way to check for that yet, accurately.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
You can say whatever stupid thing you want to say, but when in society, you go after someone's neck, that's where your freedom ends and theirs begins.

What the hateful women's superiority groups don't know is that it could be the American people have had enough of hearing how abortion clinics are actually killing fields that rival Chinese genocide against themselves in the few years surrounding WWII, and while the rest of the world was preoccupied with going after each other's armies, Mao was going after harmless citizens of his own country for the "crime" of speaking against him. His killings were so vast, some say he killed 100 million of his own people. Others put the figure as anywhere between 20 million and 60 million. Others call the killings "countless." His killing spree surpassed Russia's similar killings of farmers as well as Russia's gentry, and Mao killed more people than Hitler did. Socialists to horrible things once they get power, from the first minute until the last. The Soviet Socialist Republic was a terrible place to be during war years. Lenin's murders have no place in the civil world. He killed innocent farmers just because they were stubborn and wanted to have some say so in all things agricultural. He wasn't hearing of it, so he bloody starved them to death with cat-and-mouse maneuvers of the KGB to empty farmhouses of food as long as it took for the farmers to die off of starvation. What fools. It resulted in long lines at the markets all over Russia while oranges rotted on the trees, people died of scurvy. Unbelievably, Lenin was a really creepy foot shoot specialist. :(

The only thing positive that came out of it for America is that those of us who had good history programs from first grade on up knew that Russian people were having hard times because of the Weekly Reader program. What nobody seemed to know except for Eisenhower was that Linen was killing off his own. And now when AOC brags about being a Socialist, all I can do is envision her in a KGB outfit killing off the best people in America that she likes to poop all over.
That was a general non-specific rant.
Anything specific you want to address about a woman’s right to her own body (this thread) or about what specific language AOC said about the abortion issue?
When a woman chose to get pregnant by having sex, her body is no longer hers. She is sharing it with another human being. No matter what the government say.
Nope. A woman’s body and a man’s body are COMPLETELY in their own decision-making domains.
If a man transfers his semen to a woman, whether voluntary or rape, that sperm becomes the sole property of her body & mind (as well as husband’s in secondary order).
That developing mindless “human being” inside the woman’s body is completely dependent on her, both physically and her mind.

Do what you want with YOUR body. Don’t impose YOUR will on others. That’s anti-American, isn’t it?
At the moment the sperm cell of the human male meets the ovum of the female and the union results in a fertilized ovum (zygote), a new life has begun....And it can be terminated by cutting off the life source which is the mother. Every human being shall have the right to life and human dignity; the life of the fetus shall be protected from the moment of conception. Article 67 The unborn shall be considered as born for all rights accorded within the limits established by law. The life of a person begins at conception. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
Were they born? I assume so, since you said “people”.
A fetus is not a person (with citizenship).
Unless they or their legal guardians want euthanasia, disabled PERSONS should not be.
Abortion turns a nine month condition for the woman into a death sentence for the human inside of her.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
You can say whatever stupid thing you want to say, but when in society, you go after someone's neck, that's where your freedom ends and theirs begins.

What the hateful women's superiority groups don't know is that it could be the American people have had enough of hearing how abortion clinics are actually killing fields that rival Chinese genocide against themselves in the few years surrounding WWII, and while the rest of the world was preoccupied with going after each other's armies, Mao was going after harmless citizens of his own country for the "crime" of speaking against him. His killings were so vast, some say he killed 100 million of his own people. Others put the figure as anywhere between 20 million and 60 million. Others call the killings "countless." His killing spree surpassed Russia's similar killings of farmers as well as Russia's gentry, and Mao killed more people than Hitler did. Socialists to horrible things once they get power, from the first minute until the last. The Soviet Socialist Republic was a terrible place to be during war years. Lenin's murders have no place in the civil world. He killed innocent farmers just because they were stubborn and wanted to have some say so in all things agricultural. He wasn't hearing of it, so he bloody starved them to death with cat-and-mouse maneuvers of the KGB to empty farmhouses of food as long as it took for the farmers to die off of starvation. What fools. It resulted in long lines at the markets all over Russia while oranges rotted on the trees, people died of scurvy. Unbelievably, Lenin was a really creepy foot shoot specialist. :(

The only thing positive that came out of it for America is that those of us who had good history programs from first grade on up knew that Russian people were having hard times because of the Weekly Reader program. What nobody seemed to know except for Eisenhower was that Linen was killing off his own. And now when AOC brags about being a Socialist, all I can do is envision her in a KGB outfit killing off the best people in America that she likes to poop all over.
That was a general non-specific rant.
Anything specific you want to address about a woman’s right to her own body (this thread) or about what specific language AOC said about the abortion issue?
When a woman chose to get pregnant by having sex, her body is no longer hers. She is sharing it with another human being. No matter what the government say.
Nope. A woman’s body and a man’s body are COMPLETELY in their own decision-making domains.
If a man transfers his semen to a woman, whether voluntary or rape, that sperm becomes the sole property of her body & mind (as well as husband’s in secondary order).
That developing mindless “human being” inside the woman’s body is completely dependent on her, both physically and her mind.

Do what you want with YOUR body. Don’t impose YOUR will on others. That’s anti-American, isn’t it?
At the moment the sperm cell of the human male meets the ovum of the female and the union results in a fertilized ovum (zygote), a new life has begun....And it can be terminated by cutting off the life source which is the mother. Every human being shall have the right to life and human dignity; the life of the fetus shall be protected from the moment of conception. Article 67 The unborn shall be considered as born for all rights accorded within the limits established by law. The life of a person begins at conception. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence.
Aren’t you trying to put the square peg in the round hole? LOL.
That Federal act “protects” the fetus legally ONLY if the pregnant woman INTENDS to deliver the fetus to personhood and citizenship.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
Were they born? I assume so, since you said “people”.
A fetus is not a person (with citizenship).
Unless they or their legal guardians want euthanasia, disabled PERSONS should not be.
Genesis 2:7 says, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
That is not to say that a fetus isn't alive, because it clearly is. So really, without some sort of religious or moral framework, there isn't any difference between killing a person and cutting down a tree.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
Were they born? I assume so, since you said “people”.
A fetus is not a person (with citizenship).
Unless they or their legal guardians want euthanasia, disabled PERSONS should not be.
Genesis 2:7 says, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
That is not to say that a fetus isn't alive, because it clearly is. So really, without some sort of religious or moral framework, there isn't any difference between killing a person and cutting down a tree.
Did Genesis say a woman came from a man’s rib and is responsible for all subsequent sins?
If so, that’s no “moral framework”.

A good moral framework is letting mindful & responsible people live their own lives.
Don’t kill them and don’t cut down trees unless you really have to.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
Were they born? I assume so, since you said “people”.
A fetus is not a person (with citizenship).
Unless they or their legal guardians want euthanasia, disabled PERSONS should not be.
Yet if you kill a pregnant woman you are charged with two counts of murder, butcher.

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