"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
Were they born? I assume so, since you said “people”.
A fetus is not a person (with citizenship).
Unless they or their legal guardians want euthanasia, disabled PERSONS should not be.

If a fetus is not a person then there's a whole bunch of innocent people sitting in prison for killing one during the commission of a crime. You better start calling some judges.

Yep. They were conned.
The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
A life is created at conception.
“all Men are created equal” ...
What about Women? Apparently, they were not, in the eyes of your country’s founders. Women could not vote until the 20th century, and are still being controlled by the 80% of US Congress members who are Men. Shame.

A Women’s body (including everything in it) is HER domain, and only SHE decides.
A person is created at birth.
We are Waaay ahead of Muslim countries with regard to women-even that she witch Omar.
Yeah, we are way ahead NOT!
USA is a sexist country ranked #98 in the world regarding political equality between the sexes.
Facts or link please.
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My goodness -- somebody, somewhere made up some numbers!

It MUST be true.

Can I interest you in some coastal property, child?
Butcher, a person is there when it has a heart beat.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
Were they born? I assume so, since you said “people”.
A fetus is not a person (with citizenship).
Unless they or their legal guardians want euthanasia, disabled PERSONS should not be.

If a fetus is not a person then there's a whole bunch of innocent people sitting in prison for killing one during the commission of a crime. You better start calling some judges.

...and yet, not one single woman in prison for aborting a fetus.

Imagine that....

Just because the state sanctions an act doesn't mean the act morally or ethically correct.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
Were they born? I assume so, since you said “people”.
A fetus is not a person (with citizenship).
Unless they or their legal guardians want euthanasia, disabled PERSONS should not be.

If a fetus is not a person then there's a whole bunch of innocent people sitting in prison for killing one during the commission of a crime. You better start calling some judges.

...and yet, not one single woman in prison for aborting a fetus.

Imagine that....

Just because the state sanctions an act doesn't mean the act morally or ethically correct.

Well, we can agree on that! On the other hand, though, just because you think something s not morally correct does not lesson my case that it is morally correct.
That’s your one-sided opinion.
A functioning brain is a better measure of life, you comatose nitwit.
There are a lot of disabled people who do not have a functioning brain. Do you suggest they be euthanized?
Were they born? I assume so, since you said “people”.
A fetus is not a person (with citizenship).
Unless they or their legal guardians want euthanasia, disabled PERSONS should not be.

If a fetus is not a person then there's a whole bunch of innocent people sitting in prison for killing one during the commission of a crime. You better start calling some judges.

...and yet, not one single woman in prison for aborting a fetus.

Imagine that....

Just because the state sanctions an act doesn't mean the act morally or ethically correct.
No one said it did.

And for government to follow the Constitution by recognizing the right to privacy does not mean the state ‘sanctions’ an act.

Indeed, the right to privacy safeguards each citizens’ liberty to decide the matter for himself, to determine what is or is not morally or ethically correct consistent with his own good conscience, free from interference by the state.
If women are aborting their babies because of economic reasons, it is a lot of bull shit because these young girls who have nothing, to begin with, are keeping their babies.

Casa De Vida


Citizens aren’t required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so, such as the right to privacy.

A woman’s reason or reasons for ending her pregnancy are hers alone, having no bearing whatsoever on what another woman might decide.
Citizens aren’t required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so, such as the right to privacy.
Except where the second amendment is concerned.
A woman’s reason or reasons for ending her pregnancy are hers alone, having no bearing whatsoever on what another woman might decide.
says who?
What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?



I would like everyone to notice Sparky here had nothing to contribute relation to Abortion Talking Points. All he could do was whine about how conservatives don't love Statist Entitlements ENOUGH like comedian George Carlin does.

Well played Sparky you really made your point

These people worship comedians for some reason. It’s where their deepest thoughtful come from. The romans had it right when they banned gladiators and actors from polite company.
Murdering another living human being is not a fundamental right. This thinking puts us on the same plane as Hitler. A fetus is a living being from conception when cell began to divide and grow toward a full grown human being. Everything has a beginning and the fetus is the beginning of a growing human being.
Murdering another living human being is not a fundamental right.

Abortion a fetus isn't murdering another living human being. That's why it's called aborting a fetus and not "murdering another living human being". But please, go on with your strawman.
Murdering another living human being is not a fundamental right.

Abortion a fetus isn't murdering another living human being. That's why it's called aborting a fetus and not "murdering another living human being". But please, go on with your strawman.
You cannot abort a fetus if it is not alive. The fetus is alive and in the processing of being a human being. A human being is not delivered a full grown person by a stork. With your thinking, it is ok to kill a fetus anytime before birth?.. to abort means to terminate.., What is keeping the fetus alive and growing into a full termed baby.? I have never heard a women refer to her baby as a "fetus" or "embryo" A child knows a fetus is a baby when as my grand daughter say 'Mama has a baby in her tummy" You pro-choice people know its a baby in the tummy but admitting it you would have to admit abortions are murder. And that is a crime.
Fetal rights are the moral rights or legal rights of the human fetus under natural and civil law. .... foetal heart monitors and foetoscopy can clearly show us that the fetus is alive" and thus the born alive rule is "outdated and indefensible".
Murdering another living human being is not a fundamental right.

Abortion a fetus isn't murdering another living human being. That's why it's called aborting a fetus and not "murdering another living human being". But please, go on with your strawman.
You cannot abort a fetus if it is not alive. The fetus is alive and in the processing of being a human being. A human being is not delivered a full grown person by a stork. With your thinking, it is ok to kill a fetus anytime before birth?.. to abort means to terminate.., What is keeping the fetus alive and growing into a full termed baby.? I have never heard a women refer to her baby as a "fetus" or "embryo" A child knows a fetus is a baby when as my grand daughter say 'Mama has a baby in her tummy" You pro-choice people know its a baby in the tummy but admitting it you would have to admit abortions are murder. And that is a crime.

Whatever. I'm weary of the word games. But that's modern politics. Rather than make an argument and persuade people, just play games with definitions. Keep changing them so that no one knows what they're voting for.

Traditionally, rationally, sanely, the demarcation point between a fetus and person has always been birth - the point where the fetus is separated from the mother's body and enters society as a person. That's where government's legitimate interest in the rights of the child begin.

Pro-lifers want to move that demarcation point to somewhere before birth, somewhere inside the mother's body. I don't know if it's their intent, but this utterly undermines the individual rights of the mother and makes her a ward of the state.
God speaking to Jeremiah 1;5..."Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Luke 1;41...At the sound of Mary's greeting, Elizabeth's child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
I tend to believe the creator of life rather than the government. You fucking hypocritical Christians.
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God speaking to Jeremiah 1;5..."Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Luke 1;41...At the sound of Mary's greeting, Elizabeth's child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
I tend to believe the creator of life rather than the government. You fucking hypocritical Christians.

And your belief in mythology gives you a higher moral argument? I don't think so.

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