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My city is gone, what about yours?

The city I grew up in is a piece of work. It is a small New England town tucked away in southwestern New Hampshire with a beautiful church at the head of a circular rotary featuring a statue of a Civil War soldier. On a sultry summer night well after the witching hour in 1967 my friend Sonny and I were trying to move scattered cannonballs back into the neat pile where they originated around the replica cannon on Central Square as it is known.

Those round projectiles were incredibly heavy, and I could barely roll one, but Sonny was strong, and he could lift one and carry it. Just three years prior the city had been recognized for an “All-America-City” award, a distinction not handed out lightly. I could not have known a half century ago that the city would devolve into a bizarre Orwellian nightmare, manufacturing moronic Manchurian Candidates of political correctness.

The city has a newspaper, a radio station, and a college that have morphed into a kind of local Bermuda Triangle of dispensed brain damage, influencing public opinion in destructive ways, not the least of which appears to be a drop in local average intelligence. It is counterintuitive that a city with a college at its center would produce a cerebrally stunted population but that appears to be the case and it seems to be part of a plan to wreck civilized society in order to rebuild it in the image of some grand utopian surveilled and controlled model of totalitarian overlording.

It has been nearly 60 years since that All America City Award and in the overall scheme that is not much time to stupefy a community into giving up their most important freedoms. A brazen, stolen, and crooked presidential election took place right before the eyes of local denizens preoccupied with the fairy dust of equity, inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. The city is lost, and I am greatly saddened by this outcome.

All I can do is to keep an account of what is happening and use wordsmithing skills to bring it to the people. That is becoming more difficult in an age that cancels “dangerous thinking”. For those that can still think, censorship is the hallmark of every totalitarian society that has ever existed. If you are reading this you are still free, but time is running out. My city is gone, what about yours?
You being a sad, butthurt loser doesn't mean that a city has disappeared, snowflake.
9.6 on the Peterman scale of gayness.
The city I grew up in is a piece of work. It is a small New England town tucked away in southwestern New Hampshire with a beautiful church at the head of a circular rotary featuring a statue of a Civil War soldier. On a sultry summer night well after the witching hour in 1967 my friend Sonny and I were trying to move scattered cannonballs back into the neat pile where they originated around the replica cannon on Central Square as it is known.

Those round projectiles were incredibly heavy, and I could barely roll one, but Sonny was strong, and he could lift one and carry it. Just three years prior the city had been recognized for an “All-America-City” award, a distinction not handed out lightly. I could not have known a half century ago that the city would devolve into a bizarre Orwellian nightmare, manufacturing moronic Manchurian Candidates of political correctness.

The city has a newspaper, a radio station, and a college that have morphed into a kind of local Bermuda Triangle of dispensed brain damage, influencing public opinion in destructive ways, not the least of which appears to be a drop in local average intelligence. It is counterintuitive that a city with a college at its center would produce a cerebrally stunted population but that appears to be the case and it seems to be part of a plan to wreck civilized society in order to rebuild it in the image of some grand utopian surveilled and controlled model of totalitarian overlording.

It has been nearly 60 years since that All America City Award and in the overall scheme that is not much time to stupefy a community into giving up their most important freedoms. A brazen, stolen, and crooked presidential election took place right before the eyes of local denizens preoccupied with the fairy dust of equity, inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. The city is lost, and I am greatly saddened by this outcome.

All I can do is to keep an account of what is happening and use wordsmithing skills to bring it to the people. That is becoming more difficult in an age that cancels “dangerous thinking”. For those that can still think, censorship is the hallmark of every totalitarian society that has ever existed. If you are reading this you are still free, but time is running out. My city is gone, what about yours?
Meh. That’s bullshit. 1967 was a year of protesters storming the Capitol to protest the Vietnam war, the Detroit riots between police and Black Americans, Muhammad Ali refuses military service, Black Panthers protested in California right to carry weapons, Cheyene State students seize admin building at black college, race riot in Tampa, Buffalo race riot occurs, Minneapolis race riot, and a hundred other shitty things happened.

Whatever your problem is it isn’t fixed by going back 1967 and it was not created by this country’s progress since then.
The city I grew up in is a piece of work. It is a small New England town tucked away in southwestern New Hampshire with a beautiful church at the head of a circular rotary featuring a statue of a Civil War soldier. On a sultry summer night well after the witching hour in 1967 my friend Sonny and I were trying to move scattered cannonballs back into the neat pile where they originated around the replica cannon on Central Square as it is known.

Those round projectiles were incredibly heavy, and I could barely roll one, but Sonny was strong, and he could lift one and carry it. Just three years prior the city had been recognized for an “All-America-City” award, a distinction not handed out lightly. I could not have known a half century ago that the city would devolve into a bizarre Orwellian nightmare, manufacturing moronic Manchurian Candidates of political correctness.

The city has a newspaper, a radio station, and a college that have morphed into a kind of local Bermuda Triangle of dispensed brain damage, influencing public opinion in destructive ways, not the least of which appears to be a drop in local average intelligence. It is counterintuitive that a city with a college at its center would produce a cerebrally stunted population but that appears to be the case and it seems to be part of a plan to wreck civilized society in order to rebuild it in the image of some grand utopian surveilled and controlled model of totalitarian overlording.

It has been nearly 60 years since that All America City Award and in the overall scheme that is not much time to stupefy a community into giving up their most important freedoms. A brazen, stolen, and crooked presidential election took place right before the eyes of local denizens preoccupied with the fairy dust of equity, inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. The city is lost, and I am greatly saddened by this outcome.

All I can do is to keep an account of what is happening and use wordsmithing skills to bring it to the people. That is becoming more difficult in an age that cancels “dangerous thinking”. For those that can still think, censorship is the hallmark of every totalitarian society that has ever existed. If you are reading this you are still free, but time is running out. My city is gone, what about yours?

Ahh, pining for the good old days...that weren't so good for anyone that wasn't lily white. Ray, I don't know what to say here. I've lived in NH for 50 years. It's still almost as white as it was when we moved here in 1970.
My grandparents said the SAME things about their children (my parents) in the late 1950's. My parents said the same thing about us in the 1980's. If you are looking to college age children as a beacon of enlightment,
you're going to be sadly disappointed. Everything and everyone needs to evolve. If it doesn't, it stagnates. Everything must move forward. Except it seems, you baby boomers and now, Trump supporters.
You're not satisfied with fucking things up for the next generation, you need to bellyache about it on your way out the door. Bitch about a free and fair election being "stolen". When it wasn't. Why? Because you considered
the loser a kindred spirit. Your last great hope to keep things the way you remember it in rural white NH in 1967. It's called nostalgia. And it bends and blinds with age. It warps your sense of perception.

My town is still here. In 1970, it had one stoplight between my development and the largest employer in town at the time. That was over 5 miles away. Over time, the town has grown in both size and population. Areas that
were once forested now have development. That same stretch of road...now has 7 stoplights between my Mom's development and said employer. But the character of the town still remains largely unchanged. Kids still play
baseball in rec leagues and teams at all the baseball fields. Teenagers still play basketball at the middle school. The school fields are filled with kids and young adults playing soccer in the spring and fall.

My point here is that everything evolves. Or it stagnates and dies. Evolve with it. Or consign yourself to being that old guy sitting on his porch in 1967 rural NH telling you and your friend to "get off my lawn!!"
Ray is another example of someone who lives in a well run, educated city that has progressive leadership, and sucks off the teat of all the benefits said city offers those who live there, only to spend countless hours complaining everyday about how liberal it has become.

Of course, moving to a hardcore conservative city is out of the question, as all the amenities are stripped bare, and the only place you'll find manicured lawns and beautiful gardens of flowers are in the front acreage of the cities largest employers. But feel free to get you a double wide on the outskirts, where your 'freedoms' and personal beliefs will be shared with your fellow residents.

That way you can quit complaining and crying about liberals in your midst, and your fellow townsfolk will likely share your paranoid delusions about a 'stolen election'.

Happy trails, be sure to let is know how things are in your conservative hellhole paradise.
Are you drunk?
Until America is completely erased and transformed into a Marxist state of poverty...their work will continue.

Unimpeded I must add

It is as much the fault of those who did nothing....as it is those who did everything
The uppity left will be crushed. Humans have been rising up against their ilk for the past 5,000 years.
Funny you mention history, because liberalism has always won out in the end for all of it.
“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.”
Um, all that babbling, I read this twice, and you still haven't told us what change happened in your city to make it "Gone", exactly.
Read the first half and skimmed the rest. Totally devoid of anything beyond whining.

Something about scattered cannon balls..
The city I grew up in is a piece of work. It is a small New England town tucked away in southwestern New Hampshire with a beautiful church at the head of a circular rotary featuring a statue of a Civil War soldier. On a sultry summer night well after the witching hour in 1967 my friend Sonny and I were trying to move scattered cannonballs back into the neat pile where they originated around the replica cannon on Central Square as it is known.

Those round projectiles were incredibly heavy, and I could barely roll one, but Sonny was strong, and he could lift one and carry it. Just three years prior the city had been recognized for an “All-America-City” award, a distinction not handed out lightly. I could not have known a half century ago that the city would devolve into a bizarre Orwellian nightmare, manufacturing moronic Manchurian Candidates of political correctness.

The city has a newspaper, a radio station, and a college that have morphed into a kind of local Bermuda Triangle of dispensed brain damage, influencing public opinion in destructive ways, not the least of which appears to be a drop in local average intelligence. It is counterintuitive that a city with a college at its center would produce a cerebrally stunted population but that appears to be the case and it seems to be part of a plan to wreck civilized society in order to rebuild it in the image of some grand utopian surveilled and controlled model of totalitarian overlording.

It has been nearly 60 years since that All America City Award and in the overall scheme that is not much time to stupefy a community into giving up their most important freedoms. A brazen, stolen, and crooked presidential election took place right before the eyes of local denizens preoccupied with the fairy dust of equity, inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. The city is lost, and I am greatly saddened by this outcome.

All I can do is to keep an account of what is happening and use wordsmithing skills to bring it to the people. That is becoming more difficult in an age that cancels “dangerous thinking”. For those that can still think, censorship is the hallmark of every totalitarian society that has ever existed. If you are reading this you are still free, but time is running out. My city is gone, what about yours?
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY (4th largest city in the US). I recall it mostly as a gritty, working class, area of ethnic enclaves. Almost everyone I knew from there has since left the city. Today it is a vibrant area that all NYers would love to move to, if they could afford it. The city has been run by the Dems almost non-stop but it has survived and prospered under them.
Brooklyn? Pass. Any part of New York SHITTY needs to be sunk into the Atlantic.
The city I grew up in is a piece of work. It is a small New England town tucked away in southwestern New Hampshire with a beautiful church at the head of a circular rotary featuring a statue of a Civil War soldier. On a sultry summer night well after the witching hour in 1967 my friend Sonny and I were trying to move scattered cannonballs back into the neat pile where they originated around the replica cannon on Central Square as it is known.

Those round projectiles were incredibly heavy, and I could barely roll one, but Sonny was strong, and he could lift one and carry it. Just three years prior the city had been recognized for an “All-America-City” award, a distinction not handed out lightly. I could not have known a half century ago that the city would devolve into a bizarre Orwellian nightmare, manufacturing moronic Manchurian Candidates of political correctness.

The city has a newspaper, a radio station, and a college that have morphed into a kind of local Bermuda Triangle of dispensed brain damage, influencing public opinion in destructive ways, not the least of which appears to be a drop in local average intelligence. It is counterintuitive that a city with a college at its center would produce a cerebrally stunted population but that appears to be the case and it seems to be part of a plan to wreck civilized society in order to rebuild it in the image of some grand utopian surveilled and controlled model of totalitarian overlording.

It has been nearly 60 years since that All America City Award and in the overall scheme that is not much time to stupefy a community into giving up their most important freedoms. A brazen, stolen, and crooked presidential election took place right before the eyes of local denizens preoccupied with the fairy dust of equity, inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. The city is lost, and I am greatly saddened by this outcome.

All I can do is to keep an account of what is happening and use wordsmithing skills to bring it to the people. That is becoming more difficult in an age that cancels “dangerous thinking”. For those that can still think, censorship is the hallmark of every totalitarian society that has ever existed. If you are reading this you are still free, but time is running out. My city is gone, what about yours?
Mine is fine. Still named after Jackson.
Until America is completely erased and transformed into a Marxist state of poverty...their work will continue.

Unimpeded I must add

It is as much the fault of those who did nothing....as it is those who did everything
The uppity left will be crushed. Humans have been rising up against their ilk for the past 5,000 years.
Funny you mention history, because liberalism has always won out in the end for all of it.
“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.”
Yeah bro, women being able to vote and have a bank account, black people no longer being slaves... that shit was a real blow to your liberty. Fuck off you piece of garbage.
The city I grew up in is a piece of work. It is a small New England town tucked away in southwestern New Hampshire with a beautiful church at the head of a circular rotary featuring a statue of a Civil War soldier. On a sultry summer night well after the witching hour in 1967 my friend Sonny and I were trying to move scattered cannonballs back into the neat pile where they originated around the replica cannon on Central Square as it is known.

Those round projectiles were incredibly heavy, and I could barely roll one, but Sonny was strong, and he could lift one and carry it. Just three years prior the city had been recognized for an “All-America-City” award, a distinction not handed out lightly. I could not have known a half century ago that the city would devolve into a bizarre Orwellian nightmare, manufacturing moronic Manchurian Candidates of political correctness.

The city has a newspaper, a radio station, and a college that have morphed into a kind of local Bermuda Triangle of dispensed brain damage, influencing public opinion in destructive ways, not the least of which appears to be a drop in local average intelligence. It is counterintuitive that a city with a college at its center would produce a cerebrally stunted population but that appears to be the case and it seems to be part of a plan to wreck civilized society in order to rebuild it in the image of some grand utopian surveilled and controlled model of totalitarian overlording.

It has been nearly 60 years since that All America City Award and in the overall scheme that is not much time to stupefy a community into giving up their most important freedoms. A brazen, stolen, and crooked presidential election took place right before the eyes of local denizens preoccupied with the fairy dust of equity, inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. The city is lost, and I am greatly saddened by this outcome.

All I can do is to keep an account of what is happening and use wordsmithing skills to bring it to the people. That is becoming more difficult in an age that cancels “dangerous thinking”. For those that can still think, censorship is the hallmark of every totalitarian society that has ever existed. If you are reading this you are still free, but time is running out. My city is gone, what about yours?

Ahh, pining for the good old days...that weren't so good for anyone that wasn't lily white. Ray, I don't know what to say here. I've lived in NH for 50 years. It's still almost as white as it was when we moved here in 1970.
My grandparents said the SAME things about their children (my parents) in the late 1950's. My parents said the same thing about us in the 1980's. If you are looking to college age children as a beacon of enlightment,
you're going to be sadly disappointed. Everything and everyone needs to evolve. If it doesn't, it stagnates. Everything must move forward. Except it seems, you baby boomers and now, Trump supporters.
You're not satisfied with fucking things up for the next generation, you need to bellyache about it on your way out the door. Bitch about a free and fair election being "stolen". When it wasn't. Why? Because you considered
the loser a kindred spirit. Your last great hope to keep things the way you remember it in rural white NH in 1967. It's called nostalgia. And it bends and blinds with age. It warps your sense of perception.

My town is still here. In 1970, it had one stoplight between my development and the largest employer in town at the time. That was over 5 miles away. Over time, the town has grown in both size and population. Areas that
were once forested now have development. That same stretch of road...now has 7 stoplights between my Mom's development and said employer. But the character of the town still remains largely unchanged. Kids still play
baseball in rec leagues and teams at all the baseball fields. Teenagers still play basketball at the middle school. The school fields are filled with kids and young adults playing soccer in the spring and fall.

My point here is that everything evolves. Or it stagnates and dies. Evolve with it. Or consign yourself to being that old guy sitting on his porch in 1967 rural NH telling you and your friend to "get off my lawn!!"
The government with the aid of the media stepped in and nullified the last election. Or did you miss that part? The FBI and DOJ are not instruments of government to decide elections. Did you miss that?
The city I grew up in is a piece of work. It is a small New England town tucked away in southwestern New Hampshire with a beautiful church at the head of a circular rotary featuring a statue of a Civil War soldier. On a sultry summer night well after the witching hour in 1967 my friend Sonny and I were trying to move scattered cannonballs back into the neat pile where they originated around the replica cannon on Central Square as it is known.

Those round projectiles were incredibly heavy, and I could barely roll one, but Sonny was strong, and he could lift one and carry it. Just three years prior the city had been recognized for an “All-America-City” award, a distinction not handed out lightly. I could not have known a half century ago that the city would devolve into a bizarre Orwellian nightmare, manufacturing moronic Manchurian Candidates of political correctness.

The city has a newspaper, a radio station, and a college that have morphed into a kind of local Bermuda Triangle of dispensed brain damage, influencing public opinion in destructive ways, not the least of which appears to be a drop in local average intelligence. It is counterintuitive that a city with a college at its center would produce a cerebrally stunted population but that appears to be the case and it seems to be part of a plan to wreck civilized society in order to rebuild it in the image of some grand utopian surveilled and controlled model of totalitarian overlording.

It has been nearly 60 years since that All America City Award and in the overall scheme that is not much time to stupefy a community into giving up their most important freedoms. A brazen, stolen, and crooked presidential election took place right before the eyes of local denizens preoccupied with the fairy dust of equity, inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. The city is lost, and I am greatly saddened by this outcome.

All I can do is to keep an account of what is happening and use wordsmithing skills to bring it to the people. That is becoming more difficult in an age that cancels “dangerous thinking”. For those that can still think, censorship is the hallmark of every totalitarian society that has ever existed. If you are reading this you are still free, but time is running out. My city is gone, what about yours?

Ahh, pining for the good old days...that weren't so good for anyone that wasn't lily white. Ray, I don't know what to say here. I've lived in NH for 50 years. It's still almost as white as it was when we moved here in 1970.
My grandparents said the SAME things about their children (my parents) in the late 1950's. My parents said the same thing about us in the 1980's. If you are looking to college age children as a beacon of enlightment,
you're going to be sadly disappointed. Everything and everyone needs to evolve. If it doesn't, it stagnates. Everything must move forward. Except it seems, you baby boomers and now, Trump supporters.
You're not satisfied with fucking things up for the next generation, you need to bellyache about it on your way out the door. Bitch about a free and fair election being "stolen". When it wasn't. Why? Because you considered
the loser a kindred spirit. Your last great hope to keep things the way you remember it in rural white NH in 1967. It's called nostalgia. And it bends and blinds with age. It warps your sense of perception.

My town is still here. In 1970, it had one stoplight between my development and the largest employer in town at the time. That was over 5 miles away. Over time, the town has grown in both size and population. Areas that
were once forested now have development. That same stretch of road...now has 7 stoplights between my Mom's development and said employer. But the character of the town still remains largely unchanged. Kids still play
baseball in rec leagues and teams at all the baseball fields. Teenagers still play basketball at the middle school. The school fields are filled with kids and young adults playing soccer in the spring and fall.

My point here is that everything evolves. Or it stagnates and dies. Evolve with it. Or consign yourself to being that old guy sitting on his porch in 1967 rural NH telling you and your friend to "get off my lawn!!"
The government with the aid of the media stepped in and nullified the last election. Or did you miss that part? The FBI and DOJ are not instruments of government to decide elections. Did you miss that?
Communists and freedom haters are obviously giddy with delight

Destruction is what they live for. Demons is what I would call them.
Dems don't set out to destroy things, they simply sink their corrupt money grubbing vamp fangs in and suck their host dry.
Bull. The radical Marxist ones certainly do set out to destroy. They do everything they can to undermine society.
Until America is completely erased and transformed into a Marxist state of poverty...their work will continue.

Unimpeded I must add

It is as much the fault of those who did nothing....as it is those who did everything
The uppity left will be crushed. Humans have been rising up against their ilk for the past 5,000 years.
Funny you mention history, because liberalism has always won out in the end for all of it.
yeah but not communism...it always ends in fail
The city I grew up in is a piece of work. It is a small New England town tucked away in southwestern New Hampshire with a beautiful church at the head of a circular rotary featuring a statue of a Civil War soldier. On a sultry summer night well after the witching hour in 1967 my friend Sonny and I were trying to move scattered cannonballs back into the neat pile where they originated around the replica cannon on Central Square as it is known.

Those round projectiles were incredibly heavy, and I could barely roll one, but Sonny was strong, and he could lift one and carry it. Just three years prior the city had been recognized for an “All-America-City” award, a distinction not handed out lightly. I could not have known a half century ago that the city would devolve into a bizarre Orwellian nightmare, manufacturing moronic Manchurian Candidates of political correctness.

The city has a newspaper, a radio station, and a college that have morphed into a kind of local Bermuda Triangle of dispensed brain damage, influencing public opinion in destructive ways, not the least of which appears to be a drop in local average intelligence. It is counterintuitive that a city with a college at its center would produce a cerebrally stunted population but that appears to be the case and it seems to be part of a plan to wreck civilized society in order to rebuild it in the image of some grand utopian surveilled and controlled model of totalitarian overlording.

It has been nearly 60 years since that All America City Award and in the overall scheme that is not much time to stupefy a community into giving up their most important freedoms. A brazen, stolen, and crooked presidential election took place right before the eyes of local denizens preoccupied with the fairy dust of equity, inclusion, and Critical Race Theory. The city is lost, and I am greatly saddened by this outcome.

All I can do is to keep an account of what is happening and use wordsmithing skills to bring it to the people. That is becoming more difficult in an age that cancels “dangerous thinking”. For those that can still think, censorship is the hallmark of every totalitarian society that has ever existed. If you are reading this you are still free, but time is running out. My city is gone, what about yours?

Ahh, pining for the good old days...that weren't so good for anyone that wasn't lily white. Ray, I don't know what to say here. I've lived in NH for 50 years. It's still almost as white as it was when we moved here in 1970.
My grandparents said the SAME things about their children (my parents) in the late 1950's. My parents said the same thing about us in the 1980's. If you are looking to college age children as a beacon of enlightment,
you're going to be sadly disappointed. Everything and everyone needs to evolve. If it doesn't, it stagnates. Everything must move forward. Except it seems, you baby boomers and now, Trump supporters.
You're not satisfied with fucking things up for the next generation, you need to bellyache about it on your way out the door. Bitch about a free and fair election being "stolen". When it wasn't. Why? Because you considered
the loser a kindred spirit. Your last great hope to keep things the way you remember it in rural white NH in 1967. It's called nostalgia. And it bends and blinds with age. It warps your sense of perception.

My town is still here. In 1970, it had one stoplight between my development and the largest employer in town at the time. That was over 5 miles away. Over time, the town has grown in both size and population. Areas that
were once forested now have development. That same stretch of road...now has 7 stoplights between my Mom's development and said employer. But the character of the town still remains largely unchanged. Kids still play
baseball in rec leagues and teams at all the baseball fields. Teenagers still play basketball at the middle school. The school fields are filled with kids and young adults playing soccer in the spring and fall.

My point here is that everything evolves. Or it stagnates and dies. Evolve with it. Or consign yourself to being that old guy sitting on his porch in 1967 rural NH telling you and your friend to "get off my lawn!!"
The government with the aid of the media stepped in and nullified the last election. Or did you miss that part? The FBI and DOJ are not instruments of government to decide elections. Did you miss that?

No they didn't. He lost. Simple and easy. He first ignored, then blew the response to the pandemic. This is what cost him re-election. And he would have had to put in just a minimal effort to respond to the pandemic
and he could have had re-election sewn up before one ballot was cast in the Democratic party primaries. The FBI and DOJ did NOT decide the election. The people did. 81M to 74M. 306 to 232. The people whose lives
were impacted both financially and medically from the virus. The people that had to watch friends, neighbors, and immediate family members get sick and die. And then watched a President who wasn't interested in
doing the job he was elected to do. So they threw him out. Pretty straightforward.

What you have to ask yourself is why did you support this man? What of his accomplishments and doings in his life as well as his job performance warranted not only another four years, but your abject loyalty and devotion?
That's the question that almost no Trump supporter will answer. Why? Because it involves admitting to the darkness that no one wants to voice out loud. An abject hatred and mistrust of anything or anyone that isn't white,
heterosexual, doesn't believe in God, or doesn't own or carry a gun. From that pillar, everyone in the social strata from there on down is just varying degrees of GFY.

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