My dad is going to give me his car

So. Your dad isn't Jooish.
Youda got wunna deesez
All they need is a little water now and then.
In later model years the name Hyundai was dropped and the cars were just sold as a Genesis.

Reminds me of the Prism TV line. Panasonic made the line of high end TVs to compete with other brands like Pioneer Elite but no one knew what a Prism was so they didn't sell though very good. I think they finally just dropped the name.
Sunni Man

you@Remodeling Maidiac

i am terrified to buy a new car in Vegas as car crashes are everywhere
Who actually does car maintenance lol

sounds like a big scam

I just spent a whopping 1,300 on getting things fixed

car maintenance lol
Change the OIL regularily--the car will last much longer.

We buy new cars and run them into the ground or give them to our kids.

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