My Dad Voted Today


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

In addition to a host of other ailments, he's been battling liver cancer the last 2 years and yet he found the wind in his sails and cast a vote today.

The happiest day of his life was this past Memorial Day in Washington DC when a group of High School students stopped to talk with him about his experiences during WWII.

Damn I love this country, and our vets!

Kudos to Mr.CrusaderFrank, and to CrusaderFrank for getting him there!

Excellent post.

Please convey my sincere appreciation to your dad for his service and for taking the time and the EFFORT to vote.

As for his health, I hope he makes a miraculous and full recovery!

In addition to a host of other ailments, he's been battling liver cancer the last 2 years and yet he found the wind in his sails and cast a vote today.

The happiest day of his life was this past Memorial Day in Washington DC when a group of High School students stopped to talk with him about his experiences during WWII.

He's got his 'I voted today' sticker on. :) He looks really happy.
Awesome Dude... miss my Dad. Passed away 03/2006... Career Army, CW3, WWII, Korea and an advisor in early 60's. Decided time to get the hell out.

Hats off to your Dad there!
Thanks Dad!! You made it possible for our children to walk down the streets of America in freedom and security from fear or intimidation.

Follow Up.

My sister forwarded the picture to the new Congresswoman Nan Hayworth, one of the 60+ seats that flipped, and she invited my Dad to her rally, but he was unable to atend.

Thanks USMB! My brother showed him this thread and got a big kick out of comments and wanted me to thank you for your kind words!

Fair winds and following seas all around!
Follow Up.

My sister forwarded the picture to the new Congresswoman Nan Hayworth, one of the 60+ seats that flipped, and she invited my Dad to her rally, but he was unable to atend.

Thanks USMB! My brother showed him this thread and got a big kick out of comments and wanted me to thank you for your kind words!

Fair winds and following seas all around!

Stop making me cry CF!

I love it, and love that he saw this thread, and how much everyone loved that he voted.

He's not only your hero, but now, all of ours too! :clap2:

In addition to a host of other ailments, he's been battling liver cancer the last 2 years and yet he found the wind in his sails and cast a vote today.

The happiest day of his life was this past Memorial Day in Washington DC when a group of High School students stopped to talk with him about his experiences during WWII.


They truly were the greatest generation.

My grandfather just missed getting to cast a final ballot. God bless our vets.
i hope he voted straight democrat...hehheheee ...he could have frank has that occurred to you?

great thread...great picture....great father...

Clearly he's a Working Families Party kind of a guy!

He's been an inspiration to me. He laughs and jokes and just takes everything one day at a time.

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