My Electric vehicle challenge

24 miles left on the fuel gage

At the pump at 5:36

back in the car after fueling at 5:39

349 miles on the gage

Pulling out of the gas station at 5:40

Which electric vehicle on a charger can do the same?
My son has a Tesla and lives in Atlanta.

Recently the family had to go to Ft Wayne, Indiana for a funeral. We drove up from Florida and his family drove up from Atlanta.

We both left to come home at the same time (5:00 AM). We were to meet him at his home in Atlanta to spend the night before coming back to Florida.

In our ICE Honda Pilot we got to Atlanta at 3:30. My son did not get there until 6:30. The difference was his charging time. Plus a little difference in the routing so he could have access to the chargers.

By the way, his cost for charging on the way was just about the same as our cost of gas.
...or, this challenge.
8:00 "A" is in the garage at home in gasoline driven car ready for 20 km commute.
8:00 "B" is in the garage at home with "EV" ready for 20 km commute.
9:00 "A" has spent 30 minutes in traffic jam and will probably arrive at work by 9:30 or so.
9:00 "B" is preparing a cup of coffee at work while the computer gets up to speed. His "EV" is folded up next to his desk. The ebike doesn't need a charge really, but why not do it here for free?
...or, this challenge.
8:00 "A" is in the garage at home in gasoline driven car ready for 20 km commute.
8:00 "B" is in the garage at home with "EV" ready for 20 km commute.
9:00 "A" has spent 30 minutes in traffic jam and will probably arrive at work by 9:30 or so.
9:00 "B" is preparing a cup of coffee at work while the computer gets up to speed. His "EV" is folded up next to his desk. The ebike doesn't need a charge really, but why not do it here for free?

And when it rains and snows how good is that electric bike?
And when it rains and snows how good is that electric bike?
Rain? Water falling from the sky? Does that scare someone? As for snow, well, that's just a good day to work from home and avoid slipping off the road or getting run into by someone who doesn't know how to drive in the snow.
Rain? Water falling from the sky? Does that scare someone? As for snow, well, that's just a good day to work from home and avoid slipping off the road or getting run into by someone who doesn't know how to drive in the snow.
Not everyone can work from home.

Have you ever ridden a motorcycle in the rain or snow? If you have then you would know how much it sucks
As many electric cars can do that, as gasoline cars can be fueled at home.
Wow, what an amazing answer. And then what happens when you leave your garage, travel 50 miles, and have to recharge before you get to work?
Rain? Water falling from the sky? Does that scare someone? As for snow, well, that's just a good day to work from home and avoid slipping off the road or getting run into by someone who doesn't know how to drive in the snow.
What refusal to open up to new approaches!
I'm perfectly fine with anyone owning an EV. In fact I have said multiple times here that I think electric cars have a useful spot in the mix.

What I don't think is that the fucking government should be forcing people to buy them if they don't want to.
Gee I have 20 galloons of gas in my garage right now So ......
Wow talk about white privilege!!! What about all the people who don't have a garage?
Ever notice all those gas stations around the country
With migration to electric, most will offer quick charging or perish

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