My explanation why the rich should NOT be taxed more

1950 tax rate
$400,000 - and over

2014 Tax rate
$400,000-and over

Should be a flat rate of 10%.

If we didn't have this debt hanging over our heads, we wouldn't need these parasitic tax rates. Like Iceland, we need to tell the bankers to pound sand and refuse to pay the debt. Like fight club, reset the debt to zero.

Russia has a flat tax of 13%. But Russia likes its people.

The tea party's wet dream. If you can not eliminate taxes altogether, make them regressive....
You are a serious bootlicker for the very rich that's for sure. Great to know that if you have enough cash your shit doesn't stink, according to you, and you'd be in the know on that one.

You really are envious of those with wealth. It shows in every post that you subject us to.

Do you really believe that the very rich have incomes of just $250,000? If you are serious about sticking it to the super rich, why set the top bracket so low? For the simple reason, Dumbass, that the top marginal rate is aimed at the middle class, and not the super rich.

Your masters ring the bell, and you liberal/socialists begin to salivate.
My tax system is easier. 10% on the 1st 100K, then 20% on the next, then 30%, and so on up to 50%. Above 500k we take 50% and you can make as much as like.

Or, we can have a flat tax of 40% for which you get all the basics in life provided for you. Both work just fine for me.
You wouldn't need 40%.
Should be a flat rate of 10%.

If we didn't have this debt hanging over our heads, we wouldn't need these parasitic tax rates. Like Iceland, we need to tell the bankers to pound sand and refuse to pay the debt. Like fight club, reset the debt to zero.

Russia has a flat tax of 13%. But Russia likes its people.

The tea party's wet dream. If you can not eliminate taxes altogether, make them regressive....
The only reason I'd sign off on a flat tax, which is absolutely regressive, is because then everyone could bitch about paying the exact same rates. That's almost worth it.
You really are envious of those with wealth. It shows in every post that you subject us to.

Do you really believe that the very rich have incomes of just $250,000? If you are serious about sticking it to the super rich, why set the top bracket so low? For the simple reason, Dumbass, that the top marginal rate is aimed at the middle class, and not the super rich.

Your masters ring the bell, and you liberal/socialists begin to salivate.
My tax system is easier. 10% on the 1st 100K, then 20% on the next, then 30%, and so on up to 50%. Above 500k we take 50% and you can make as much as like.

Or, we can have a flat tax of 40% for which you get all the basics in life provided for you. Both work just fine for me.
You wouldn't need 40%.
I'm afraid that we would but bring us your numbers.
Should be a flat rate of 10%.

If we didn't have this debt hanging over our heads, we wouldn't need these parasitic tax rates. Like Iceland, we need to tell the bankers to pound sand and refuse to pay the debt. Like fight club, reset the debt to zero.

Russia has a flat tax of 13%. But Russia likes its people.

They also told the IMF bankers to pound sand. Both Russia and Iceland and now experiencing economic growth. Anyone see a trend here?

We shouldn't be more like Russia even if our idiotic policies kill us.
1950 tax rate
$400,000 - and over

2014 Tax rate
$400,000-and over

Should be a flat rate of 10%.

If we didn't have this debt hanging over our heads, we wouldn't need these parasitic tax rates. Like Iceland, we need to tell the bankers to pound sand and refuse to pay the debt. Like fight club, reset the debt to zero.

Russia has a flat tax of 13%. But Russia likes its people.

The social security rate for employers is 30%,up to an annual ceiling of RUR 512,000.
The real answer is that there needs to be a cap on wealth and income. The rest can go into a national kitty for the real corrupt thieves to pilfer on their numerous redistibutive
My tax system is easier. 10% on the 1st 100K, then 20% on the next, then 30%, and so on up to 50%. Above 500k we take 50% and you can make as much as like.

Or, we can have a flat tax of 40% for which you get all the basics in life provided for you. Both work just fine for me.
You wouldn't need 40%.
I'm afraid that we would but bring us your numbers.
We could even get rid of the income tax and still attain 1995 level revenues. No one was exactly dying in the streets, and the Clinton years were some libertarian wet dream of minimal government so I think we could manage lol.
The rich not only don't mind paying taxes. They don't mind paying high taxes. Make them too high and the rich start to resent it. They start investing their money elsewhere, they stop expanding, hiring. They start pulling back. Toyota leaves California and dumps 5,000 of the newly unemployed on the system.

I would like to see the rich just leave the US. Like Eduardo Savarin, take their millions elsewhere.

Empirical evidence says the opposite, i.e. lower top tax rates on corporations, individuals and capital gains equals lower wages/salary for the majority and-----and lower top tax rates equals high unemployment à la the great depression or bleeding jobs due to outsourcing à la reaganomics.


Dumbasses, the OP is a bed wetter. He's making an asinine argument, even more asinine from the perspective of a bed wetter.

Do you believe he can survive on $5K a year? Soros pays some of you tools 5 times that much to post mindles drivel on sites like this.
The greatest fear of the power elite in any nation on earth is the power of a pissed off populace; yet the very rich and powerful seem to do everything possible to piss off the many.

There is no popular movement to fundamentally change our economy, yet the RED SCARE is a common theme fostered by the power elite to divide the masses and create a buffer between them and us. This hate and fear is directed at made up monsters who hide under our beds ready to eat our children, it is absurd and, sadly, echoed by those such rhetoric is designed to exploit. Worse yet, many of them are cocksure the monsters are real and ready to attack.
1950 tax rate
$400,000 - and over

2014 Tax rate
$400,000-and over

Except we have shown you and your ilk many times before, that what was considered income, what was deductible etc was much different back then.... the effective tax rate for those income was actually very similar to what we have now

But hey.. don't let reality get in your way... liberals don't like to deal in reality.. or actual equality in treatment...
You are a serious bootlicker for the very rich that's for sure. Great to know that if you have enough cash your shit doesn't stink, according to you, and you'd be in the know on that one.

You really are envious of those with wealth. It shows in every post that you subject us to.

Do you really believe that the very rich have incomes of just $250,000? If you are serious about sticking it to the super rich, why set the top bracket so low? For the simple reason, Dumbass, that the top marginal rate is aimed at the middle class, and not the super rich.

Your masters ring the bell, and you liberal/socialists begin to salivate.
My tax system is easier. 10% on the 1st 100K, then 20% on the next, then 30%, and so on up to 50%. Above 500k we take 50% and you can make as much as like.

Or, we can have a flat tax of 40% for which you get all the basics in life provided for you. Both work just fine for me.

Yep.. equality in treatment when it benefits you.. inequality in treatment of others when it benefits you
the liberal way
Let me start out by saying that my personal income, after business expenses was never more than $5,000 a year. I am NOT rich, but I am VERY conservative (that is how I survive)... And as far as democrats who want to tax the rich more to help out all you poor people, I have two words - Clippers Owner. (you figure it out if you haven't already)

WHY AM I AGAINST TAXING RICH MORE - in short, because it is a SCAM, a clever, crooked scam: There are rich people who earned what they have and then there are rich people whose career is hypocrisy and deception, they are usually involved with politics and IT IS NOT LARGER TAXATION that will eliminate this problem, it is our turning away from their political circus on the MSM and understanding the real problem that can fix it, and taxing "the rich more" is like if someone steals your car and then allows you to ride it from time to time and you demand to be able to ride it more often - it's LOW and it will get you NOWHERE. INTERNATIONAL BANKERS OWN YOUR COUNTRY, they STOLE YOUR GOVERNMENT AND THEY ARE TAXING US ALL, DO NOT BLAME THE RICH YOU DO NOT SEE THEM.

Logical arguments welcome.

You could start with one.
You really are envious of those with wealth. It shows in every post that you subject us to.

Do you really believe that the very rich have incomes of just $250,000? If you are serious about sticking it to the super rich, why set the top bracket so low? For the simple reason, Dumbass, that the top marginal rate is aimed at the middle class, and not the super rich.

Your masters ring the bell, and you liberal/socialists begin to salivate.
My tax system is easier. 10% on the 1st 100K, then 20% on the next, then 30%, and so on up to 50%. Above 500k we take 50% and you can make as much as like.

Or, we can have a flat tax of 40% for which you get all the basics in life provided for you. Both work just fine for me.

Yep.. equality in treatment when it benefits you.. inequality in treatment of others when it benefits you
the liberal way
It would benefit most. I'll go with the Pope on this one, who said today, "Inequality is the root of social evil".
All you mosquitos are missing my point, let me say it again: if you would not be enslaved by them, then you would not need to tax them in the first place, maybe put them on welfare out of compassion but not tax them... And when you keep talking about taxing them more you are only screwing yourselves because you keep playing their game that they set up for you to play and in reality you are NOT taxing them, you are only taxing YOUR OWN WEALTH and getting nowhere.

Can anyone decipher what he's saying?

Give the 1% welfare "out of compassion"?
You GOT it.
I'll add another reason. What "Taxing The Rich" really means is taxing middle and upper middle class people who take care of themselves and ask for little from the government in return other than to be LEFT ALONE.

The true rich already have their wealth.
THAT is EXACTLY what I was trying to say
So why are you against it again? Saying its a scam doesnt make it one

Yes, it is a scam. The rich do not pay the taxes that are supposedly levied on the rich. They have tax lawyers, loopholes, and tax shelters. The vast majority of their income is taxed as capital gains. Consequently, they don't give a damn whether the top marginal rate is 39% or 90%.

The people who are hit with the tax the rich scams are those working hard to get rich. The vast majority of their income is subject to income taxes, and they are highly sensitive to the top marginal rate. These are also the very same people who are creating the new jobs that we need so badly. When the tax man goes after them, we all get hurt.
It is sad that the masses do not understand this and fall for the circus on TV where liberals like Clipper's owner play the "caring for the poor" types in front of the cameras, arguing with each other
I say, if the wealthy people and corporations get caught hiring illegals, they should have a 90% tax imposed on all of their wealth and/or income for 5 years...
When we lived in Philadelphia, I would hire on occasion to help me carry concrete WHOEVER I would find on the street, I DID NOT HAVE TIME to go through bureaucracy to see who is legal or not, a few hardly English speaking Mexicans were among the best helpers, and a crazy Puerto Rican who sometimes would show up too drugged up was my regular helper for the longest time. In my view EVERYONE in this world is LEGAL and if you want to look for illegals, look for US military overseas. Or ask a mad Indian who is illegal in America.

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