My father asked me to kill him


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Keith Olbermann's 'raw' plea - THE WEEK

"Last Friday night, my father asked me to kill him." So began an impassioned and emotional "special comment" by MSNBC host Keith Olbermann on the eve of the health-care-reform summit. Olbermann used the graphic story of his father's terminal illness both to bash conservative "ghouls" like "Sarah Palin" who warned that Democratic health reform would lead to "death panels," and to make an impassioned plea for a sensible national policy on end-of-life care. Was Olbermann's much-discussed monologue a courageous use of his "raw" personal story, or a "twisted" partisan stunt?
Was the MSNBC pundit's emotional story about his terminally ill father "remarkable and brave" — or heavy-handed political theater?

I'll take option B, Alex.
Yeah our health care system is just fine.

Run on that ......please.

Id rather run on policies that, I don't know, actually help the people. Why is that such a foreign concept to you people?

Why on earth should we adopt policies we already know don't work?! What kind of person thinks that somehow since we are doing it that the laws of nature and economics are going to change???
You guys crack me up. Considering the source, I have my doubts about his motives.

End of life decisions should be made with your family before that time comes. My husband and I have had living wills since I was in my 20s. My father in law spared us much grief last summer by expressing his wishes in writing. Just a heads up to the folks who haven't gotten around to it.
Yeah our health care system is just fine.

Run on that ......please.

Id rather run on policies that, I don't know, actually help the people. Why is that such a foreign concept to you people?

Why on earth should we adopt policies we already know don't work?! What kind of person thinks that somehow since we are doing it that the laws of nature and economics are going to change???

Its the right who did nothing for years to solve this problem and are now fighting any real solutions.

They are the ones who think there is no problem.
What Keith didn't mention is that his father wanted to die for having such a douche as a son.

Is that what you learned reading Scriptures?

Better read up on the Woes of the Pharisees...and hell...

No, It's what I've learned by watching pieces of trash use dying family members to further their political causes and carreers.

Let's be completely honest here. Would government health care at all change what's happening to Olbermann's father?

Well, only if his son was too much of a douche to help his father out. It's not like Keith is a poor man. But not only does he make the argument that we, the tax payers, should be taking care of his father, he uses his father to further his career, to make political arguments. All in the name of the compassion he doesnt even have for his own father.

It'd disgusting. No one should treat their father like that. No one should pawn off responsibility of their family to others. Especially when you more than have teh means to take care of them.

What disgusts me even more is you think the poor should take care of this man's family responsibilities. As if it's our fault that his father suffering.

Well guess what. People suffer. It doesnt matter if you are rich or poor. It doesnt matter how much money you spend to try to stop it. You are still going to suffer at least a portion of this life.

Now you can do your part to deal with your own suffering and helping your family and friends deal with theirs. Or you can pretend you are so much better than anyone else because you want other people to take care of yourself and those you claim to love.

I'd want to die if my son ever treated me that way.
Olbermann seems very sincere in opening up to his audience. I hope it is something I never have to go through with my father....hope my son never has to go through with me
Olbermann seems very sincere in opening up to his audience. I hope it is something I never have to go through with my father....hope my son never has to go through with me

Yeah. He's sincerely using his fathers pain to advocate a policy that wouldnt help his father and to further his own career.

Fabulous father son relationship there.
Olbermann seems very sincere in opening up to his audience. I hope it is something I never have to go through with my father....hope my son never has to go through with me

Yeah. He's sincerely using his fathers pain to advocate a policy that wouldnt help his father and to further his own career.

Fabulous father son relationship there.
my guess is... you are NO judge of that. My guess is, that the nature of Oblerman's relationship with his father is just fine, and that the father is quite proud of the son, and vice versa.
Olbermann seems very sincere in opening up to his audience. I hope it is something I never have to go through with my father....hope my son never has to go through with me

Yeah. He's sincerely using his fathers pain to advocate a policy that wouldnt help his father and to further his own career.

Fabulous father son relationship there.
my guess is... you are NO judge of that. My guess is, that the nature of Oblerman's relationship with his father is just fine, and that the father is quite proud of the son, and vice versa.

So if your son was using your personal health problems to promote his career and advocate that the tax payers of this nation take care of you so he doesnt have to, you would be proud too?
Yeah. He's sincerely using his fathers pain to advocate a policy that wouldnt help his father and to further his own career.

Fabulous father son relationship there.
my guess is... you are NO judge of that. My guess is, that the nature of Oblerman's relationship with his father is just fine, and that the father is quite proud of the son, and vice versa.

So if your son was using your personal health problems to promote his career and advocate that the tax payers of this nation take care of you so he doesnt have to, you would be proud too?

if my son were fernvently committed to a cause, and he used our relationship to highlight that cause, I would be quite proud.

but again.... for YOU, of all people, to claim to judge someone ELSE's relationship with their parents, you not knowing either parent or child personally, is typical avatar chickenshit.....
Olbermann seems very sincere in opening up to his audience. I hope it is something I never have to go through with my father....hope my son never has to go through with me

He was saying that his father wasn't at the end of his life, docs were telling Olberman that he could get rid of the infection that was causing him so much pain so they didn't consider turning off life support.

Trouble is, the infection will come back and he will be in a lot of pain again and again, perhaps many times. I believe he is talking a Dr. Kevorkian type thing.
What Keith didn't mention is that his father wanted to die for having such a douche as a son.

Is that what you learned reading Scriptures?

Better read up on the Woes of the Pharisees...and hell...

No, It's what I've learned by watching pieces of trash use dying family members to further their political causes and carreers.

Let's be completely honest here. Would government health care at all change what's happening to Olbermann's father?

Well, only if his son was too much of a douche to help his father out. It's not like Keith is a poor man. But not only does he make the argument that we, the tax payers, should be taking care of his father, he uses his father to further his career, to make political arguments. All in the name of the compassion he doesnt even have for his own father.

It'd disgusting. No one should treat their father like that. No one should pawn off responsibility of their family to others. Especially when you more than have teh means to take care of them.

What disgusts me even more is you think the poor should take care of this man's family responsibilities. As if it's our fault that his father suffering.

Well guess what. People suffer. It doesnt matter if you are rich or poor. It doesnt matter how much money you spend to try to stop it. You are still going to suffer at least a portion of this life.

Now you can do your part to deal with your own suffering and helping your family and friends deal with theirs. Or you can pretend you are so much better than anyone else because you want other people to take care of yourself and those you claim to love.

I'd want to die if my son ever treated me that way.

What disgusts me is are the douche bag.

Keith Olbermann has the means and the man IS providing the best care for his own father...his argument: ALL Americans deserve the basic right to affordable health care, as a RIGHT, not as a privilege few can afford. It's genesis is REAL patriotism and a common respect for human dignity. HOW can America call herself a Christian nation, and then desecrate the teachings and life if Jesus Christ?

If your patriotism isn't based on caring about AmericANS, then it is not patriotism, it's narcissism...

You have a lot of reading to do...start with Matthew and Luke.

We have all made mistakes. But Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted on different scales. Better the occasional faults of a party living in the spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a party frozen in the ice of its own indifference.
President John F. Kennedy
Olbermann seems very sincere in opening up to his audience. I hope it is something I never have to go through with my father....hope my son never has to go through with me

Yeah. He's sincerely using his fathers pain to advocate a policy that wouldnt help his father and to further his own career.

Fabulous father son relationship there.

Overbite is using the same tactic the Statist Democrat Idiots did at the Failed summit this past week.

One upmanship on the saddest SOB STORY they can muster. It's disingenuos, and completely WRONG.

Fuckin' HACKS. These people have tugged so many heartstrings, that they are sagging to the point of WHO GIVES A SHIT?

It's flatly WRONG, and for the wrong reasons. I'm frankly sick to death of these shitheads. It's right out of their fuckin' playbook. Those that fall for it *I* have ZERO sympathy for. :evil:

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