my fellow Republicans: Biden is at our feet, let's do oppo research on Kamala to sink her as well so that Speaker McCarthy can become president!

Your plan should include removing McConnell or else watch him vote to approve ANY candidate she names as VP. Michelle, the Hildebeast, Newsome...
Spiro was replaced with Gerald Ford….another Republican
that is true, I should have looked this up, but didn't Ford have to go through a political vetting process and then be approved? I really am just being lazy here.
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It was the slickest political dirty trick in history. Democrats insured that nobody would get rid of even a a thoroughly incompetent and corrupt president like Biden if Kammie would get the job
that is true, I should have looked this up, but didn't Ford have to go through a political vetting process and then be approved? I really am just being lazy here.

Once Agnew resigned, Nixon got to name another VP (Ford) who had to be approved by Congress.

When Nixon resigned, Ford became President and he named Rockefeller as VP and Rockefeller went through the same process.

That is why impeaching Biden and Harris would not make McCarthy President
Might as well try it. Repugs haven't been doing so well at winning elections or overthrowing ones they lose.
Once Agnew resigned, Nixon got to name another VP (Ford) who had to be approved by Congress.

When Nixon resigned, Ford became President and he named Rockefeller as VP and Rockefeller went through the same process.

That is why impeaching Biden and Harris would not make McCarthy President
My thinking on this was that all congress had to do was hold up the nominating/approval process and there would be no new VP

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