My friends on the left said that I would be upset when I found out Trump lied to me...


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
And I kept saying that a decent SCOTUS pick was the most important aspect of this election

so - I now have a decent replacement for Scalia lined up WITH the nuclear option firmly overshadowing the process

regulations are being cut; Obamacare is being repealed

in fact, EVERY campaign promise made by Trump is being fulfilled - and all I wanted was to prevent SCOTUS from being radicalized!

The really hilarious thing? if Trump keeps this up Republicans will make gains in the Senate in 2018 and Trump is in fanatastic shape to win re-election - keeping faith with the people who elected you will do that; but our friends on the left and in the media are acting like the world is ending

The disconnect is alarming
I hope he keeps his promise to the innercity black community quickly. Based in his track record of keeping his campaign promises, it's not a matter of if...but when.
Democrats are confused, depressed and demoralized, grabbing at any straws their, "Fake News" sources supply them.

I actually feel pity for them, they're still being used as useful idiots for political contributions and zombie like dupes for silly headed protests..
I hope he keeps his promise to the innercity black community quickly. Based in his track record of keeping his campaign promises, it's not a matter of if...but when.
That's a must, but he needs to both show and prove that whites on the right can be trusted, that won't happen as long as white liberals can keep the right and blacks mad at each other.
And I kept saying that a decent SCOTUS pick was the most important aspect of this election

so - I now have a decent replacement for Scalia lined up WITH the nuclear option firmly overshadowing the process

regulations are being cut; Obamacare is being repealed

in fact, EVERY campaign promise made by Trump is being fulfilled - and all I wanted was to prevent SCOTUS from being radicalized!

The really hilarious thing? if Trump keeps this up Republicans will make gains in the Senate in 2018 and Trump is in fanatastic shape to win re-election - keeping faith with the people who elected you will do that; but our friends on the left and in the media are acting like the world is ending

The disconnect is alarming

Their world is ending. People aren't accepting the media fed lies. People are standing up against globalism. People are tired of being called racist for disagreeing. People are rejecting feminism, Islamic fascism, and progressives.
"Friends on the left"?

You need new friends.
"Friends on the left"?

You need new friends.
Most of my friends are on the left, all good folks...they don't play the "ism" or "-phobia" du jour cards either, that's for the parrots, my friends on the right are usually more tight lipped about their politics and less flexible politically than those on the left but most of them on both sides agree on one thing, that both religious and politically correct dogma are dangerous.
"Friends on the left"?

You need new friends.
Most of my friends are on the left, all good folks...they don't play the "ism" or "-phobia" du jour cards either, that's for the parrots, my friends on the right are usually more tight lipped about their politics and less flexible politically than those on the left but most of them on both sides agree on one thing, that both religious and politically correct dogma are dangerous.

I agree. I have friends who are both Dems and liberal. Many of them voted for Trump because they couldn't stand Hillary. Others didn't vote at all.

My Dem friends are just as excited as I am about what Trump is doing. America First last and always rings pretty true with the man.

Hope he continues to fulfill those campaign promises. The man hit the ground running and he's doing everything he said he would do.

If the dummies in America don't like it. Tough fucking shit.

You can't cure stupid.
Most of my friends are on the left, all good folks...they don't play the "ism" or "-phobia" du jour cards either, that's for the parrots, my friends on the right are usually more tight lipped about their politics and less flexible politically than those on the left but most of them on both sides agree on one thing, that both religious and politically correct dogma are dangerous.

I have a few lib friends still, but most of them faded away. The ones I still have at least own guns, so they're not full blown bed wetters. If someone can tolerate the 2nd Amendment I can tolerate just about anything else they believe in.

Otherwise they need retroactive abortions.

I like how every time Trump does or says somthing dumb, or exposed for lying , it's declared "fake news" by the right .

"Trump is not going to release his taxes after all? Oh thats fake news !"
I like how every time Trump does or says somthing dumb, or exposed for lying , it's declared "fake news" by the right .

"Trump is not going to release his taxes after all? Oh thats fake news !"
That's what ya got this morning timmy? that's what what your coming with? I don't want him wasting my time with his taxes, he better have more important things to do than show me his taxes.
That's what ya got this morning timmy? that's what what your coming with? I don't want him wasting my time with his taxes, he better have better things to do than show me his taxes.

I told you Timmy is a fuckin retard.

I like how every time Trump does or says somthing dumb, or exposed for lying , it's declared "fake news" by the right .

"Trump is not going to release his taxes after all? Oh thats fake news !"

Trump not releasing his taxes isn't fake news. The supposed outrage from Trump voters is the fake news.

We never cared about seeing his taxes, and we never will care to see them. It's between him and the IRS. The only people screaming about it are leftist fools, in a lame attempt to try and get conservatives into agreeing with them. Nothing the left does ever really surprises me anymore, but I am amused that they keep trying the same old story over and over, hoping that this time it will get traction.
I like how every time Trump does or says somthing dumb, or exposed for lying , it's declared "fake news" by the right .

"Trump is not going to release his taxes after all? Oh thats fake news !"
Obama lied to you numerous times, but you had no problem with fact, you likely really liked his lies.

What changed?
And I kept saying that a decent SCOTUS pick was the most important aspect of this election

so - I now have a decent replacement for Scalia lined up WITH the nuclear option firmly overshadowing the process

regulations are being cut; Obamacare is being repealed

in fact, EVERY campaign promise made by Trump is being fulfilled - and all I wanted was to prevent SCOTUS from being radicalized!

The really hilarious thing? if Trump keeps this up Republicans will make gains in the Senate in 2018 and Trump is in fanatastic shape to win re-election - keeping faith with the people who elected you will do that; but our friends on the left and in the media are acting like the world is ending

The disconnect is alarming
I am much more skeptical, but hope your analysis is correct.

I suspect the R Party will turn on Trump and abandon him. They are a bunch of weasels and as the D Party (even worse weasels and criminals) and it's media (MSM) continue to intensify their absurd attacks designed to foment division and hate among Americans, many R pols will fold under the pressure.

Plus many bureaucrats in the government will do anything to undermine Trump and refuse to implement his policies. Powerful forces are aligning to make sure Trump fails. The Establishment can't have a non-politician (really non-criminal) succeeding. I expect we will soon see accusations of abuse of power...followed by claims of 'high crimes and misdemeanors.'
The Trump train keeps barreling down the track while the dems are reeling, confused and bewildered....they've been thunderstruck.
I like how every time Trump does or says somthing dumb, or exposed for lying , it's declared "fake news" by the right .

"Trump is not going to release his taxes after all? Oh thats fake news !"
Why don't you show us your taxes?
I like how every time Trump does or says somthing dumb, or exposed for lying , it's declared "fake news" by the right .

"Trump is not going to release his taxes after all? Oh thats fake news !"
Why don't you show us your taxes?

Timmy doesn't show us because he doesn't pay his taxes, and because does business with terrorist countries.
I like how every time Trump does or says somthing dumb, or exposed for lying , it's declared "fake news" by the right .

"Trump is not going to release his taxes after all? Oh thats fake news !"
Why don't you show us your taxes?

Timmy doesn't show us because he doesn't pay his taxes, and because does business with terrorist countries.
Probably the EZ form anyway

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