My Friends! We have an FDR-era-style crisis. we need an FDR-like president. that Joe Biden!

1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

So you actually want a great depression? By any measure, FDR made the Depression worse, and actually created a recession during the Depression. Go look up the 1936-1939 recession.

You put in place an FDR, and we'll end up a 3rd world country.
if Jesse Jackson had won the Dem primary in 1988, he won have crushed Poppy
Ukraine joe. Mentally disturbed idiot with dementia and sexual predator loonbat with severe health problems and stares off into space. Yeah, exactly what we need.
1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

We do not need as socalist new deal again.. Were still paying for that bull shit today.. FDR did shit we should never recreate as there are much better ways to get America going again..
FDR's reign perfectly demonstrated how government causes problems and offers solutions, each leading to less freedom. There are too many to list, but they usually went like this: Government action ----> unintended consequences -----> more government action -----> more, horrific unintended consequences ----> more government action (freedom taking a hit at each level)

Here's one:
Prohibition ----> violent mobster black market ----> National Firearms Act ----> concentrated mob power

When the REAL solution FINALLY emerged (repeal), the problem went away. But, notice how they didn't repeal the NFA. Oh, no. They just kept that right in place.

To Government:

1932: Americans elected FDR
1988: Americans elected Barack Obama
2020: Americans will elect Joe Biden

The theme is American's elect democrats to clean up GOP mess: Great Depression, Great Recession, Incompetent Corona response

Who do they elect to clean up China's mess? Biden is BFF's with China. :eusa_hand:
Biden is walking with destiny, my friends. i know all of you will vote for him. and he loves each and every one of you!

Biden an FDR-like President? Oh I see, they are both disabled.
One physically the other mentally
would you vote for Biden if he picks Dastardly Duckworth as VP? she is also physically disabled

if you are unsure whether to vote for Biden, just look at his son Beau and his accomplishments. the apple doesnt fall far from the tree, my friends! my grandpa Eugene Finnegan used to have a saying: "look at your children, you'll know if you're a success"...well folks, Joe Biden is a success!
You say that we need an FDR President and that Biden is that President. That's a nice slogan. Now tell us just how Biden is the President we need. Otherwise it's JUST a slogan.
So, who was elected in 1988?

Wow. It has been Republicans cleaning up Dem messes since forever.
if Jesse Jackson had won the Dem primary in 1988, he won have crushed Poppy

Obama wasn't even running for President in 1988. Are you sure what decade you are currently living in because it seems to me you're pretty lost.
dumbass you can't even get the year that Obama was president correct. I guess that's why you created this thread so you'll be wrong about that also.
Take a double-barrel shotgun and blast both barrels in the sky that's all you need lol
Interesting that so many draw parallels to who was in office during hard times

I would encourage you to read more though

FDR outlawed gold, to the tune of a 10 yr sentence. Once the government accomplished ownership, he upped the value of it for government gain

My point is he was a monetary manipulator, just as we accuse China of doing

FF yo 2020, we've a potus whom you seem to love, despite him trashing the 1st, the 2nd, the 4th, and that's just for starters

da Gub'Mit always wins control ,growth, and trashes our constitution every time this country has a crisis

and YOU

well YOU and I lose

Get used to it


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